The Gang of Five
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Topics - Dalekdino

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Land Before Time Captions / HA HA! You can't get us!
« on: May 09, 2017, 05:11:45 AM »

Fanart Caption this / Human Cera take a shoe and sock off
« on: May 06, 2017, 05:15:00 AM »

Fanart Caption this / Human Littlefoot Alia nd Cera with fairies
« on: March 15, 2017, 07:50:43 AM »

Land Before Time Captions / Quadruple yuck!
« on: March 15, 2017, 07:45:41 AM »

LBT Fanfiction / LBT Valentines
« on: February 14, 2017, 05:15:51 AM »

Here's a little something for valentines day. I tuck this scene from LBT 4 and added some love hearts onto it making it loo as though Ali kissed Littlefoot.

Land Before Time Captions / Ruby demands Chomper to do somthing
« on: January 23, 2017, 07:52:18 AM »

Ruby: Chomper I asked ones I asked you twice, I am not going to ask you again! Will you please trim my finger claws! Trim my finger claws will you please!?

Land Before Time Captions / Ruby demands Chomper to do somthing
« on: January 23, 2017, 07:51:01 AM »

Land Before Time Captions / Petrie trying to hold somthing in
« on: January 23, 2017, 07:50:10 AM »

Petrie: Ohhhhh... My tummy.... Me think those berries giving me the runs!

Land Before Time Captions / Ducky and the caterpillar
« on: January 08, 2017, 05:00:25 AM »

Ducky: Aww hello there. I have not seen a crawler like you before no no no. Well my name is Ducky and this is my adopted brother Spike and...

*Chomper shows up*

Chomper: Oh boy! A big fat juicy crawler!

* He eats the caterpillar*

Ducky: Chomper! I was trying to make friends with that cute little crawler! I was I was!  :anger

Chomper:  :oops


Land Before Time Captions / Cera says Hee!
« on: December 22, 2016, 05:49:35 AM »

LBT Fanart / Human OC's meet the LBT updated
« on: November 13, 2016, 02:05:55 PM »
This is a updated version of a unfinished fan fic I made were some human OCs of mine crossover with the LBT gang.

A friend on Deviant art convinced me to continue it , and I thought it best I start again from scratch.

 Here's some info..
My OC's are Josh (who I named after me) and Tom two 8 year old twin boys (don't worry their not super annoying twins like Dina and bloody Dinah from LBT 6) who like me are real dino nuts, also I'll point out Josh has black hair and wears green, and Tom is blonde and wears black and white.
Meg (who I named after one of my sisters) is Josh and Tom's baby sister.
And Olivia (who I name after a old school friend) is Josh and Tom's close friend.
Also their British like me and from the 23rd century.

I should also point out this crossover is only in cannon with the first 4 LBT movies, one reason is cause it was after the 4th movie the franchise went down hill for me personally.
Also a sort of alternative version of LBT 5 happened between this and the events of LBT  4, Chomper has retuned and the gang's parents have found out about how they hatched him, and the great valley residents have allowed Chomper to stay in the Great Valley for the time being.

I also in this cannon I omitted some of the silly simplified phrases the LBT sequels have for certain things. Like sniffer ( noise) sleep stories ( dreams) water path (river) Sleep Terror (nightmare) and some others I can't remember right now.

Also I want to point out. I know some of you are thinking the gang should be bigger then this. Well the thing is I want them to be small enough so my OC's can pick them up and cuddle them and gives it a better cute factor. In fact even as a little kid I drew the gang that size with humans. So please don't go crazy at me for making them that size. Nitpicking REALLY whine's me up. Also in the photo of the gang with Don Bluth (one of the very few official pics of the gang with a human) they are about the same size as they are here compared with a human.

Plus it's not like LBT is that scientifically accurate anyway.  


Also each one of my OC's be-friend certain members of the gang.

Josh be-friends Cera and also develops her character too.
Tom be-friends Chomper and Petrie and attempts to teach Petrie to speak properly.
Olivia and Littlefoot make good friend's pretty much straight away.
And Meg becomes very found of Ducky and Spike.

Anyway I'll start off with Chapter 1

Josh, his Twin brother Tom, their baby sister Meg and their friend Olivia were playing in a field not too far from their home,  when they suddenly heard a strange noise not too far away.

Josh: What's that noise? Can you hear a noise?

Tom and Olivia stopped what they were doing a listened too.

Tom: Yeah I hear it too.

Olivia: Me 3. I wonder what it is?

Josh: Well lets go take a look, it sounds like it's coming from just over that hill.

So Tom picked up baby Meg and the 3 kids set off to investigate the strange noise.

They arrived at the place were the sound was coming from, and saw something like they'd never seen before.
It was a huge glowing hole with lighting bolts coming out from the edges.

Tom put Meg down on the grass.
Tom: Be a good girl and stay here Meg.

As he, Josh and Olivia slowly walked up to the strange hole to take a closer look.

Olivia: Josh, what is this thing?

Josh: I don't know...

Tom: Looks like something out of a SCI FI movie....

Josh: Yes it dose, but we probably shouldn't go near it. We don't know what it could be, and it might be dangerous.

