The Gang of Five
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Messages - Caustizer

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Ask Me / Ask Pangaea
« on: June 27, 2011, 09:21:21 AM »
Are you as interested in the GoF awards as you were last year?

Ask Me / Questions? Go ahead and ask me
« on: June 27, 2011, 09:18:30 AM »
If Sky and Star have a daughter, what would her name be?  What would her tail vane and coat colour be?

I was thinking of calling her Crystal, and having a diamond tail similar to her father, but I'm interested to hear what you think.

LBT Fanart / Sky's Artworks
« on: June 27, 2011, 09:15:51 AM »
This is a great picture from an artistic standpoint, but it almost seems a bit immature of Star to fall into Sky's arms weeping over the fact he is going away for a while.  I had always thought of her as grown up and mature, so this kind of thing is a bit childish for her in my eyes (of course you probably view her differently then I do :angel). As a supportive mate, I would expect her to behave more rationally, possibly kissing him goodbye.

I look forward to whatever new art you decide to do, and I'm glad your over your depression now!  See you when I get back on Tuesday.


P.S. I really look forward to seeing Cloud and Glide in the new style too  :smile

LBT Fanfiction / Far Away Home: Another Day
« on: June 19, 2011, 02:19:10 PM »
Part II:

Sky and his young son Cloud spent two hours fishing, and even made a race out of it to see who could be the first one to catch a brown one… a rare and delicious species of water swimmer in the Abyss Lake that usually took a lot of tries to catch. The blue wingtail ended up catching one first, but doing the fatherly thing he threw it back so Cloud wouldn’t see. Eventually after an hour his son finally got one, and had to whack it on the rocks a few times to kill it.

“Easy, easy!” chided Sky as he grabbed Cloud to prevent him from splitting the poor water swimmer through repeated smacks with his beak, “it’s dead already… there’s no need to hurt yourself.”

“Just making sure he doesn’t get away,” answered the dark blue wingtail with a bit of frustration, “… like the last two did.”

Suddenly Cloud’s face lit up with excitement.

“Hey! I beat you didn’t I?” he teased with a laugh, “that means you’re a rotten runner egg!”

“Yeah I guess I am,” admitted Sky, rolling his eyes so his son wouldn’t see, “now let’s hurry up and eat. Your mother wouldn’t like it if I took you to class late.”

Later in the day Sky and his son Cloud flew together through the trees of the Feral Forest, dodging numerous other wingtails who were just waking up for morning water swimmer catching. Day after day the old wingtail credo, ëthe early flyer gets the fish’ was proven true and today was no different with father and son beating the rush by about half an hour. With the daily routine being as strong as it was here, Sky was somewhat surprised that the water swimmers hadn’t caught on and hid during the morning hours… but then again they were stupid though. Thankfully it remained the case, since otherwise they would never eat!

Cloud banked sharply to the left, and Sky followed him passively.

“Where are you going?” asked the blue wingtail casually, “I thought your class got together by the Cordial Springs.”

“Yeah we do,” answered Cloud, “but mom and the other teachers go to the gathering tree first to talk about what we get to do today. I wanna see her before it starts.”

“Your mother is not your teacher?” asked Sky with a hint of surprise.

“No,” answered the dark blue wingtail with disappointment, “it’s not my season… we all got Mr. Pridewing instead.”

Sky nodded his head in understanding. Wingtail schooling worked by yearlings, where all the wingtails born in between each rainy time were given a teacher for the rest of their lives until they were too old to be taught. This meant that when a particular teacher’s class had gone for three seasons, his/her students were finished and the next and newest set of young wingtails became their new charges. In this particular case Star and Cloud had both come back at the same time, where the scarlet wingtail returned to her current class and the dark blue wingtail joined the new class under Pridewing. The only exception to these rules was Aizon, who had recently returned to wingtail society and offered to ëcontinue’ to teach older students if they were of high potential. Given the navy blue wingtail’s near exalted status since the sharptooth attack, demand was predictably overwhelming. Cloud talked about him a lot, and how when he grew up he wanted to ëbe a Creator just like him!’… a desire that made his father proud.

“There she is!” blurted Cloud with excitement.

The dark blue wingtail dove rapidly into the tops of the tree where all the teachers were together in a circle. Sky followed him in and landed softly within the branches.

“Mommy, mommy!”

