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Topics - oogaboo

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Silver Screen / cartoons of many decades.
« on: October 29, 2010, 04:04:14 PM »
I've been thinkin'... :idea   Do you guys think that Felix the cat is a bigger star than Garfield the cat? Is Betty Boop considered the most influential female character in this decade? Could cartoon violence get anymore violent? Would Popeye be considered violent? I guess it depends on those certain eras . My grandpa once told me that he and his wife cried when they first saw Bambi in theaters many years ago. Nowadays we don't feel that sort of sorrow.

Steven Speilberg said that the Rugrats was like the modern day Peanuts cartoon. I thought that was debatable. I love the Rugrats and that is an interesting comparison. I found it to be a huge compliment. I started watching SATAM and then Sonic X. And you know what...I liked SatAM better.(SATAM is sonic the hedgehog cartoon in 1993) If I compare and contrast Family Guy and The Three Stooges on the "funny factor" I would think The Three Stooges are funnier. This might be debatable among many people nowadays. Then again, how many kids would know who the three stooges are? The Three stooges rely on "slapstick comedy" While Family Guy relies on "stupid funny".

Cartoons have changed dramatically throughout these decades. Cartoon network is the biggest example. Instead of having Flinstones, Courage the dog, or Woody Woodpecker we get some live action movies starring kids. In MY opinion I think cartoons of the nineties is the best era of cartoons. You had Hey Arnold, Doug, Casper, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Histeria!,  The mouse and The Monster, Life with Louie, Tom & Jerry, and sooo many others. Remember UPN kids, Fox network, and Nickelodeon? Good times.

Here is  two more big questions for y'all; For cartoons or cartoon characters to be called "icons" or "Legends" does it depend on where and when we were born, how we grew up, and what influence we felt from certain characters?
Do you think Dink the little Dinosaur is more tolerable than LBT tv series? :goodluck

Hobbies and Recreation / What is Your current job or future job
« on: October 16, 2010, 05:50:08 PM »
I'm currently working for Publix, which isn't bad, but my future job will be Web Designing and working for the IT department for fixing computers. When I save enough money I'll have my own business I hope.

What job are you in or getting into and how is it treating you?

Gamers Zone / In the eyes of a gamer.
« on: October 13, 2010, 02:18:59 PM »
I'm a gamer myself. When I walked into Gamestop I knew what I was gonna get and that would be Super Mario Galaxy 2. But when I looked to my left, I saw Red Dead Redemption. I picked both of the games up in my hands, looked at them and thought "A lot of people love both of these games. Including the critics. But...what if its another "overhyped" game that might disappoint me?" :unsure:  I love Mario games but I would love to try out Red Dead Redemption! Unfortunately I only have enough money for one game..."

Another gamer (who seemed like he was 17) walked up to me and said, "trying to decide what game to get? If I were you, I'd get Red Dead Redemption. I wouldn't waste my time with a childrens game." Childrens game? I was slightly offended by this because I like most cartoonish games. A TRUE kids game would be Elmo's Letter adventure. Not a Mario game! Mario games are an ALL AGES video game. In the end I bought SMG2 and decided to save up for RDR.

Hardcore gamers play games a lot. Casual gamers play occasionally. And yet, the DS outsells PSP by thousands of units!  America=Halo Reach, Japan=Pokemon. Everyone has different tastes in video games. I know plenty of hardcore gamers dislike Kingdom Hearts. Sure, they were childish. Sure, the stories were a bit saccharine. Sure, the gameplay was a bit primitive and repetitive. But they were charming,  endearing, and fun. At least, I thought they were.

What are your thoughts about video games, gamers, and "childrens games?"

The Party Room / Three wishes
« on: September 02, 2010, 05:10:30 PM »
If you found a magic lamp or whatever other mystical...thing that can grant 3 wishes what would those wishes of yours be? It can be something serious or just plain silly.  I'll tell you mine.
*Jeopardy theme plays*  :unsure: ........................ :idea

1. I wish for unlimited supply of Awesome sauce! (Sauce that makes me totally Awesome!) :D

2. I wish to have Unlimited supply of money, honey, and chocolate bunnies with my buddies! :wub  I should be a rapper...

3. And finally, I wish i had no bills to pay.

 :goodluck on your list, my peoples!

LBT Fanart / Cera and Petrie
« on: August 25, 2010, 02:45:55 PM »
I just wanna show one of many of my talents here on this forum.
What do you think of it?

EDIT:Cera and Petrie

I've made a few modifications.

Character Discussion / "Secret emotions"
« on: August 23, 2010, 03:32:34 PM »
We know about some characters personalities, but what do you think would get certain characters to act differently? I'm not talking about depression (even though their are kids that feel this) schizophrenia, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or anything like that.

For example: Cera; We know she is a bit short tempered, but what would get her to the point where she would just be terrified of herself and hope she doesn't hurt any of her friends? Or anyone else?(regret) Or how about infatuation?

