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Topics - DarkHououmon

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LBT Fanfiction / Artwork for Heinous
« on: December 19, 2009, 06:37:59 PM »
So far, only did one pic. When I made this picture, I followed a tutorial for lineart and layers. This picture would be the first image I made utilizing layers for each colors instead of doing it all in just one layer.

This is the female scaly nofooter. She's a madtsoiidae, an extinct species of python-like snake that lived in the Cretaceous. She would be around 35 ft long, though I recall reading another source several months ago that put her species around 40 ft long. Unfortunately I didn't see enough information on her species, so I didn't realize she's supposed to have hindlimbs. ^^;

Her spines, mostly the ones on her head, do seem a bit..feathery to me. They're supposed to be rigid and shaped more like the ones on her tail. But due to difficulty with using the mouse to make the lineart layer, the spines ended up the way they did. ^^;

LBT Fanfiction / Times of Change
« on: December 14, 2009, 02:30:43 AM »
No I did not make this fancomic. It was created by DA artist TheBlazingGecko. The comic is still pretty new, so not a lot of pages are up. The main plot is that something happens that causes Littlefoot to join Bron's herd, and he returns years later as an adult to find a lot of things have changed, both for the better and for the worse.

If anyone is interested in looking at this fancomic, here's the link:

Visual Art / Bear Nuts
« on: December 14, 2009, 02:27:17 AM »
Anyone here besides me who likes this webcomic? I found it during a random search on Deviantart. I have the official site bookmarked and have been following it for many months now.

There's no main plot that continues through each chapter; each chapter tells its own story. The webcomic focuses on the lives of nine zoo bears (who resemble Care Bears) who are a popular attraction at the zoo due to their unusual antics.

The comic is not entirely suited for children, but it doesn't get that dirty, in my opinion, so I figured it'd be safe posting it here.

Visual Art / Betas of a couple upcoming mvs
« on: November 30, 2009, 12:20:53 AM »
A couple mvs I started working on recently. The first is a Turok: Son of Stone mv to the song The Last Firstborn. The second is a Care Bears mv to the song Surrender.

I am currently using Sony Vegas 8.0 and no longer have the extra effects I did before, for a while, which I used in a couple past mvs (such as Gave It All Away). I'm back down to the Vegas basics unless I can get those extra effects back.

Computer and Electronics / Router issue
« on: November 10, 2009, 03:00:23 PM »
Although I and my dad can use the internet just fine, Clint recently got an adapter that, whenever he uses it, causes the connection to drop on my computer (which has a built-in wireless thing). Anyway he has tried to install the Netgear router on this computer and it said it wasn't compatible with it. I found this to be strange because the official Microsoft site says that the latest firmware should be compatible with Windows 7 and when I logged onto the router before, it indicated that I did have the latest firmware.

Does anyone know how I can get the router to install on Windows 7? The router I am using is WNDR3300 and it's a Netgear brand.

LBT Fanfiction / Heinous
« on: October 29, 2009, 12:15:31 AM »
I had an idea for an LBT war story for some time and I was going through some ideas. Finally decided to start writing it. It's been a long time since I last wrote an LBT story.

I don't know how often I'll be working on this, especially since I plan on entering NaNo next month (write a 50,000 word story in one month).

* * *

Ducky screamed as she dodged sharp ends of the horns as the threehorn thrust his head into the ground, attempting to spear her. There was a sickening crack as one of the horns broke under the pressure, and blood spewed from the opening in the horn. The threehorn stopped momentarily, bellowing in pain, before he resumed his chase after Ducky.

Ducky looked ahead and saw a big pile of rocks against a cliff. She looked behind her and noticed the threehorn was quickly closing in. She ran as fast as her small legs could carry her and climbed up onto the rocks. Once she was on top, she pressed herself as far back against the wall as she could. She looked down as the threehorn attempted to climb up after her. She couldn't help but be confused. What was wrong with this threehorn? She had never seen this kind of aggression from a threehorn, save for Cera's father, and even he didn't go this far.

