The Gang of Five
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Messages - trulyfantasticme

Pages: 1 ... 53 54 55 56 57 ... 60
LBT Fanfiction / The Past that Yawns Behind
« on: May 13, 2011, 07:04:29 PM »
Wow! That's really good. I like how you put your words together! Great job.

PS update as soon as possible please.

The Welcome Center / Salutations!
« on: May 13, 2011, 10:15:14 AM »
Pterano is AWESOME!!!!!

Hi there! It's nice to see new Pterano fans! I'm a HUGE fan of Pterano myself.

LBT Fanfiction / PAST-O-RAMA
« on: May 13, 2011, 10:11:20 AM »
You beat me! I was just about to post my chapter thirteen today! If I finish writing it...

Great episode, dude! Pterano's back and better than ever! I just hope the valley finds out who really kidnapped Thumbnail.

LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest
« on: May 13, 2011, 02:14:11 AM »
Oh! That whole Sierra returning thing was my fault. I forgot to add in an extra detail.  :lol

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 12, 2011, 10:41:11 PM »
"No, we wouldn't. " Pterano replied before diving down for some extra fish and then bringing up a mouth full of them. He put two of them into his hand. "Here ya go, Luke! Fresh out of the Big Water!"

LBT Fanfiction / PAST-O-RAMA
« on: May 12, 2011, 10:38:55 PM »
Oh yeah! I'm ready for chappie 13! Funny, I just might be posting my chappie 13 tomorrow.

Land Before Time Captions / OMG caption
« on: May 12, 2011, 10:24:49 PM »


LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest
« on: May 12, 2011, 08:31:18 PM »
Yes, that's the end of the story folks...

........ :lol JUST KIDDING!!!! :lol

Boy are you in for one heck of a surprise in this chapter!  :lol


Return to the Great Valley

The next day, the Children were already on their way to the Great Valley. They said their goodbyes to Joe, who had to get back to his family. Devon promised to guide them through the Mysterious Beyond until they reached the two hills Pterano had mentioned.

There, the children and Devon said they’re goodbyes and thank yous and wished eachother good luck. Devon headed back to his herd that had already left the Mysterious Beyond but couldn’t have gone far. And just as Pterano had said, the path to the Great Valley was there in front of them. So Littlefoot and his friends headed through the trees that the path led to and they reached the Great Valley.

The grown ups were having a meeting, plotting to after the kids after so long. But the children arrived just in time for the meeting to end. So they were welcomed with open arms and emotional happiness by their parents.

The children hugged and nuzzled their parents as the day passed quickly. The children told their parents about how they were helping Pterano with his wounds and Pterano paid back his dept by telling those stories of his. “And speaking of Pterano,” Grandpa spoke. “His banishment is over. Shouldn’t he be here by now?”

“Maybe he is flying here right now.” Grandma Longneck suggested.

That made the children hang their heads in grief. To be honest, they wished Pterano was on his way to the Great Valley. But they knew that was impossible. Tory noticed this as she flew next to Littlefoot Petrie, who was on his head in concern. “What’s wrong?”

“Pterano...he…” Littlefoot sighed. “He sacrificed himself to save us.” He let a tear fall from his cheek. The grown ups gasped in shock. Pterano sacrificing himself to save the kids was something they would never expect in a million years. Tory placed a hand on Littlefoot’s shoulder. “Are you sure about this?”

Petrie couldn’t take it any longer as the pressure at the thought that his uncle was dead had gone up too high. He flew into his mother’s arms, sobbing uncontrollably against her neck. “He’s gone, Mama!”

Tory just didn’t know what to say as silence filled the air, except for Petrie crying of course. Pterano may have done a lot of bad stuff in his past, but he was still her brother. She just couldn’t believe that the flyer she grew up with was gone forever from her life. They all bowed their heads in respect for their once enemy.

Surprisingly enough, Mr. Threehorn was the first to speak. “Well, as much as I completely hated Pterano,” he spoke softly to the shock to the entire Great Valley. “He did save my daughter. Pterano, if you can hear me, I just wanted you to know that you have my deepest thanks for what you have done.”

“Thank you, Mr. Threehorn.”

