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Messages - JitteryDragon

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Finished RP's / Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel
« on: June 15, 2010, 12:21:52 AM »
Glacia followed, and they picked up her brother along the way. Incendia was quite well, as far as he was considered being... anyway. 'Hey cool, a squirell, I like squirrels,' Incendia began.

Glacia rolled her eyes, and turned to Stripetail. 'Is this some sort of war? I'm not too big on wars and fighting and such... but saying that, the two of us have been stuck in situations where use of force was required.'

'Hey, sis, remember that time we were aboard that ship and all those aliens were running at us and you were like: "Oh my god! Aliens!" and I was like: "Pie!" and then we ran for our lives and hid... then we fixed the Toaster and woke up in a closet.' Incendia sighed, 'seems like it was only yesterday.'

'Technically, it was.'

Incendia paused. 'Oh.'

Finished RP's / Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel
« on: June 15, 2010, 12:08:11 AM »
Just before Stripetail could open the door, it burst open from the other side. A small ice blue dragon stood at the now very open doorway. 'I'm looking for a "Squirrel mage",' she said, looking about the room with intruige. Her eyes fixed upon Stripetail. 'Aha! Wait... you look familiar. Have we uh... met before?'

Glacia rubbed her head. 'Woah, Deja Vu. Aw well, happens all the time. Name's Glacia, and I was looking for you. I was told you might have some answers to what exactly is going on around here. I should probably tell you my story first, though...'

Glacia explained in short detail how she and her brother Incendia had arrived through an invention known as the Time Traveling Toaster. All that she knew was that it had a tendancy to throw the brother and sister duo into situations that were either bizarre, dangerous, awesome... or all of the above.

Character Discussion / The Theory to Petrie's Bad Grammar
« on: June 14, 2010, 09:56:29 AM »
Not to bust in as some sort of grammatical know it all, or something... but my assumption of why exactly Petrie spoke the way he does was as a play on his nervous nature. Using "Me" at the beginning of a sentence is one way to portray a character as either less intelligent, unconfident in themselves or less educated in a particular language.

Petrie in most circumstance is shown as quite a smart little fellow, in most cases. The language portrayal is a difficult to pin down, since there is very little discussion over the topic of speaking. Nor is there any case of anyone actually questioning why Petrie speaks the way he does. Sure, he spoke like that when they first met... but that brings me to a more logical explanation.

When we first meet Petrie, he is nervous and unconfident in his ability to fly (as well, supposedly, his bravery). That is portrayed to younger children by his speaking manner, in which we can quickly identify with his nature, showing in the way he refers to himself. It is much easier to identify that a character is nervous and jumpy when they have a manner of speech that matches it. Think, for example, what Petrie would be like if he was the way he was, but spoke in a more literate manner: "I'm Petrie," as opposed to "Me... me Petrie," or the way he reacts when presented with some sort of danger. The words don't exactly come out of his mouth very well in those circumstances.

Short answer: Petrie speaks the way he does because it better portrays his character traits.

Finished RP's / Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel
« on: June 12, 2010, 12:29:34 AM »
'Commander!? This squirrel mage person thing is a commander?' Glacia's face went a little bit pale. 'Why do I have a bad feeling about this?'

'I have a funny feeling in my tummy,' Incendia said.

They arrived shortly after at the first floor, and Glacia was more than happy to push her brother into the arms of one of the doctors.

'What happened to him?' The doctor asked.

'Toaster to the head,' Glacia said.

Incendia looked up at the doctor. 'Are you THE doctor? I liked that show, Tom Baker was my favourite. The best part was when that alien popped out his chest... no, wait.'

The doctor was quick to conclude a mild concussion, and the little orange dragon was given some ice, a bandage across the head, and told to get some bed rest. Glacia was glad to have her burden of a brother taken off her for the moment, though she breathed a sigh of relief when she was told he would be fine in a few hours. 'You worry me sometimes, little brother.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 12, 2010, 12:07:15 AM »
Glacia had that look of determination in her eyes now. She raised her striking hand, and brought the racquet down upon the ball with all her might and fury and stuff.

In order to prevent myself from turning this into some sort of horrific prose/overly narrated action sequence (featuring a montage, bullet time, and a musical dance number halfway through), we'll cut to the chase.

Both sides had everything to fight for, but finally it was Muttley who made the mistake of putting the ball into the net, which is bad. This made him grumble, a lot.

