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Messages - Rocky

Pages: 1 ... 51 52 53 54
Role Play Discussion / Transformers in the land before time
« on: August 02, 2010, 11:37:12 PM »
By the way I call dibs on Optimus prime.

Also I will allow Fan made transformers so long as they are of G1.

Role Play Discussion / Transformers in the land before time
« on: August 02, 2010, 10:34:07 PM »
OK Mr. Drake you get soundwave.

And I might just have the decepticons keep their cybertroninan alt modes, I'm just trying to get people to join at this point, also I'd love to see how the Great Valley dinosaurs would react.

But if I were to give soundwave a dino alt, it would be like hidden runner. and ravage might be a fast bitter, or another hidden runner type.

Role Play Discussion / Transformers in the land before time
« on: August 02, 2010, 10:21:17 PM »
your Ideas merit consideration Kor, but I think it will come later when the decepticons got a out post up and running. Also by G1 I mean the 80's cartoon.

Role Play Discussion / Toy Story RP
« on: August 02, 2010, 09:39:58 PM »
by the way anyone playing Lotso?

Role Play Discussion / Transformers in the land before time
« on: August 02, 2010, 09:19:45 PM »
So here's the idea.

The ship carrying the Autobots and Decepticons crashes in the Great valley, the Autobots and decepticons are reactivated and take on dinosaur forms. the Autobots learn about the dinosaur herds living in the valley and swear to defend them and the valley from the decepticons.

The Decepticons at first have no interest in the great valley, until they discover potential energy there or something. they make their base in the Mysterious beyond by enslaving the inhabitants( Including Red claw, thud and Screech) . and strip it for resources.

The great valley and Mysterious beyond are the battlefields, the fate of the universe is the prize, and the only thing that  standing in the way of the evil Decepticons are the heroic Autobots.

so anyone impressed?

Ok I got some takers, here's the cast.


Optimus Prime-Me
Wind charger-
More will be added later




Soundwave- MrDrake
Rumble- MrDrake
Ravage- MrDrake

long haul-



Land before time cast
Great valley residents
Grandpa long-neck-
Grandma long-neck-
Mr. Three horn/ Topsy-
Petrie' s mom-
Ducky and Spike' s mom-
Mr. Thick nose-
Guido ( I think he lives there)
( List might change)

Mysterious beyond dinosaurs

Red claw-
Ruby's father-
Ruby's mother-
Ruby's brother-
Ruby's sister-
Chomper's Father-
Chomper's Mother-

Others  ( characters who migrate or don't live in either the valley or the MB)

The old one-
Tippy's mother-
The spike tailed leader-

Now comes the fun part


The list-

so, anyone like?

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: August 02, 2010, 09:02:42 PM »
Quote from: Belmont2500,Aug 1 2010 on  10:36 PM
Bron looked down at the dome-head that had collided with him "Its not your fault Rocky" Bron said in response to Rocky's apology, Shorty was silent but he glanced at Rocky before walking away from him.
"Yeah, i guess your right." Rocky said as he looked at Bron. "If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" Rocky asked Bron, even though he already knew both Bron and Shorty from the 10th land before time movie.

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: August 01, 2010, 06:46:49 PM »
Rocky's eyes widened when he saw Ducky fall in, but he was soon releaved that Anna saved her. Rocky's attention was diverted when he saw some more dinosaurs appear, he turned to little foot and the others. "It was nice to meet you, and i hope you feel better ducky. I'll see you all later. Rocky said as he left.

Rocky walked through the Valley. He was looking for a place to sleep while he was here. Rocky was caught up in his thinking that he failed to notice he stepped in something until he heard a squishing sound. 'Please let it be mud or a piece of fruit.' He thought silently as he looked down. he saw a piece of rotten fruit. 'Well it could of been worse.' He sighed as he saw a small pond. Walking over to it. Rocky started to wash his foot off.

Rocky was busy washing his foot to notice someone behind him. The next thing he knew it, Rocky was faced down in the pond. When he got up he saw Hyp, Mutt, and Nod were standing over him laughing. Rocky got up as Hyp started to speak "You must be new here, that's our .." Hyp started to say when Rocky threw some mud at him and it landed right in Hyp's mouth.

Rocky took this chance to run. He knew it would not be wise to fight them, they had a size and numerical advantage over him. Rocky kept running till he collided something, or rather someone. Looking up he saw a fully grown long neck that looked like littlefoot. Rocky recognized him as Bron, Littlefoot' s father. it was proven further when he saw Shorty stand close by.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Rocky said as he got up. "I'm Rocky by the way." He said, introducing himself as he dusted himself off.

((Ooc: I hope it's ok that I used Hyp, Mutt, and Nod. I don't intend to claim them by the way.))

Role Play Discussion / Members Meeting the Characters
« on: July 31, 2010, 05:43:20 PM »
I was wondering are shorty and Bron still in the Great valley?

