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Messages - babidikrakenguard

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 58
Animation / The Horned King and the Ice Cream Cone of Doom
« on: October 01, 2010, 03:30:14 PM »
Look at what sort of randomness i come up with while eating Slim Jim's.. But if im eating Slim Jim's, why did i stick him with an ice cream?  :crazy I was going to have him eating a small ice cream with the ^_^ face but i used the wrong one and decided to super-size the ice cream. It turned out the Villainilla Ice-Cream he ordered was bigger then he thought..  :smile Other possibilities was him with a bottle of soda with a straw and getting a "brain freeze". I would have Creeper in the picture, unfortunately i still haven't made him yet..

It turned out the Extra Large Villainilla Ice-Cream that the Horned King ordered was alot bigger then he thought..

Ask Me / Ask away!
« on: October 01, 2010, 11:38:08 AM »
Because he was such an emotionless guy. Because he was such a nasty guy. Both. No emotion on his face what so ever. Although i actually did see a smirk or two during "At Worlds End". During the scene in At World's End before the big battle, Will and Jack switch places and Beckett quickly scoots over so Jack has to stand next to Davy Jones. When it shows Beckett, he had one big smirk on his face. Was pretty good i have to admit, but Beckett is probably my least favorite out of all the Disney Villains combined.

As for Gothmog? Well, look at the guy! His looks pretty much sealed the deal there.. The whole side-stepping the boulder didn't help much either. That and the fact it never showed him getting killed. :p But i got used to him and he became one of my favoritest characters from the movies. As for how? I dont know. After watching the movie a few times i started to like him and then it got to the point where he was my second favorite from the movies(First being the Witch-King). Alas, by that time the Extended Edition came out and it showed him getting killed.

"Arg, he got killed. I don't want him to die now, i like him!"

Animation / The Horned King and Creeper
« on: September 27, 2010, 11:44:18 AM »
Creeper had decided one time to try and get some payback for getting strangled left and right all the time. What better way for revenge then to sneak up to the Horned King from behind and put some cold ice on his back(Smart, huh?)?

Unfortunately, the Horned King had turned around just in time to see the crime before it was even committed..

Ask Me / Ask away!
« on: September 24, 2010, 09:40:59 AM »
Yeah, i know.. I just thought i would spell it "Drule" though. ^_^

Not really. Atleast not that i know of.. Davy Jones on the other hand? He is pretty unique for a Disney Villain. I dont recall ever seeing a Disney Villain like him, that's for sure! But other then that, cant say i really know for sure.  :DD But if there is one villain that i dont like, it's Cutler Beckett. :bang People say the Horned King was a flat character in the Black Cauldron? Look at Beckett, the guy doesn't even show emotion in the movies!  :anger Non-Disney wise, remember Gothmog? Yeah, im afraid to say i was one of many that hated the orc. But i eventually decided "Ahh, not his fault he's like that. Might as well just leave him be." and it eventually turned into "Wow! He's awesome! How come i didn't like him before?"  :p How? Long story.. Kinda involves browsing a shop for various LOTR stuff and letting out a loud gasp when i found a Mini-Gothmog-On-Warg.  :nyah

Ask Me / Ask away!
« on: September 22, 2010, 11:49:18 PM »
"Villains rule and Heroes Drule!"

Actually, im not really sure myself. I've always loved the villains ever since i was a little itty bitty sea squirt. I was never afraid of Chernabog or the Horned King. I thought they were completely normal.. When it comes to Disney Villains.  :p  Why, i gladly ran up to Jafar and gave him a hug when i was little one time at the parks without a second thought. Sure, Gaston or Frollo might have given me a few nightmares or two, but i wasn't actually afraid of them. Not to mentioned i loved the Skeksis when i was little.. Besides that, it's the villains that make the stories, and it's not just the Disney Villains either. It pretty much applies to all villains, Disney and Non-Disney alike. FernGully, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, they just wouldn't be the same without our loveable villains. Think about it, without the villains, the stories would be pretty boring otherwise(Fine example is Sleeping Beauty) There is also so much stuff that we dont know about them. The Horned King for example.. Do you know how painful it was writing down his history there isn't really much known about him?  :blink: It's the villains that spark my curiosity!

But, yeah.. I either grew up weird or.. Grew up weird..  :crazy  :smile

Ask Me / Ask away!
« on: September 22, 2010, 10:05:00 AM »
They do kinda look like the Skeksis(The movements), although the Skeksis look more like vultures then owls. :p

Alright, the first thing that pops into my head was "The skeksis look like frogs?" Because, well, Frogmouth.. When i clicked it on i was like: "Wow! They do!" And then i realised "Wait a minute, their birds.. Oops. :p" they do look familier, but im not sure from where.. :p Also, im not really sure they actually are owls although they really look like them to me.  :p

Yes, i just woke up so i am slow.. :p

The Party Room / The Person Above Me
« on: September 21, 2010, 06:42:07 PM »
TPAM has an avatar that i thought was Spike with vampire teeth :p

LBT Fanfiction / BabidiKrakenGuard's Piccy's
« on: September 19, 2010, 01:35:46 AM »
Here you go, Pangy! Expect to see this up in the captions section..  :lol

It was for this Roleplay Board where you roleplay as the Disney Characters(Guess who i signed up as? :DD) and there is this section where you can have other Disney characters asking your character a question. I decided to make one, and i decided to make this picture to go with it..

