The Gang of Five
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Messages - DarkWolf91

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Wyoh had been so absorbed in trying to watch the other fastrunner without turning away from the fish that the voice coming from behind caught her completely off-guard. Her feathers puffed out in shock as she splashed a few paces forward by reflex, her neck hunching in a defensive posture as she caught sight of the familiar threehorn, still very much alive. She took a moment to examine him, ready to flee if it looked like he wanted a fight, but it seemed that wouldn't be necessary.

Relaxing her stance she gestured toward the light vegetation along the bank with a flick of her head. "Over there." She clarified, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. It felt strange to leave it at that, but what could she say? Part of her wanted to defend their actions, to rationalize what they had done... but it didn't seem like excuses would mean very much to the threehorn that they'd just left for dead. "I'm glad you're still alive." She nodded politely, unhappy with the awkward compromise, but resigned to it. She pretended to return to her fruitless task, glancing furtively at the threehorn in case he decided that he was looking for a fight after all.

Wyoh sighed, and buried her head deeper in her plumage as the two began to snap at eachother. She knew the Swimmer's insult was probably aimed at her, too, but she hardly cared. Tallcrests were different than other fastrunners, even hatchlings of her kind knew that much. The treesweet trees they favored provided most of their nourishment, and each Tallcrest family guarded and cared for their grove of trees in return. Hunting was something they did only in the worst of times.

Have times ever been worse than this? She reflected, remembering the dried flesh she had picked over not too long ago. The act itself didn't bother her- why waste what no one was using? But such meals were empty, unsatisfying. Even the thought of a ripe, juicy treesweet was enough to tie her stomach in knots, and bring tears to her eyes. She hadn't even seen one in so long.

She vaguely heard Buko addressing her, and quickly wiped her eyes in her feathers before raising her head. "I'm alright." She replied, stiffly. "I need to eat, anyway." With sore legs she raised herself and shuffled toward the river. Sure enough, the shining bodies of small fish could be seen flitting here and there under the surface. Lowering her head, she pretended to study the creatures while glancing at Buko out of the corner of her eye. She had never had the opportunity to learn to fish, and was hoping that the smaller fastrunner was planning to begin so that she could get some idea of what she was supposed to do.

Wyoh could see nothing but the river as its shimmering surface came closer and closer, and could barely think as her shaking legs finally came to a stop at its edge. She took gulp after gulp of the cool, clear water until her stomach hurt, then limped over to the shade of a tree on the bank, collapsing beneath it. She tucked her head beneath her feathered arm. The world was too much, and she needed to shut it out.

But she couldn't shut out her own mind. Exhaustion hit her like a mountain of falling rocks, and she couldn't help but think about the threehorn. Like that day so long ago with her little sister, she had run, run, run, and not looked back. Were either of them still alive? Did it matter?

She lifted her head at Aquarius' gasp, and stared over at him listlessly. He didn't seem to be in danger, and all the better. She was spent. "If a bellydragger shows up, tell it to go eat its own tail," the fastrunner grumbled, tucking her head once more under her arm.

The Welcome Center / Re: Hi
« on: July 11, 2018, 05:43:42 PM »
Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay :D

The Welcome Center / Re: Hi friends!
« on: July 05, 2018, 09:04:38 AM »
Welcome! Always good to see new members! Hope you enjoy your stay here :smile

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: July 04, 2018, 02:15:17 PM »
Looks really good to me! The perspective you have in the background is nice, and the character designs are very original :smile

LBT Fanart / Re: Flathead770's Fanart
« on: July 01, 2018, 09:08:29 PM »
Hahaha oh man, Sucky's expression is just perfect. It's that hurt but still optimistic look that perfectly represents her tragic comedy. Great job :smile

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: June 30, 2018, 03:03:42 PM »
Oooh, this one looks very nice! I like their designs. Looking forward to seeing more of your art :smile

Hello and welcome! I'm also a big fan of Gravity Falls, Steven Universe and Over the Garden Wall :smile
You can probably post about your project in "the arts" section :yes

Silver Screen / Re: The Last Jedi spoiler thread
« on: June 30, 2018, 12:16:35 AM »
This isn't Snoke's story, and I personally don't care that they killed him. TLJ had flaws, but that wasn't one of them imho. And I wouldn't be surprised if they addressed his backstory in one of the anthology films- I doubt this is the last we've seen of him.

The Welcome Center / Re: Introducing myself
« on: June 28, 2018, 11:15:42 PM »
Welcome! Hope you enjoy your time here :smile

LBT Fanart / Re: DarkWolf's Fanart Thread
« on: June 28, 2018, 09:44:44 PM »
Thanks everyone! I'm glad to see that so many recognized the homage to the cover of the original film... I thought it was appropriate, heheh :smile Also if there's anything you'd like to see drawn differently about your character in the future, feel free to let me know through here or personal messages :yes

Holy treestars, it looks osom!!!

heh, is that my black lost-somewhere-in-the-land-before-time sharpbeek, flying above Slash? :D His blue-light-grey lines on wings and neck makes him too bright, as I think, but I like his small appearance, thank you!

Thanks!  I'll remember that for future drawings!

Well, that certainly is a happy lot! :lol: As always, the atmosphere is extremely nice in this picture and I mostly approve about how you portrayed the characters! Rinen looks pretty much as intended and his distrust of the others certainly shows in this picture. The way he looks is quite consistent with my descriptions even if it was still a surprise (due to my own vision) to see how you see the threehorn.

