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Land Before Time Captions / Evil
« on: August 27, 2010, 05:05:25 PM »
Chomper (With Adam West's Voice): Just remember, nobody must know my true identidy of being.... THE MASKED SHARPTOOTH!

Ducky: okay...

Land Before Time Captions / Evil
« on: August 27, 2010, 02:17:44 PM »
Chomper: come, I'll take you to... 'lunch', muahahahahaha!

Ducky: whaaaaa.....

Land Before Time Captions / Ali to Littlefoot Caption
« on: August 27, 2010, 02:13:25 PM »
Ali: I see a bug in your ear!

Littlefoot: ooooh, that ain't good!

*Had that happen to me one time. had to get it out by pumping it out. hurt like Hell!*

LBT Fanfiction / The Accention Of Rahl Fanfic Charactors...
« on: August 27, 2010, 12:13:31 PM »
Quote from: Pangaea,Aug 26 2010 on  10:28 PM
That drawing in the first post is great! Rahl reminds me a little of the Alien creatures (I thought she looked biomechanical even before I saw the profile). I especially like the design of the head. Are those things on the sides of her face flexible like tentacles, or are they more like horns?

Really interesting idea to make her a Precambrian creature. :! It's a shame she's so militaristic and thinks so little of dinosaurs; it would be interesting to see her get along with them. Although I suppose that might be difficult considering she's a carnivore. Speaking of which, what does she plan for her kind to eat once they take over? Wouldn't it make sense for her to keep some dinosaurs around as a food source, rather than wiping them out entirely?

The Spore version of Rahl is great, too, :yes but the humanoid…um…chest looks very, very strange (Do Galionus suckle their young like mammals? If not, then that feature doesn't make a whole lot of sense, unless it serves some other purpose that is specific to female Galionus). While it goes without saying that she's your creature and you have the right to design her as you please, I don't think you need to give her humanoid characteristics such as an hourglass figure (or even eyelashes, like the LBT dinosaurs) to show that she's female. The way I see it, she's a very alien creature, being a species that dates from even before the ancestors of modern animals evolved shells, eyes, jaws, and bones. Even if her kind developed a body plan that parallels that of later creatures, it would seem very unlikely that the features distinguishing males from females would be the same. Perhaps the spikes of male Galionus could differ in shape, arrangement, length, and/or number from the females'. Or the males could differ in overall size. Personally, I think something like that would make more sense.

In any case, I didn't think she looked very humanoid, especially in the first picture. She has a body plan like a bipedal dinosaur, with a long tail to counterbalance her upper body. That's not the body plan of a creature that spends a lot of time standing completely upright like a human (Even in the Spore picture her spine is clearly at a diagonal angle). And I don't know where her vital organs are located, but if they're inside her upper torso, then she should probably have some form of armor protecting her chest (unless she has natural armor there, in which case she shouldn't have a female-human-like chest).

By the way, the title of this fanfic is meant to be "The Ascension of Rahl", right? You'll want to make sure to spell it right. :angel

On to the other character, Reign (What's the reason for the name, just out of curiosity?). I like the striped pattern you gave her; I assume she inherits that from her father as well? That's an interesting pose you drew her in, too. I like the idea of the stick-chewing habit. :lol And Ali's method of getting her to shut up: :spit Reign's lips look rather strange in the picture, though; even if she's holding a stick in her mouth, I think the visible edges of her mouth should extend farther. (Did you try that and not like how it looked? I see eraser marks.)

Whoa, if she builds rock forts, then they must be pretty big. :o Did her herd migrate like Ali's? (I'm imagining her continually trying to build rock forts, but having to leave them unfinished because her herd has to move on.) I like her attitude about love interests, too. :lol I hope she gets over those racist feelings, though. It's interesting that this time, Ali will be the one who's accepting of other species as friends, and her companion is the one who doesn't like the idea.
lol Okay, I think I should defenantly straiten out some things about the Galionus species.

in the case of the Galionus species, they are reptilic in shape (looking like that of a theropod in most species. reptilic humanoid anthropromorphic in other species) in this instance we are talking about a Komodogalionus.

