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Messages - Littlefoot Fan

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Announcements / Big Gang of Five Meeting?
« on: June 21, 2011, 10:00:06 AM »
^^What if one of us unexpectedly showed up at your house one day? How would that feel?
That would be pretty amazing, though I'd have to give ya'll my exact address otherwise you'd be trying every door in pawtucket :lol:

And I like the idea with the video chat. I could probably buy a huge, secondary monitor and a really high def webcam cheaper than I could fly to Europe :p

Announcements / Big Gang of Five Meeting?
« on: June 20, 2011, 11:23:28 PM »
Oh it would be awesome, but unfortunately, I would never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever get an opportunity like that. It is my destiny not to meet any of the people I want to meet on here, and I have learned to accept that :p

Gamers Zone / e3 2011
« on: June 07, 2011, 10:50:51 AM »
Oh wow! Halo CE's getting a remake? That's gotta be the most awesome thing I've heard all year :p

Gamers Zone / Hardest Games Ever!
« on: May 31, 2011, 10:17:21 PM »
Ninja Gaiden 2, without a doubt. The hardest game I have ever played. It's been about 2 years and I still haven't found a game that can even compete with its difficulty. Me and my friend have been through those levels so many freakin times it's not even funny. My friend is not the type to really get angry at video games, but while watching him play this game, I have seen a side of him I never even thought existed. I remember a few times I had to literally force myself to stop playing because I thought I was going to have a conniption. Yea, it's THAT bad. You might laugh but I am dead serious. :p Needless to say, I will never forget the overwhelming rage and fury that this game has instilled upon me.

Gamers Zone / Most annoying bosses or enemies
« on: May 24, 2011, 10:18:57 AM »
Oh man, I could fill this whole topic up with enemies from a Diablo II mod I play, but I'll just list the *really* annoying ones:

Skeleton Knights near the end-game that cast a curse on you, which lowers all of your stats by about 90%. Since all of your gear either has strength or dexterity requirements, this usually results in all of your gear being unequipped, which is probably the most dangerous situation you could be in.

Creatures called "Fireblood" near the end-game that eat the corpses of other enemies and spit huge fireballs at you. If you are hit by one of these, you will almost certainly die.

At the end-game, there are enemies called Steel-Crushers which charge at your character when they see you. If they hit you, they bring your HP down to 1, and you cannot heal your character for about 20 seconds afterwards. I am dead serious on this one. Don't expect to be able to handle them as a melee character.

At the end-game, there are giant magma golems that shoot giant streams of fireballs at your character. If you're caught in one of these streams, you will be constantly stunned and damaged, so you won't be able to move and will eventually die if you don't kill it some other way, or get lucky and somehow make it out of the stream.

And this is my all time personal favorite of them all. In the very last fight, there are tons of blue golems which the final boss summons. When you kill one of these golems, their corpse acts as a sort of booby trap. If you step on it, you will receive a curse that will cause you to die instantly when struck by another enemy. So although there are tons of these things on the screen, fighting them in pairs is a big no-no.

Yes, as you can see, me and my friend have a looooooot of fun with this game :p

Ah, sorry to hear that... I had no idea it would actually come to this, but I understand how difficult it must be having the whole workload on your shoulders. I'm currently pursuing a degree in game design so maybe some time down the road I could help you pick it back up? Just a thought.

Attic Treasures / Do you read Manga?
« on: May 16, 2011, 11:12:21 PM »
There is no way I could ever get into manga. I looked up some naruto manga chapters once and I was just like :x lol Seriously, I have no idea how people can jump back and forth between an anime and a manga. It's like, "hmmm, I could watch this anime on a big screen with surround sound, epic battles, and a kick*** soundtrack, or I could...scroll through some pictures and read some text..." :p

Computer and Electronics /
« on: May 15, 2011, 09:38:47 AM »

fast enough I guess lol

Gamers Zone / Minecraft
« on: May 09, 2011, 12:15:04 AM »
Probably the best way to do this is to plan a day and do it over something like hamachi.

Also, I have fallen in love with new mods. :p Namely Wild Grass and a high res texture pack

Yes that is my cottage, it's very peaceful, except for nighttime when zombies are clawing at my windows :lol:

Gamers Zone / Minecraft
« on: May 08, 2011, 09:08:00 PM »
Hmm I get an error saying "Could not join"...

Gamers Zone / Minecraft
« on: May 08, 2011, 09:06:09 PM »
Sorry I forgot about this topic lol Sure I'll try and join tonight

Computer and Electronics / Protection Options
« on: April 30, 2011, 10:08:26 AM »
I always use Avira now, it has excellent real-time protection, and it's free.