Star turned from where she was talking with the other three, and Sky saw her face brighten up at the sight of her first and only son. She opened up her arms, and Cloud sprung forward into them. He was so fast she almost lost her balance and fell off the branch. Whipping her tail around another appendage, the possibly of falling was suddenly no longer a concern.

“Wow your getting very strong aren’t you?” Star commented with a smile as she rubbed her nose against his head, nuzzling his frill out of place.

“We went water swimmer catching this morning my dear,” put out Sky timidly. Having so recently returned to the Feral Forest, seeing her beautiful face so often was getting the better of him. He loved her so much, he found it difficult to express.

“Did you now?” replied Star, in what was more a statement then a question. Cloud pulled his head out of her chest feathers and looked up.

“Guess what mom. I caught a brown one first, so daddy’s a rotten runner egg!”

Sky sniffed in embarrassment, and covered his head a bit. Star chuckled, and slipped out of Cloud’s grasp towards her mate.

“I think I knew that already,” she replied in a friendly manner, hopping a branch so she was right next to Sky, “… and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Leaning forward, she licked him on the cheek. Passionately, Sky licked her back. It almost seemed like every time she kissed him it took him off his feet and straight into the air. Even after all this time together, Star still was his world. It didn’t even bother him that Cloud was making an expression of disgust.

“Hmm, is that a hair sticking up I see?” commented Star as she turned and noticed Cloud sticking out his tongue.

“Eeek!” squawked the dark blue wingtail, and he shot away before his mom could catch him… not that she really tried.

The scarlet wingtail was still smiling when she turned back towards her mate, who was bearing a thoughtful expression.

“Do you think I could go with him to class,” Sky asked sincerely, “just to make sure everything is alright?”

“Cloud’s very strong Sky,” answered Star with confidence as she watched her son fly away towards the Springs for his lesson, “he can take care of himself. My brother has made sure to teach him that.”

The blue wingtail shifted uncomfortably on his perch.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you dear about Glide’s lessons. Do you… really think he needs to be taught that way?”

Star closed her eyes and sighed.

“There’s something you should know, Sky… when he started classes the other winglings teased and bullied him. It was so bad I… we had to do something.”

“But why?” uttered the blue wingtail in shock, “…why are they picking on Cloud?”

“Well…” his mate said as she turned to look him in the eyes, and her expression was dire, “…because of you. After what happened with the sharpteeth and the trials and all of that a lot of them were raised by their parents to believe that you are a… bad wingtail.”

Sky’s throat sunk into his stomach. He hadn’t even thought that his previous life would have such a huge effect on his offspring. Suddenly he felt like he was a failure of a father and a failure of a wingtail. How could he have done this to his son that he loved so much? Star grabbed both his wrists, and pulled him lightly towards her body.

“I love you so much Sky,” she continued sincerely, “but I had to make it stop, and Glide knew exactly how. He has been teaching Cloud how to fight and protect himself, and these past few seasons it has been working, though I still worry that he doesn’t have any friends…”

“You don’t need to my love,” interrupted Sky, “I’ll take care of everything… I’ll become a teacher here and set things right.”

Star smiled, and she kissed him again.

“I know you will Sky. Please don’t do anything that will get you hurt… there are a lot of wingtails that think the elders went too soft on you.”

Sky grinned and spread his wings with confidence.

“Trust me.”

And on that note the blue wingtail took off to follow his son, and to try and make right the past wrongs he had committed.

LBT Fanfiction / Far Away Home: Another Day
« on: June 19, 2011, 02:16:58 PM »
Hey all,

I understand my commitments to Far Away Home and Ruby In the Jungle once that is done, but during the past month and a half Sky hasn't been feeling that good so I decided to do a short story just for him, called Far Away Home: Another Day. This story isn't completely done either, but here are two of the three parts I had planned to do.

Land Before Time: Another Day
By: Caustizer

*Note to Readers: This is a non cannon Far Away Home story I felt like writing on the side. I hope you like it. Some of the material might actually make it into the real story at some point*

Part I:

Sky’s dream was interrupted by a small annoying burst of wind, followed by a familiar voice he could barely make out as he slipped back into consciousness. The blue wingtail slowly opened his eyes, and with a light squawk he yawned and stretched his wingtails. Blinking a few times, his eyes settled on the mottled bunch of feathers that rested on the branch in front of him.

“Come on dad, get up!” insisted Cloud impatiently and he flapped his wings again ,rustling Sky’s feathers.

Absently, the adult blue wingtail turned his head to peer at the horizon.

“…Is it circle rise already?” he moaned.

