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Messages - crazedwriter

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General Land Before Time / Time span between LBT movies
« on: July 25, 2009, 04:17:42 PM »
I know most such stories are frozen in time, like most comic strips. The characters never age or die. However, since LBT does deal with sickness, survival and death, I wonder how much time goes by between each episode. I've noticed in the original LBT and the first sequel Littlefoot and pals seem less "babyish", somewhat larger physically,  and the voices seem to lose that toddler tone.

So what is the time span from LBT I to the latest sequel? Months, years? How long did it take to get to the Great Valley in the '88 movie? Or do we suspend belief that time really stands still?

I'm just glad LBT is not a soap opera or our favorite kid dinos would be SORAS-ed (Soap Opera Rapid Aging Syndrome) to mid-life crisis. :DD

Sound Off! / What are your favorite background musics?
« on: July 15, 2009, 06:21:57 PM »
You mean background music as in instrumental, no vocals. Something we play while we're surfing the web, writing our fan fiction, cruising GoF topics, etc.?

Gee, my musical tastes run from early baroque to old school R&B to post-modern jazz, even some C&W and bluegrass, maybe traditional gospel when I'm in the mood. Right now, since I'm trying to map out the rest of a big fat crossover fanfic, classical and 30's & 40's swing fit the bill since the story centers around music. I can' t give any specific titles, artists or works, but music does help make it easier to write and concentrate. :)

The Fridge / wow
« on: June 28, 2009, 04:14:35 PM »
I just saw that about Billy Mays on Twitter. What gives? Four celebrities dying within days of each other. :cry Is someone trying to tell us something?

Tim McGraw sings, "Live like you're dying." We never know when it'll be our turn. :(

The Fridge / Michael Jackson died at the age of 50
« on: June 25, 2009, 11:34:40 PM »
Celebrity deaths usually come in 3's, but I don't think they've been this close together. Ed McMahon two days ago, Farrah this morning, and now Michael Jackson this evening. What a big loss!  :cry

Computer and Electronics / Google's Latest Logo
« on: June 06, 2009, 05:06:41 PM »
I always look forward to Google's special logos. I'd thought they'd have one for D-Day (Didn't they have one last year? Can't remember), but the tribute to Tetris is really cool.  One of my all-time favorite old school GameBoy games.  :wow

LBT Fanfiction / fan-fiction idea
« on: May 27, 2009, 07:03:36 PM »
Sounds really interesting and I'd love to read it when it's done. :smile

Adapting a classic to LBT or any other modern movie or TV show can be daunting. I did an adaptation of Carmen using Disney's Dinosaur as inspiration. I used Kron in the Escamillo role, used Eema and Bruton as secondaries, but had original characters as the other principals.  BTW, I had toyed with doing a LBT Canterbury Tales using LBT X as inspiration but I scrapped it (for now) since I'm swamped with work and home stuff.  Then there was that StarWars version of The Odyssey...  :blink:

Maybe you could invent your own characters for the principles but generously use LBT regulars throughout. Maybe Thicknose can stand in for the Friar. He seems the sort. :lol: One question: Will it end like R&J?

The Fridge / Your stand on Walmart
« on: May 24, 2009, 01:28:58 PM »
I live close to 2 Walmarts, and yes I will shop there on occasion. Given the choice of big box "superstores" , I'd choose Target or Meijer. Both have better track records Re: customers and employees (I worked at both), and both have what Walmart so sadly lacks: Class.

My sister insists Walmart is reaping the benefits of the recession, hoping hard times last longer. Less $$$ in consumers' pockets means more will flock to Walmart, thus more profit for "Wally World". Do I smell a conspiracy?  :blink:

I only shop there when I absolutely have to, like when I need crochet thread or yarn. Otherwise, I can pass it by. Their produce and meats suck big time. Don't get their clothes, especially those Faded Glory socks. I have circulation issues, and Wally World's socks are the bane of my existence. Why do they have a thin elastic the cuff??!!  Stupid stupid! :mad Get thee to Target!

