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Topics - Amaranthine

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The Party Room / Quick, easy personality test
« on: January 31, 2010, 03:32:21 AM »
You Are Colorful Because You Are Sparkling

You are witty and clever. You may not be the most outgoing person in the world, but you speak up when it matters.
You know create an aura of mystery surrounding you. You enjoy having people wonder about you.

You never over share or dominate a conversation. You only inject yourself when you know it's your time to shine.
You are classy and elegant. Making a good impression is important to you, and you love to leave people wanting more.

The Colors Test

Blogthings: If Quizzes Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Take Quizzes

The Fridge / Because the GOF is very international...
« on: January 31, 2010, 02:12:08 AM »
How many languages do you guys know?

As for me...

Primary Language: English (duh)
Secondary Language: Latin American Spanish

And I WANT to learn Russian, French, German, and Mandarin Chinese, just because I am fasincated with languages and how they sound. ^^

Something that sounds terrible in English can sound amazing in another language imo. :lol

Character Discussion / Top 10 LBT villians
« on: January 28, 2010, 05:32:37 AM »
Bascially list your top ten LBT villians if you have any faves. :)

These are mine. ^^

10. Swimming Sharptooth
9. Thud
8. Sharptooth
7. Sharptooth in LBT 5
6. Ichy
5. Dil
4. Strut
3. Ozzy
2. Rinkus
1. Sierra

The Party Room / What US state do you belong in?
« on: January 25, 2010, 12:53:52 AM »
You Are California

You are cutting edge and diverse. People may call you flaky, but you can't help that you have a lot going on.
In general, you are friendly and laid back. There's nothing you like better than a quiet afternoon at the beach.

You are socially progressive and open minded. Anyone is welcome into your circle of friends.
You may be a bit image conscious, but you understand that appearances don't matter!

What US State Are You?

Well...I'm glad I belong in good ole Cali, because that's where I am. ;)

Character Discussion / Character Development in the series
« on: January 20, 2010, 10:50:55 PM »
So, I was looking at the "Top 10 Favorite Characters" thread and the "Top 10 Characters you Hate" thread and I was looking at everyone's opinions about different characters. I also was thinking about how over the years how the character development was handled with this series.

To be honest, I think in the end, while the animation was very beautiful and bright to attract the kids to the screen...that's really it. I find that the producers are very repeitive with their characters. I'll give Mr. Three Horn as an example. So in the first two sequels, we have him as a racist, predijuced character who loves his daughter, but is overprotective. In the third sequel, he realizes that yelling will not do anything to Cera other then have her act the same way he does. But in the next few sequels, he continues it as if that whole scenario NEVER HAPPENED! He even gets to the point to trying to kill the Tinysaursies in the eleventh sequel.

It's like these people think kids are stupid and won't pay attention to these things. Of course, the directors DID switch for a bit. They had Roy Allen Smith directing the first few sequels, then Charles Grosvener comes seems good for a bit.

Then these characters start having double personalities, then there is the tv series...hardly ANY of the characters are acting like themselves! What? So it's a children's series and you can sell crap to these kids because they wouldn't know the difference? :rolleyes

Sooo what do you guys think of the character development in these series?

The Fridge / What did you GIVE for Christmas?
« on: December 26, 2009, 12:06:14 PM »
Instead of having the same ole, "What did ya get?" question, I'm curious to see what most people gave their friends and fam. :)

I mostly gave everyone cards with heart felt messages, or I tried to make them felt heart. :)

Silver Screen / Twilight
« on: December 24, 2009, 11:33:43 AM »
So, what does everyone think of this book? Personally, I think this book and book series was something Meyer just wanted to write for fun and for herself. That seems to be her attitude about her writing. She even admitted herself that she put in the sparkle scene just for the sake of it being there.

I am an anti myself and I don't really care for vampires very much, but I will say, one thing I am happy about Twilight is that, it's getting the younger generation into reading.

Liking a book for entertainment is fine, but what scares me, is all of these fans, mostly 12-14 years of age, going nuts over a book and actually ATTACKING people for not liking the book. o.O But also, I would like to point out that on the anti side, there are people that just go, "You like Twilight? You're so stupid!"

Seriously guys, why over this hype for a book like Twilight?

Also, I wanted to quote a review I wrote for this book, I think it needs to be polished a bit(the review I mean), so I quote from FB:

Twilight really is a new cult favorite among many young women and girls. Even some young men like Twilight. While I understand the love for it, I also understand it's not the best piece of literature out there.

Reviewing this without thinking of the rabid fans is excruisingly hard to do because it's mostly the fandom itself that makes other people strongly dislike Twilight, now I actually read the book myself and while I love the writer's free flowing words and expression through the book. This author doesn't seem to take writing at all seriously. She just writes whatever she thinks. And this is good, it's good that she has a career for herself. Unfortunately, because of her inability to stand criticism, and I can absolutely understand because I am very sensitive to criticism myself, it's only going to kill her career in the end.

This books gets some of the most interesting, intriguing, and sometimes overly excited reviews from fans and antis alike.

I like romance novels myself, but there needs to be substance in romance other then, "Oh he's so hawt and amazingggggg, I can't live without him!!!!!"