“Why are you doing this?” Ducky worked up the courage to talk to the threehorn. “You are not a sharptooth, no, no, no.”

But instead of responding, the threehorn simply bellowed at her and continued to attempt to climb up. Ducky gasped and started to move along side the cliff sideways, being careful not to let her feet slip on the very narrow edge she was now standing on. Making painstakingly slow progress, she managed to put some distance between her and the marauding dinosaur.

The threehorn was relentless. In his constant efforts to climb up the slippery pile, he managed to get close enough to snap his beak at Ducky. The action was so sudden it took Ducky by surprise and she stumbled on her next step. Her foot missed its target and she found herself rolling across the side of the cliff.

“Oof!” Ducky hit the ground and shook her head. She looked over and saw the threehorn was closing in on her. Screaming, she quickly got up and tried to run, but the threehorn placed his foot on her tail and stopped her in her tracks.

The threehorn spoke his first words since he began the chase. “You're not going anywhere.”

“Help!” Ducky called out.

“Who are you yelling for? There is no one out here, swimmer. You should have stayed in your pitiful valley.” The threehorn said.

Ducky started to shake in fear. She had been with her friends not so long ago. She had become separated and ultimately ran into this fellow. She thought he would help her find her friends, but instead he chased her into the Mysterious Beyond. Outside the walls, she doubt no one had heard her scream.

“You're not like any threehorn I've seen...” Ducky murmured. “...who are you?”

The threehorn narrowed his eyes. “That does not concern you. Now why don't you hold still so I can...”

“Leave her alone!” A voice suddenly rang out.

A second later, something large and tan slammed into the threehorn, knocking him completely off Ducky. The little swimmer watched in astonishment as the threehorn landed on his back with a heavy thud. But she didn't have any time to take in what just happened as she felt herself suddenly lifted into the air by a large hand and the ground beneath started to move really fast as her savior started to run away from the threehorn.

Ducky looked up to see who had rescued her. Her eyes widened. “Ms. Maia? What are you doing?”

Ms. Maia looked down with a stern look. “Saving you, of course! What did you think I was going to do? Leave you there?”

Ducky didn't answer her question. She looked behind her to see the threehorn was catching up. Ducky let out another scream and clung to Ms. Maia's arm.

Ms. Maia smirked. “Don't worry, child. That threehorn isn't fast enough to catch up to me.”

Ducky's eyes widened again. “I think you spoke too soon...” She pointed forward.

Up ahead was a large wall. Ms. Maia suddenly came to a halt, and looked up. She then turned around and saw the threehorn charging forward, his horns lowered. After setting Ducky back on the ground, Ms. Maia took position in front of the swimmer and stomped the ground with one foot and let out a roar.

The threehorn didn't stop and made contact with the crestless swimmer. Ms. Maia quickly grabbed onto the long brow horn with one hand and the side of the frill with the other. She began to push the threehorn back, using all the strength that she had in her.

Ducky looked on in horror as she watched Ms. Maia take on the voracious threehorn. Of all the dinosaurs in the Great Valley, Ms. Maia was the last dinosaur she thought would come and save her. And it seemed she was losing. The threehorn looked much stronger and he was certainly proving it, having pushed Ms. Maia a couple inches backwards while she barely managed to make him move at all.

Worried, Ducky started to walk up towards the two fighting dinosaurs. Not the wisest thing to do, but she couldn't help herself. “Ms. Maia...? Do you need help?”

“Get out of here, child!” Ms. Maia snapped at her, startling her. “Run!”

“But..what about you..?” Ducky asked, reaching a hand out towards the crestless swimmer. She silently wished she could do something to help.

Ms. Maia suddenly struck Ducky with her thick tail, knocking her a couple feet back. “I said get out of here! I can handle myself, but you are just a child! Get out of here while you still can!”