Komodogalionus are human like. females DO have breasts because dispite their young hatching from eggs, they suckle untill they are old enough to eat meat (after hatching they are like a human baby, they have no teeth). as well as being reptilian they are also insectoid in nature. having charactoristics such as Antenna, insectoid eyes (Multiple in most subspecies), and some are capeble of spitting a venom (Carchagalionus and Profounigalionus are the only two known so far). female Komodogalionus have Five sets of spines on its back. males have three sets of spines. Males are also much more robust, and are much more bulkier. they are also way bigger then females. while Rahl is 16ft a male would be 21ft. males are also much more aggressive while females are like lions. all galionus species have a set of three tenticals on the sides of their head. these tenticals help hold food near the creatures mouth while the beast's hands are free for other uses. Galionus species have two tusks, patruding from the side of its head (well behind the tenticals) and a horn ontop of its head. giving it a triangular look. the tusks where inspired by the mammoth and one species (Brachiogalionus) uses its tusks in the same manner.

the Galionus's stance posture are like my sketch shows. Rahl will only be standing upright to make herself much more taller (Mostly used for intimidation and as a threat and defence display). but will be keeping her body low and parellel to the ground (Like in my sketch) when walking and running. she will also keep her tail elevated for balance.

I don't even know where the creature's vital organs are myself. I am treating my creations like a real creature. untill I plan everything out I'll draw a skeletal structure with organs. the only Galionus that has been observed with its skin removed is Brachiogalionus. wich has a stiff and heavy tail because the bones are more dense. as to weather or not this species shares the same aspect is unknown.

Galionus species sight is also diffrent then most. for Komodogalionus, they have two sets of eyes. one set is for thermal vision, the second is through normal vision (But everything show up in a greenish blue spectrum). Carchagalionus sees in a red spectrum and Profounigalionus sees in a normal vision like we do. others like Tyrannogalionus, and Unagalionus are colorblind. Brachiogalionus have a vision that is similar to the now discredited vision method as Tyrannosaurus Rex. in wich it is mainly motion sence based and will loose you easily in the dark or if you stay perfectly still. Megagalionus sees in a spectrum much like that of a fisheyed lense.

as for the title yeah, I mean The ASCENTION Of Rahl, my spelling is awful, I know. its a shame though, because I can't fix the title of this topic like I can on the Galaxy forums. I may need to ask Petrie or Malte if they can fix that for me.

Reign was named after the word Reign. in actuality, I wanted to spell her name to where it sounded like Rain. but didn't want to risk spelling it to the point to where you can't figure it out. so I settled on Reign. and it sounds cute for her too so yeah.

and yeah, I tried so hard to get her to look like she was chewing on that twig/stick, but after I got it like that I just gave up on it. and yeah she gets the stripes from her father. Ali got her looks more from her mother I believe.

Reign's herd didn't move around as much as Ali's did. so Reign made alot of rock forts because when she finished them, she would miscalculate the size of them and end up making them too small. however, she always left them around. cuz a small creature would always use them themselfs. she'll probley end up loosing the habit when she gets bigger. there are some that where unfinished for some reason or another. I was originaly going to have it that she makes a small burrial mound for somebody in the fanfic. but I may scrap that idea.

Reign's feelings about racial segragation was kept because in the story, Ali will be trying to teach her to abondon them. infact I got a full chaptor in store wich will look upon that as well.

Ali's method of shutting Reign up is ACTUALY based on how a girl at school used to shut me up when I was poking fun at her about a similar situation. Reign's charactor is also based on that same girl.

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 27, 2010, 11:19:57 AM »
Quote from: Pangaea,Aug 26 2010 on  10:24 PM
I've had a habit of taking FOREVER to post in threads lately. :bang

I can’t come up with much to say that I haven’t already said about the original picture, :oops but it’s neat to see the characters in maximum detail. :smile