Thank you! Feel free to let me know if there's anything about him you'd like me to draw differently in the future :smile

you mean the fanart prompt? :lol

And now I totally need to draw Lizzie myself... great job as always! :D

For some reason I really love how you drew Sovereign's character, looking a lot more sturdy than Cera. Well, guess because he's a guy?

Anyway, that's amazing :D

Whoops! I guess I had the fanfic prompt on the brain :lol Fixed!
And thanks :D

This artwork is absolutely amazing!  :wow I think you have captured everyone quite well, from Rinen's distrust, Wyoh's sincerity, and Buko's... purple-ness I think that you have captured everyone quite well from what we know in the RP.  Also, considering he's my character, I love how utterly out of place Buko looks. :stuck_out_tongue: I can only imagine our threehorn friend is not pleased to having the equivalent of a giant bright neon sign saying "Eat Me" walking with the gang.

Thank you! I knew Buko was bright, but I was surprised to see just HOW bright when compared to the other characters. He even stands out in the image thumbnail :lol

Wow, I knew you were going to do a height chart but I didn't expect something like this. This is amazing mate! :exactly I must say that it is very well done considering the time restraint and speed you had to move at to get this done but it is doesn't distract. The background like seems to be the perfect picture. Rather much like the original cover of the land before time just with different characters and speaking of characters I must say they are all very impressive with a few differences here and there and in some cases different to how I envisioned them but I still think it is good the way it is. The atmosphere I must say is just right with everyone seeming like they have some burden on there shoulders as they journey together.

I am also very impressed with what you've done with Aquarius he is almost exactly like I imagined him and his expression is perfect considering what he has done through. I wish to have seen a bit more detail in his eyes but that is minor. I think you have captured Aquarius image almost perfectly :Mo. I also like how you included Orsur in the background (or at least I think it's him) and Slash looks pretty fierce which seems rather fitting.

Thank you! This is not exactly the height chart, but I guess it just about functions as one for most of the characters :lol I'll be making a simpler image for the height chart that allows for new characters to ba added more easily.

I'm glad you like Aquarius! Unfortunately it was hard to get the detail in with the small scale, but hopefully I'll end up drawing a bigger picture of him in the future :smile And yep, that's Orsur! I also added Leafie, though the person who made that character seems to have disappeared.

I haven't really followed the RP much at all but this is a really cool. Why do only 1 OC when you can do all of the OCs :lol

Looking great as always  :)littlefoot

Thank you! It was definitely rough to finish it in time. Maybe something simpler for the next prompt, haha :oops

LBT Fanart / Re: DarkWolf's Fanart Thread
« on: June 26, 2018, 02:16:14 PM »
Aaaaand here's my fanart prompt entry! All of the characters in the LBT RP so far! The ones who haven't technically made their entrances yet I drew small... but mostly because I ran out of room :p

This was done in a huge rush, so some characters definitely look worse than others... especially Slash, sorry about him :lol

Also, no one really mentioned eye color in their descriptions so I just used whatever colors looked good. If anybody wants me to use different eye colors in the future, just let me know :smile

Heheh sorry to Rinen... if the Fastrunners had seen a way to help him without dying they probably would have, but they're too practical to go rushing in madly :p
Though I imagine this will probably lead to some interesting character conflict when they meet back up.

I'm about to work on the character height chart for reference, so if everyone who wants to be included could give me the height and size of their characters as compared to other characters in the Land Before Time series, I'd appreciate that :smile I'll be updating this comment with the heights/sizes that I already have.

So far:

Aquarius - Slightly larger than Ducky

Lizzie - About the same size as Littlefoot (estimated as roughly 120-150cm tall, 300cm long)

Shade - A bit smaller than Pterano

Slash - About the size of the Sharptooth (I think this is what you said, let me know if I'm wrong :p )

Buko - About the same size as Ruby

Wyoh - A head or so taller than Ruby

Rinen - Noticeably larger than Cera, about 1/5th the size of a fully grown threehorn

LBT Fanart / Re: Fanart Prompt Challenge Discussion
« on: June 22, 2018, 08:41:44 PM »
I should have something done... probably very rough though :P

That sounds good to me :smile

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion
« on: June 03, 2018, 09:15:47 PM »
Ooooh going to have to get in on this :D

Starday Wishes / Happy Starday. rhombus!
« on: May 28, 2018, 01:02:00 AM »
Happy Starday! Hope it's a good one :smile

Silver Screen / The Last Jedi spoiler thread
« on: May 25, 2018, 08:51:41 PM »
I agree completely, I don't know how anybody who's seen the prequels recently can honestly say that they're better. Heck, Jar-Jar Binks wasn't even the biggest problem with those films! I can understand not linking the Last Jedi as it certainly had its flaws (though I LOVED it for a number of reasons), but calling it "the worst star wars ever" and "not real star wars" is overdramatic, and akin to throwing a giant hissy-fit. Though I've loved and watched Star Wars for a very long time, I've never been involved with the fandom, and now I can say I'm glad for that.

LBT Fanart / DarkWolf's Fanart Thread
« on: May 20, 2018, 09:50:17 PM »
Thanks so much, guys! I really enjoyed drawing the gang again, it's been too long!
And Flathead, I know what you mean- clouds are reeeally tricky with colored pencils. I have an easier time with them when using watercolors and other paints, as well as markers (though markers are tricky for other reasons).

Next up is another commission for Rhombus, a hypothetical Mender with feathers! Nightmare or alternate universe? No one knows :p

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