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: July 29, 2010, 12:34:33 AM »
" Same here. " Rocky relied as Petrie asked him one of the questions he hoped they wouldn't bring up. Caught off guard by it for a second, Rocky quickly relied. "Yeah, I did." He said, the human turned Dome-head silently prayed that they wouldn't ask too many questions. He didn't want to lie to them, but he had no Idea how or why he was here in a fictional universe. He just hoped that what ever caused the dinosaurs to become extinct wouldn't happen here.

Rocky decided to try and change the subject. " Littlefoot, I was kind of hoping you and your friends would be willing to show me around the great valley." He said, In truth he was always curious about the Geography of the great valley, know he had a chance to learn about it first hand.

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: July 27, 2010, 09:47:47 PM »
Rocky smiled as he waved at the small flyer. "Nice to meet you Petrie." Rocky said to Petrie. Rocky then looked over to Littlefoot. " I don't mean to be sound rude, but how many friends do you actually have? " Rocky asked, hoping it would not arouse much suspicion.

Role Play Discussion / Toy Story RP
« on: July 27, 2010, 09:05:34 PM »
I'm torn between a G.I.Joe, Batman, and a transformer's toy. I'm not sure about being a cannon character.

Land Before Time Captions / Grandpa & Grandma Longneck Caption
« on: July 27, 2010, 03:38:10 AM »
Grandma: Come on dear smile, I'm sure you used enough denture past this time

Grandpa: *smiles then dentures still fall out* "Not again*

Role Play Discussion / Toy Story RP
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:31:09 AM »
I agree

Role Play Discussion / Toy Story RP
« on: July 26, 2010, 11:28:43 AM »
Orphanage? Sunny side is a daycare.

Role Play Discussion / Toy Story RP
« on: July 26, 2010, 03:30:47 AM »
yeah and maybe have Bo peep donated to sunny side too and Lot-so has here held hostage or something.

Role Play Discussion / Toy Story RP
« on: July 26, 2010, 03:05:06 AM »
Quote from: Nick22,Jul 25 2010 on  11:50 PM
i could see lotso's escaping, but it would be hard finding the prospector and harder still finding sid's toys.,,
Simple, Prospector gets donated to sunny side, tries to get back at the toys who he thinks ruined his life, gets sent to caterpillar room.

Meanwhile lot-so escapes with the other garbage truck grill toys, and finds sids old toys picking out a miserable excuse for an existence in the dump, bullies them into joining him. they return to sunny side, break out the Prospector.

how's that?

Land Before Time Captions / Pterano and his sister
« on: July 25, 2010, 11:21:10 PM »
Pterano: " How was I suppose to know you never told Petrie what happened to his father?"

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: July 25, 2010, 10:51:16 PM »
Rocky grinned as everyone was introduced. He could tell it was a good idea to pretend to be a dome head, at least until he could figure out how to turn into a human. Rocky kind of figured the Great valley Residents would find humans weird, another reason why it was safer not to cause a panic or something by acting like a crazy fan.

"Nice to meet you all." He said with a smile. Rocky chuckled that Cera found how Anna prepared her fish gross. He also heard Ducky teasing Cera. "You know Ducky, just because someone is disgusted by something don't mean their a scaredy-egg." The young Dome head replied. "I heard some Sharp Teeth only eat those swimming splashers and nothing else." Rocky stated. Rocky coulld see that despite his less than Ideal introduction, he looked as though he was getting off to a good start. Rocky decided to try and change the subject. "So what do you all do for fun around here?" He asked.

Role Play Discussion / Toy Story RP
« on: July 25, 2010, 08:23:26 PM »
Quote from: MrDrake,Jul 13 2010 on  11:55 PM
Awesome, so that's four of us so far.  And since nick22 wants to play as Mr. Potato Head, I would say that Buzz, Woody and co would be in this one then.

So far, going by that logic, if anyone has oc character, they could be toys Bonnie has bought after Toy Story 3 you know, would make more sense I least, it seems like it anyway XD

At the moment, I don't have any sort of villain sorted out for the rp, but that doesn't mean I wont come up with one, unless someone else wishes to put forward an idea of a villain of some sort ^^
I'll join and I even have an Idea for the villains

first Lot-so escapes his grill ornament fate and recruits the other toys that were on there too. He finds and recruits the Prospector and they bully sid's toys from the first movie into being their lackeys.

Random Role Play / In the land before time
« on: July 25, 2010, 07:50:29 PM »
(OOC: For RP sake, I'll refer to my guy as rocky from now on)

"Yea, I just tripped. Anyways it's nice to meet you Littlefoot." Rocky said as he walked over towards little foot. It was then he realized that Cera was there too. Just as with Littlefoot, he decided to act as though he didn't know them so as not arouse suspicion. "and may I ask what your name is." Rocky asked Cera. Rocky hoped to get off on the right foot with these two, since It was probably in his best interest's. now he just needed a good cover story. But that could wait for the moment.

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