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Topics - Belmont2500

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Silver Screen / Alfred Hitchcock films
« on: November 22, 2009, 10:20:00 PM »
Alfred Hitchcock, one of the best movie directors of his time(R.I.P Alfred), when many people hear the name Alfred Hitchcock they ethier think of the shower scene from his 1960 horror film "Psycho" (which is considered his best film) or children running away from killer birds from "The Birds" but Hitchcock didn't just do horror films he did a spy thriller called "North by Northwest" and a film that even stared bond actor Sean Connery, that film was titled "Marnie", anyhow Alfred Hitchcock films are always good rather you watching Marion Crane arrive at the Bates Motel and meet the mentally dranged Norman Bates in Psycho or watch Cary Grant make his way through North by Northwest, anyhow mainly the reason alot of his films(especcily Psycho) are so alabrate is because their mostly in black&white instead of color with the exception of a few.

Character Discussion / Saro
« on: November 12, 2009, 10:32:50 PM »
I've been wondering,awhile ago I saw the episode "legend of the story speakers" for the 2nd time and when it ended there were a couple questions I had,mainly about a guest character who appears in that episode,  a longneck named Saro.

The first thing I noticed was that if Saro knows Grandpa Longneck then he must know him pretty darn well because they both act like highschool buddies(at least when Saro first appears) and  they never explain how Grandpa and Saro met ethier so that leaves a bit to be explained.

The next thing I noticed was that Saro must be a HUGE fan of Grandpa's stories, I mean when he first appears Grandpa Longneck is in the middle of the telling the tale of Starwatcher and Saro interrupts him and says he isn't telling it right so Saro must have heard that story alot to remember it.

Finally, when Saro asks Grandpa to be a story speaker again is...strange,I mean its obvious Saro could see that Grandpa Longneck has gotten old and therefore wouldn't accept the offer anyway,and I guess he's never considered being Grandpa's apprentice so that also needs some explaining.

Gamers Zone / The Unfair Platformer
« on: November 08, 2009, 12:51:16 PM »
watch this poor guy succumb to the power of The Unfair Platformer, it isn't easy by any means.

you wanna play:

General Land Before Time / Epic Battles.
« on: November 08, 2009, 12:19:41 AM »
Alot of people say epic battles can't be in animated children's films because they would 1. scare children or 2. be too violent, but this was proven wrong because they're is such a scene in "The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride" (if you want to see the scene, here's the link: so if Lion King 2 has a scene depicting an epic battle then why not Land Before Time, the closest they've gotten to one was the scene with the raptors in LBT3 and the Sharptooth vs Littlefoot's Mother fight in the original film but those didn't involve all the GV residents and a HUGE amount of sharpteeth, so basically it would've been cool to see a scene like that in a Land Before Time film.

Silver Screen / Transforminators
« on: November 06, 2009, 10:07:34 PM »
Check this out, Terminator 4,Terminator 2 and the live action Transformers crossed over and the narration does a good job of explaining it.

LBT Projects / The gang at Universal Studios
« on: October 19, 2009, 06:02:29 PM »
Earlier today I saw a few vids on youtube put on by someone named Greenth1ng, they were clips that included Mario,Sonic and others on attractions at Universal, as I watched I wondered maybe something similar to this can be done using voices of Littlefoot and co. rather than Nintendo and Sega characters and it sounds good I could just imagine them riding Jurassic Park,Jaws or Earthquake and for Back To The Future The Ride, its as simple as using the version from the recently released Universal DVD,however I don't think I could do this on my own considering that I'm computer whiz and that I don't have a Youtube account.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time Unleashed
« on: October 07, 2009, 03:27:25 PM »
On Febuary 17 2009 , a week after I first joined, I published a Land Before Time action/adventure story titled The Land Before Time Unleashed, in terms of the lead character Littlefoot stepped out of the spotlight,giving someone else a chance to take center stage, that character was Ethan Sullivan,a teenager living in Redding,California and also had an ancient artifact turned weapon called the rift sword.