This caused everyone to bring their heads up and look into the trees. A familiar crested flyer figure stood before them in the shadows, holding a stick in hand for balance and with a smile on his face.

Petrie broke out of his mother’s embrace to take a closer look. “Uncle?”


Yes, it's a short chapter, maybe even shorter than chapter three. But, hey, a short chapter is better than no chapter at all! Am I right?

It's just how the rock rolls.  :lol

Enjoy.  :smile

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 11, 2011, 11:30:28 PM »
Pterano flew down, taking a fish in his beak. "They not as fast once you get used to them. How about you give it a try, Aritie?"

"Gladly!" She flew down to grab not one, but a beak full of fish. "Delicious!" she said with her beak full.

LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest
« on: May 11, 2011, 11:26:20 PM »

sorry. But I just had to post that. any way, onto chappie eleven. Again.


In Loving Memory

The rest of the after noon was spent grieving for the diseased flyer. Most noticeably and emotionally, Petrie and Devon. For Devon, Pterano was the by far greatest father a son would ever ask for. He was kind and caring and understanding while his mean old father was everything but. He couldn't believe that he was gone forever from his life.

Same goes for Petrie. Pterano may have done alot of bad stuff in the stuff in the past, but he was still his uncle. And he knew what the word family means, no one gets left behind. No matter what they've done. And besides, after going after the so-called "Stone of Cold Fire," Petrie could tell by his uncle's eyes that he was sorry for what he had done. Not only that, but he could also tell that Pterano had changed majorly since his banishment.

Joe had also returned after hearing a loud scream for help in the trees. He came too late, but just in time to see what Pterano had done. He and everybody else stood on the beach as the full moon gleamed on them in silence.

"Tonight," Joe announced in his usual booming voice. "We bow our heads in deep respect for the loss of one of the bravest flyers I had ever seen in my day." He picked up his Night Flower that he had by his side and tossed it into the water. "We'll miss you, Pterano. Hope you have a great journey."

And so, every one paid their respects and said their goodbyes.

"Rest in peace, Pterano. Petrie was right about you. You have changed!"

"I never thought I'd say this but, you were a good flyer. Always have been. You just couldn't see it before...and neither could I."

"Thanks Petrie's Uncle. Had it not been for you, we'd all be dead right now. Yep, yep, yep."

"Thanks for the stories, Pterano. They were great!"

"Yeah, what Chomper said. Thank you, Pterano. I'll miss you."

Petrie was the next to approach the Big Water, holding a Night Flower in his hand, just like everyone else. A tear fell from his eye. "I love you, Uncle." He tossed it into the Big Water. "I'll never forget you."

Devon was the next one to approach the Big Water, except he didn't have a Night Flower like every body else did, but a giant treestar full of them and tree sweets. "Pterano, not only have you've been a good friend, but you have been the greatest father I would ever ask for. So I made ya this casket. I was gonna give it to ya when we reach the Great Valley. But since you...passed on, I'd just thought I'd give ya this now." He tossed the casket into the Big Water, watching tearfully as it floated into the open. "I'll miss you, old flyer. Good journey..."


Every one was now curled up in a fetal position, sound asleep.

Every one...except for a certain little flyer.

Petrie sat by the Big Water, watching the stars. He desperately wished this was all just a sleep story, like he could wake up and his uncle would be there by his side, smiling down at him the way a father would smile down at his son. And then they would embrace and he would feel that heartbeat of Pterano's that always calmed him down. After that, they would spend the whole day together, having little races of their own, fishing or just telling stories to his siblings, whatever it was that would make their bond even stronger. He sighed, letting more tears fall from his cheeks. Gosh, he missed his uncle so much.


His eyes widened in surprise, thinking it was his uncle that had called his name. He was so disappointed to find out that it wasn't. "Hey Devon."

The blue flyer sat by him, placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort. "I know how you feel..."

"Poor Uncle, he never got to see the Great Valley again." Petrie sniffed, wiping and incoming tear.

