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Messages - LBTDiclonius

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 6 7 8 ... 88
Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Appreciated Member Award voting 2013
« on: August 27, 2013, 01:14:12 PM »
Hey, I'm on there!

In this case, I'll have to go with Pterano as well. He's always helpful and you can always talk to him quite easily. If you have a problem, he'll always be there, and take time out of his schedule to help you.

The Fridge / My Dog passed away
« on: August 27, 2013, 01:58:56 AM »
I know what it's like to lose a pet, and it certainly doesn't feel good. It's loosing a family member, and I know how hard that is. Take all the time you need, and we'll always be here for you if you need us. :)

The Party Room / The Above Poster's Avatar Is You
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:26:50 PM »
"Is he going to fall down, Tigger! Do be careful, Piglet!"

General Land Before Time / Ever had any LBT dreams at night.
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:24:05 PM »
I'm jealous. I've actually never had an LBT dream myself, and you all make it sound so exciting.  :lol:

The Welcome Center / Long time no see?
« on: August 26, 2013, 02:22:00 PM »
Hey, it's always good to see a familiar face on here. But, I'm not sure we've meet. If not, then it's a pleasure to meet you, and welcome back!

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday PokePlayer!
« on: August 25, 2013, 07:29:52 PM »
Hey, the big 3.0! Happy birthday, and all the best wishes to you!

The Welcome Center / "HELLO, STONEHENGE!" (Oh, wait, wrong show...)
« on: August 25, 2013, 07:24:24 PM »
Well, isn't that funny, I'm drinking tea right now (green tea to be precise).

Did I hear you say Moriarty? May I ask if you're a Sherlock fan? And a Doctor Who fan, awesome! Like you, I only mostly know about the modern series, and have friends who are long-time Whovians as well. This will certainly be fun, now won't it?

Anyway, welcome to the GOF! We hope your stay is a pleasant one!

It's Party Time! / Hangman
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:42:16 PM »
Is there an 'A'?

The Welcome Center / Hello. :)
« on: August 24, 2013, 11:37:47 PM »
Hey there! Welcome to the GOF! Hope your stay is a pleasant one. :)

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Joining Awards 2010
« on: August 22, 2013, 11:18:46 AM »
Three years already? That's crazy! Here's to an awesome three years, and many more to come! :celebrate

The Welcome Center / Hi!
« on: August 21, 2013, 07:51:44 PM »
Hello there, and welcome to the GOF! Hope that your stay here is a pleasant one.

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: August 20, 2013, 08:13:34 PM »
Quote from: Animeboye,Aug 19 2013 on  05:36 PM
Dat wascawwy Howard Stern is at it again.

I don't see what the problem is with Howard. I think he's kinda funny. In this video he reacts to Bronycon 2013.
I'm only, like, two minutes in and this is hilarious. I'm LMFAOing over here.

Personally I really don't care what anyone says about this and my love for My Little f*cking pony. It's a tv show, deal with it.

Starday Wishes / Happy starday, LBTLover1
« on: August 20, 2013, 08:09:34 PM »
Happy, happy, birthday to you! Hope it's a great one!

The Fridge / My fish just died.
« on: August 19, 2013, 07:52:38 PM »
I remember when my fish died. 'Twas quite sad. I'm very sorry to hear about your own fish.

The Fridge / Bruton the Iguanadon
« on: August 18, 2013, 03:27:52 PM »
Hey there. We missed you; it was getting a little quiet on the board. lol

If you want to leave, then you can. I don't think anyone of us on here will hold that against you if you choose to leave. If you stay, then that would be awesome, and we'd love to have you still on here. But, like Darkhououmon said, it kind of is silly to leave just 'cause it's a forum about a children's cartoon. Still, it is your choice.

The Welcome Center / Greetings
« on: August 14, 2013, 08:07:42 PM »
Welcome to the GOF! Hope your stay is a pleasant one!

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Award voting 2013
« on: August 12, 2013, 12:25:41 AM »
Can I post again? I made a decision on the helpful member award, and I hope that it still counts. If not, oh well, here goes nothing.

Helpful Member Award – Pterano: Even in the darkest of times for him, he always has helpful advice for another member in trying times, and he has so much knowledge about many subjects.  He’s been very helpful to me, and a few members in the past, and I think he’s very deserving of the Helpful Member Award this year! Cheers, Pterano!

Attic Treasures / What are you reading?
« on: August 11, 2013, 04:22:40 AM »

By Stephanie Meyer.

Dear Lord give me the strength to finish this book.

By the way, it's just as terrible, if not more so, as what people say about it.

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: August 11, 2013, 01:20:22 AM »
(OOC: Thanks for clearing that up!)

"Hey, Fyn," Nana replied. "I'm Nana. It's nice to meet you. I'm glad you're all right; you looked a little woozy back there. But, I think that we're close to some water, if I'm hearing correctly."

Indeed, she listened closely as they walked forwards, the roaring sound started to become louder.

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Award voting 2013
« on: August 10, 2013, 03:20:01 AM »
Looks like it's that time of year again. This has been super hard for me, since I've made so many good friends on here, but I've finally made my decision! My votes are the ones in BOLD

Fanart Award – somerandomfangirl: I’ve seen her art, and I’m stunned by how much talent this girl possesses! She’s one of my favorite LBT artists, and I always look forward to seeing what kind of picture that she comes up with next! This is why my vote for the Fanart Award goes to you, somerandomfangirl!

Feedback Award – Pangaea: Although he may be slow at times (which is perfectly okay, by the way), his feedback is always WELL-worth the wait. He gives constructive criticism like it’s nobody’s business, and it both polite and respectful while doing so. I’m sure a lot of us here on the GOF will agree with me when I say that Pangaea’s reviews are some of the best around. Here’s to you, Pangaea!

Friendly Member Award – Ducky123: Unfortunately, this lad and I have not exactly talked or had a conversation with each other personally for a while, but I’ve certainly seen him around, and I have to say that I like what I see. He always has a positive air about him, and always encourages people when they’re feeling down. It’s always a fun time when he’s around, and that why I’ll give my vote to Ducky123!

Helpful Member Award – Skip: I can’t choose! There’s way too many helpful people on here that I couldn’t decide on one!

Philosopher Award - Malte279: Was this really a surprise? He types so much, it’s like we have a second Shakespeare. But, that wall o’ text is both informative, and a very pleasant experience to read as well. Whenever I read something of his, I always find myself learning something new, or being re-informed about a topic, and it takes a special kind of person to do that. Without a doubt, Philosopher Award goes to you, Malte279!

Proactive Award – Petrie85: This guy is on so much that it surprises me. He adds to almost any topic, and it helps to keep the forum going and let other people add onto it more before the topic goes ahead and dies. I believe that it helps old and new members find their way around active topics, and encourages them to add their two cents into the discussions too! Keep it up, Petrie85!

Role Play Award – Skip: I’m not a very active role-player, exactly, so I don’t think I’d be able to correctly pick a right person for this.

Good luck to everyone!

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