The Gang of Five
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Messages - FreckledOne

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LBT Fanart / LBT Fanart by Ren
« on: April 05, 2013, 05:21:59 PM »
how did you make that? I've always wanted to try making emoticons. Is there a special program you need?

Well first I sketched it out on paper, then, using the sketch as reference, I made a pixel version in MS Paint. Then I ended up putting it in Photoshop so I could save it as a transparent gif. You could make something like this purely in Photoshop, or I guess any program that's like it.

Maybe the admins can add them to the emoticons...

Haha phsssh, I'm flattered :lol But if you or anyone wanted to use them you are free to do so.

LBT Fanart / Art for Venatione Venatus.
« on: April 05, 2013, 04:52:04 PM »
Yay I did good!  :lol:
I haven't read the new chapter yet, but I'll get around to it. I'm just not too good at reviewing written work. And the matter of only picking one to color was just a suggestion. I could color them all, I guess, but I'll start with the top one.  :yes

I will be honest here. Of all of the LBT sequels I've seen all the way through (that would be 2-8) the 6th one is my least favorite. It just doesn't "click" with me. The main problems that I have with it are as follows:

1. Dana and Dinah are annoying. They also don't seem to have much personality, and only really exist to get the gang to follow them out of the Great Valley (something that the gang probably would have done anyway ;) )

2. The animation quality seems worse than in other sequels. Maybe Universal outsourced to a different studio for this one.

3. The songs. I just don't think the country/western sound fits in the LBT universe. (Okay, "On your own", or whatever that song is called, is not so bad).

Also, I'm pretty sure all of the sequels are traditionally animated, and from what I gather, 2-6 were inked and painted on cels, while 7-13 were digitally inked and painted. The only time computer generated animation for the characters was used was in the TV series, whenever they needed the characters to run. (Unless they used the computer models for the sequels I've not seen  :unsure: )

*Disclaimer: This is all my opinion. Everybody else has their own reasons for liking-disliking this sequel. I only gave mine.

I don't think it always sucks to have new writers. And I definitely don't want anyone to get fired over something like this. :neutral Perhaps just hope that they will learn to get a better handle on writing the characters instead.  

On a slightly interesting note, when I was a kid I really wanted Ali to make her return, but as the sequels went on she never showed up and that kinda annoyed me. Then by the time the writers actually put her in an episode of the show I had completely lost interest in seeing her.

LBT Fanart / LBT Fanart by Ren
« on: March 25, 2013, 09:33:01 PM »
And now for something completely different!

I was messing around in paint and made this:

A Cera emoticon! I actually made made one for each of the gang, but I wanted to post this one first. I was inspired by the dino face emoticons already in use here.  :DD

LBT Fanart / Art for Venatione Venatus.
« on: March 25, 2013, 09:03:03 PM »
Okay! No problem about not seeing my post, sometimes I forget where the best place to respond to things would be.

I do have to warn you though (and everybody else who might be viewing) these are very rough sketches and they don't have very many details, but they were literally my first pass at trying to portray this character. So don't run away screaming  :lol

So these are a few drawings of my concept of Seizon. I've never really drawn a bladeback before, let alone an Oxalaia, but I looked at pictures of Spinosaurus skeletons and went from there.  :smile

Top: I tried to make him look rather menacing here, as if he was looming over some poor creature.
Middle left: Peering disdainfully over his shoulder (or as close as he can get to it :p ). I think he looks a bit younger in this one. Isn't he supposed to be an adolescent?
Middle right: A close up profile of his face; that is a crest in front of his eye.
Bottom: Arrogantly stalking off (perhaps he thinks he won an argument?)

If there are any changes that you'd like made feel free to let me know, or you could pick one of these sketches so maybe I could clean it up and color it, or whatever you want  :lol:

Silver Screen / Wreck-it Ralph
« on: March 25, 2013, 08:12:54 PM »
Exactly how is buying movies a "waste of time"? I don't see how that is true. If someone truly enjoys a movie, why shouldn't they buy it?

Wait, are you responding to me? Because I was just quoting Petrie85. I bought the Blu-ray combo myself, so I don't think it's a waste of time at all.  :oops
Unless I am misunderstanding something . . .

