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Topics - StarWarsxoxo

Pages: 1
General Land Before Time / Looking for a really specific part of tLBT?
« on: March 17, 2018, 07:52:15 PM »
Heya, I have a really vivid memory of a bit of the Land Before Time from when I was really young and for the life of me I can't recall what movie it was from or if it even happened and I didn't just dream it but it's been bugging me for years now and I thought I should ask to see if anyone can recall where this was from!

It basically included Petrie trying to help Ducky flirt with another Swimmer and he was hiding in a bush telling her what she should be saying but a stinkbug crawled over his beak in the middle of him talking and Ducky accidentally called her potential love interest a stink bug.

That is literally my very vague memory of it, and it could potentially be completely wrong, or maybe even partially wrong? Like I think the other Swimmer was a female but I know Ducky is also female which begs the question as to if it was Ducky at all or a completely different character?

Did this even happen? Was it even in The Land Before Time? Or did I make this all up completely as a kid?

If anyone has any ideas please share with me, me and my friend have been up for hours trying to figure out where this really vague memory is from!

Thanks in advance.

Pages: 1