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Topics - JBJB1029

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General Land Before Time / Chomper's Skull
« on: May 04, 2009, 09:52:38 PM »
How thick is Chomper's skull? The reason I ask is in these polls both are called Hailstones (Opening), and Hailstones (Ending).

LBT Fanfiction / Hailstones (Ending)
« on: May 04, 2009, 09:50:11 PM »
For the ending of the film the Hailstones will have to be big enough to kill Carnotaurus, the reason is the Hailstorm saves the Main Characters from being eaten.

LBT Fanfiction / Hailstones (Opening)
« on: May 04, 2009, 09:49:26 PM »
For the opening of the film it will feature a Hailstorm, just like in The Day After Tommorrow (from 0:20-1:35). But, it will be different than in that video clip you saw. Chomper will get struck in the head by a Hailstone, but it can't be to big that it kills Chomper, (but only big enough to just get knocked unconscious, but not without it giving him a severe Head Injury, which will be fatal unless they find a special plant, that will save his life) but it also has to be big enough that it destroys the Great Valley leaving it a barren wasteland (Is what I'm saying making sense).

General Land Before Time / Related Scenes
« on: May 04, 2009, 02:14:05 AM »
Were there any scenes from The Land Before Time Movies or Episodes, that are almost similar to any scene from either Jurassic Park, The Lost World Jurassic Park, and Jurassic Park III?

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Episode name
« on: May 02, 2009, 01:20:52 PM »
I want to know which episode does this video come from?

I need to know in which Land Before Time Movies or episodes does someone doesn't watch his/her step and tumbles down the hill just like in The Lost World Jurassic Park scene called "Dieter's Demise?"
"Dieter's Demise?"

LBT Fanfiction / Turning Traitor
« on: April 27, 2009, 12:54:56 AM »
Do you think there should be a traitor in The Land Before Time, like Dennis T. Nedry who was a grossly overweight, sloppy man who was very much disliked by his co-workers and is Jurassic Park's chief computer programmer. But in The Land Before Time instead of him agreeing to smuggle embryos of all 15 dinosaur species off of Isla Nublar for Dodgson, instead he would make the guards leave there post so Ozzy and Strut could go inside the cave and kidnap Littlefoot as Red Claws hostage, to use as bait for the others. Do you think it's a good idea or not?

LBT Fanfiction / Better Names
« on: April 22, 2009, 11:12:47 PM »
There is a list of names that must be turned into LBT Materials (and I need help to do that):
  • Hail
  • Lahar
  • Pyroclastic flow = Burning Smoke
  • Head Injury (The reason is in this video)
  • Traitor
  • Base or Base Camp
  • Para-Sailing or Para-Gliding
  • Air Strike
  • Lake Water that's been turned into Acid by Volcanic Activity (The reason is in this video)
  • Tropical Cyclone

I need to know in which Land Before Time Movies or episodes does someone tell's the gang about a story of someone, and the gang embark on a journey into the Mysterious Beyond to find this someone(Do you get what I'm saying)?

I need to know in which Land Before Time Movies or episodes does Littlefoot surfaces from being underwater (by himeself, and is still in the water), and when he dives underwater (when he's already in the water) to save someone from drowning, for example (does it make sense)?