A single glance told him that it definitely wasn’t, as the sun had just begun to crest the forest on the other side of the Abyssal Lake. It was at least an hour, maybe more, before his usual wake up time. When he was younger Sky would have been up and about now for sure, along with the other adolescent wingtails hoping to get the best of the catch before the seniors took up all the space on the sunning rocks… but times had changed and now that there were no more evil sharpteeth attacking or wingtails hunting him down there was absolutely no reason to interrupt a perfectly good sleep. Besides, he was having a good dream.

“Dad…” groaned Cloud as his father shut his eyes and stuffed his beak under one of his wings.

“Why don’t you bother your mother instead?” suggested Sky sleepily.

Cloud looked over to where Star, his mom, was cooing softly in her sleep on another branch. He didn’t want to wake her up though not only because she was so nice to him all the time, but because he had a very special reason for pestering his father on this particular morning.

“You said we would go water swimmer catching today… ëbright and early’.”

The young dark blue wingtail used his unique talent to imitate his father’s voice on the last line, though there wasn’t much recognition or even a stirring from Sky at all unfortunately. Cloud hopped up and down once and growled in frustration.

Sky sighed, remembering that he had in fact promised his only son they would be going out fishing today… but the blue wingtail hadn’t intended to do it this early. Still half unconscious and unwilling to get up, the wingtail emitted a loud snoring sound to show he was going back to sleep.

“Hah,” snarled Glide, “I knew a lazy lair like you didn’t know how to be a proper father.”

Suddenly Sky snapped awake, ready to face down his brother in law again, only to find that the black wingtail wasn’t there at all. The father wingtail jerked his head around a few times sharply, making sure Glide wasn’t hiding somewhere about to get he spring on him. Cloud couldn’t help himself, and burst out laughing.

“Hehe, I tricked you,” chuckled the little wingtail, “…you’re not afraid of anything, except Uncle Glide.”

In a moment Sky clued in what had happened. His young son had impersonated his brother-in-law, and he had done it almost perfectly. Tucking away any annoyance he felt or indignation at being tricked he did the fatherly thing and rubbed Cloud’s head frill with his hand.

“Ah you rotten little bunch of feathers… you got me.”

Cloud curled away from his dad’s rustling hand, and corrected his feathers with a few streaks of his fingers. He was smiling back.

“Alright… I guess we are going now then…”

“Yay!” celebrated Cloud, before he quickly covered his mouth in a too late attempt to stop from waking up all the wingtails for a kilometre radius.

Taking the lead, Sky jumped up off the branch and took off into the air. His son swiftly followed, and soon the two wingtails were swooping higher and higher in the air. Once they found an updraft he moved to lecture his son on proper riding procedures only to find that not only was Cloud good at it, his son was rising faster then he was!

“Where did you learn to do that?” asked Sky with mild surprise as the two of them reached the peak of the invisible whirl.

“Uncle Glide taught me,” answered his dark blue son with glee.

“He did, did he?” commented Sky in return, before he ducked downwards into a shallow dive, “… when does he teach you these things?”

“Oh he does it every morning,” replied Cloud matter of factly, “he gets up so early he even wakes me up sometimes. Uncle Glide gets mad when I sleep in… he says it wastes valuable training time.”

“Training?” inquired Sky with a spark of concerned curiosity, “…but what about your classes every other day?”

“I do them both. It’s important that I do so I’m ready.”

“Ready for what?” asked Sky again, a little more concerned this time.

“…To survive on my own when the water swimmers go away and I have to fight the other wingtails! I can’t wait to get out there and show them who’s boss.”

Sky contorted his face with confusion, before finally understanding what was going on. His Uncle Glide was riding Cloud, training him to fight and steal and dominate just like the black wingtail did when he was younger. Giving his brother in law some credit, times were very hard back then especially without his parents and a young sister to take care of… but that was no excuse to step in and raise his nephew to be that way. It almost scared the blue wingtail to think of having a son turn out as stern and cold hearted as Glide did.

“It is certainly a good thing your getting into good shape,” commented Sky as his son flew circles around him with energy, “but keep in mind your Uncle didn’t have his loving parents to take care of him like you do.”

Cloud stopped circling and hovered right in front of him.

“But you’re never around… usually it’s just me and mom.”

The young wingtail meant no confrontation, but still the statement stung like a sharp barb in the wing. Sky had obligations else ware… more specifically back in the Great Valley as a teacher… but it hurt him to know that he couldn’t be here all the time for his son in the Feral Forest. The blue adult wingtail wished there was some way he could have the best of both worlds. Silently his son swooped down and around, gliding up to his father’s side as they both flew onwards towards the lake.