Petrie: What would tick petrie off? has he ever felt jealousy or bitterness?

Ducky; We have seen her greedy side, but has ducky ever felt humiliation or disgust against someone else?

Spike; other than food, what desires does Spike have? And does he ever get annoyed by anything?

Littlefoot; Has littlefoot ever felt aggravation?

Has chomper ever felt alienated when he came to the valley?
And What about Ruby? Does she have a panicky or a bold side to her?

Character Discussion / Lets talk about Mo.
« on: August 23, 2010, 09:05:33 AM »

At first I thought Mo was either a relative or an evolved form of this pokeman. I even thought it was a girl because of the eyelashes. But if littlefoot can have eyelashes as a male than so can Tweety. speaking of genders, did you know that when they started developing Cera's character they actually wanted her to be a male? I remember reading this article years ago but I'll have to go find it again.

Anyway, back to Mo, yo! I think Mo is an interesting character. He has a positive attitude, he is playful, and adventurous. I also find him to be mysterious. We got a glimpse of the big water but where does he really come from? Where is his origin? Is he a youngster? Whats his diet? ...Is he single?

There is not much else to be said about Mo except his three appearances that involved a movie, a brief cameo and an episode. I never saw the episode but I'll probably watch it when I get the chance. Does anybody think that Dinah and Dana's character are a bit similar to Mo's? They are both adventurous, somewhat naive, and energetic. Speaking of Dinah and Dana, whatever happened to them? They got laid off? (in other words, the writers got nothing for them?)

Ask Me / And welcome to QuestionMania!!!
« on: August 21, 2010, 06:50:24 AM »
Whats up, homeskillet?
 I do not have an IQ of 300 but I do have infinite knowledge about silliness.

But on the serious side I have good amount of knowledge on technical stuff, nutrition, cartoons, and art as well!

...Or you can just ask me something. Don't rely on jeeves...

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / "sandbox love"
« on: August 20, 2010, 02:31:14 PM »
Age: First of all, I love the word "sandbox love". And it fits for a kids show like this. Many fans come up with pairings involving Littlefoot, Ali, Cera, Ducky, and even petrie. If any "pairing" makes sense it would have to be the first obvious choices that I mentioned.
Nobody in that studio even shown how old they are in the first place. Okay maybe Spike is obvious, and the rest are kids, but Why am I constantly wondering how old they are? Because this is for an audience that simply won't care. Anybody that does care and have watched the first movie are pretty much dinosaurs themselves. I on the other hand, am not going to continue wasting my time figuring out their TRUE age unless the guys that created the characters tell me.

Ali and Littlefoot: Now this involves common sense if you are creating "sandbox love". First, give a good character development about the individual. What do they do together in their spare time, and how they handle certain situations outside of their friendship. I'm sure we got plenty of that in the fourth movie. (Which I found to be lackluster at best) But here are two things that many kids shows and movies in general don't have...CONTINUITY and EMOTION! Their relationship could have continued into the tenth movie but instead we get a wussy T-Rex, and a stranger that claims to be Littlefoots father. Would Don Bluth even tell you that littlefoot even has a father that truly cares? It's not uncommon for a father to leave while a mother won't mention anything about him.

Ali would've appeared more often in the tv series but again we are left in the dark. Here is another thing about her personality. In the fourth movie, she is shy, playful, and quite intelligent. (and very good with faces) But if she is so smart how come she thought Rhett, who is simply a worthless character used for a gimmick I call "testerone fight for a girl", is a hero? So the writers are telling me she is smart and guillible? It feels like her demeanor changed quietly in a matter of a few movies and tv shows. Not to mention that her voice sounds absolutely TERRIBLE! This is what I call "loose continuity". This happens very often in games, anime, movies, books, and especially certain kids shows. It’s simply too useful in a medium where stories have to be planned around serial releases and definite production budgets.

If any writers want to make a good kids film that makes sense for kids AND adults go back and watch movies like Toystory 3, Wall-E, UP, and How to train your dragon. You know what these movies have that The land before time sequels don't have?
Its called maturity! And That's all folks!

The Welcome Center / Greetings!
« on: August 20, 2010, 01:06:09 PM »
Well, well, well, I was a bit surprised that there was actually a forum about The land before time. I've been roaming around this forum for two days and It is seemingly calm around here. I don't think I'll ever have to worry about getting "jumped" over an honest opinion.

As you can see, my name is on the left corner of my post. My hobbies are drawing, gaming, and writing. No, I do not write fan-fictions. I feel I have no reason to write about something that has already been written for a popular franchise. Plus, I'm not getting paid for it anyway. Web Developing and computer repairing is somewhat of a hobby of mine. I finished web developing school and I'm currently studying on how to fix computers at Brewster Tech Center. (I took Web Developing there, too.)

I have many things I want to post and discuss around here. One of them is; Whats going on with the franchise, Ali and littlefoot friendship, and plot-holes made from writers.


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