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Topics - Ptyra

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
Old Captions / Bone Caption this
« on: May 19, 2009, 06:05:18 PM »
Is something adowable or is it...

Hm. Oh my.

Have fun with this one. Let's hope we'll get something funny like my comment of This one

Stupid Stupid Rat Creatures FTW  :lol [/StupidStupidRatCreaturefangirling]

Silver Screen / The Black Cauldron
« on: April 15, 2009, 06:07:31 PM »
...But good on its own.

I gotta say, it's kind of like a mix between the first two books of The Prydain Chronicles, just with a ton of characters taken out (some of which I didn't care too much for). They did a good job keeping the characters true to their personalities for once, though their histories had a bit more depth, like Ffludder Fflam's for example.

My favorite character is most definitely Gurgi. Holy smoke, he is adorable XD ! He's just like he is in the books X3 . He has so much potential for a fanfic...which would be a 'flashback' thing, an insight to where he came from, since he is the only one of his 'kind' that there is.

*can't think of much else*

Silver Screen / The Princess and the Goblin
« on: March 18, 2009, 05:26:08 PM »
A movie so full of fail, it's win.
Now, I have a hard time accepting this movie is rated G
* The goblin prince (<3) is obsessed with keeping Curdie, a 9-year-old boy, and doing 'nasty things' to him.
* The goblin queen has frighteningly ENORMOUS "melons"...that at some point get squished in Curdie's face XD
* The goblin prince seems to rape the princess, and then he tries to kidnap her
* A random goblin soldier is LICKING the princess' nanny between the--okayI'mout...
* Implied sex between the goblin king and queen...SCARY!
So fail, it's win.

I don't know why I didn't see this when I was little. I have a feeling I would have adored Froglip...or maybe even Turnip, I don't know XD .

My favorite lines

"Hyah! Take mah horse!"
"Oh look, Turnip! It's a boy!" No duh
"A goblin village. Woah. This must be where the goblins live" NO-DUH!!!
"OH OUTRAGEOUS! Oh Mother, you're so monstrous!"
"Isn't that right my little monstrosity?"
"Oh what a malicious little majesty he is!"
"But I can still sing!" Pathetic, Curdie. Really pathetic.
"Isn't that right, my little immorality?" Jeez, the queen has really weird petnames for Froglip O__O
"Oh my child *hits wall* My child *hits wall* IRENE!"

All I can say for now...kinda

Old Captions / The Princess and The Goblin caption
« on: March 15, 2009, 05:04:41 PM »
I've only just discovered The Princess and the Goblin movie, and I think it's really good. So, here's a caption of Prince Froglip (<3) and the Queen

Froglip on the left and the Queen on the right

The Fridge / Workin' on another fourm
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:52:17 PM »
I've noticed that there are no fan-made message boards for Bone. It's a sign that the fandom is pretty calm (at last I've found on >.< ), but I'd still like to get together with some others.

So, here it is The Valley?
However, it is a WIP, and I would REALLY like some help with the colors first. I think I can handle the pips and other icons on my own, but I would REALLY appreciate help with the forum's colors :) .

I plan on using lots of blue for sure.

LBT Projects / Check THIS out!
« on: January 02, 2009, 12:15:07 AM »
"Why is the Rum Gone" with the original LBT...and it is AWESOME! This person really slaved away positively for once :D !
Here it bes

Attic Treasures / "Bone" by Jeff Smith
« on: October 12, 2008, 12:51:47 AM »
So I don&#39;t have to type my fingers to death
So I don't have to type my fingers to death
My favorite characters are Bartleby (SQUEEEEEE :wub: ) and the Stupid Stupid Rat Creatures (AWESOMENESS XD !) I've actually done a little fanart...see my DA...and planning fanfic with many Mid Summer Night's Dream nods  :blink:

Old Captions / AoFW photoshopped caption
« on: September 10, 2008, 08:56:43 PM »
Two shots put together

Adder (Green)
Sinuous (blue)
Toad (toad NOT FROG)
Spike (rat)
Cleo (Weasel NOT FERRET on Sinuous' back)

Have lots of fun with this one

The Fridge /
« on: September 09, 2008, 07:03:14 PM »
So, I'm doing a fanfiction for The Animals of Farthing Wood. Of course, it is about the snakes. It's S3 from Adder's veiw. Now, I've got several blocks. I've only put up three chapters plus an Prologe so far. I'm having a lot of trouble with some of the other chapters and I feel like I'm repeating the same thing over and over again (I am planning on ending every chapter with them going to sleep...kinda like the Brady Bunch  :lol !)