The Fridge / Universal Studios
« on: April 11, 2009, 11:08:49 PM »
The reason I registered in this forum is because I'm trying to make future Land Before Time episodes and Movies, and thought you guys could help me.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time fanfiction characters
« on: April 11, 2009, 03:33:39 AM »
Here's a list of new Flattooth character's for The Land Before Time:
  • Dr. Alan Grant = A Triceratops named Littlerock (the Great) who is leader of the Flattooth Herd Defenders.
  • Dr. Ian Malcolm = A Protoceratops named Proto who is a Flattooth Herd Defender.
  • Dr. Ellie Sattler = A Notoceratops named Nata who the Flattooth Herd Defender's assistant.
  • Billy Brennan = A Montanoceratops named Tano who is a Graduate Student.
  • Dr. Sarah Harding = A Pteranodon named Athene who is a Graduate Student.
  • Eddie Carr = A Ankylosaurus named Spear is a Field Expert for the Flattooth Herd Defender's.
  • Nick Van Owen = A Monoclonius named Cloni is a Surveyor for the Flattooth Herd Defender's.
  • Dieter Stark = A Amargasaurus named Marg who is a Flattooth Herd Defender (teacher).
  • Ajay Sidhu = An Torosaurus dinosaur named Toro who is a Flattooth Herd Defender.
  • Dr. Robert Burke = A Pachyrhinosaurus dinosaur named Hino who is a Flattooth Herd Defender (teacher).
  • Robert Muldoon = A Arrhinoceratops named Rhin who is a Flattooth Herd Defender.
  • Roland Tembo = A Torosaurus named Rus who is a Flattooth Herd Defender.
  • Carter = A Lesothosaurus named Les who is a beginer Flattooth Herd Defender.
  • Ben Hildebrand = A Leptoceratops named Ato who works for the Flattooth Herd Defender's, but looks after the children who's parents have been the victims of Sharptooth Attack.
  • Enrique Cardoso = A Saurolophus named Hayden who works for the Flattooth Herd Defender's, as a scout.
  • Dennis Nedry = A Stegasaurus named Tega who is the head guard for the Flattooth Herd Defender's.
  • Donald Gennaro = A Camptosaurus named Ampto who works for the Flattooth Herd Defender's, but looks after the children who's parents have been the victims of Sharptooth Attack.
  • Charlie Degler = A mixed dinosaur named Charlie who is the son of Littlerock (the Great), and Nata.
What do you think?

LBT Fanfiction / More fanfiction ideas about Sharpteeth
« on: April 11, 2009, 12:38:24 AM »
I'm making a movie called The Land Before Time XVII, but I need your help. I know the Main Carnivores of this movie is the Acrocanthosaurus, & the Carcharodontosaurus, and the movie is the same style as The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock, and so all we need to decide is what Natural Disaster to use (that hasn't been used yet, except for a Hailstorm or a Heatwave), and what the full name for this movie is going to be, so let's Brainstorm :idea ?

General Land Before Time / Compsognathus
« on: April 09, 2009, 07:26:38 PM »
Do you think The Land Before Time (Series) should feature the Compsognathus, if so go to this topic called New episode for The Land Before Time (TV Series)?

I need to know which Land Before Time Movie (not counting the 5th movie) or episode does Littlefoot actually save Chomper from drowning, because he can't swim?

LBT Fanfiction / Idea for a new Land Before Time TV Series episode
« on: April 08, 2009, 01:34:46 PM »
I know the Main Carnivore of this episode is the Compsognathus, and I know Cera will be the one that treats one of the Compys cruelly, so all we need to decide is how this episode will go, who will the Compys attack, what Natural Disaster to use (that hasn't been used yet, except for a Hailstorm or a Heatwave), and make a name for this episode, so let's Brainstorm :idea , and Compromise?

LBT Fanfiction / Which character should be the victim in a fanfic?
« on: April 08, 2009, 01:34:08 PM »
I'm making a new episode for The Land Before Time (TV Series), but I need your help. I know the Main Carnivore of this episode is the Dilophosaurus, and I know Cera will be the one that gets the Dilophosaurus mad, so all we need to decide is how this episode will go, which past villian will want revenge on the characters (example Ozzy & Strut), what Natural Disaster to use (that hasn't been used yet, except for a Hailstorm or a Heatwave), and make a name for this episode,  so let's Brainstorm :idea , and Compromise?

LBT Fanfiction / Heat wave or hailstorm?
« on: April 07, 2009, 07:02:56 PM »
I'm making the movie called The Land Before Time XV, and I need your help, I know the Main Carnivore of this movie is the Carnotaurus, so all we need to decide is what this movie is about, what Natural Disaster to use (that hasn't been used yet), and make a full name for this movie,  so let's Brainstorm :idea , and Compromise?

EDIT: Take notice that this is not about any plans of an actual movie release but about a fanfiction. So far there is not even official word on whether or not there will be an LBT 14.

The Fridge / Youtube Account
« on: April 07, 2009, 02:03:41 PM »
Since I can't post videos in this forum, and I don't have a Youtube account, I want to know who has a youtube account, because I want to give you my Movie Examples, for the LBT Projects forum. So who want's to hold onto my movie examples?

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