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Messages - Ludichris1

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General Land Before Time / Rate the 5 in order of favorite
« on: August 07, 2015, 12:07:37 PM »
Is it Cera's attitude o-O? I mean she's obviously been the most negative of the bunch but I think that's also her strength. That's why I see Spike more of a fifth (if we're going to rank here) and Cera a fourth because well.... there is just a lot more going on xD. Spike hardly says a word really, despite his adorableness, appetite, and warm relationship with the gang. Sure Cera's bossy but... I just don't see how Spike 'beats Cera' except for the fact that Spike is not bossy or something..? Ø\_(ツ)_/Ø

Then again, maybe some of the others win solely because of their friendliness, quirks, and charm  :lol

I think that's why most people can relate to the characters

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Award voting 2015
« on: August 06, 2015, 09:09:01 PM »
Took a while to put together as I'm more of a lurking subscriber :p

Fanart Award: RockingScorpion for his self-evident talent at bringing the LBT characters to life. I'd also like to mention StrutEggStealer as an honorary mention for past contributions.
Feedback Award: Ducky123 is always avid on this. Pretty sure you know you deserve this lol.
Friendly Member Award: I think DarkHououmon would be a fitting receiver of this award considering (for one) how proactive he is with welcoming new members.
Helpful Member Award: I've always found TheAnonymousPerson's posts quite clarifying. He knows his stuff :exactly . My second nomination is Dosu2Dinner for especially being helpful when talking about dinos of the real world.
Philosopher Award: Gotta say this one is super tough for me. I'm more one to notice things over the years rather than I guess per period. I know who has stuck out to me but I can't quite place 'when'. Also hurts that there are quite a few to choose from! Bah, I'll just go out on a limb here and say Bruton the Iguanadon. He always finds a way to bring so many things to light.
Proactive Award: I've gotta say chomperrules1993 because I seen him everywhere haha.
Projects Award: Kinda feel like voting for er... myself :oops
Role Play Gamer Award: mmmmm Pterano for not only being an active roleplayer but an active admin of what he roleplays.

Can't wait for the Appreciated Member awards cuz that's really how I feel about quite a number of people. Not sure if I can make multiple nominations yet. I appreciate them, but I can't always tell why  :DD

The Welcome Center / I've returned!
« on: August 06, 2015, 08:42:56 PM »
I actually am pretty sure I remember both your name and picture OP, so I guess that's something  :lol

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: August 04, 2015, 03:27:27 PM »
That would be definite

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: July 30, 2015, 09:20:36 PM »
Quote from: Petrie,Jul 30 2015 on  08:16 PM
"Playing it safe" and "Reba McEntire" should not be used in the same sentence.  We'll be having some good ol' country twang in this film with her.  Odd casting choice for sure.

Very very surprised for the 2-D look...I expected to see some really bad CGI-mix in there, and there wasn't any, at least in the trailer.  I don't care for Bron much, so I will probably pass on the film, just for that reason.  If Mo was in it, maybe I'd give him a chance since he's a bubble of fun.
Wait, you'd pass (edit: may pass) on a new LBT movie after 8 years because you don't care for Bron much... am I misunderstanding something here or...

I find this very very odd  :huh:

General Land Before Time / Journey of the Brave (LBT 14)
« on: July 30, 2015, 04:56:19 PM »
From what I can recall (hours after seeing the video) Felix Avita somewhat reminds me of a mix between... Thomas Dekker and Brandon LaCroix...? Idk been quite a few hours lol

General Land Before Time / Regarding ANY LBT 14 Topics
« on: July 30, 2015, 12:01:16 PM »
Oh, well there's gotta be somebody somewhere or someplace you can watch it before youtube xD. Parents, a roommate possibly, even library or school or college library etc

Depends how desperate @o@

General Land Before Time / Regarding ANY LBT 14 Topics
« on: July 30, 2015, 11:57:41 AM »
Quote from: chomperrules1993,Jul 30 2015 on  10:51 AM
Quote from: Malte279,Jul 30 2015 on  10:48 AM
Interesting. The trailer announces LBT 14 as "Journey of the Brave" rather than "Journey of the Heart". Another thing I noticed was that there was a short glimpse of Chomper and Ruby (so there seems to be at least a reference to them) but almost every scene (including all those which appear to show the "journey part" of the story) shows the traditional five only.
Based on your responce I now know that this is the real deal hooray!!!!!!!!  :)

Also is the trailer on youtube so I can watch it?
No, but seriously lol if you have Adobe Flash Player enabled in your browser (chrome://plugins, etc) and that it's 18.0+ and uh, I assume having the actual programs on your PC. I myself have Adobe Flash Player 16 PPAPI, Adobe Flash Player 18 ActiveX, and Adobe Flash Player 18 NPAPI because some programs use different versions

on google chrome, if you click the three bars at top right and then go to About google chrome I think that may update it (if not in chrome://plugins, an address)

