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Topics - Littlefoot Fan

Pages: 1 2 3
The Fridge / I've never really thought about this...
« on: March 20, 2006, 10:01:57 PM »
But if it wasn't because of this website, I probably would've never gotten those LBT dvds, or even submitted to my family (Well sis and mom hehe :P:) about my liking for The Land Before Time. Just think that one day, when I was surfing for something to do with LBT, I stumbled upon a LBT forum, which then led me here :D

If it wasn't for you guys, my liking for The Land Before Time could've been bottled up forever :o I think I was destined to find this site :lol:

Thank you everybody, for forming such a wonderful website :D I just can't believe how much things have changed ever since I found this place :^.^:

The Fridge / A problem I'm having :(
« on: March 17, 2006, 12:56:10 AM »
I don't really know when this started happening, but it just suddenly started for no apparent reason X.X

Basically whenever I play a pretty big game (eg: F.E.A.R., Sims 2, etc.) after about 5 minutes or so, it will stall. After doing so, there is no way possible to get back to the desktop, even the keyboard doesn't work when I press the Caps Lock key (The little green light doesn't come on) so I am forced to shut off my computer by switch.

My first assumption was that I had too much installed, so I tried uninstalling alot of things. It still does it X.X, and I almost have nothing left! Now even though most people say that F.E.A.R. is such a big game that it "eats" most people's computers, this started happening waaaayyyy after I installed F.E.A.R. My only real guess now is that it might be the new game I just installed. It's really only about 1 gig or so, but it seemed to happen a bit after that. However it wasn't right when I installed it so I don't know :cry

Another strange problem I'm having now is the control panel...all of the programs are messed up on that list. It's reading F.E.A.R. as 50.28 MB or something, when it really is 5 gigs O.o Also I uninstalled a game but it's still on the list with no filesize there, and when I click to remove it, it just doesn't do anything and stays on the list X.X

Now these aren't really bad problems or anything, but it's still just the question, why does it do that?

I ran Norton Anti-Virus and it said no infections but I know that's not a very dependable program. It doesn't seem like a virus, it just seems more like it's "overworked"

But anyway, this game problem is really bad :unsure: I can't play anything anymore since I know it will happen. I don't know what to do :cry2

The Fridge / A series I've always enjoyed...
« on: March 16, 2006, 01:13:17 AM »
Sim City. I don't know why but there's something about these games that are so addicting. The newest one they have out (Sim City 4: Rush Hour) Is awesome :D I like that little nifty option they give you to drive around your town, for whenever you're bored :P: The graphics are great :yes

Most of the time I find it fun to just go back through your city and see all the different buildings around the place. I many times end up with "slums" hehe :lol:

Even the orignal rocked bottom :D I'll never forget the good times I had with it :)

LBT Projects / Trying to burn a movie file onto a dvd
« on: March 08, 2006, 04:01:54 PM »
I don't know what to do. I've tried almost everything, but in the end, it all seems to fail :(

I have a movie file of "Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children" in mpg format. I also have one in avi format but action9000 (He's been helping me with this :P:) told me to convert since that might work with nero since .avi doesn't. I did, after about 10 hours of converting, the new movie file still couldn't be accepted by nero.

I have some program called "Roxio: Easy cd/dvd burning...or whatever it's called :lol:" and a pack of blank dvds. The only reason I even have that Roxio program is because before when I started this, I didn't think Nero could burn dvds so I went out and bought a program that does, heh

Roxio didn't accept the .avi format either. So after coverting, Nero still didn't accept it but Roxio did. However for some odd reason whenever I put it in Roxio to be ready to burned, it almost doubles the size of the video which makes it too big to fit on the dvd X.X

I even tried this other feature with Roxio that's supposed to be like "classic" or "simple" burning. It kept the file size the way it was but I couldn't find the dang burn button! Whenever I clicked "Burn compilation" it would just bring me to a screen that would have me set the speed and everything, and when I clicked ok, it didn't do anything!

So now I'm stuck as I have no idea what to try next. Nero won't except neither .avi nor .mpg, Roxio accepts .mpg but one feature makes it too big, and the other one doesn't even have a burn button or anything X.X

However I could be doing this all wrong as I really don't have a clue about any of this, :lol

LBT Projects / Took a family portrait :P
« on: March 03, 2006, 04:44:13 PM »
I wasn't 100% in the mood to smile :lol:

General Land Before Time / Yay! Good news :P
« on: March 01, 2006, 05:06:59 PM »
Well after talking, my mom ended up searching online for me and my dad has just ordered me a pack of the first 9 LBT movies on dvd last night :D God I can't wait to get them! :^.^:, finally I'll be able to watch them in my room on my computer and not on vcr :x

The Fridge / A problem I have at night...
« on: February 24, 2006, 12:03:06 PM »
I'm writing this because this just happened to me last night, and it's really aggravating me...or more, frightening me.

I'm not sure what happens, but every now and then, at night, when I begin to lay down, I start to get really nauseous. It doesn't happen too often, but when it does, it's absolutely horrible X.X If I at all shift my position, it'll get really bad until I stay perfectly still before it'll die down just a bit.

I've tried drinking water (Since that's a perfect cure for nausea in my sense), doesn't help at all, or rather, enough.

I may, however, know what's causing this as the last thing I ate that night was about 5 sugar cookies :^.^:. And I think I remember eating alot another night when it happened. However there have been nights when the last time I had anything to eat was around 7:00 - 8:00.