By the way, TITANOSAUR, I feel like I owe you an apology. I jumped to conclusions about your fanfic, “The Bite of Tornetar”. :oops I assumed from the title, and the knowledge that it involved Grandpa Longneck fighting a giant, murderous sharptooth (and the fact that I had seen numerous gory fanfics with similar general plots), that it was a very violent story. Then I saw some of your posts in other threads (namely one in which you stated your opposition of violent LBT fanfics), and realized that I might have been mistaken. Afterwards I skimmed through your story, and decided that while it was a little confusing in some respects, felt a bit rushed at times, and still wasn’t quite my preferred kind of LBT fanfic, it was definitely not excessively violent, and overall not a bad story. I felt bad about my earlier presumptive comment that it wasn’t the kind of LBT story I would like to read because of its violence level. I’m sorry for saying that.
hey, its quite okay dude, I'm glad you atleast enjoyed it. and it may have been rushed in most parts because I was eager. The Ascention Of Rahl will feature 4 chapters so I'll give that one more thought to its story. one of the things that bothered me about TBOT, is I didn't think it all the way through and the story got messed up in alot of places. I would like to make TBOT into a comic one day though. but I lack the skills to make a comic so yeah, I don't think it'll happen.

Violence in LBT is always gonna be an aspect in my fanfics. but I would never kill off a LBT charactor. and I hate it when it happens in LBT fanfics because it usualy involves one of my favorite charactors being killed off.

Grandpa got the spotlight cuz I felt he didn't have many staring rolls in fanfics or in the movies or TV series (one episode bout it). so I felt he should be givin a bigger roll in TBOT.

Ali will be staring in TAOR because shes my favorite charactor. and I felt she should have a spotlight fanfic that doesn't involve her falling in love with littlefoot or anything like most fanfics (It does get mentioned a couple times but is mostly never touched upon much).

TBOT I wanted to make a change in how fanfics are done. a fanfic can have violence and it can have death. but it doesn't have to involve the death of a LBT charactor. especialy if they die for no reason. but I also like to keep it realistic, if a charactor is going to fight something dangerous they will get injured but I'd never kill anybody.

LBT Fanfiction / The Accention Of Rahl Fanfic Charactors...
« on: August 26, 2010, 08:02:00 PM »
was gonna put a pencer at the end of her tail. but scrapped that idea.

btw the next sketch Rahl will have more of an hour-glass figure. but still be quite muscular.

LBT Fanfiction / The Accention Of Rahl Fanfic Charactors...
« on: August 26, 2010, 07:46:32 PM »
hey everybody, I usualy hate to double post, but I feel this should be marked as a bump. as well as a new post of a new pic.

the next pic is of Rahl made on spore, to help give me an idea of how her armor will look in my next sketch of her. mind you, this is mainly a prototype design. the real sketch will invalve mainly bone and other primitive materials.

Rahl will also look similar to a human female. but her Galionus species is always been known to look humanoid. Rahl's aarmor and clothing will also consist of dinosaur skin (in the fasion of fur coats and clothing, only dinosaur skin).

Slash and Scyth's charactors are still in develoupment.

LBT Fanart / Scratte's New Fanart Thread
« on: August 26, 2010, 06:58:18 PM »
lol what happened to Ruby? Why is she in the mud?

LBT Fanart / Malte's Random LBT fanart
« on: August 26, 2010, 05:08:36 PM »
Hey malte, your art is fantastic! please keep it up.

LBT Fanfiction / Insane Crossover Concept Thread
« on: August 25, 2010, 04:36:18 PM »
Quote from: Belmont2500,Aug 25 2010 on  01:29 PM
The Blues Brothers and LBT
That would actualy be pretty cool. its a shame John Belushi died. he and Littlefoot would make and Awsome duo!

lol I can imagen Jake, Elwood, Littlefoot, Cera, Petrie and the others in the Blues Mobile, goin through the mall. lol!

Elwood: "Pear One and Imports!"

Jake: "Yeah this place has EVERYTHING!"

Littlefoot: "HEY! LBT TOYS!"

LBT Fanfiction / Insane Crossover Concept Thread
« on: August 25, 2010, 01:50:26 PM »

LBT Fanfiction / Insane Crossover Concept Thread
« on: August 25, 2010, 07:49:15 AM »
The Grinch and LBT. The Sharptooth who stole Christmas!

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time WD Fanart Contest Winner
« on: August 24, 2010, 01:52:10 PM »
OR you can accept the money and donate half of it to a worthy charity? just a though I mean. just saying.

