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Topics - Lone Survivor

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LBT Fanfiction / Great Valley Wedding
« on: April 10, 2013, 03:27:04 PM »
Ali returned to the Great Valley and was having sleep stories about Littlefoot. Ali was tired of migrating and wanted to live with Littlefoot. Littlefoot couldn't stop thinking about Ali and when he found her he said "Since you left the Great Valley I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I can't live without you." Ali said "Since I left I got depressed and I knew I couldn't live my life without you. My life is worthless without you." Littlefoot asked "Ali will you mate with me?" Ali said "Of course I will."

Littlefoot and Ali kissed then they approached Grandpa. Littlefoot said "Me and Ali will be mates." Grandpa smiled and said "It would be an honor to perform your mating ceremony." Littlefoot and Ali went to see their friends. Littlefoot and Ali said "We are going to be mates." Everyone congratulated them.

A few days later Littlefoot and Ali were ready for the mating ceremony and the whole valley attended. Grandpa said "We are gathered here today to join Littlefoot and Ali as mates." Littlefoot and Ali faced each other and Littlefoot said "Since I watched my mother die I have been waiting for someone to love. When you helped me find the night flower to cure my grandpa I fell in love with you and I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you." Ali said "After we cured your grandpa and I left with my herd I never stopped thinking about you. You were in every sleep story. I got depressed without you and even thought of killing myself if I couldn't live with you." Grandpa said "If any one objects to this union speak now." Everyone was silent. Grandpa asked "Littlefoot do you take Ali to be you mate for as long as you live?" Littlefoot said "I do." "Ali do you take Littlefoot to be your mate for as long as you live?" Ali said "I do." Grandpa said "You may now kiss your mate." Littlefoot and Ali kissed for several minutes.

Before they went to sleep Ali gave Littlefoot a neck rub witch he enjoyed. As they fell asleep they dreamed of the future together.

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