Glacia just stood there. 'Um, did I win?' She wasn't sure. This whole time she wasn't too sure of what was going on. it was if her mind had really been on the ball, so to speak.

Finished RP's / Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel
« on: June 12, 2010, 12:05:50 AM »
'Purpose?' Glacia said. 'Uh... well here's the thing. We kinda don't have a reason for being here. We just found ourselves here. One minute we were on board this starship trying to fix our Time Travelling Toaster and get back home... and the next thing we knew we're inside a closet, and I hate closets.'

'I like cats. They taste delicious,' Incendia added.

'Please ignore him, he has a concussion. Speaking of which, could one of you please point us to either a doctor... or a "squirrel mage", we were told that they would have answers to what this place is. I mean, it's not like we're going anywhere at the moment.' Glacia turned to her brother and gave him a cold stare. 'Our only means of FINALLY getting home was broken... again. And, now we're stuck at square one once more.'

'I don't want to marry the microwave,' Incendia said, stumbling a bit. 'I already married the space turtle. Where's the spoon?'

Finished RP's / Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel
« on: June 11, 2010, 11:44:03 PM »
Glacia wiped the lemon pie from her face. 'Squirrel mage, right. Answers are always a good thing.'

'Answers are the questions to the one million dollar... uh... oooh, lemon pie,' Incendia helped himself to some of the lemon pie that had covered his sister.

Glacia tried to ignore the fact her brother was eating pie off her face, and proceeded past the pie throwing ghost (giving her a wide berth) towards the stairs once more.

'I hope I don't up like that when I become a ghost,' Glacia mumbled, before turning to her brother. 'Righto, to the squirrel mage we go. Now, there's a couple of words I'd thought I would ever use in one sentence.'

'I would,' Incendia said.

'I know you would, ya weirdo.'

'I like cheese.'

Glacia sighed. 'Please be quiet, for five minutes at least.'

Finished RP's / Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel
« on: June 11, 2010, 11:23:59 PM »
Incendia clutched at his face. 'Oh no, facehugger! Get it off get it off GET IT OFF,' he screamed, flying backwards and tripping over an inconveniently placed lamp. 'I don't want to be in Aliens again!'

'Not the welcome I was expecting,' Glacia said to the ghost, ignoring her brother. 'Are you friend, foe, or comedy relief? Answer quickly, my belly fills with ice breath as we speak, and you wouldn't want to cop a load of that... trust me.'

It should be noted at this point that yes, Glacia is a dragon that breaths ice. Pretty cool, huh? No?


Anywho, back onto the plot.

Finished RP's / Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel
« on: June 11, 2010, 11:13:39 PM »
No reply, only that lonely echo of ones own voice from beyond the darkness of the hallway. Glacia noticed it was cold, being an ice dragon made her feel this sort of sensation often... but there was certainly a odd chill about the place. Glacia had only been here for say, a minute... but she was beginning to get the creeps already.

Incedia jumped excitedly, puller his sisters hand. 'Hey look, stairs!'

She glanced over the where he was now pointing. 'Yes, those are clearly stairs... nicely noticed.'

'It's okay, we're safe. Daleks can't climb stairs.'

'Please be quiet and follow me.' She led he brother (by the hand) down the stairs. Hopefully this place was at least partially civilized.

Finished RP's / Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel
« on: June 11, 2010, 11:05:24 PM »
There was this hotel. It was very significant to the plot and such... considering the whole arc was named after it. Refugees from many towns had found shelter within the walls, and soon enough... it received two more.

It was a quiet, empty room... possibly a closet. It had a broom in it, so it probably was. I mean, you don't get brooms in toilets now-a-days... do you?

In a scene that totally ripped of the Terminator movies, there was a flash of light, filling the room with vibrant shades of blue and reflections of a world beyond reality. Teleportation was taking place, possibly even time travel. But that's all jargon, the short story is that two dragons were thrown from the thundering silver sphere of energetic energy.

One was blue, and she rubbed her head shortly after it had collided with a wall. 'Ouch, that hurt.' She looked around the small room. 'A closet,' she deducted from the fact that it was a closet. 'I hate closets. Did I mention I was claustrophobic? No, then... I'M CLAUSTROPHOBIC GET ME OUT OF HERE!'

She heard a groan, and something touched her feet.

'Incendia, is that you?' The female dragon asked.

'Bannanas!' Came the reply.