Ducky picked herself off the ground and glanced back at Ms. Maia. Although she wished she could do something, she trusted Ms. Maia's words that she can take care of herself. Ducky turned around and headed towards a small opening that she could fit through. She paused in front of the tunnel and looked back at Ms. Maia one last time. “Don't worry. I will go get help. Yep, yep, yep.” With that, she disappeared into the tunnel.

Once she was certain that Ducky was indeed gone, Ms. Maia released the threehorn and immediately sidestepped, allowing the dinosaur to fall forward and into the hard ground. Before the threehorn had time to get up, Ms. Maia swatted him with her tail, nearly breaking one of his front legs. A large bruise slowly began to form where she had struck.

The threehorn groaned in pain and looked up at the crestless swimmer. “Why do you risk your life for the little swimmer? Do you care about her?”

Ms. Maia narrowed her eyes. “No...but I'd rather die than allow an innocent child to be killed by a monster like you.” Ms. Maia couldn't help it. Even though she didn't like Ducky, her maternal instincts were strong, and it compelled her to save Ducky's life. She couldn't just let the little swimmer die.

“That can be arranged...” A voice spoke from behind.

Suddenly, Ms. Maia felt an arm slink around her neck and she felt her head behind pulled to one side. Before she had time to react, she felt a single, sharp claw press against her neck. The mysterious dinosaur made a quick motion with his arm, driving the claw clean across Ms. Maia's throat. Then, he released her.

Blood spurting from the deep gash in her neck, Ms. Maia slumped to the ground. As she lay there bleeding swiftly, she felt sky water hitting her body and noticed it had gotten noticeably darker. Weakly, she looked up towards her killer. Despite the darkness, she seemed to recognize who, or what, her killer was. Her eyes widened. “H-How...” But she never finished her sentence. She quickly bled to death and her body went limp.

The threehorn slowly climbed onto his feet and limped towards the mysterious dinosaur. “I have done what your leader asked of me. Where is my end of the deal?”

The mysterious dinosaur chuckled. “Excuse me? You did none of the killing. As you remember, my leader wanted you to kill a Great Valley dinosaur and deliver it to him. You did not do the killing. I did.”

“I at least tried! That counts for something, doesn't it?” The threehorn said. “Why, if it weren't for me weakening that pathetic crestless swimmer, you wouldn't have a body to take back!”

The mysterious dinosaur reached towards the ground beside himself and held out a couple small, orange-colored treesweets. They were extremely rare in this part of the world. “I don't think you really deserve this. You couldn't even dispose of a little child...” He tossed the treesweets towards the threehorn. “But I suppose your little effort counts for something.”

The threehorn immediately gobbled up the treesweets and licked his beak. “You're darn right it does!” He said in an arrogant fashion.

“If you're quite done gloating, carry this dinosaur back to my leader.” The mysterious dinosaur said. “You are big enough.”

“Oh all right.” The threehorn said as he pushed the lifeless leafeater onto his back.

As the two dinosaurs started to make the trek back from where ever they came from, they didn't notice a flyer standing in the shadows, looking at the scene in horror. After a few moments, the figure slowly moved out of the shadows, their eyes never moving from the retreating dinosaurs. The little light that remained barely made the figure out to be Rinkus. Standing next to him was another flyer, Sierra, who eyed the scene with a calm expression.

“What just happened?” Rinkus asked, holding his tail nervously.

“Who cares?” Sierra said as he spread his wings. “Let's just leave. I hate being near the Great Valley. Too many memories of those little brats.”

Rinkus was hesitant. “Shouldn't we..tell someone about this?”

“Why? What have they ever done for us?” Without saying another word, Sierra took off into the air.

Rinkus glanced at the Great Valley for a couple seconds before reluctantly turning away and taking off after Sierra.

Computer and Electronics / Opera Issues
« on: October 28, 2009, 11:05:10 AM »
Just today, I had attempted to upgrade Opera to the latest version, 10.01 or something. But the installer wouldn't go through even though it was in the processes in Task Manager. So I stopped it and downloaded the installer and tried again. But the computer suddenly rebooted itself during the installation and Opera wouldn't open anymore. So I had to repair it using the original installer. Still wouldn't open. Tried installing the new version again. Although it did go through, the browser still won't open and I couldn't stop the process, so I rebooted. I attempted to go into the program files section of the computer and try to find my favorites. But while I was in the folder, the computer froze (well kind of; most of the CPU was being taken up and I could not do anything outside of moving the mouse). So I had to reboot a third time.