Devon looked at him firmly. "Hey, look at me." Petrie did what he was told. "Do you honestly think that the Great Valley made him happy?" He almost slapped himself. Gee, what a wonderful way to put it! he scolded himself. Get a grip, moron! "Well of course it could've made him happy, but nothing could have made him happier than spending his last few weeks with his nephew." he chuckled a little. "In fact, I have never seen him so happy."

"You think so?" Petrie gazed up at the blue flyer with hope.

"I know so. Did you see how happy he looked when he called you his son?" Petrie had suddenly remembered the brief conversation he and Pterano had that stormy morning. "He missed you very much, ya know." Devon continued.

"He did?"

"Of course! He was practically talking about you all the time! Even I couldn't get him to shut up about you." Devon sighed sadly. "He was a good old flyer, wasn't he?"

"He was. Petrie replied, also sighing sadly. He remembered what he had said about his uncle to his friends several cold times ago. "He act bad, but he still good. Some place inside."

Devon yawned, stretching his arms out. "We'll I'm hittin the hay. He returned to his resting place. "Goodnight, kiddo."

"Night, Devon," Petrie returned, before gazing up at the Night Circle. But the strange thing is, the Night Circle seemed alot brighter now and seemed to have some kind of halo around it. He smiled, for he somehow knew that somewhere up there, his uncle was smiling back.


Awww! Reminds me of the Lion King! I feel so much better now.

RIP, Pterano...a Very Important Creature indeed.  :cry


LBT Projects / Jitterydragon's Youtube Poop Videos. XD ha haa! :)
« on: May 10, 2011, 10:31:30 PM »
Whoa! Never thought I'd actually see Pterano die. :blink:  :cry

Any way! Pterano plays AWESOMELY on the guitar here!

Hehe, I can imagine the headline for this...

PTERANO: Live in the Great Valley

Tueday, May 10, 2011 @ 8:30pm

Be there, or be square! ....


 :lol  :lol

LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:02:36 PM »

Any way, here's chapter ten. Warning: it's gonna get very sad.


Pterano's Sacrifice


Pterano opened his eyes, sighing with great relief. "What do we do now?" Ruby asked. "If we don't stop this monster, he could kill all of us before we reach the Great Valley!"

Littlefoot thought for a moment, trying to come up with an idea. A few seconds pass, and his mind is still blank. He sighed in defeat, hanging his head. For once, he couldn't come up with anything to say except, "I...don't know..."

"I do..." Pterano whispered to himself as he placed the unconscious blue flyer on the ground gently. He placed a sad paw on Devon's forehead before turning to the children. "Chomper, Ruby, you two take care of Devon." The blue sharptooth and the pink fast-runner nodded at Pterano's commandment, rushing to Devon's side. "The rest of you, get on my back. I have an idea."

The children stared at eachother with confused "is he crazy?" looks.


It took all of his strength to do this as he carried the gang except Petrie, who flew beside him on his back.

Pterano landed behind a massive rock pile on a rock platform, over a deep dark cave. "Now here's what I want you to do," Pterano demonstrated. "When the swimming sharptooth reaches the cave, I want you all to push as hard as you can on these boulders and knock them over the cave opening. And after words," the red flyer pointed at two tall hills in the distance. "Do you see those hills?"

"...Yeah," Littlefoot replied, eying Pterano with an unsure look.

"You fallow the path in between those hills and you shall see the Great Valley."

"What about you, Pterano?" Cera asked, her voice in concern.

"I'll be leading him into the cave. I should be able to hold him off long enough...for you to escape."

The children gasped in disbelief. Now this all made sense! Petrie was the first to talk. "But Uncle...he'll kill you!"

"Then I will finally have paid for my mistakes." Pterano replied in a soft voice, sending his nephew a loving smile.

"Stop talking like that!" Littlefoot pleaded, his voice in utter worry. "There has to be another way. We need you!"

"No," Pterano corrected, putting his hand up. "It is I who have always needed you." He smiled at the five. "All of you!" He knelt by the young longneck. "Young Littlefoot, you have been the greatest leader I have ever seen in my life. Better than I will ever be." He chuckled before staring into the longneck's brown eyes, placing a hand on his back. "Your mother would've been so proud of you."