'Yes, that's Incendia. Right, now to get outta here before I freak out,' she continued, calming herself with deep breaths. She searched the tiny room and found the door handle. It slid open, revealing a poorly lit bedroom. 'That was easier than expected.' She turned to Incendia. 'Right, brother, that's the last time I trust you with the Time Travelling Toaster... say, where is the-'

It was in peices, lying on the ground beside a wild eyed orange dragon.


'Oh, hello Glacia. I like butterflies.'

It was at this point, Glacia noticed the lump and small trickle of blood from her brothers head. 'Ah, I see what's happened here. The Toaster somehow landed on your head, breaking both it and you.'

'I agree dear Watson! Monkey dishwasher! I want to dance, dance with me Hamlet.'

'Mild concussion, I deduct. Come, let's find you some ice or... a new brain. Wait a second, where are we?'

'Disney Land!'

'Be quiet and follow me, brother.' She led her mildly head-sore brother out of the room and into a hallway. 'Anyone home?' She called.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 10, 2010, 01:28:37 AM »
Muttley took the second game. it was a good fight, Glacia thought, all things considered. What was a victory without the challenge? Still, she had to get the victory first.

When he had taken the game, Muttley just pointed and laughed in that strange snickering manner of his, a far cry from how he had acted the previous game...

'Oh, shoosh you big ninny,' Glacia said, trying not to look too frustrated with herself. What would everyone else think if the stranger from beyond lost against a big hairy dog... thing? Not a lot, possibly.

Incendia wasn't paying much attention. Not that it was a big surprise or anything, but it was certainly better than him running off and doing something stupidly dangerous and awesome. Sports events bored him, that also wasn't a big surprise. Considering the little orange dragon was more content to watch some guy on the opposite side of the stadium pick his nose rather than the actual match was a testament to how his mind worked. In other words, very strangely.

Glacia was more interested in the match, for sure... since she was playing in it. The score was tied, last match, sweat pouring down her face, exausted. She wouldn't have it any other way. 'Bring it on,' she said, waving her racquet, a devilish smile upon her face.

Starday Wishes / Happy Starday JitteryDragon!
« on: June 08, 2010, 09:06:31 AM »
Thank you very, very much guys. It means a whole bunch to me, it really does. I feel old, though.

Was a good day, though. Me got a whole bunch of presents: about 6 DVDs, a whole bunch of Warhammer, money from the grandparents (gotta love em). Heres to another year of weirdness and video making and chilling out in the most badass little community in existence!

Also... CAKE!

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 03, 2010, 10:18:01 PM »
The tennis match proved to be exciting and furious... well, as far as tennis went. Both sides played not only a battle of physical skill, but one of wits and some other fancy stuff.

Glacia became more and more annoyed by the way the mutt snickered whenever he won a game, or she made a fault. It made her angry, more than Incendia could ever muster... though that was fair, he was her brother. Muttley was a stranger to Glacia, a very annoying and deceitful one, mind you.

He also made line calls that were obviously in her favor. Striptail would announce this, but Muttley would still argue with both. She guessed that he was playing mind games with her, but could the little rascal really be that clever? She had to doubt it.

The first set fell into Glacia's hands, mostly through a cool head near the end. 'Just hit the ball,' she said to herself. 'No fancy tricks, no skillful maneuvers, just let Muttley make the mistakes.'

At the announcement of Glacia winning the first set, Muttley was more than a little annoyed. He grumbled something along the lines of 'Sassafrassarassum Gracia,' before tossing his racquet aside.

Glacia was a little more sporting. 'I won the set? I won the set?! Woohoo! In your face Muttley!'

Or not...

General Land Before Time / The Land Before Time 12 Review
« on: June 03, 2010, 07:53:17 AM »
As 12 is my favorite of the later films, and Guido is my personal favorite secondary character... I was hoping for a good review of the movie and not just another slack attempt at movie bashing like some of the previous fellows have tried.

I found this review to be very interesting and insightful. He came from an excellent viewpoint, and pointed out some interesting stuff. As Pokeplayer said, very open minded. A little long for my tastes (seriously, the movie was only just a bit longer, lol), but overall one of the better reviews of this ongoing series.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 03, 2010, 07:52:46 AM »
Glacia happily wandered over to the net and exchanged handshakes with Muttley. It wasn't exactly a formal exchange between the two, although the spectators probably couldn't really see the aggressiveness of the two. Glacia hadn't played tennis in perhaps years, and the mutt looked determined to get a victory at all costs.