Silver Screen / Wreck-it Ralph
« on: March 22, 2013, 05:52:29 PM »
Next to Finding Nemo, I reckon this is up there as my fav Pixar movie!
Teeny nitpick; it's not a Pixar movie, this is Disney itself.  ;)

This is a great movie. I'll admit that I didn't have really high expectations when I went to see this, but it surprised me with how much heart it has.

But about the home release; to be honest, it really doesn't feel like there are many extras on the Blu-ray either. I was hoping for way more interviews with the voice talent, animators, etc., but what is there seems too short to really get in depth.  <_<

Hey Disney didn't get the 40+ billions for being nice they got it because they know how to rip people off. That is why I stopped buying movies cause to be they're a waste of money and time and they collect dust.

I don't want to start something, but the reason I buy movies is because, to me, it shows support for the work in question. It basically says that I like this movie so much that I am willing to pay for it. And it seems that Disney is trying to get better.

Silver Screen / Brave
« on: March 22, 2013, 05:25:24 PM »
Oh don't get me wrong; I loved WIR and wanted it to win, it's just that I knew that Brave would win (cuz it's Pixar and they can do no wrong according to the film critics :rolleyes: ). But I just don't care about the award ceremonies that much.

So to wrap up; I liked both Brave and WIR, but I liked WIR more in the end.  :)

Ask Me / Ask a random question!
« on: March 22, 2013, 04:47:39 PM »
Driving is a very handy skill indeed. At least where I live.

watching LBT and pointing out it's many animation/colour mistakes! 8D
So, are there any other animated movies that you're interested in? Or interested in pointing out their mistakes?  :p

The Fridge / What unusual jobs have you had?
« on: March 22, 2013, 04:26:27 PM »
I don't know, you kinda do need a special skill to be an art model; the skill to not fidget! But the pay for that is pretty good. When I was at art college I saw a flyer (a paper one, not a LBT one :lol ) that said it would pay $20 an hour to model!  :wow

One time I was paid to tutor a boy in clarinet playing so he would be able to get into 7th grade band class since he wasn't in 6th grade band. Does that count as unusual?

LBT Fanart / Art for Venatione Venatus.
« on: March 22, 2013, 03:18:43 PM »
I don't know if you saw it in my fanart topic or not, but I had said that I could try to draw one of your characters, but only now do I have something to show for it.  :^.^:
Would you prefer it if I posted it here or if I PM it to you?

1988 Theatrical Release / What could have made the 1st movie better?
« on: March 22, 2013, 03:05:34 PM »
Believe it or not, one of the reasons that made the first movie unique to me was that the scene of Littlefoot's mother's death was longer than similar scenes in Disney movies, by which I mean they dwelt upon it more.
In The Lion King it seemed that the filmmakers were desperate to get through Mufasa's death scene and onto the introduction of Timon and Pumbaa to lighten up the movie, and the mother death scene in Bambi was immediately followed by cute chirping birds and happy music. Whereas in LBT Littlefoot is depressed for almost the next three scenes he is in!  :o

Anyway, the only thing that I would want to change in the first movie is the scene where Cera and Littlefoot are playing with the "hopper" in the mud puddle. Littlefoot just looks way too big in comparison to Cera (or Cera looks way too small to Littlefoot). This is rather ridiculous nitpicking, but that's the only thing that I'd change about the movie. It's just that good.  :lol:

I do wish that Universal would remaster it for a new home release (maybe a Blu-ray/DVD combo). Because the so-called "Anniversary Edition" seriously looks like they ripped it from a VHS they found at a flea market.  <_< And this is supposed to be the official version!

Silver Screen / Brave
« on: March 01, 2013, 03:05:27 PM »
Thought that I would mention that Brave won in the animated category at the Oscars.

I was actually kinda hoping that Wreck-it-Ralph would win, but it's completely unsurprising that Brave did. I mean, I still like Brave, but I would be lying if I said it was perfect. I guess I was just expecting some more "epic questing" type of plots than what was in the movie. Maybe my expectations were too high.

General Land Before Time / LBT Languages
« on: March 01, 2013, 02:51:40 PM »
Something just occured to me; What if there is some sort of general language that is shared amongst all creatures in the LBT universe? Kind of like in either Watership Down or Redwall (They're not that similar, but I can't remember which one used this) where there was a "hedge" language that all animals could use to communicate with others.  :! So there would be flatteeth, sharpteeth, and mammal languages for the terrestrial creatures, then flyer and underwater creature languages, but then one separate language that everyone could use.  :idea

Also, I have to give my opinion that Rinkus and Sierra are sharptooth flyers. It is true that in real life Pteranodon was probably a fish eater, but in LBT universe crested flyers have always been shown as leaf eaters (AFAIK). But since we never see R & S actually eat anything, I guess we'll never know for sure.

