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Topics - Gentle Sharptooth

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
Real-Life Captions / General Zod -Man of Steel
« on: March 08, 2020, 02:41:32 PM »

Leader: General Zod.. they’ve cancelled Save By The Bell College Years.

Zod: Son of Morvan!!!!!

Visual Art / How To Train Your Dragonzord
« on: March 08, 2020, 02:20:16 PM »
Disclaimer: Artwork by Wil Woods (Pin-interest)

I thought this was a cool parody:

Real-Life Captions / Tom Cruise -The Last Samurai
« on: March 08, 2020, 11:32:34 AM »

They have Donuts!!!

The Written Word / Rangermance: A Power Ranger Story
« on: March 04, 2020, 02:18:55 AM »

Tommy closed the door of his locker in a huff. His mind throbbing, and his heart beating like a drum. Around his neck hung an amulet with a gold coin. Upon it was carved a trident marking, with a straight middle point, and the other two spikes curving like Claw arches to face the middle point. Tommy felt his head pound, and as he placed his palm on his pala forehead, his eyes flashed an emerald color. It was at this moment of searing pain, that a face emerged beyond the locker. Tommy watched in a daze as a smiling face approached. A girl with a pink tank-top and eggblue skirt walked up to Tommy. Her hair blew in hall breeze of opening and closing classrooms doors, it was like rose peddles forming into long locks of hair, and it swayed in its beauty before him. The face of this angel sparkled with mirth as she stoked a strand of her hair and said with a voice that conveyed innocence and sweetness: Hiya! My name’s Kimberly. You’re new here right?

Tommy felt his migrane subside as the soothing voice of this girl drowned it out. Taking a glance at the floor he said, “Yeah, I just transferred here. My name is Tommy.” With a bat of her brown eyelashes, Kimberly let out another smile. “It’s nice to meet you Tommy.” With those words she seemed to step away, Tommy turned back to his closes locker and then he heard her voice once more. “Hey, I could introduce you to some other people.” Tommy turned and let slight smirk. “Thanks, but I have a karats match to get to.” Kimberly seemed to light up futher as she said, “You practice Karats?! Then you will meet Jason.” Tommy let out a nervious chuckle, “Actually I am suppose to fight him in today’s match.” Kimberely holding her books in one hand, grabbed Tommy’s hand with the orher. “I’ll introduce you! You can meet the rest of the gang too.”

The touch of her hand made Tommy’s body jolt as if with electricity. Who was this angel who now was seeking to caste a spell over him?

Gamers Zone / Power Rangers: Legacy Wars (iOS)
« on: March 03, 2020, 12:48:16 PM »
I started playing “Power Rangers: Legacy Wars.” Its a fighter game and you get to play as Rangers from the Mighty Morphin Era to the new Beast Rangers (2020). 

Uncofortinately, it is Gotcha game with the dreaded microtransactions!

You have fo unlock rangers. I bought Tommy Oliver “Green Ranger” and “White Ranger” separately.

If you want to have a match I am GreenRangerRules.

Sound Off! / Creed / Scott Stapp
« on: March 03, 2020, 02:55:46 AM »

I am a major fan of Creed. Among my favorites are “My Own Prison,” “My Sacrifice,” and “One Last Breath.” I enjoyed the lead singer, Scott Stapp, standalone album called “The Great Divide.” What I love about Creed/Stapp is the message of the songs and his masculine voice.

Feel free to share Creed / Stapp Music Videos, interviews and etc.

Sound Off! / The Flaming Lips (Band)
« on: March 03, 2020, 02:47:14 AM »
I have become addicted to the Falmming Lip’s song, Yoshimi Pt. I!



Her name is Yoshimi
She's a black belt in karate
Working for the city
She has to discipline her body
'Cause she knows that it's demanding
To defeat those evil machines
I know she can beat them
Oh Yoshimi they don't believe me
But you won't let those robots eat me
Yoshimi they don't believe me
But you won't let those robots defeat me
Those evil-natured robots
They're programmed to destroy us
She's gotta be strong to fight them
So she's taking lots of vitamins
'Cause she knows that it'd be tragic
If those evil robots win
I know she can beat them
Oh Yoshimi they don't believe me
But you won't let those robots defeat me
Yoshimi they don't believe me
But you won't let those robots eat me
'Cause she knows that it'd be tragic
If those evil robots win
I know she can beat them
Oh Yoshimi they don't believe me
But you won't let those robots defeat me
Yoshimi they don't believe me
But you won't let those robots eat me
Yoshimi they don't believe me
But you won't let those robots defeat me
Yoshimi they don't believe me
But you won't let those robots eat
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Dave Fridmann / Michael Ivins / Steven Drozd / Wayne Coyne
Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Part 1 lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC


Hello all, I am opening discussion board for an RPG I started call Sonic The Hedgehog: Freedom Fighters RPG.