Littlefoot gazed at the older flyer in shock; Pterano was one of the last dinosaurs on earth he would have expected to have known about his mother. But on the other hand, that last remark by Pterano had somehow meant a lot to the young longneck. He didn't know exactly why, but it did. So he told the older flyer the one thing he had told his father several cold times ago. "She'd be proud of you, too...Pterano."

Pterano smiled at him before turning to Ducky and Spike, who stared back at him worriedly. "I'm going to miss you." Without warning, Ducky jumped off Spike's back and hugged the red flyer's neck tightly. Pterano at first was shocked by this, but then he quickly got over it and placed his hands around her waist, holding her protectively against him for a meaningful moment. Spike nuzzled his side gently as Pterano rubbing a hand on his back. The red flyer chuckled softly as he nuzzled the younger spiketail in return.

He placed the young swimmer on Spike's back before turning to the young threehorn. "Cera..."

She sighed sadly as she too gazed up at him. "Well, I'm not gonna lie to ya," she told him. "I'm gonna miss you."

Pterano unexpectedly pulled her into a hug. "I shall miss you too, Cera. Tell your father I said I'm sorry for me, okay?"

"Of course, Pterano." They smiled at eachother before breaking the hug. Pterano turned to his nephew, who was struggling his hardest to keep his tears back. He held out his arm and Petrie perched himself on it.

"There has to be another way!" the younger flyer spoke, finally shedding a tear, but Pterano wiped it away with his claw. "I don't want you to leave."

"Petrie, believe me," the older flyer explained. "I wish there was another way. But it's just the Circle of Life." Petrie shedded more tears, nuzzling his uncle's arm gently. "Petrie, I can not even tell you how much of a true blessing to have you here with me. You have become such a brave adventurer. Your father would be so proud of you...and so am I."

Petrie gazed up at his uncle with great admiration. The last statement by him meant so much to him, he flew up and perched himself on his beak, surprised that he could still fit.

Pterano's smile grew wider as he gently ran a claw up and down his nephew's back. Their tender uncle-to-nephew moment was interrupted when the swimming sharptooth roar loudly, causing Pterano to knock Petrie off his beak by turning it towards the loud roar. Pterano flew on top of the piled rocks, taking a couple small ones in his hand before turning back to the children, who gazed at him with worry and sadness in their eyes. He smiled softly at them, whispering these words for the first ans last time.

"Thanks for setting me free, kids."

Without another word, he dived for the Big Water, pulling up at he last minute and flying full speed at the monster that was SWIMMING STRAIGHT TOWARDS CHOMPER, RUBY AND THE STILL UNCONSCIOUS DEVON!!!!!

For a better shot, Pterano waited until the monster was above the water. He didn't have to wait very long because just when the thought had come to him, the sharptooth jumped out of the water, snapping his jaws at the kids, hoping to get a taste of flesh and bones...

Only to taste a flying rock instead.

"Hey, up here!" Pterano shouted before throwing the rock at the monster's eye. This caused him to turn his head towards the red flyer. "That's right, big guy! Come this way!!!"

The monster dived back into the water as Pterano lead him into the cave. The monster jumped at him, but Pterano dodged by flying higher before continuing to lead him into the cave.

Almost there...he thought, just before he reached the cave. And when he did, he noticed that the monster was right on his tail as he lunged at the red flyer. Pterano, knowing that he was gonna die anyway, braced himself for impact as rocks of all sizes crashed into the Big Water, blocking the cave opening for once and for all.

Silence filled the air. Chomper, Ruby and the now awakened Devon stared in disbelief at the rocks that now trapped the swimming sharptooth and the red flyer. It was so silent, you could hear the quiet "Uncle?" from a long distance away. The five looked down at the Big Water to see if Pterano had made it...

Only to see nothing but rocks, water...and a big pile of blood floating right next to the cave opening.


Whew! What another chapter. How's that for epicness!


Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 10, 2011, 06:41:07 PM »
"I sure do!" Artie said, standing up with pride. "Fallow me!"

So they took off as Artie led them over the Big Water. "Down there!" She pointed at the Big Water below them. "This Big Water has the best tasting fish ever!"

"Hey, I remember this place!" Pterano exclaimed. "It's been quite a while since I last came here."