So currently I have put some of my favorites, through searching, into Firefox for now. Although very slow in opening, Firefox does work fine.

Anyway I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem like this before and if there's anyway I can fix it without losing all my Opera favorites. I think there's a place on the computer that has the favorites stored, but I don't know where it is exactly.

Land Before Time Captions / Mo caption
« on: September 28, 2009, 10:46:32 AM »

Computer and Electronics / An issue
« on: August 23, 2009, 12:22:19 PM »
Today, I rebooted my computer normally after I lost internet (if I don't reboot, the computer encounters a serious error and automatically reboots, probably because of a conflict with the LAN card, or so I heard). Upon reboot, though, the computer initiated Checkdisk. I let it go through since, in the past, it never found errors. But this time it did. It deleted several corrupt files (the only one I wrote down was attribute record 128, " "  and record segment 227377). It also recovered orphaned files and reinserted data for 227377. The computer loaded up fine, but the fact that it found several corrupt files has me worried.

Recently, for the past few months, this computer has been suffering from issues. The first issue was when I was downloading from Softpedia. While nothing happened the first many times I downloaded, on one occassion, it caused Opera to freeze up and Panda to go nuts, forcing me to reboot. For a while, this problem persisted, striking when I was either in the Transfers section of Opera or in My Documents, where I saved the files, until I got a cheaper version of Panda. Although, due to the problems from earlier, I've been wary of going into My Documents or using Opera to download.

The next issue that occurred was when I had installed Zone Alarm and Panda Cloud. Upon installing it, files would stop opening after a certain amount of time, forcing me to force a reboot just to continue using the computer. I eventually uninstalled Zone Alarm and tried install a trial of the latest Panda, but it wouldn't let me update. Despite multiple tries, it didn't work, so I put on AVG and turned Windows Firewall back on. But now, on occassion, once every hour it seems, the Windows Firewall goes down temporarily, lasting anywhere between a second to several seconds, always turning itself back on. I suspect this may be the result in a conflict likely caused when Zone Alarm was installed.

Prior to getting Zone Alarm, the computer stopped working altogether, refusing to turn on. My dad took a look inside and discovered it was covered in dust. We hadn't cleaned the computer since we got it, so that was about 2 years worth of dust collecting there. The dust had caused significant damage to force the computer to not turn on. Once the dust was cleaned up, though, the computer did turn on. For a while, though, it would reboot, likely because of the drop in temperature. But when I have the computer off for a length of time, it would reboot a few times before settling down.

I'm starting to wonder if the dust may have played a part in the issues I've been having. Well most of them anyway. Perhaps the dust caused damage to some hardware inside the computer. I hope to take a look inside it soon. If the problem is caused internally, I could either hope to find the right parts and repair it, or get a whole new computer. If the problem is not internal, but rather software issue, I may have to perform a total reformat, something I'm not looking forward to.

Anyone have any thoughts of the issues I've been having? Anyone have any similar experiences?

Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention that, when I try to do a full system scan (unless I'm in Safe Mode) the computer shows Delayed Windows Write Error and data loss in $BMP I think. Also, on my external harddrive, some strange folders have showed up, containing Windows files, such as the Malicious Tool Removal. How they got there, I dunno. And the old version of MSN wouldn't load up anymore, forcing me to update to the latest version. Not sure why since, before, I could use MSN just fine. AIM 6 sometimes freezes when I try to talk to people, so I have to use a much older version.

The Fridge / YouTube
« on: August 09, 2009, 10:51:34 AM »
Not sure if this is the right section for this.