“I know,” he answered after a bit of time, “and I wish I could be… but when I’m not make sure you remember that while your Uncle has a good heart and we both love him, some of the things he says and does can be nasty and not always the best for you. Don’t feel like you have to do something he tells you to if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“Okay…” replied Cloud, though it sounded a bit like a groan of boredom.

“Now enough of this,” added Sky with enthusiasm as he curved down into a dive towards the surface of the lake, “let’s catch us some breakfast shall we?”

“Yay!” answered the dark blue wingtail with excitement as he followed his father downwards, “Last one to catch a brown one is a rotten runner egg!”


LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Far Away Home
« on: June 19, 2011, 01:50:40 PM »
Coming in with an update from the Midwestern United States.

I'm currently chasing tornadoes in tornado alley and having a total blast... it seems like things are getting better and better each day with strong storms popping up everywhere.  The oppertunity came up for me to extend my stay, so I have taken it which means I will be away from the GOF for another week. Unfortunately this means little to no progress has been made on Far Away Home since I left. :(

Bear with me and be patient, because I do plan to finish the story with summer :angel.


Ask Me / Ask a Question of Me
« on: June 07, 2011, 10:04:39 PM »
Recently I've actually written a small offshoot story for Sky, since he is feeling kind of down these days.  Its a non cannon story about Sky and his son, but I don't want to post it until its done because its so short.  If you want me to send what I have to you just ask!

The next chapter of Far Away Home is about one third done... my new job is quite physical and leaves me tired when I come home so I don't get in the mood to work on it as often as I used to.  I'm glad your still interested, and that you've been patient to allow me to answer this question.

Caustizer :angel

The Fridge / I graduated yesterday!
« on: June 05, 2011, 08:31:25 PM »
Good luck in college and congradulations on your graduation Brek!

LBT Fanfiction / Quest for the Mask of Life
« on: June 02, 2011, 05:00:36 PM »
This chapter kept my interest pretty good... you are improving with each one and I can see the characters becoming more and more real and less robotic (pun not intended).  I agree on all of Pangaea's points that the gang did not feel present enough during some very important conversations, and yet in Littlefoot's case would discuss weapons and concepts that would be beyond their understanding as dinosaurs - the best instance being when Littlefoot and the Toa have a discussion about the 'new gun' that one of them created.

At the beginning of the chapter it would have definately added to it to include the members of the gang deciding which group to go with, since a character like Cera is going to have a different idea as to how to help the Toa then say Petrie.

A small thing I noticed that will improve your story flow is this set of sentences here:

Littlefoot turned back to Velika and Toa Jaller. Unlike the green Zamor spheres the Piraka had used, these spheres were blue. Littlefoot was curious what was inside those spheres.

As the Po-Matoran handed the last of the spheres to Toa Jaller...

In this case, the word 'spheres' appears four times in three sentences.  What I do is use synonyms such as 'orbs' or 'globes' and alternate between lines to improve the flow and make it sound better.

One thing that I have to mention is that I liked your little conflict between two of the Toa, which is one of the first times I have noticed in detail a case where two of the good guys directly don't get along.  This type of character development is something that should be done more often, and is highly welcome in my eyes.

Caustizer :angel

LBT Fanart / Sky's Artworks
« on: May 27, 2011, 01:13:35 PM »
Even though it is really sad, I like this picture because it shows them both in a scene in their new form.  I do wonder why they are crying though, as the only thing bad enough that I can think of that would cause that would be if one of their offspring died. :sad

Keep up the good work and don't get too down... sometimes all it takes to brighten things up is to go to bed early and wake up the next day feeling fresh.


Ask Me / Questions? Go ahead and ask me
« on: May 26, 2011, 10:07:05 PM »
What are you so sad about that you felt like you had to express it through Sky and Star crying?

Starday Wishes / Happy Star Day, Dima02!
« on: May 20, 2011, 11:16:13 AM »
Happy Star Day again! Sorry I missed it this year.

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: May 16, 2011, 11:31:56 PM »
Interesting ideas Sky.  Maybe you should be a writer too!

I had an idea a few days ago I was kicking around for the last episode, but I never got around to typing it up.