Hey, we all got different opinions. Personally, I don't really care if you don't like Pterano. I do.

I stopped caring if people not liking what I'm liking. And actually, I'm kinda glad I did, because then my feelings woulda gotten hurt.    :smile  :lol

The only thing matters around here is that we're all LBT fans here.  :smile

LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest
« on: May 09, 2011, 10:02:29 PM »
Pterano is tough when it comes to Devon or the children.  :lol

You gotta have your imagination. Where would I be without mine? :smile

LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest
« on: May 09, 2011, 08:55:07 PM »
Well now, ONTO CHAPTER NINE!!!!  :lol


Final Battle Part Two

The sharptooth got closer as he opened his jaws, ready to take in his dinner. He bent down next to the children as they buried their faces, preparing for impact.

But to their surprise, the impact never came at all. Petrie was the first brave enough to open his eyes to see a familiar red figure holding the sharptooth's claws wide open, preventing him from harming any of the kids. He recognized the old flyer in an instant. "UNCLE!!"

This caused the others to open their eyes. "Run kids!" Pterano shouted as it took all his strength not to let go of the sharptooth's jaws. "RUN!!!"

Without another word, the kids ran for it as Pterano finally let go of his jaws, flying into the air. The sharptooth recovered as he stood up at eye level with Pterano, only to get punched in the nostrils by the red flyer. The sharptooth wiggled his nose uncomfortably in response.

With his focus now on Pterano, the sharptooth snapped his jaws at the red flyer. Pterano dodged the blow, then led the sharptooth into the forest.


The children continued running for dear life when Littlefoot stopped dead in his tracks with a stern face. Everyone noticed this and stopped as well. "Why are you not running, Littlefoot?" Ducky asked.

"We have to help him." The young longneck replied with a determined face.


Pterano landed on a tree branch with a vine in hand, waiting for the sharptooth to come into view. Of course, he didn't have to wait long for the sharptooth would be right on his tail. He took a deep breath. "Let's dance..." With that, he took a dive for the sharptooth's legs, tying them as tight as he could and then using the vine to tie the sharptooth's jaws shut just as tight.

He landed on the sharptooth's back as the sharptooth fell onto his stomach. Pterano sighed in relief before gasping, suddenly remembering about Devon. He craned his neck to see two flyer figures hovering high in the air. He also noticed that one of them was blue. He recognized the blue flyer immediately. "Devon!" Without another word, he flew up after Devon.


By now, the children arrived just in time to see Pterano take off, leaving the sharptooth all tied up. "Wow!" Cera exclaimed in awe. "He sure wasn't lying!"


Sierra held the unconscious blue flyer's neck, squeezing it tightly as a swimming sharptooth lurked in the Big Water below them. "Say goodnight, Devon," the brown flyer whispered darkly into Devon's ear. With that, he dropped his former son into the Big Water. Sierra chuckled evilly.

Only to be surrounded by a dark shadow. "Get away from my son!"  

This caused the brown flyer to turn around. He was greeted by a red fist to the eye. This knocked him unconscious. Sierra's unconscious body fell into the Big Water.

No sooner than this, Pterano dove after Devon into the Big Water. He almost gasped to see the swimming straight for the blue flyer lying on his back.

Pterano clenched his fists, diving for the sharptooth's head, landing on him and then pecking his eye out. The sharptooth snapped his jaws multiple times in response, throwing Pterano off and opened his jaws to consume the still unconscious blue flyer.

Pterano rammed into him again, this time, closing his jaws before he could actually consume Devon. The monster has just about had it with the old flyer as he craned his head towards him.

With his focus now on Pterano, the sharptooth hissed and Pterano gritted his teeth in response. He took this opportunity to lead the sharptooth away from Devon.

Soon enough, Pterano would be so far ahead of the monster that he could hide, if he hurried. He dove into a small rock formation, watching as the monster swam by, not even noticing the older flyer.

He popped his beak out of the rock formation, watching as the swimming sharptooth swam away from him into the debris. He then craned his neck to see an unconscious Devon laying the rock, just about to fall into the dark abyss below him.