Anyway, a friend of mine had pointed out a new section of YouTube for Movies. Not just trailers, but it appears full movies are being uploaded, with paid advertisements just before the movie begins.

Here's the page:

I don't know what the requirements are, though, to be able to do this. My guess, they are only allowing the copyright holders to upload the movies. Or perhaps you need a special kind of account, a Sponser account I think (that you pay for I believe), to do it.

LBT Projects / Quick Notice
« on: July 26, 2009, 05:18:24 PM »
Recently, I have made two of my videos private. The reason why is because they had been blocked everywhere, although they will still play for me. When I read the Copyright Information, I find that, unlike my other videos, which are blocked by audio, those two particular vids were blocked because of visual content by NBC Universal.

It seems Universal is starting to crack down on videos using their content. With me, they blocked my two vids for everyone except me, since I could view them just fine. So far it is only those two videos that were blocked and I haven't gotten a warning for any other video. Heck, I didn't even get an e-mail about NBC claiming the visual content. Not sure why.

I figured I'd let everyone know about this, especially those with LBT content up on YT.

LBT Projects / World So Cold preview
« on: July 13, 2009, 10:01:57 AM »
Yet another preview. This preview is older than the Gave It All Away video, but a friend of mine wanted to see it, so I decided to upload it.

Yes, there is a message behind this video. It might become a bit more apparant in the completed vid.

LBT Projects / Had Enough
« on: July 04, 2009, 12:31:35 PM »
A short, less than a minute mv, about Topsy (it's not a Topsy-bashing video; the song just sort of reminded me of him). This video is not a beta; it's the completed version, and I do not have plans on modifying it.

This is the first part of a possible project I may work on, making several short mvs and stringing them together into one longer one.

LBT Projects / Land Before Time: Space Cadets
« on: June 07, 2009, 05:14:14 PM »
I didn't make this video. A friend of mine did, Ryuukokoro. She wanted me to post the video here for her. This is the first music video she ever made. ^^ She did it mostly for practice, and she hopes it makes people laugh. ^^

LBT Projects / Gave It All Away beta
« on: June 02, 2009, 09:00:46 PM »
Here's a short preview of my next mv.

The mv is basically supposed to take place in Out of the Shadows, when Slasher (the LBT5 sharptooth) corrupts him. Some stuff is flashbacks while others are supposed to take place either in Fortress Valley or outside of it. Any attack scene involving a sharptooth (with the exception of the ones chasing Chomper) are supposed to be the "Out of the Shadow scenes", so-to-speak.

I hope that makes sense. ^^;

LBT Fanfiction / General Chomper
« on: May 31, 2009, 11:00:43 PM »
I haven't done any Out of the Shadows fanart in a long while, so I thought I'd draw General Chomper again, since my drawing skills since I first drew him a couple years ago have improved.

The Fridge / Awards
« on: May 31, 2009, 01:06:15 AM »
I was talking with a friend of mine about GOF's voting, and she has suggested the idea of setting it up so that everyone is given an award, which may eliminate any kind of voting and no one would feel left out. I'm not sure if I like the idea. But I was wondering how everyone else felt about the idea of everyone getting an award.

Sound Off! / Anyone know this song?
« on: May 30, 2009, 11:10:06 AM »
Does anyone here know what song this is?

Here's a sample of the song:

I've done searches but found nothing.

Visual Art / Did My Time
« on: May 26, 2009, 04:58:09 PM »
I made this mv for a contest being held on YT. The contest forbids almost all effects, so for this mv, I went back to my old style of mv making (relying very little on the color-changing/picture-changing effects), but I still used Sony Vegas.

Warning: There is a lot of flashing in the mv.

Visual Art / Dink the Little Dinosaur fanart
« on: May 16, 2009, 07:39:09 PM »
I decided to make some Dink fanart. So far, the only one I have available is this picture of the main antagonist (although doesn't appear in all episodes), Tyrannor.

He's like the Redclaw of the Dink TV series.

Oh, and that yellow dot in the picture is the light source. I put it there so I could try to more accurately place shadows and highlights.

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