The Welcome Center / nabend
« on: May 08, 2009, 10:56:54 PM »
Spanish was my 2nd language. The only German I know was enough to get me through listening to Schubert lieder in my college music appreciation classes! Hmm...Maybe I can learn some more.   :lol
Anyway, welcome to the GoF. You'll love it here. :)

I made my first site at Geocities back in '97. Then Geocities was one of the best places to build a site. A true community of folks with similar interests. I liked the neighborhood concept, but as they say all good things must end. When Yahoo bought out Geo all the bells & whistles we loved were gone. I'm so glad I moved my site from Geo to its present home, though it's costing me. Honestly, one can't find a good free host anymore. They're either all pay-by-month or have so many technical problems. I'd recommend 250Free but they're really not that realible, too much downtime and serious technical glitches.  :(

I'll miss Geo only in it's pre Yahoo days. Now? I could care less, and I was soooooo wishing to be rid of the space.  Guess my wish came true. :lol

The Fridge / Dom Deluise Dies at 75
« on: May 05, 2009, 05:18:50 PM »
I've always enjoyed Dom's unique brand of comedy. And he cooked too! I have his first, Eat This!, so to honor his memory, I'm preparing a couple dishes for tonight's dinner. RIP Dom.

The Fridge / Swine Flu
« on: May 02, 2009, 11:08:45 PM »
Quote from: The Chronicler,May 2 2009 on  11:13 AM
I find it quite ridiculous that some schools have actually closed as a result of this new disease. And it's only been in the media for about a week, I think. :rolleyes:
I got news for you. Two schools here are now closed for one week. Yep, won't open until May 11 as ordered by the state. Get this...How many kids have H1N1? Only 1 kid in each school!  Read all about it. :blink: There'd been times when 4 or more teachers and a handful of students -- in the same school -- were out sick the same week, and this was during so called regular cold and flu season. Life simply went on. Now? Because of 2 sick kids in separate schools? OMG it's the end! Sorry for the large font, but it's to get a point across. :wacko:

Thanks alot news media for blowing this story extremely out of proportion.

The Fridge / Swine Flu
« on: April 29, 2009, 11:19:44 PM »
The news media has this annoying habit of not telling the whole story, especially in cases like this. Just like the ebola epidemic about 10 years ago,  one has to look at where these diseases are centered, and where are most people dying. Then take a good look at sanitation and hygiene practices. Handwashing is not a priority in some parts of the world -- no running water or indoor plumbing.

I've had serious flu 3 times in my life, and those only lasted a week or so. I got amoxicillan (sp?) and plenty of rest. Oh, and I wash my hands frequently. See, I work in a public school so the hot water and soap really get a workout!   :smile

Just take care and for goodness sake, Wash your hands! :)

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time fanfiction characters
« on: April 29, 2009, 10:55:13 PM »
What is your story about? I always decide this first before even thinking about characters. If this is an LBT fan fiction/movie then what is it about? What is the problem to be solved? Just 2 or 3 lead characters is probably all you need then flesh it out with more. But too many characters -- and your list is way too long spoil even the best story. Don't worry about naming your characters yet, but I'm a bit put off with the JP names, as posted earlier, another Universal franchise. If they're dinosaurs, why not give them LBT-esque names that e.g., tell what they look like. Such as Pterano (but don't use that for your original character!) or describe their personality.

But we can't help you unless we know...What is the story about? Who does what to whom, who wants what, what are they looking for, etc.  And when and where do the LBT regulars, if any, come in during the action? Get your plot in order then work on the character list, and I would suggest trimming that cast list.

LBT Fanfiction / Turning Traitor
« on: April 28, 2009, 01:29:36 PM »
Quote from: JBJB1029,Apr 28 2009 on  08:46 AM
You mean post some topics, that might help me create my movie ideas, and you'll look them over?

Not just topics but whole paragraphs. Maybe the opening scene of your story. Post them so we can read and comment on it. Just start it, "Once upon a time" or something on those lines then take it from there.

LBT Fanfiction / Turning Traitor
« on: April 27, 2009, 04:01:45 PM »
Sounds plausible, but to make someone, particularly a LBT regular, to turn on his friends, the reason had better be good. Don't forget Dennis was up to his eyeballs in debt, so the big bucks promised to him was reason enough to steal dino embryos. On the other hand, what is gained by the LBT turncoat? Can't be money. So what will your traitor character get in return for deceiving his friends.