Character Discussion / Top 10 Charactes you Hate
« on: December 23, 2009, 11:50:20 AM »
Well, we have a list of characters we love. How about hate? >_> lol I hope we can be mature though and not completely hurt another fan's feelings because they like a certain character that we don't like. lol

Erm...I'll have to think long and hard about this one. I have quite a few at the top of my head, but I'll get to it sooner or xD

The Fridge / "Eggs" the human verison
« on: December 18, 2009, 11:45:21 PM »

I thought this was too funny to NOT show you guys. xD :lol

The Fridge / What do you want for Christmas?
« on: December 05, 2009, 10:39:20 PM »
Here's a topic for the old, same, dumb question...

"What do you Want for Christmas?" Or whatever holiday you celebrate. ^^;

I just want i-tunes gift cards. :yes And maybe to finally watch Dark Shadows again on netflix. ^^

And as far as non-material things, I guess I just want people to remember what Christmas is and not get all commercialized about it. <_<

Real-Life Captions / Phantom of the Opera
« on: November 20, 2009, 09:08:06 PM »

Land Before Time Captions / Pterano and Little Foot Again
« on: November 15, 2009, 02:26:30 AM »

Role Play Discussion / Character Themes for "In the LBT" rp
« on: November 13, 2009, 10:42:42 PM »
For those that want character themes for your characters in the rp, tell me them and I'll list them down. :)

Amy-Somwhere-Within Temptation
Mr. Three Horn- I Stand Alone-Godsmack
Red Claw-Hellfire-Hunchback of Notre Dame
Petrie's Mom (Rebecca)-A Mother's Prayer-Celine Dion

Belmont-Streets Of Siam-Stan Bush
Bron-Age Of Discovery-Trailerhead
Shorty-Bad-Michael Jackson
Ali-See Who I Am-Within Temptation
Ms. Maia - One World by Celtic Woman

Cancerian Tiger:
Cera-"Take Me As I Am" by Mary J. Blige
Tricia-"Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield
Ducky-"You've Got A Friend In Me" by Randy Newman
Anna-"I'm Sensitive" by Jewel

Great Valley Guardian:
Longtail- Somewhere I Belong-Linkin Park OR Too Late-From the Dead
Rick-State of Mind by Sun King
Grandma Longneck-Gravity Hurts-Niels Brinck

f-22 "raptor" ace:
Sam-Danger Zone-Kenny Loggins
Thud-Zero-Kiki Kobayashi
Male rainbowface "Johan"-Das Boot theme

Edit: Ommitting characters and adding

Role Play Discussion / Songs "In the Land Before Time?"
« on: November 12, 2009, 02:35:49 PM »
I remember Noname's poll before and I thought it was a good idea, to have our own themes for characters, but I was also thinking what if our characters actually sang songs in our rp? I mean LBT does that as you know. So why not our rp?

Of course it's up to you guys if you think this is a good idea or not, so what do you think?

Character Discussion / Ms. Maia
« on: November 11, 2009, 09:47:20 PM »
I've been hearing some stuff about Ms. Maia and in the rp which I don't really get. What's with all the hate towards her?

I remember that Ducky was in that nest, WHICH WAS hers, and Ms. Maia threw Ducky out.

I think Ms. Maia was just an overprotective mother. I don't think she was a b or anything. :p And I think all she was added to was to put in some humor with the kids that like slapstick or something like that...I guess. :p

So...what do most of you think about this minor character?

Silver Screen / REPO! The Genetic Opera
« on: November 10, 2009, 02:51:48 AM »
I never actually SAW the whole film, but I saw clips of the musical parts on youtube.

Here's a link to their website for more info:

And here's some clips of the songs: At the Opera Tonight


Zydrate Anatomy

Chase the Morning

Let the Monster Rise (Full Clip)

I Didn&#39;t Know I loved you this much
I Didn't Know I loved you this much

One thing I have to warn you though, if you are very sensitive to gory things, skip those parts or just don't watch this. I watched AMVs with the songs so I could listen to the songs without seeing the gory things. :) Maybe you can watch those first. Also there are some risque scenes here too.

Animation / Puss N Boots
« on: November 08, 2009, 06:42:04 PM »

The Party Room / Where Should Your Inner New Yorker Live?
« on: October 29, 2009, 05:24:58 PM »
You Belong in the Upper West Side

You have what it takes to be successful, but not snooty.
That's why you belong in the New York of Sex and the City and Seinfeld!

Where Should Your Inner New Yorker Live?

Blogthings: We&#39;ll Tell You The Truth... Someone Has To&#33;
Blogthings: We'll Tell You The Truth... Someone Has To!

The Fridge / Halloween Forum
« on: October 27, 2009, 12:24:54 AM »

A friend's forum, it's PURELY halloween based and it's brand spanking new!  :D

Talk about anything...well halloweenish. :)

The Party Room / What Halloween Mask are you?
« on: October 25, 2009, 11:33:42 PM »
You Are a Carnival Mask

You are flirtatious, charming, and seductive. You are both mysterious and alluring.
You know how to dance the steps, no matter what the dance is. You always know what the next move should be.

You are good at drawing people in but not letting them get too close. You know how to be wanted.
You prefer to be understated than over the top. You never want to be seen as trying too hard.

What Halloween Mask Are You?

Blogthings: Take a Quiz. Annoy Your Friends.

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