General Land Before Time / Regarding ANY LBT 14 Topics
« on: July 30, 2015, 11:41:52 AM »
Quote from: chomperrules1993,Jul 30 2015 on  10:40 AM
Quote from: Hero of Legend,Jul 30 2015 on  10:30 AM
We have a trailer!
Ummm I can't seem to be able to watch it.....
It uses I think the latest flash player

General Land Before Time / Regarding ANY LBT 14 Topics
« on: July 30, 2015, 11:40:12 AM »
OMg omg omg omg omg omg omg OMgggggg  :DD  :DD  :DD

1988 Theatrical Release / Is the earthquake in this one......
« on: July 29, 2015, 08:57:54 AM »
I think it was like worldwide earthquakes after contintental shifting n volcanoes and what-not considering how much the land went up and down and created absolutely huge rifts in the barren lands

edit: also I wonder if the land being very dry; since barely any plants; had anything to do with it

General Land Before Time / Is Sierra a second version of Ozzy?
« on: July 29, 2015, 08:55:30 AM »
I think Ozzy has some more cunning and control although they both are on the edge no doubt

General Land Before Time / Rate the 5 in order of favorite
« on: July 27, 2015, 03:36:50 PM »
I pretty much agree with both of you on most things.

I just find it hard for me to list what I like about people or things and then choose between them. The way you two described 'em brought out their best qualities but I wouldn't be sure where to 'rank' them. I guess, as with most characters, it's whoever's most personally relatable!  :nyah

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Joining Awards 2012
« on: July 27, 2015, 03:24:34 PM »
Ooo interesting! Thanks!   :birthday

General Land Before Time / LBT Dreams?
« on: July 27, 2015, 10:26:01 AM »
Had a dream, and of what I remember, I was at this Hispanic kid’s house or something, and his family had a CRT TV in an entertainment center. And when I opened up the video drawer, I noticed they had a bunch of new LBT’s I hadn’t heard of before. LBT 14-18 and I think two or three others, one of which was a supposed LBT and Scooby-Doo crossover, and on the front it showed a bunch of lime green little longnecks about the size of chomper or something running in front of the gang and towards the viewer on an open forest path on a starry night and Scooby Doo and I think Shaggy were running too. The little lime green longnecks worelime green flat-top caps off to the side and it looked really cute lol.  :lol

Edit: Oh, and wouldn't you know the movies were VHS's. Lol

General Land Before Time / Rate the 5 in order of favorite
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:55:07 PM »
Hmm this is pretty hard for me as I rarely pick favorites in anything... even my music library is filled with mostly 'five stars' xD. That being said, let me think here...

Littlefoot - OK, I've got to say he really is my favorite of them all, but that's usually as far as I go
Aaaaaand now I'm stuck

Although what I remember of Ruby she kind of came off strange to me

yet at the same time I love Guido so go figure  :nyah

General Land Before Time / Does 4 or 5 have more nostalgia?
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:50:37 PM »
Well we can know that something is 'critically' better or worse but whether one adheres to others' opinions on the same subject is another matter... although the elements of piece of media that is critiqued usually are quite integral parts. Opinions in the end are personal though.

For example, I thought Interstellar was a pretty good movie and my brother really dislikes it. At the same time, he and I both grew up with the same amount of exposure to LBT sequels and yet they did not continue to interest him. Yet at the same time he showed me a song recently that we equally love. Meh, what a person PERSONALLY takes out of something is the most important of all to any work. It's why one person can shrug past a painting and another will pay millions, or why really any form of creative expression or activity period is derived from what a person has experienced themselves in those subjects along with--

ok off on a tangent here lol xD

General Land Before Time / Does 4 or 5 have more nostalgia?
« on: July 15, 2015, 06:40:00 PM »
Well hmm... they have their own things about them really. Five stands out more but when I think about the friendship and innocence of LBT I think of the friendships on LBT 4 and some of the accompanying songs like "It Takes All Sorts"

So I think LBT 4 is better in that respect, the adventure of Littlefoot and Ali to the mysterious beyond where they gain friends along the way, learn to love the world and cherish their friendships. BUuuuuut LBT 5 I think had a strong message about protecting friendships and uh lots of the story and 'feel' is more memorable I guess? I dunno? Lol bah I never choose favorites...

Actually, come to think of it, the background music is probably another reason I like 4 a lot despite the story being somewhat 'simple'

General Land Before Time / Littlefoot's identity
« on: July 09, 2015, 06:10:09 PM »
Hmm... this has also confused me. When I was real young I thought he was a diplodocus by the limited number of dinosaurs I knew about. I later applied and confirmed apatosaurus to it. But whenever i'd look them (apatosauruses) up on just plain Google images... they always seemed so different o-O than on LBT. I had known that the brontosaurus was declassified but... well anyway just now looking up brontosaurus and apatosaurus, the brontosaurus looks a lot more like the 'traditional longneck' i'm used to.. but what if that's just because the artwork is more centered around an older era? :wacko

The dropbox link under Scores... lol

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