BTW why not write up a few short scenes of your fan fiction and let us read them. The ideas are there but please get them in print for others to see. And don't worry about if it's too "weird". My stuff is pretty left of center, and somehow people actually like it. Go figure.

Silver Screen / Disney Movies
« on: March 21, 2009, 02:03:02 PM »
While I love nearly all the Disney animated films, Lion King has to be my #1 favorite. A perfect blend of storytelling from all angles. Drama, comedy, tragedy, and the right music to fit. I've seen all the movies from Snow White onwards. Going to a Disney movie was a big after-school treat (We got to go Downtown -- on the bus -- a big thrill for us :lol:).  

One Disney movie I didn't see on the list. Fantasia, my #2 favorite. The 1940's original though Fantasia 2000 has its merits, too.  Visual music...Who knew it would be big.

Attic Treasures / Reading the Classics?
« on: March 12, 2009, 06:17:58 PM »
Wow, what an impressive list of great reads. OK, how about some classic non-fiction? Same as for fiction, classic non-fic stands the test of time and examines the human condition. One thing stands out: Somehow the non-fic actually changes history, society, and culture. It can even change attitudes towards people and things deemed "different" years ago. While it's heavy on women's and African American studies (Hey I studied sociology, history, and education :lol ), this is a partial  list of personally favorite classic non-fiction: :)

The Prince
Up from Slavery
The Souls of Black Folk -- WEB Dubois
David Walker's Appeal (very early abolitionist work)
The Jungle -- Upton Sinclair
The Wealth of Nations
Silent Spring
The Feminine Mystique
Why We Can't Wait -- MLK, Jr.
Autobiography of Malcolm X
Passages - Gail Sheehy
Working (any book by Studs Terkel is a joy to read)
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Attic Treasures / Reading the Classics?
« on: March 10, 2009, 06:33:25 PM »
By classics, it's meant those books that made it on the top 100 novels of all time. For me a classic is what has withstood the test of time and always gives insight to the human condition. OK, some classics I've read from junior high on:

Every major Dickens novel

Pride and Prejudice

Jane Eyre

Silas Marner



All Shakespeare's major plays in high school -- and even more in college

To Kill a Mockingbird

Every novel & short story Mark Twain wrote

Lord of the Flies, 1984, Brave New World, Fahernheit 451, Lord of the Rings...

And the list goes on and on... There was lots of classic non-fiction I read from 8th grade all the way through college and grad school, but far too numerous to list here. FWIW I prefer non-fic over fiction, but I'll always read a good book for fun -- if it's good! :lol:

Silver Screen / Saddest Movie Scenes Ever!
« on: March 07, 2009, 11:49:17 PM »
Gee you guys just about covered all my favorite movies, almost.  Of course the saddest of those are:

Littlefoot's mother's death,


Bambi's mother (tastefully off-camera but still packs a potent punch)

When Quasimodo gets heckled at the FoF

When we think Esmeralda is dead.

The Color Purple: Celie and Nettie are forced apart

GWTW: Melanie dies :cry

The Champ: The champ is dies after the fight (btw see the old Wallace Beery version, it's worth it!)

Imitation of Life: When Sarah Jane finally accepts who she is and comes home too late. Her mother has died.

Titanic: When Rose realizes Jack is dead

General Land Before Time / LBT IV plot rip off of Dink TLD episode
« on: March 05, 2009, 07:07:31 PM »
I have the Dinosaur 2-disc collector's edition. On the bonus DVD there are several deleted scenes, but one does stand out. Obviously this was one of several storylines jettisoned. Anyway, this had Aladar traveling with his grandparents and they come to a river infested with Mesozoic crocodilians. Someone gets hurt...I really need to rewatch that scene. I have the general idea down, but the details are a bit fuzzy. :bang Then again, there are some, not blatant, coincidences between the two films.
What a minute, and Dinosaur was released years before LBT X, but this sounds much like LBT X with Littlefoot and grandparents crossing the "icky place" and huge crocodile waiting for an unwary Littlefoot. OK, maybe it's not all ripoff after all, so I stand by the "inspired by" angle.

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