Considering the inaudible screeching on the sharptooth flyer in the fifth movie, I think different languages apply for sharptooth and leaf eater flyers, and that Rinkus and Sierra were leaf eaters, as, unlike the LBT 5 sharptooth, they never attempted to eat the gang.
Ducky would have been eaten if they were sharpteeth flyers
Besides, if they were indeed sharpteeth, Sierra would have suggested to Pterano that he and Rinkus should eat the young ones rather than feed them to sharpteeth.
Well, for one thing, I heard Rinkus and Sierra both screeching several times while trying to capture Ducky in the canyon, and Sierra did try to bite Ducky when he swooped down at her, showing off some very sharp looking teeth. Another thing is that by the time the flyer trio had to camp out in the cave they had already had several harrowing encounters with the gang, and Sierra was probably just tired of being around them and wanted them disposed of quickly, via traditional sharpteeth. As for why they didn't try to eat them at first, well, Pterano would have very much disapproved, since he was trying to gain the gang's trust, but maybe it's just that R & S don't like the taste of hatchling.  :p

General Land Before Time / Ducky's Nickname?
« on: March 01, 2013, 01:57:27 PM »
Maybe he meant the name used for her species. Like either "big mouth", "swimmer", or "duck feet".  :idea

LBT Fanart / LBT Fanart by Ren
« on: March 01, 2013, 01:45:14 PM »
I should upload my dinosona sometime
Dooo eeeeettt  :yes I like seeing other people's dinosonas.

Since it's your dino yourself,may I question why did you choose a very pale color for it?
I chose the pale color simply because I am pale IRL and thought that it would be a suitable color for a flyer that hangs out in caves most of the time.  ;)

I also like the pose,and how it uses it's hands to move too,instead of something similar to Petrie's bipedal walking(which seems to be unrealistic),a pterosaur moving like that would be an amazing sight(well atlast for me,I like that crawling wit those big wings sticking out from the back of the arm).
That's one thing that I really like about the first movie that isn't used in the sequels; that Petrie usually moves around on all fours (It's so appealing how he scampers around like a fledgling bird. It's hard to explain, but he seems like he has weight. The animation in the first movie is so good :wub ). I wish the flyers in LBT 7 moved like that.

My only suggestion is that I think the left claw in his left leg is a little bit too small
It actually is suppose to bit a little smaller, because the viewpoint is from slightly above and that claw is splayed out and in perspective. But good eye.  :)

LBT Fanart / LBT Fanart by Ren
« on: February 22, 2013, 04:02:28 PM »
Finally have something else to put in here! As promised, here is the larger version of my updated avatar:

I suppose I should give some story behind this; This is my dinosona, as in if I was somehow transported into the Land Before Time, I would look something like this. Just ignore the probability that dinosaurs (and pterosaurs) wouldn't have freckles.  :p

Species: I am notoriously indicisive, so the exact species sometimes changes between being a Pterodactylus and a small Cearadactyl; either way some sort of sharptoothed flyer.

Color: Very very pale peach. Lower part of beak and belly is white.

Size: Pretty small. Just a little bigger than Petrie!  :o

Personality: Quiet, nervous, but tends to have mood swings every so often. In other words, my own quirky personality!  :crazy Can be found scratching pictures onto cave walls.

LBT Fanart / Some random fanart...
« on: February 17, 2013, 06:02:58 PM »
I don't see much art of Littlefoot's grandparents, so it's good that they get the spotlight every once in a while.  :^.^: I think my favorite is in the third picture in the upper right. That's grandpa, right? The expression on his face is adorably squished. I can't describe it any other way.  :)
Their faces are a bit long, but I think longnecks are some of the hardest to get right (next to swimmers :smile ). Though grandma's snout in the first picture looks about the right length.  :yes

One more thing, in the second picture with young grandma and grandpa, their legs seem a little short for their bodies. But the snow effect is nice.  :)

The Fridge / I'm engaged!
« on: February 17, 2013, 05:05:57 PM »
Wow, how exciting!  :cheers And good luck on your thesis and finding a new place to live.  :yes

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