Does anybody else get this problem sometimes? Is it known to happen to some people? I wish I knew how to prevent it since it's extremely difficult to try to fall asleep :cry.

Silver Screen / I just saw Final Fantasy: Advent Children
« on: February 21, 2006, 09:59:11 PM »
Whoa. I'm shocked :o That movie had everything I wanted in it, and made it a million times better than what I expected.

It's amazing. The graphics, the intensity :wow

Nothing beats seeing your favorite classic game, in a totally uber movie :lol

However I saw the Japanese version (My friend brought over a cd with the movie on it, so I copied it onto my computer) and he said that the English version takes out some parts :/

Oh well, awesome movie! :D

General Land Before Time / LBT Dreams?
« on: February 17, 2006, 01:16:43 AM »
Ever had any LBT dreams before? I can only really remember 2 at the moment (Well 1 is actually absolutely nothing to do with LBT except for one little reference that just seemed interesting to me)

1: Happened a long while back. Basically I dreamt that me and my sisters and all these other friends of ours were watching a show on tv. There was arabian type music playing as it flashed "Land Before Time [something]" on the screen. Then it showed each character individually, laying on their backs in cardboard boxes, floating on a bright orange sea.

2: Happened just last night or so. I dreamt that I was playing a game and my sister was watching me. After finding a treasure chest in the game I had found all these rare weapons and one particular item was called Ali's card. Indeed it had a picture of Ali on it.

Dunno, just thought this would be an interesting topic :lol:

The Fridge / Hah, wow you're not gonna believe this
« on: February 15, 2006, 06:50:43 PM »
I was playin Burnout Revenge and went back to a race I didn't get gold in. After about a few tries it was 5 seconds for gold and the finish line was just barely down the road.

I zipped by right when the 5 seconds were over...

My time: 1:35:01

1:35:00 - Gold
1:49:00 - Silver
2:15:00 - Bronze

How could I go about doing this? :lol Ok, well maybe it's clearly impossible but I have about 100$ and everything, I just need to find a way to buy them...without anyone else knowing :unsure:

Well I did talk to my mom and eventually I brought it up and I told her that even though it sounds strange, that is the thing I want to spend my money on the most. She actually didn't have any problem with it, though...I'm still a little bit embarrassed about doing it :unsure:

God nothing would make my day more, than to be able to watch them all on my computer :D

Silver Screen / Just saw Bambi 2 with my sister...
« on: February 08, 2006, 05:17:38 PM »
I saw the first one when I was like really young so I don't really remember it at all. She told me the 2nd one was way better anyway...I still regret having not remembered the first one though.

Anyway, great movie :D I liked it

LBT Projects / Anything that can record sound from movies?
« on: February 06, 2006, 12:04:07 PM »
I have PowerDVD, I'm going to somehow manage to get LBT 10 on dvd (in secret...well maybe not :lol ), since I really want the song "Bestest Friends" with the words and everything :P:

I was wondering if there are any programs you can buy that let you record like just sound clips from a movie...or is there one just built right into PowerDVD? :lol:

Role Play Discussion / This may sound shameful...
« on: February 03, 2006, 01:57:23 PM »

I've never actually roleplayed before. I just really never tried since I always thought I would just mess it up :unsure:

How do you do it really? Do you just take turns saying parts of a story, acting whichever character you chose? If so, how would you know exactly where to lead the story? :blink: confusing :huh:

Silver Screen / Scariest movie you ever saw?
« on: February 02, 2006, 07:54:14 PM »
I'll never ever forget mine. House of Wax (the new version). I have never been more freaked out in my whole life. I still can't sleep sometimes if I think about it.

Dunno why but there was something about that particular movie that haunts me. I've never been more phased by a movie :o

General Land Before Time / There's something different about this cartoon
« on: February 02, 2006, 06:29:41 PM »
I've been watching Land Before Time ever since the first one came out. Such a wonderful cartoon, I think my liking for it is actually increasing.  :lol:

I don't know how much of a fan my two sisters are of this cartoon (I know one of my sisters is a fan, but don't know about the other one, she never really watches it though so I assume she isn't), but I know I sure as heck am, and I don't think they have any kind of clue how much. My sister really likes it, and she watches it with me alot...
But to me, there's something more to this. There's something very special about it that makes me feel so good inside. I've never felt this way about anything in my whole life.
Sometimes though, I will even feel sad when I think about it. I don't even really know why though, but I think it's because I think of all the good times I've had watching it. The music these movies has to offer also plays a strong role.
And maybe this is why I am such a fan of it. Why I am so obsessed.
Either way, I don't care what anybody thinks. I will never stop being a fan of this amazing series.

Long Live Land Before Time!!!

General Land Before Time / The tenth one is pretty sad{SPOILERS}
« on: February 01, 2006, 10:56:25 PM »
At the end when Littlefoot is thinking about whether to stay with his grandparents or go with Bron. While they were singing that song I was almost cryin  :cry even though I've seen it before

I still remember when I first saw it, after he was starting to walk away with Bron I'm like "Nnnnooooo nnnnooooo what are you doin?!" lol

That was a good one in my opinion

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Wow a tv series o.o'
« on: February 01, 2006, 10:42:23 PM »
Can't wait  :P:

The Welcome Center / No way!
« on: January 11, 2006, 11:51:49 PM »
A LBT forum full of fans! *looks up* Thank you thank you

I love the LBT series. Own them all :DD
btw: Hi everyone :P: lol

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