The blue dragon took her spot on the line, bouncing a ball in her hand and twirling a racquet. 'Right, here goes.'

'Use the force, luke... er I mean Glacia,' yelled her brother from his seat.

'Quiet, please,' Stripetail announced over loudspeaker.

'Sorry!' Incendia shouted.

Glacia merely rolled her eyes and tossed the ball into the air, and brought her racquet into it with the fury of an angry raccoon with a stick attacking a beehive... or something like that.

Muttley returned the ball across the net, proving that he indeed had some skill... much to the chagrin of Glacia. So, it wasn't going to be an easy match after all.

Back and forth the ball bounced and flew, turning heads like a burning clown running around in circles.

Finally the green ball of fury bounced between Muttleys legs, and flew straight into a wall. The wall in question was mildly annoyed by this.

'Game, Glacia,' Stripetail announced, much to the little blue dragons glee. Still, this was only the beginning of one of the greatest battles since... yesterday.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 02, 2010, 01:56:11 AM »
Glacia made her way into the first court, racquet still in hand, practicing a few swings. She did a few warm up jumps, a bit odd considering she was an ice dragon, but who needs physics...

All she needed to do now was wait for her opponent, Muttley.

meanwhile, Incendia had found a nice comfortable seat. He had also found a hot dog stand, and consumed his newly acquired food with great gusto. 'Oh great and mystical hot dog, wonder of the universe... where would I be without you? Possibly more slim, but whatever... hot dog! Nom nom nom!'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 02, 2010, 01:34:51 AM »
Glacia looked over to Stripetail. 'He should be thankful that he doesn't have to put up with Incendia constantly,' she said.

'My head hurts,' Incendia groaned. 'I feel like I've just been hit with a frying pan.'

'I can keep adding to that,' Glacia replied. 'Now, go find a seat and stay there, please.'

Incendia gave a salute. 'Aye aye, captain!'

She turned, and proceeded to head out to the court.

'Hey sis...'

Glacia turned back. 'What?'

Incendia smiled that giddy little grin of his. 'Good luck!'

'Thanks,' she replied with a smile, before turning back once more.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 02, 2010, 01:17:22 AM »
'Righto,' Glacia said. 'That must mean me.' She twirled her racket once more, and struck a pose. Just then, the camera zoomed in, and some awesome posing music started laying. 'Let's do this!'

'Don't make too much of a racquet,' Incendia said, killing the mood entirely.

Glacia just stared, whilst her brother giggled. 'Racquet? Racket? Get it?'

'Can I borrow that frying pan for a sec, brother?'

'Um... sure. Here ya go. But, why would you need the-'


'Point taken...' Incendia said, with pan over his head.

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:59:59 AM »
Glacia sighed. 'That's the way it goes... mostly. Much like the time he learned to stop poking bees nests after one fell on his head.' She shrugged her shoulders, 'I guess it's best for him to learn a lesson or two about the usefulness of kitchenware outside of a kitchen.'

'What frying pan?' Incendia asked innocently.

'The one you didn't take back.'

'I don't know what you're taking about. I don't have a frying pan, honest.'

'It's still in your hand,' Glacia helpfully pointed out.

Incendia looked to his right hand, and surely enough, there it was. 'Curses! Foiled again!'

Glacia simply rolled her eyes. 'Whatever, Incendia. Keep it. if you lose, it's your own fault.'

Random Role Play / Adventures In ToonWorld
« on: June 02, 2010, 12:30:03 AM »
'Interesting,' Glacia said. 'You'd be amazed what pops up when you're least expecting it. We've been around, the two of us... for better or worse, and the kinds of danger we've been through together... well, sometimes I think our lives are some sort of adventure. A mix between comedy and the bizarre, given how we get around (usually by accidental interdimentional travel, wormholes, or through rabbit holes).'

She sighed momentarily. 'Actually, this whole venture looks like it's to be one of our calmer adventures. I mean seriously, tennis, what could possibly go wrong?'

Meanwhile, Incendia had returned...with a frying pan in his right hand. 'Hey sis, look what I've found!'

'A frying pan, well done. Pass go and collect two hundred dollars.'

'Can I keep it? I totally didn't steal it or anything!'

'No. Now please take it back before the game begins.'

'Aww, okay.' Luckily, Incendia had cleverly crossed his fingers behind his back, which meant he could keep it... according to him. So instead, he decided to just hide it. Where? You don't want to know.

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