In the Ninth chapter, I have *The First Day* and so on until *The Last (seventh) Day*, referring to the entire week of Adder and Sinuous attacking the nest unitl Sinuous' death.
So, would any FW folks lend me a hand?

LBT Projects / Looking for another song
« on: July 24, 2008, 02:56:32 PM »
This time, I am looking for Monty Python's "Knights of the Round Table", beginning with either "and that is why the Earth is Bannana shaped" or "Look, my liege!" and ending with everyone galloping away after "It is a silly place". Either is fine.

Old Captions / Pterano 2
« on: July 20, 2008, 07:11:37 PM »
Still on my quest for screenshots

I should have found this one around Halloween

Old Captions / Pterano 1
« on: July 20, 2008, 07:09:59 PM »
Still looking for screenshots

Old Captions / Pterano and Rinkus
« on: July 20, 2008, 07:02:23 PM »
I was trying to find screenshots for Pterano and I paused at this

Have fun with this one!

Old Captions / Adder, Sinuous AND Toad!
« on: June 22, 2008, 05:11:18 PM »
Caption this:

Toad: Okay, they look like they want to eat me, so I'll just go!

The Written Word / Animals of Farthing Wood fanfic
« on: June 10, 2008, 11:56:25 PM »
Hallo, writer needing help!

I'm writing a fanfic for The Animals of Farthing Wood. If you know me, it's S3 from Adder's veiw. I am having trouble with A LOT of the story, one of the reasons being that she was seen so little   Dagnabbit weasels and owls <_< . So, if any FW fans want, you can help me fill in some gaps. Then anyone who wants to see it can read what combined authors have written (I like to do team writing, personally)

Old Captions / More Adder caption this
« on: June 10, 2008, 10:05:21 PM »
I'm finally downloading the series in german! Nice clean pictures...that make odd things more revealing

Me: HEY! That's breaking the rules of snake anatomy  :o  !

Old Captions / Beauty and the Beast caption this
« on: April 26, 2008, 03:48:18 PM »
Caption This!

The Fridge / My message board
« on: April 13, 2008, 05:32:24 PM »
Right, I have a very nice messageboard for snake fans...and for people who want to get over their fears of snakes...

Serpent&#39;s Land
Serpent's Land
There was a liiitle nasty Wannabe "Nazi" invasion, but I took care of that. Details on the announcements...

Anyway, I banned (and deleted the accounts of) said "invaders", but now...I am in need of new members again who have their heads out of the *digusting, terrible, and horrific* past and is willing to actually DISCUSS.

Aves and ClawsandFangs have already joined. (A'thankyou, Clawsandfangs for your contribution to bringing the usually quite place some color)'s another option, fourm fans.

1988 Theatrical Release / Something amusing I found
« on: February 29, 2008, 04:24:11 PM »
I was surfing "Pinky and the Brain" on Youtube and look what I found

I always thought Ozzy sounded like Brain and Strut sounded like Pinky XD

Visual Art / My Animals of Farthing Wood fanart
« on: January 26, 2008, 12:51:20 PM »
Right, I've been drawing LOTS of AoFW art since 2006 ( :o ) and I thought I'd show it to you Farthing Fans  :D !

I'll start with my very oldest stuff...which I'm not too proud of anymore.

This one was drawn when I was dropping my "disney style" snake drawings.

My character, Criss, Adder and Sinuous' daughter *wishes it were so :wub: *

In black and white

Me protecting Sinuous from the rats  :lol :)

I'm very pleased with this one :)

They are hiding from Toad

I REALLY hate this one! The snake Sinuous is with is his brother, Lewd, who was once called "Gisborn" (look up "Lewd" and you'll see what he's like...and it's not very pleasant)

Lewd thinks that by killing his brothers that allows him to get to their mates...tough luck, buddy  :angry:

And that's just the start of my snakiness!

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