The story for TLBTU was pretty basic, Ethan goes through time and ends up in the Great Valley, there he met Littlefoot and the gang and the rest of the LBT characters and he encountered enemies, and not just Sharpteeth but his own nemesis, Andrew Jones.Despite numorous critisim the story was a hit and I wrote three sequals for it so far(I plan on writing eight), the first, The Land Before Time Unleashed II Redemption was a big hit, I also wrote a prequal, however before writing any of the sequals or the prequal, I pulled the original TLBTU story off of

But now I have just posted the first chapter of the rewritten version of the original TLBTU and while it is way different from the original version, I made changes that (for the most part) will pay off, and I will post the first chapter on the GOF soon.

Attic Treasures / Google releases a doodle for H.G Wells' birthday
« on: September 21, 2009, 03:45:58 PM »
when I logged on to Google today I was shocked, I saw that they had a new doodle up that was all about The War Of The Worlds, complete with Martian Fighting Machines(Tripods). I instantly searched on why they chose this theme and it was because today is H.G. Wells' birthday I was overjoyed one of my favorite authors was going be remembered by people around the world so I'll be sure to read The War Of The Worlds,The Time Machine,The Invisible Man, and The Island Of Dr. Moreau alot today, so kudos to you Herbert George Wells ,you were one of the best sci-fi authors of all time.

Gamers Zone / Silent Hill games
« on: September 05, 2009, 11:21:25 PM »
If you don't know about the Silent Hill series then let me give you an idea- you're driving down a lonely road,late at night and its extremly silent then you see a police woman drive pass on her motorbike when you come to the next turn you see the motorbike wrecked,lying on its side and the police woman is nowhere to be found then you pass by a sign that says "Welcome To Silent Hill", then a girl appears in the middle of the road,you try to avoid her but its too late your car crashes and you pass out. Beware gamers you have entered Silent Hill.

Gamers Zone / Castlevania series
« on: August 17, 2009, 07:58:24 PM »
Castlevania,a game series inspired and based on Bram Stoker's classic novel "Dracula" the plot of the series is somewhat simple - every one hundred years the Belmonts must save Translyvania from Dracula. In 1986 an 8-bit Simon Belmont was given this burden in the original Castlevania on the Nintendo Entertainment System(NES) using a whip called the Vampire killer and picking up hearts to fill his energy Simon eventully defeated Dracula,but the battle wasn't over.

In 1988 konami released "Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest" on the NES with more non-linear gameplay and a great soundtrack for its time. this time Simon Belmont(who was suffering from a curse from the previous battle) set out to collect Dracula's bodyparts if Simon didn't bring Dracula back from the dead he would die from the curse,having collected his body parts Simon ressurected then defeated the Count and another hundred years of peace followed but gamers waited only two years for the next Castlevania, a series of succesful games followed and a movie was being tossed around hollywood but after the 2007 writer's strike little is known about the film but next near Castlevania will be ressurected with the release of Castlevania:Lords Of Shadow on the Xbox 360 and PS3.

Gamers Zone / Knights of The Old Republic MMORPG
« on: August 16, 2009, 04:16:53 PM »
I was browsing on youtube today and happened to have stumbled across the trailer for Star Wars:The Old Republic MMORPG, the trailer depicted armies of jedi and sith fighting in what looked like in early version of the jedi temple the game looks awesome the only complaint I have is the title-  I mean come on Star Wars: The Old Republic for a game that's supposed to be Knights of the old republic 3 it sounds like the first but other then that it looks great I just hope Lucasarts or whoever is working on it makes signing up a bit easier then it was for SW:Galaxies then I would definatly buy Star Wars:Knights Of The Old Republic.

1988 Theatrical Release / LBT the game boy color game
« on: August 05, 2009, 04:05:46 PM »
Earlier this morning I found the rom to The Land Before Time on game boy color I downloaded it and played and while playing I decided this game sucks horrible gameplay,mediocre music(its an old game but they could still use Horner's score),frustrating password system and it didn't even have Littlefoot as the main character instead it had Cera as the player character and her sprite looked like she had just dunked her head into radioactive  waste the only time Littlefoot is seen is on the "Game Over" screen where Cera and him are headbutting it dosen't even mention Ducky,Spike,or Petrie you control Cera the whole game and collect treestars a task that would be better for the main man Littlefoot and some enemies and hazards are nearly impossible to get past without taking a hit(you can only take 5 hits) I don't even think it has bosses and you know what that means - no Sharptooth and the game is quite difficult for a child's game so I must say The Land Before Time on GBC is the worst excuse for a movie based game since "Back To The Future" on the NES :anger

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