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Topics - thelonedinosaur27

Pages: 1
General Land Before Time / LBT 14 accidently confirmed in my interview
« on: November 25, 2014, 09:38:10 PM »
Hello guys, I have some great news for you all, so please be sure to do me the courtesy to read what I have to say here.  I've decided its time to release this interview in celebration of the new Jurassic Park trailer releasing.  First, a bit of a backstory.  

I am a long time fan of The Land Before Time.  I grew up watching them.  Even the sequels, which, you either like them, or you don't.  I actually really enjoy most of the songs too.  I've always wanted to be a voice actor/actor.  Recently, I managed to snag a phone interview with the voice of Ducky since the fifth film, Aria Curzon.  How did this happen?  Well basically, I was going through a really tough breakup during the summer of this year (2014).  I listened to LBT songs online one night to cheer me up, (I'd often listen to Disney type songs to help me sleep).  When listening to 'Always there', I had a major breakdown and began crying.  In fact, I can't listen to that particular song without tearing up.  It has such an emotional connection to me.  Anyways, I started researching the cast and eventually found that Aria had a Gofundme campaign for her current acting endeavors.  I donated.  And I in turn requested an interview.  It took a couple months for me to actually do the interview, but it was worth it.  

Ok, this is where it gets serious.  I'm going to give you guys a link to the interview.  Its about 25 minutes long, but there are pictures to go along with the interview, so as to have something to look at if need be.  Theres also a table of contents which has time frames in the video to topics we talk about.  If I sound nervous interviewing her, its because I was.  I have a lot of respect for her and I'm still in touch with her to this day.  I was talking to the voice of a character I grew up with, and was basically in shock the whole interview.  I'm really in shock at one point when, yes, she accidentally spills the beans on the development of a new LBT.  

Heres what I don't want.  I don't want this to get out to the whole world.  I don't want everyone blabbing to CNN or whatever about this - keep it to yourself.  The fact is, Universal (or whoever is in charge right now) hasn't decided to announce this for real yet, so please respect that by not shouting it to the world.  Yes, be excited, be happy there will be a new film, for the new generation, but don't make this spiral out of control in the animation community.  Ok, I'm trusting everyone here, and after watching, we can all discuss this further with speculation, hopes for the new film, predictions, and all that good stuff.  As a new member of this community, I will be participating in this discussion to the best of my ability.  

Without further a due, here is the interview:

I expect this board to blow up after this, since this is the biggest news we have AT ALL in regards to the future of the franchise.

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