Here is the premise:

“Möbius is under siege by Dr. Ivan Robotnik’s war machine. The doctor is determined to robotize (turn into machine) every living creature and place. From his spire in Robotropolis the evil Robotnik designs and unleashes new mechanical terrors from his army of Swatbots to weapons far too terrible to imagine. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Knothole, the last bastion of freedom on Mobius, gather to fight back under the leadership of Princess Sally Acorn. These inhabitants of diverse animals have banded together to form a resistance against Dr. Robotnik, they are known as The Freedom Fighters!”

If you are interested in joining the RPG, please post in this thread and take a look here at The RPG here:

I have chosen to play Shard the Hedgehog (Metal Sonic) who is restored by Charles “Uncle Chuck”.

At the moment I have played Sonic the Hedgehog, Sally Acorn and Charles “Uncle Chuck” but only to advance Shard’s storyline.

Sonic The Hedgehog
Sally Acorn
Charles/ Uncle Chuck
are available for anyone to claim and play as.

Just claim them here and I’ll update the RPG. :)


A little background on me, I have been avid Sonic Fan for decades. I collected the comics, played the games, and watched the shows. I love the Blue Blur. :)

Random Role Play / Sonic The Hedgehog: Freedom Fighters RPG
« on: February 27, 2020, 04:03:06 PM »


Möbius is under siege by Dr. Ivan Robotnik’s war machine. The doctor is determined to robotize (turn into machine) every living creature and place. From his spire in Robotropolis the evil Robotnik designs and unleashes new mechanical terrors from his army of Swatbots to weapons far too terrible to imagine. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Knothole, the last bastion of freedom on Mobius, gather to fight back under the leadership of Princess Sally Acorn. These inhabitants of diverse animals have banded together to form a resistance against Dr. Robotnik, they are known as The Freedom Fighters!
Taken Characters:

Shard The Hedgehog (Metal Sonic), and Dr. Ivan Robotnik -Gentle Sharptooth
Available Characters:

Sonic The Hedgehog (Inclu. Super Sonic)
Shadow The Hedgehog
Silver The Hedgehog
Knuckles The Echidna
Tails “Miles” The Fox
Sally Acorn
Mecha Sonic
Silver Sonic II
Scourge The Hedgehog
Antoine D’Coolette
Bunny D’Coolette
Sir Geoffrey (Skunk)
Rogue The Bat
Amy The Hedgehog
Esio The Chameleon
Rotor The Walrus
Big The Cat
Cream The Rabbit


Anyone can join. You will write your character guided only by prolouge of what’s happening in Mobius. The rest is up to you, but you are encouraged to draw from Archie Comics, Video Games, and TV Shows.

⚠️Example of how you play:

You write what your character is doing or says, and can interact with other players:

Player 1: “Sonic sped like blue blur through woodland of Knothole, he stopped at a cliff and surveyed the forest with its gnarly oaks which stopped a silver and grey metallic metropolis full of skyscrapers. Flying above the cold city were ships that caste a res d light on the surface, these Sonic knew were searching for threats and organic life to transform into robots (robotsize).”

Player 1: Sonic: Sally please! I need to prove I can lead this mission.
Player 2: Reaponds, Sally: No. You have proven to be too hot headed in the past. Antoine will lead this mission.


If characters like Sonic and Sally are not chosen, I the GM (Game Master) will write for them tell someone takes over. I will also assume role of Dr. Ivan Robotnik until futther notice.


You may suggest further characters to add from the Archie Comics, Video Games, TV Shows and more. I am still adding more characters to play.

Silver Screen / Jurassic World: Dominion (2022)
« on: February 26, 2020, 02:42:49 AM »
The third installment in the Jurassic World Trilogy and sixth entry in the Jurassic Franchise has recieved a name, Jurassic World: Dominon.

The announcement came from Director Colin Trevorrow on Twitter with a temporary logo (see attachments). 

The short “Battle of Big Rock” (2019) gave us a glimpse of what we will see in JW: Dominion. I for one am optimistic. I enjoyed both World and Fallen Kingdom. The news of the return of Sam Niel as Dr. Alan Grant and Laura Dern as Ellie Sattler is liable to make Dominion nostalgic.

Filming has begun, and the release date for Jurassic World: Dominion is  June 11th, 2021.


What dinosaurs do you think we shall see in Dominion?

We certainly we see the following species that got loose in Fallen Kingdom:

Tyrannosaurus Rex (Rexy)
Velociraptor (Blue) 

We also got to see a new species in “Battle of Big Rock”


Will INGEN/ Dr. Wu introduce new species?

What species do you want to see?

Will we get a new hybrid villian like the Indominus Rex and Indoraptor?

Welcome to Jurassic World! *Cue JP theme*

Land Before Time Captions / Mommy’s Very Hungry
« on: February 25, 2020, 10:04:15 PM »
Momma Rex: Where is the McDonalds? i can’t see for all the trees.
 :smile :D

Gamers Zone / Mario Kart Tour (App Store)
« on: February 24, 2020, 10:31:45 PM »
Hi, is anyone playing Mario Kart Tour (iTunes Store)? I have been playing since December.

