The Gang of Five
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Topics - Lyon

Pages: 1
The Welcome Center / <insert boring greeting here>
« on: February 18, 2010, 05:31:12 AM »
Hey there! I'm Lyon. Although I'm not a crazy, obsessive LBT fan, I'm sure I'll like it here. I like darkness, fantasy, sci-fi and above all, dragons.

I remember when I was 6 or something, I saw the first LBT, and I was immediately entranced. I'm no longer a massive fanatic of it (I never really was, but I know I watched it every day when I was younger) I still enjoy it and I have many good memories with it. I've seen all movies up to number 10, and I haven't seen the television series, though I'd like to.

I hope I get a warm welcome!

Pages: 1