Olivia: Your right Josh.

Tom: I agree. We don't know what it will do, so-

Tom was interrupted in mid-sentence when he saw  Meg crawling towards the hole.

Tom: Meg, come back!

Josh and Olivia saw this too.

Josh: No Meg!

Olivia: Oh Gosh!

Meg Too curious about the time hole to pay attention to them, she continued crawling towards the hole.

Tom: Meg, stop!

Tom managed to scoop up Meg in his arms, but Josh and Olivia had also been coming after Meg, so they ran into him and push each other into the glowing hole by accident.

All 3 kids in unison: Whaooooooo!

They all closed their eyes as they fell through. Then felt themselves land on solid ground on their hands and knees. They slowly opened their eyes, and saw they were in a different place from before. It was big thick forest.

The 3 kids get up on their feet while Tom held Meg in his arms.

Olivia: Where.. Where are we?

Josh: I don't know, looks like that hole has... Teleported us to another place maybe?

Tom: Yeah well I think we best go back though the hole. Hopefully it will take us back home.

Josh: Yeah your right...

Suddenly Josh heard voices near by.

Josh: Hey wait a minute.. Can you hear voices?

Olivia and Tom listened out too for the voices.
And indeed they did hear a voice, a little boy's voice who appeared to have a American accent.

Boy: That sounds getting louder guys, we must nearly their.

Then they heard a girls voice who also sounded American and rather touchy.

Girl: This better be worth coming all this way for, just a dumb noise.  I hate being disappointed.  You know it could just be a big buzzers nest.

Then another younger little boy's voice said...

Younger boy: I won't mind if it's a buzzers nest. Mmmmm.

Then another girls voice with no contractions in her words said.

Girl 2: Oh I am sure it will be something very exciting, it will it will.

Then a rather silly voice with bad grammar said..

Silly kid: Oh.. Me just hope it not nothing scary..

Josh, Tom and Olivia finished listening.

Tom: Yeah we hear them alright, and their coming this way, maybe this weird hole tuck us to somewhere in America? Seeing as those kids have American accents.

Olivia: Well who ever they are , they seem to be attracted here by the sound that hole is making too.

Josh: Yeah lets wait for them to show up and find out just where we are, and warn them not to go through the hole.

They heard footsteps as the voices got close but they couldn't see anyone.

Olivia: Funny I hear them but can't se anyone..

Josh: Well sounds like their voices are coming from behind that long patch of grass over there.

Josh pointed to the said long grassy patch near by. The kids voices seemed to be coming from behind it.

Tom: Well lets got take a look behind the grass.

So the 3 kids and baby Meg still in Tom's arms went over to the long grass and looked over the top of it .
And what they say was not human children like themselves but.... 6 small kid dinosaurs!
A Apatosaurus, a triceratops, a stegosaurus , a Saurolophus, a Pteranodon and even a T-Rex.

All 3 kids gasped which got the dinosaurs attention.
The little Saurolophus who was riding on the Stegosaurs back pointed at them.

Saurolophus: *Gasp* Look!

And all 6 of them looked straight at Josh, Tom, Olivia and Meg.

For a split second they did or said nothing. Then they all yelled and screamed and ran off in the opposite directions.
Josh and co hid behind a big rock while the dinosaurs hid behind another patch on long grass.

Josh, Tom and Olivia panted trying to get over the shock of seeing living and talking baby dinosaurs, while Meg just cooed happily.

Josh: Tom... Olivia... You did se what I saw right?

Olivia: Yes..... 6 little living breathing, TALKING dinosaurs!

Tom: Well one was actually pterosaur.

Josh: Never mind the dino nut talk Tom!

Tom: Sorry , but yes they were real enough all right.

Josh: This means we've travelled back in time to the prehistoric times. That hole must have been some sort of time hole or a anomaly like in that TV show.

 Meanwhile one of the little dinosaurs whose name was Littlefoot. Was look up through the long grass to see if 4 big 2 legged creators were still about.

The Triceratops who was named Cera asked Littlefoot.

Cera: Are they still there Littlefoot.

Littlefoot: I'm not sure they ran off behind that big rock.

The Ducky the little Saurolophus came up and said..
Ducky: What were those 4 big things? I have never seen anything like them before, no no no.

The Stegosaurus whose name was Spike shuck his head not knowing.

Petrie the little Pteranodon flew down to were Ducky was standing.

Petrie: Me no know, me just hope they not like sharpteeth and wanna eat us!

Cera: For all we know they could be dangerous, you saw how big they were.

Littlefoot: I don't know Cera.. They seemed just as scared as we were. And their just kids like ourselves , one was even just a baby.

Cera: Well they might be faking it to trick us so they can eat us.

The little T-rex "Chomper" come over.

Chomper: Well if they do try and get us, they'll get a nasty bite off of me.

Littlefoot: Alright Cera , Chomper lets not jump to conclusions or be harsh now. Hey one of them is coming out from behind the rock. It's the green one with the black stuff on top of his head. He doesn't LOOK dangerous. He kinda looks...scared.

Josh was peering around the side of the rock. He saw Littlefoot's head poking up from the grass.