Its addictive.

I got Red Yoshi, Ice Mario, and Valentine Shy Guy.

Share your favorite characters, tracks, how many times you hadd to use the warp pipe to get the character or kart you wanted. 

Land Before Time Captions / Ducky’s Park
« on: February 24, 2020, 10:20:52 PM »

Ian: Must go fast! Go! Go! Go!

Ask Me / Ask Gentle Sharptooth
« on: February 24, 2020, 06:31:52 PM »
Ask, but be warned I exercise the right to not answer.  :bestsharptooth  :OzzyAngry

Silver Screen / Gilmore Girls
« on: February 24, 2020, 06:00:37 PM »
Is anyone else a fan of wacky duo of Lorelai and Rory? Are you Team Dean, Team Jesse or Team Logan? Did you see the revival on Netflix called “A Year in the Life,”? Are there elements you like or dislike? Is Paris the harbinger of the apocalypse or does she need a friend? Is Lane the bestest friend a person can have? Will Luke ever wear a sifferent hat? (Spoiler, yes). :D 

Land Before Time Captions / Chomper’s Brother
« on: February 24, 2020, 03:10:07 PM »
Chomper’s long lost brother is a Pokemon!

Land Before Time Captions / Sharptooth: Let’s Put Smile On That Face!
« on: February 24, 2020, 02:59:48 PM »

Littlefoot: What big teeth you have grandpa.

Sharptooth: All the Better to eat you with!

-parody of Little Red Ridinghood. :p

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Of Teeth and Tree Stars
« on: December 23, 2019, 12:29:47 AM »

The Land Before Time: Of Teeth and Treestars

A Fan Fiction By Gentle Sharptooth

The ground pounded like the song of many drums.. the trees swayed and splintered beneath the roaring winds and rain. With each drop of the sky water, the ground shook violently as a towering creature tunnelles through the treeline. The behemoth had a neck longer than the cedars of Lebanon, and a tail of equal measure; its massive legs like the trunks of ancient redwoods. The mighty beast whip its tail like a serpent snapping towards prey, and sent it towards another towering monster, one that possessed a giant mouth full of razor sharp teeth, and a snout that narrowed to a point. Its eyes were aflame with oranges and reds, and upon its forearms were pitchfork claws tainted in rose water colors. The skin of the behomoth was lavender and grey, its face marked with two forked scars. The Sharptooth pivoted on its two legs and let out a roar accompanied by lightning bolts and thunder in the grey sky. The Behemoth let out an equal bellow like a whale calling out to a pod.

The Sharptooth charged, its scarlet skin dripping with skywater as it collided with the Behemoth.


10 Years Earlier

The Behemoth is not a towering giant, but little. It stands with large eyes not yet grown in by a larger body to come and surveys a valley lush with greeney; tall trees qnd hills of grass that Ankylosaurs and Handeosaurs graze on. The Little Behemoth turns to look at a tree star, which has two tiny scars. Emerging from a brush is the Sharptooth, more purple than scarlet and smaller than tortoise. He leaps towards His behemoth friend with joy, no enmity to be seen between this Carnivour and Herbivore.

Chomper: Little Foot! Little Foot!

Littlefoot: Hey Chomper, what’s got you so happy?

Chomper: Ruby found something really cool! She says its a treasure.

Littlefoot: A treasure? Hmm.. well.. lets get the rest of the Gang and check it put!

Chomper: Yay!

As the tiny tyrannosaur leapt up and dowm he landed on he Tree Star. Litte Foot turned indignant and said:

Chomper be careful!

Chomper stopped his gleeful hopping and looked at his feet, he saw two scissor like scars.

Littlefoot: You have to be more careful. You already cut my mother’s star last time you were here.

Chomper: I’m sorry.

Chomper lowered his pointed snout and his eyes welled up with tears.

Littlefoot: It’s ok.. lets just find Ruby and the Gang.

Chomper perked up and he took one last look at the tree star that was scarred and saw his reflection in a puddle of water at the center.

Chomper and Little Foot walked side by side through The Great Valley.

Chomper: Littlefoot.. I am really sorry for hurting your tree star.

Littlefoot: It’s ok Chomper. I know you didn’t mean it. Its just special to me because my mother gave it to me.

Chomper: I would never try to hurt you. Your my beat friend!

Littlefoot: I know. You are my buddy.

Chomper: And we will always be friends! Righr?

Littlefoot: Right.

Animation / Captain Raptor
« on: July 17, 2018, 01:39:03 PM »

The Welcome Center / Gentle Return
« on: July 16, 2018, 07:17:06 PM »
Hello everyone,

I am glad to have made the transition or migration.

For those who did not know me before, I have been a fan of LBT since I was a child, even saw the Original in theaters. Since those yonder years I have held LBT in my heart. The Gang of Five is like friends from the past, and I enjoy revisiting them every chance I can get.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me or post here. I look forward to discussing the various topics with you all.


Gentle Sharptooth

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