"Ladies and gentlemen." Began a small, green, goblin-like creature known as Creeper who acted as the announcer. Judging by his tone of voice, he was choosing his words carefully.. "This Q&A Session will feature his majesty, the Horned King!" And quickly aftarwards, Creeper whispered through the microphone: "But i would recommend choosing your questions very carefully as he is known to strangle things.."

And with that, the announcer stepped down to let the Horned King take over. The Horned King looked over at the "CAUTION: I WILL STRANGLE" sign next to the microphone and gave Creeper and the other castmembers a cold look. "Expect to earn some when this is over and done with.." The Horned King hissed, eyes glowing red for a brief moment. The Horned King then turned his attention back to the crowd and waited for their questions. He was also thinking to himself: How did it come to this?

The Party Room / The Person Above Me
« on: September 19, 2010, 12:58:11 AM »
TPAM Enjoys putting up captions for the Horned King ^_^

The Party Room / The Person Above Me
« on: September 17, 2010, 08:11:38 AM »
TPAM called me a him as well! Im a her! :p

Yeah, i know. I need to update that story..  :( I wont give up, but im afraid i be very slow im afraid.. :(

The Party Room / The Person Above Me
« on: September 16, 2010, 01:51:09 PM »
TPAM made one of those doodlies with buttons that everyone(except me) makes.

Although the part half kinda looks kerscuffled. Could be wrong.. But really, kerscuffled or not, How the heck do you make stuff like that!? :p

Ask Me / Ask away!
« on: September 15, 2010, 12:12:07 PM »
As i've said before in one of the previous responses: T-Rex, Spinosaur or Velociraptor but i would probably be.. Im not sure.  :smile Im leaning towards Raptor, but at the same time i think it would be really cool to be a T-Rex. I cant decide!  :lol

Ask Me / Ask away!
« on: September 12, 2010, 12:10:44 PM »
Pan-Jee :p :p

The Party Room / What are you thinking about?
« on: September 12, 2010, 12:34:08 AM »
Quote from: Pangaea,Sep 10 2010 on  11:33 PM
ï What has been wrong with my brain lately?! I forget things constantly; my creative well is as dry as Death Valley; I never feel like doing anything but sleeping; I can barely even think straight! :bang :bang :bang :bang
Pangy, i miss-read "Death Valley" as "Darth Vader"..  :blink:

Jeez, i really feel bad for the Black Cauldron.. It's coming out on the 14th(I so happy!) and i have not seen any commerciels for it. Prince of Persia on the other hand? Lots of commerciels there! :nyah It's no wonder that movie isn't populer if Disney treats it like that..  :unsure:

Wow. General Woundwort was probably my least favorite character in Watership Down. But after watching all the episodes of the TV Series, i think he was my favoritest character in it!  :p

Ugh, the Skeksis from the Dark Crystal are so difficult when your trying to make little icons of them..  :crazy (Kinda like my Horned King and Maleficent ones..)

Soon the Black Cauldron will be mine.. Dang nab it.. Soon the Black Cauldron will drive me insane!

It's pretty sad that i get very skittery when playing Morrowind, isn't it? I tell ya, the game gives me nightmares sometimes! Do you know how awful it is, trying to swing your sword at a bunch of bandits and doing no damage to them while they're pretty much ganging up on you and killing you right off the bat? being chased by wild animals and running at walking speed? Or wandering in a dark cave and all of a sudden have a skeleton fall ontop of your characters head all of a sudden? Boy oh boy..  :blink:

Hehehehe, It's so much fun roleplaying as the Horned King!  :nyah

I read someplace that there will be a movie in 2013 called "Rats of NIHM".. Having watched(and loved!) Don Bluth's "The Secret of N.I.H.M", im not sure if this is a cool idea or a bad idea..

Ask Me / Ask Pangaea
« on: September 11, 2010, 03:24:29 PM »
What is your favorite Dinosaur? ^_^

The Party Room / The Person Above Me
« on: September 09, 2010, 10:21:23 PM »
Bah says I!

Ozzy does not like TPAM because TPAM has vegetables in their username.

Sorry, couldn't think of anything else.. :( "No brother of mine is going to eat vegetation!"

The Party Room / The Person Above Me
« on: September 09, 2010, 01:16:52 PM »
Why does everybody think im a He? :p :lol

TPAM's avatar is wearing sunglasses.. :p

Ask Me / Ask ze boss something.
« on: September 08, 2010, 03:39:18 PM »

How did you stumble on Watership Down? What do you like most about it? Which version did you prefer: Novel, Movie or TV Series?

Sorry, three questions.. :(

The Party Room / The Person Above Me
« on: September 08, 2010, 03:36:58 PM »
TPAM has me confused..  :blink:  (Im a she! :p)

The Party Room / The Person Above Me
« on: September 07, 2010, 06:14:24 PM »
TPAM is correct.. :D

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