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Messages - Campion1

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 41
Silver Screen / Kung Fu Panda sequels
« on: April 14, 2012, 01:46:44 PM »
Scrattelover, I saw no parallels between those films you mentioned and Kung fu panda. Most of those films were ripoffs of other stuff to begin with. Kung fu panda was the first "Good" thing to come from dreamworks in a long time.

Gamers Zone / Metroid: Other M
« on: March 27, 2012, 01:04:27 AM »

Glad I haven't gotten too much into this series outside of the gameplay

Gamers Zone / DLC in gaming
« on: March 18, 2012, 04:26:29 PM »
The main reason I don't like DLC is because it's content that should have came with the original game to begin with.

Gamers Zone / Used Games Ban for next XBox
« on: March 11, 2012, 10:21:43 PM »
I'd rather read a an article confirming it's true than one that's talking about it as a rumor. Otherwise, nothing to discuss. It's a rumor.

The Fridge / Member Appreciation Thread
« on: March 06, 2012, 06:10:31 PM »
Just wanted to say thank you very much, Mr. Jansenov

Gamers Zone / Confessions of A GameStop Employee
« on: March 03, 2012, 03:05:19 PM »
These articles have a serious habit of generalizing issues to a large majority of gamers and the very gamestop employees themselves based on his isolated, individual experiences. It comes off more as ignorant and assumptious than entertaining to read.

Gamers Zone / The Elder Scrolls V
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:08:33 AM »
My spouses AI is kinda messed up, considering when I tell him that he can move into my house, he ends up SPRINTING back and forth from my house to his mine workplace. I'm STILL waiting for that damn 1.4 patch!!!!

Gamers Zone / The Elder Scrolls V
« on: February 01, 2012, 10:32:38 PM »
I am resurrecting this thread to advertise the fact I wrote a review on this game, which can be found at Amazon here:

Gamers Zone / Resident Evil
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:42:16 PM »
Well yes, you would indeed feel tense and scenes would be suspenseful because that's a part of the hectic action that the game puts you through. If there was anything I found frightening about the combat in the game it was that most of it involved close quarters encounters with sharp instruments, only multiplied by ten. The backtracking in four you referenced wasn't quite the same as returning to the already horrific fun house mansion filled up with hunters and crimson zombies (Another newly added mechanic that was practically genius in the context for the backtracking) To add, when I noted all those things, I wasn't exactly criticizing them for what they were, but listing what I thought was totally off the wall of what RE would be.

Of course I don't take any offense to what you said.  :p I can certainly understand why you would see the newer games as still deserving of the title. To me it would seem that you enjoy the excitement that the series offers to you, period, in no matter what fashion it's delivered. There's nothing wrong with that at all! You love it for what it is, and you believe it's right to the source material. However from my view, I would think that in this way, you're confusing the fear and suspense that a game like RE1/2 would administer as compared to the fourth or firth title. You said it yourself that the newer games aren't like the old, and that's what I and others would take issue with since it bares the name "Resident Evil."

Gamers Zone / Resident Evil
« on: January 31, 2012, 05:13:04 PM »
I want clarify that I loved Resident evil 4 when I had bought it so long ago. Of course they had to innovate at some point after so many similar games (fixed camera, literally same mechanics) but it wasn't the newer innovations that made me come to my conclusion over the game being RE or not. It was the very nature of the game.

Let me remind you of some of the things I'm talking about. There is a lazer hallway in which you must jump around in to survive. There is a sequence in which you run away from a giant walking statue. Not only can you kick people in the face, but you can also choke-slam them, along with an array of other wrestling moves. The game occasionally has you fight giant troll like monsters by jumping on them and slashing a creature on it's back. One of the main antagonists is a century old midget. There are quick time events all over the game that have you doing all sorts of ridiculous actions, along with an entire knife fight in one of them. Leon spews one liners. There is a section in which you fight people on moving mine carts. You eventually happen on an island with armed, brainwashed mercenaries. I could just keep on going on and on and on, but i think you get the picture!

RE4 was an incredible action game, and I won't ignore that it did have some creepy bits, as you fight some truly scary umbrella mutations in closed in areas. I don't regret a single second of my playtime with that game and I'll probably be buying it again soon, but I wish that in some way, Capcom would keep to those bits with their newer innovations and make an entire game consisting of nothing but them. As would an actual survival horror game would be, just modernized!

Gamers Zone / Resident Evil
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:56:29 PM »
Resident Evil never involved kicking your enemies in the face while simultaneously throwing incendiary grenades. It involved progressing through enclosed environments with barely capable weaponry and progressively dangerous adversaries who could kill you in seconds with one swipe or in a simple mass. RE4 took all of this and turned into into an fast paced action game. I loved RE4 as much as the next guy, but I could barely call it it an RE game, which I have noticed that many people share the same viewpoint. That is why I said it's only considered RE in a legal sense anymore. It has the trademarked story, characters and settings from the original games, but it's nothing like them. In fact, they were even remade as rail shooters.

Gamers Zone / Resident Evil
« on: January 31, 2012, 07:07:18 AM »
In my opinion, as long as it has the name on it, it is a Resident Evil game.
Only legally speaking, of course. By that thinking, the next RE could have freaking lazer shooting mutated enemies with platforming elements and cover based shooting for all we care.

Oh, wait!

Gamers Zone / Resident Evil
« on: January 30, 2012, 03:21:07 PM »
Looks nothing like Resident Evil anymore to me. That's my view.

Silver Screen / Favorite horror movie?
« on: January 23, 2012, 12:20:19 AM »
The shining

Gamers Zone / Games You've Beaten: 2011 Edition
« on: January 10, 2012, 05:19:12 AM »
I bought my xbox this year  :p

Gta IV
Perfect Dark arcade
Fallout 3
Portal 2
Prince of Persia arcade
Deus Ex human revolution
Pokemon puzzle league on super hard OMG

Not recent games lol

Gamers Zone / Budget games
« on: January 10, 2012, 05:10:49 AM »
I wish. That would mean the end of EA and Call of duty. Haha.

But no seriously I haven't actually seen a data design game in my life. I don't think it really matters

Attic Treasures / What are you reading?
« on: January 09, 2012, 05:11:17 PM »
god is not Great - Christopher hitchens

Gamers Zone / Whatcha playin'?
« on: January 07, 2012, 09:31:00 AM »
Elder scrolls Skyram   :angel  :exactly

Gamers Zone / Deus Ex: Human Revolution
« on: January 03, 2012, 04:31:38 PM »
I beat this game without upgrading augments and I know that trick pretty well.

Gamers Zone / GOF's Games of the Year 2011
« on: December 26, 2011, 07:37:04 PM »

but no srsly? Deus Ex 3

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