Pterano swam up to him at full speed and took him by the waist. His head rested on Pterano's shoulders as the red flyer swam up to the surface.

"Uncle! Over here!" Petrie shouted from the shore. Littlefoot and Cera tossed the vines they had by their sides into the Big Water.

"Grab on!" Littlefoot instructed.

Pterano did exactly what he was told, he clasped the vine and still held Devon in the other arm. "Pull!" Littlefoot yelled with the vine in his mouth. The gang, Ruby and Chomper helped pull on the vine.

"Hang on, Uncle!" Petrie shouted as he pulled with all his might.

Pterano and Devon drifted closer and closer until they were on shore. Pterano coughed out water before cradling the blue flyer in his arms. Sadness and worry swooped over him as he stroked his head gently. His heart pounded in his chest as he held his claw over Devon's neck, desperately hoping to feel even the slightest thump...


Another cliffhanger folks! Now this chapter took all my energy to type! It's one heck of a chapter!

Anyway, enjoy.   :smile

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 09, 2011, 06:49:05 PM »
"Why thanks Jared! You're quite handsome yourself. I'm called ugly most of the time just because I'm black.  :rolleyes: And I'm doing great! Thanks to Mr. Pterano here." She smiled at the red flyer, who stood up in pride. She had to admit. Pterano was one very handsome flyer.

"Oh, it was nothing." the red flyer replied.

Sierra just scoffed in annoyance. "Girls and their stupid mini crushes on Pterano!" (:lol I just had to put that in there! I couldn't resist!)

And where can I read this story of yours?

1. He cares about the children and would do anything to protect them, even if it means kicking sharptooth butt.

Oh would he? What makes you think so? It would be awesome if we could say that, but in LBT 7 we never ever see him do anything remotely heroic. He saves Ducky when she conveniently falls off the mountain at the end of the movie, but in doing so he doesn't really risk anything.

And HOLY SMOKES!!!! It's just an opinion! Sheesh! You got yer beliefs and I have mine, get over it! :lol Just kidding...

Land Before Time RPG / Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond
« on: May 08, 2011, 06:36:29 PM »
Finally! Let's get the party started!

Pterano approached the female blue flyer, who was struggling to find her precious diamond. "Is everything all right, miss?" he spoke smoothly with his deep British accent.

This startled Artie as she nearly fell out of the air, but then Pterano grabbed her hand, keeping her from falling. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you really scared me there...I thought you were some kinda stalker or something..."

Pterano chuckled. "Oops, that would've been scary." He joked, making the female blue flyer laugh. "So what are you doing out here all alone?"

"I'm just looking for my diamond. My mother gave it to me for my 21st star day. (Just thought I'd make Artie a young adult) So I cannot lose it."

"Hey, I've seen one of those. One of them landed in my cave." (Hope you guys don't mind if I added that :smile )

"That must be it! Take me there."

Pterano did what she asked as they flew to the cave. He picked up the diamond, holding it out to her. "Is this what you're looking for?"

"Yeah! Thanks!" Artie replied, taking the diamond and hugging it to her chest. "I owe you one."

"No problem, you want to come meet my friends?"

"I'd love to!"

Some time later...

"Hey guys! I've got someone for you to meet. This is Artie."

Rinkus was the first to approach her, taking her hand. "Please to make your acquaintance, Artie." He kissed her hand.  

"Pleasures all mine," Artie replied, patting his head.

Pterano placed his arm around her. "Artie, this is Rinkus, Jared and Sierra."

Sierra just huffed in response. He hated newcomers. Cause with them around, he couldn't beat the heck out of other flyers.  "Whatever..."

"Hey where's Jared?" Pterano asked, noticing Jared wasn't in the group.

Rinkus pointed at the boulder behind him. "He's behind the boulder, boss." ( :lol I hope you don't mind if I have Rinkus call him "boss". By the way, Jared, I hope you don't mind me putting you behind a boulder.)

"Jared, come on out. She won't bite." Pterano told the younger rhamphorhynchus (did I spell that right?) signaling him with his claw.

How was that?

Role Play Discussion / Character Themes for "In the LBT" rp
« on: May 08, 2011, 03:02:10 AM »
Ignore this please!

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