Since using this, I have never had so much as a piece of spyware ever slip through.

Gamers Zone / Minecraft
« on: April 26, 2011, 10:57:22 PM »
oh man, a bunch of us should get together and play on a server :lol: would be awesome  :p

Computer and Electronics / Firefox 4
« on: April 22, 2011, 08:58:47 PM »
I like it, seems like they tried to put as little buttons and menus in your face as possible. Now like 95% of my screen is the actual webpage I'm looking at, and not all this useless crap on the web browser that I could care less about.

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Littlefoot Fan!
« on: March 05, 2011, 10:53:37 PM »
Thanks guys :D My sister has actually been getting into a lot of cake making/decorating lately, so she made me a boombox radio cake with fondant and everything :smile It looked real awesome and tasted even awesomer :p

Also, since I've gotten into college and all, I have met an awesome friend. He knows so much about computers, and taught me all kinds of things. We also love to play the exact same types of games. Life has been pretty darn good :smile

The Fridge / Very cool video showing the scale of our universe
« on: March 03, 2011, 11:26:37 AM »
Well that's very odd. :blink:

Luckily, the uploader of this video also put a link to download the video directly in the description if you want to do that.

Just click this link, then click "Slow Download" in the bottom-right corner of the web page and wait 90 seconds. After that, the real download button should appear.

How the heck did he get up there?! :lol:

The Fridge / Very cool video showing the scale of our universe
« on: March 02, 2011, 12:56:57 PM »
Hey, just thought I'd share with you guys this awesome video I found which basically begins at earth and continues to keep on zooming out into our universe. It is in HD and I love the song that they picked for it.

Silver Screen / What movie genre do you like most?
« on: February 24, 2011, 09:07:45 PM »
Since it's been about 5 years, I'd say my movie genre preferences have been narrowed down quite a bit. Out of all the movies I have seen, I have to say that my favorites are:

Science Fiction
Psychological Thrillers

Science fiction is a big one for me, I love movies where they explore things that are out of the bounds of real life but not so far-fetched that they could easily be disregarded. One such movie which I absolutely adored was a short, low-budget animated film called "Flatland: The Movie". I have not read the novel which it is based off of, but the movie is basically about 2-dimensional creatures living on a 2-dimensional plane known as "Flatland", whom eventually come to find out about a 3rd dimension. It was such a rare gem for me, just reading the description of the movie made me want to see it so badly. The movie explains the concepts of the spacial dimensions so well, while remaining fun to watch at the same time. It came out in 2007, but I only just found out about it a couple of weeks ago. After seeing it, I find myself thinking about this movie every day. I used to never quite understand what exactly people meant when they said the fourth dimension, but now I understand it completely, and even though we as 3rd dimensional beings are not capable of fully perceiving it, it is an awesome thing to think about.

For anybody interested, I highly recommend watching the 35 minute short called "Flatland: The Movie". There is another version of this movie just called "Flatland" that is about 90 minutes long, but it is dreadfully boring and plain. The 35 minute short is much more interesting and visually appealing.

LBT Projects / LBT Next Gen Video Fan Game!
« on: February 24, 2011, 11:06:15 AM »
My question is, how long did it take to render 1 frame of those scenes? The screenshots do indeed look like actual photos, very similar to Crysis, though even better. Unless your computer is an absolute monster (and I do mean a "monster") there is no way anybody would be able to play this game in its full glory without either crashing their computer altogether, or dealing with horrible framerates. There is a game out now called Metro2033, when turned up to max, the graphics in that game are unbelieveable, some of the best out today, but it will destroy almost anybody's setup, so it's not worth it to even bother trying to play that game on max settings. That to me is very stupid, that companies will make games with certain features only the top-dollar video card setups can handle (and by top-dollar, I'm talking $1000+ just for the video card(s)). There is no point in these awe-striking graphics if barely anybody is able to enjoy them. You have to remember that fluid, smooth gameplay is more important than anything. Though Crysis is an absolutely awesome looking game, I believe it was badly optimized, many many people claim they cannot get any higher than 35 frames in that game, even with the settings all turned down to low. That is completely unacceptable, regardless of how nice the game looks. I hope, for the majority of the gamer community's sake, that you focus primarily on optimizing this to run well rather than to look amazing. That being said, you should definitely focus on optimizing this game to take advantage of multi-gpu setups, especially with a game that will look like this.

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