Josh:  Hey Olivia, Tom. One of them is looking at us. It's the little Apatosaurus.  

Olivia looked too.

Olivia: Aw yes he is.

Josh: Maybe I should go out and talk to them. Tell them we mean no harm.

Tom: You sure that's wise Josh?

Josh: Well I'll risk it. Plus come one Tom. This is a dream come true! We've loved dinosaurs all our lives and now we get to  meet real dinosaurs and they can speak!

Tom: Yeah guess your right. Plus 2 of them  are our personally favourites. A T-rex and a Triceratops. Olivia: And I wonder why they talk with American accents?

Josh: Well.. Those types of dinosaurs were discovered  in America.

Tom: Yeah and there for lived in well what would be , or will be America as were in the prehistoric times were the continents are different. Sorry for the dino geek talk again..

Olivia: *laughs through her nose* It's ok .

Tom: Ah good also I  wonder why a T-rex is hanging out with a bunch of planet eaters?

Josh: Well  I think were about to find out. The Apatosaurus is coming out. I'll go talk to him.

Olivia: Be careful Josh.

Josh: No need to worry Olivia. Apatosaurus are  one of placid and gentle kind dinosaurs.

Meanwhile back at the long grass Littlefoot made his way out into the open.

Littlefoot: I'm going out to go talk to them. Tell them we won't harm them.

Cera: Littlefoot what if their tricking you and get you and eat you!?

Littlefoot: I'll take that chance..

Cera: Ok but don't come crying to me if he tries to eat you.

Cera and the others watched Littlefoot walk slowly towards Josh and he came out from behind the rock and made his way slowly up to Littlefoot.

The 2 walked closer and closer up to each other until they stopped.

Littlefoot spoke first.

Littlefoot: H... Hello... I'm Littlefoot...

Josh smiled.

Josh: Well Hello there Littlefoot. My name's Josh.
 Look I'm sorry for our over reaction there. It's just where we've from, dinosaurs are very rarely seen. So it was a bit shocking for us.

Littlefoot: That's understandable. So your not dinosaurs? So what are you then? We've never seen anything like you before?

Josh: Yes we're not dinosaurs. We're humans. We come from a very far away place were there are no dinosaurs.

 Josh came up with a little white lie that he and the others were from a far off place where dinosaurs are VERY hard to come by. He knew a dinosaur wouldn't understand the concept of time travel , and would freak out if he told him  he was from a time were dinosaurs are extinct.

Littlefoot: Humans... So how did you get here?

Josh: We fell though that glowing hole over there.

He pointed to the time hole.

Littlefoot looked at it.

Littlefoot: Ah so that's where that weird noise was coming from. Well me and my friends don't mean you any harm, I guess that's the same with your friends?

Josh: Yes that's right.

Back at the grass patch Cera and the others watched Littlefoot talking with Josh.

Ducky: What is happening Cera?

Cera: Well Littlefoot's still talking with the green one with the black head... They seem to be getting on ok, it could still be a trick though....

On the other side, Tom, Olivia and baby Meg watched Josh talk with Littlefoot.

Olivia: Well Josh seems to have gotten friendly with the Apatosaurus.

Tom: Yeah I can see the other dinosaurs peeping out from the grass too. I'm really interested now to know what a T-rex is doing hanging out with a bunch of plant eaters...

Littlefoot then asked.

Littlefoot: Well would you like to meet my friends?

Josh: Sure, I'll call mine out too tell them things are ok.

Josh turned and called.

Josh: Ok you 3, you can come out now.

Littlefoot also turn his long neck around and called out to his friends.

Littlefoot: It's alright guys it's safe to come out.

Slowly the rest of each gang slowly came out to where Littlefoot and Josh were standing.

Land Before Time Captions / Giggly Cera and Tricia
« on: October 18, 2016, 06:03:31 AM »

Tricia sneezes and gets snot on her front.

Tricia: Ehh! Yucky yucky snot snot!

Cera laughs at her sisters silly words and Tricia laughs with her

Land Before Time Captions / Ruby just remembered somthing
« on: October 18, 2016, 06:01:39 AM »

Land Before Time Captions / Topsy got a tree sweet in the face
« on: October 18, 2016, 05:58:08 AM »

Land Before Time Captions / All together now!
« on: October 18, 2016, 05:52:40 AM »

Land Before Time Captions / Feed Cera
« on: October 18, 2016, 05:49:38 AM »

Land Before Time Captions / Chomper did somthing embarrassing
« on: October 18, 2016, 05:48:53 AM »

Littlefoot: Ehh what's that smell?

Chomper: Sorry guys... My bottom made it's rude noises.. Must have been those ground crawlers. They make my tummy all funny...

Rest of gang: Grosssss!  :x

Land Before Time Captions / Spike getting his feet and bottom tickled
« on: October 16, 2016, 03:54:49 AM »

Land Before Time Captions / Ruby literally talks to flowers
« on: October 09, 2016, 04:46:10 PM »

Land Before Time Captions / Littlefoot flat on his front
« on: October 07, 2016, 06:28:14 AM »

Littlefoot: Ohhhh! Not another sequel.. Please!

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