Essentially Part 1 proceeds as normal until the ponies are all dressed up and they reach the gates of Canterlot.  They line up behind some other ponies who are waiting to get in where a guard at the gate calls off names and checks them off as they get in (all of them minor characters from previous episodes).  

Once it's the Ponies' turn Luna interrupts the Guard when she shows up in her grown (and well dressed) form to 'greet the guests, in accordance with a request from her sister'.  All the ponies are shocked, and as they watch she takes their names and checks for them on the list without any recognition.

Luna: "Let's see... Twilight Sparkle and friends... hmm... it does not look like you are on the list I am afraid... what a pity."

A confrontation ensues, and the guards escort the ponies away.  Infuriated that Luna has come back to ruin their big day, each of the ponies in turn suggest and try different ways to get into the castle to speak to the princess but they all fail (Pinkie Pie tries a disguise but it falls off, Rainbow Dash tries to bolt in a window but they are magiked shut, and Twilight tries a spell to make the guards ignore them but it instead turns them into chickens).  The whole time Spike has an idea, but he gets ignored until everyone has tried and failed.

Finally at the end Spike says 'Why not just send her a letter?'.  They do it, and the Princess lets them in right away.  Going up to Celestria's Throne (with Luna right there beside her) they storm on about how Luna took them off the list so they would miss their big day.

It turns out that Celestria actually forgot to put them on because she had been so busy.  She apologizes to the ponies and suggests they do the same to Luna.  Twilight does, but Luna sticks up her nose and prances away.

Celestria: "Don't worry, I'm sure she'll come around eventually.  In the meantime you are all missing the gala..."

The episode ends as Part 1 of the 'Best Night Ever', with Part 2 being almost identical to the one they aired last week.

Ask Me / Questions? Go ahead and ask me
« on: May 16, 2011, 05:52:56 PM »
How has your perception of your own wingtails changed since I started writing Far Away Home?

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Far Away Home
« on: May 16, 2011, 08:05:47 AM »
Just wondering: does “season” in this sense refer to the passage of a full year, or an individual stage of a year, as in winter, spring, etc.?

Dinosaurs in this story (not sure how they do it in the Land Before Time as a whole) mark the passage of time in two seasons as opposed to what humans do with four.

So in this case, it has been just over a year since they left the Great Valley.

It’s okay Petrie,” admitted Ducky with understanding, “he does that to me all the time, he does.”
Did you deliberately have Ducky use a contraction here (to imply that her speech pattern is changing as she matures), or is this a mistake?

Perhaps :angel

I'll make the required corrections as well.

Ask Me / Ask a Question of Me
« on: May 15, 2011, 11:15:46 AM »
I decided to split the gang up for a few reasons, but the main one was that keeping them together would produce a group of such size that the individual characters would inevitably get very few lines (as in real life, the few dominant personalities would end up speaking for the others).

I guess I can summerize them as follows:

1) Offers more Plot oppertunities as well as exploring more of the world that otherwise would never be seen (like the Feral Forest, the Abyss Lake, etc).  It also allows for the two groups to have wildly different interactions both with the main and secondary villians as well as the good guys.

2) Ensures all characters get the 'screen' time they should get, while allowing space for new and interesting characters to be added and developed.

3) Allows for a 'break' from a certain storyline in favour of another.

4) Allows for multiple villians and cases of villiany.  For instance, did you notice that there was a big switch in the story where the villian that terrorizes one group gets taken down by the other?

5) Gives you a different impression of the same character from two different groups in some cases (ie with Glide and Star).

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Far Away Home
« on: May 12, 2011, 11:57:33 PM »
Quote from: Pangaea,May 12 2011 on  09:56 PM
I feel so bad for not posting here sooner! :bang

At the moment, my mind is too deep in the proverbial gutter for me to concentrate on writing a review (as has been the case for the last several days), but I promise I'll post one in this spot when I'm feeling less brain-dead.
Maybe you just need a vacation.  I get that feeling too when I do the same things over and over and get sick of them.

Ask Me / Ask Pangaea
« on: May 12, 2011, 09:14:37 PM »
What have you been up to lately?

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: May 12, 2011, 08:51:10 PM »
I was slightly dissapointed at the ending, since the beginning was so epic I was hoping it would have some closure.  Instead, it just proved to be another 'lesson learned' episode that didn't really answer some of the main questions of the series such as what happened to Luna or where Spike came from.

The Party Room / what is the member above good at
« on: May 06, 2011, 05:50:47 PM »
TPAM has a good sense of creativity, and has an interesting selection of avatar.

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