$1,000 is an awful lot. I first read what the prize was I thought Pokeplayer made a typo. but now its obvious its no typo.

I agree with what DarkHououmon said about your choices. cuz thems the only ones I can recomend myself.

LBT Fanfiction / Insane Crossover Concept Thread
« on: August 24, 2010, 12:07:50 PM »
CatDog and LBT! and Spongebob and LBT

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time WD Fanart Contest Winner
« on: August 23, 2010, 02:35:22 PM »
Quote from: pokeplayer984,Aug 23 2010 on  12:07 PM
Oh, and I should also say to Sky that people wanted his picture of Longneck Family to be eligible.  People voted for it despite it NOT being eligible just because you didn't get it turned in in time.  You wouldn't believe how much I got begged.  They just loved it.

Honestly, if I had known that, nothing would have stopped me from getting 10 of my friends to vote for me. :p It's too easy to cheat.

Which was the main reason I didn't reveal it in the first place.  I wanted the voting process to be more fair and honest in terms of picking a favorite.
I SAW THAT! OMG it was such a wonderful piece. Sky did an amazing job on it.

Ask Me / Ask The Titan!
« on: August 23, 2010, 09:08:56 AM »
Quote from: Campion1,Aug 23 2010 on  07:00 AM

no, I didn't land anywhere near the Great Valley. met Ali though.

Ask Me / Ask The Titan!
« on: August 23, 2010, 08:50:02 AM »
title says it all. whatcha need to know about the Great Decepticon TITANOSAUR!?

LBT Fanfiction / The Accention Of Rahl Fanfic Charactors...
« on: August 22, 2010, 06:30:31 PM »
thanks Cautizer.

btw heres Ali's Sister's Charactor sheet...

Meet Reign!

Reign's Bio:

Species: Dinosaur

Sub species: Apatosaurus

Age: 8 yrs old.

Hight: 4ft tall

Diet: Herbivore

Gender: Female

Info: Reign is Ali's sister, although she wasn't seen in LBT IV or The Brave Longneck Schame episode. the reason was because her and Ali's father where in a diffrent herd at the time. she reunited with her sister after her father's herd was killed by something big (Tornetar?). she loves to help the herd's leader out as much as she can. she also likes to chew on sticks (a habit her father had himself) much like a hillbilly would chew on a hay straw. Reign's Personality is like that of a Farmgirl/Tomboy. she also has a tendancy to play rough and at times would bite while playing. and dispite the fact that she says she's just playin, she still bites quite hard. she also has a southern accent (also aquired by her father) wich to her sister gets rather aggervating. Reign is unique in her skin pattern as she has strips along her back. she has blue eyes, Purple Stripes, Pink sides. and grey underbelly.

Reign also likes to tease her sister about her and littlefoot at times. wich often ends with Ali biting Reign's tail to shut her up. Reign likes blue Berries and finds them to be just like candy. she hates having to hear Ali talk about other species of dinosaurs being there friends (she retains the racial feelings twards other dinosaurs as most dinosaurs do) as she prefers to keep things the way they always been. she also prefers to eat with her mom then with Ali.

dispite there diffrences. Reign has an Intence feeling of loyalty to her sister. if her sis is in trouble shes ready to risk her own existance to help her. she is also very protective of Ali's reputation among the herd. if anybody questions Ali's desisions then they will face a fierce amount of scoulding by Reign. Reign also thinks Ali should be the herds leader after the Old One retires.

Reign's intelegence is pretty typical for most dinosaurs of her age. but she isn't an moron. Reign is also good at making small rock forts to play in (She once tried it with mud, but that didn't work out too well for her). although she isn't an arcatech, her building skills are seen as an artistic trait.

Reign's Love Interests: Reign considers herself too good for any male. she believes when she gets older, a male will prove himself to her and be her mate.

she still likes to tease Ali about littlefoot however.

Colored picture of reign without stick in her mouth. looks better now I think.

LBT Fanart / Scratte's New Fanart Thread
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:56:49 PM »
I still love it. your sketchs are awsome too!

LBT Fanart / Scratte's New Fanart Thread
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:04:09 PM »
HEY! your stuff is amazing! much better then what I can do on a computer.

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