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Messages - Tails_155

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 56 57
General Land Before Time / The Underdog
« on: May 27, 2007, 10:19:46 PM »
It's a long read I know, but oddly I have a feeling I've missed several points as well

she's welcomed I know, but the directors have just kept one pattern throughout all the movies and even the show as I said... Ducky is basically a punching bag/person who is there... and I just don't know why =\ =/

The Party Room / Things the LBT cast would NEVER say...
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:06:43 PM »
Grandpa Longneck: We REALLY need to put beepers on these kids...

The Party Room / Famous People A-Z
« on: May 27, 2007, 09:01:47 PM »
Sonny Sandoval - Singer/Rapper in P.O.D.

General Land Before Time / The Underdog
« on: May 27, 2007, 08:38:57 PM »
Is Ducky's position the way it is to maintain the 'favorite of the bunch' status?

Ducky has usually been called the 'cute' character which is why so many people seem to like her.
With her batting eyes in the second movie, her almost carefree nature in the first, she's definitely labeled as such.

But: Is that the only way she ends up being the lovable character? Or is there more:
Ducky can easily be seen as the underdog, another common theatrical character for people to like, always getting the short end of the stick, always having the troubles, which sometimes in the course of the plot backfire on them anyway...
let's start with the beginning:

1. Small, and separated from her family, everyone else was too, you say, HOWEVER! Who is the one to have to lure The Sharptooth (I say this capitalized because he was unnaturally invincible) into the 'boss fight' if you will, Petrie's just as small, why not him? Simple, he doesn't learn to fly until it's too late; a perfect setup.

2. The batting eyes plays on the cuteness, but it's her (and Spike's I guess) family who has the stolen egg, meaning she, of course will want to put a stop, but before that, she tries to help Cera in the quicksand before a larger, stronger character will, she's the last voice heard before they fall under, playing on the "aww." She falls off the cliff, and is barely saved by a more 'competent' character if you will.

3. Ducky seems to play almost no role in this movie at all, she's kinda like Action9000's opinion of what Grandma has become after the 4th movie. Almost all her lines seem overly scripted

4. This is among the most obvious of examples, who goes back to save one of (what seemed like too few to me for a 70 foot being) the Night Flowers and is then put in danger, dropped into water, unconscious, and ALMOST eaten? Of course saved by (well,) little brother, simply knocked conscious by a word...

5. Who is most effected by being separated from "mommy." Who falls off the cliff and is almost _again_ eaten by something? Only to be saved by dumb luck? Who is one of 2 (more justified of the 2 I must say) that is "too scared" but capable of crossing the ocean to get their parents?

6. The don't be afraid to walk home in the dark line, of course, is a good example of she's too scared to do things on her own... other than that her only real role in the movie is translating the twins, and getting Cera in trouble in the process. Other than we notice she's not scared of rock jumping over a deep pit, even after 2's experience...

7. She's the bait of the whole movie? Rinkus doesn't want to let her go, she almost falls to her demise at the end, there's more than I can count...

8 left promises of Ducky getting her own movie... but let's take a look:

WHERE TO START?... This'll probably be edited time and again: She can't sleep because Spike is too loud, and moves too much (granted, she could _move_ but it's plot setup.) She is, and she indicates this, singled out by Mr. Thicknose when Spike is also a problem, Spike eats her treestars, and she (tell me this isn't 'cute character' setup) has to learn how to be mad(???? She's at least 6.... I was first mad when i was 2 XD) Which is the setup for the rest of her problems in the movie... She starts to isolate herself from Spike... "I am a swimmer he is not" which makes him feel unwanted. He meets Tippy and they become good, nearly non-talking, friends... the snow comes, she throws the first snowball, (I dunno why I indicate this, but w/e) and then Spike is faced with the 'To leave or not to leave, that is the question' scene now: this scene is particularly interesting, as I've talked with a couple people and I've noticed how few people empathize enough to make the scene make sense, everyone else (at least 4 or 5 people) I've talked to thinks her yelling, even for "expressing [her] feelings" seems rash, and unnecessary, now put it in total perspective, If your (I'll set the scene as well as I can, but it'll still be less realistic) friend, a friend you've known forever, you're best friend, made you mad a couple times, and you kind of shunned them for a while, if they were to meet a new friend, and in the span of less than a week, become friends with someone new, that wouldn't bother most people, HOWEVER, when the time comes, not much after that, and the person s/he met has to leave, and they offer for him/her to come with them, and he couldn't decide whether to be with you, who he's been friends with forever, or someone s/he barely knows? and s/he can't decide who to go with... wouldn't that bother you? Put that on top of a day that wasn't great, and you'd snap too wouldn't you? so she more or less dismisses him, now the audience (at least that this forum mainly includes) knows she didn't mean what she said, however Spike takes it as her true opinion and goes off. Hindsight is 20/20 as they say, and she doesn't understand why he left, then there's a rather touching song, of course, her mom tries to reassure her that it was for the better, and she snaps at her mom, then decides to find Spike, so big sister goes to find little brother and potentially save him, she goes off on her own, well as we've already seen in the series up to now, she isn't casted as a competent character, she's more of a charmer, and she ends up not faring alone too well, it's cold, and she needs help, so let's bring in the rest of the still-Great-Valley kids, oh, and Thicknose, watch the movie, it'll make sense then, to save the person saving the person, back to Ducky, still a fair distance ahead of the others. Calling to Spike, she notices an echo and plays around with that until her feet apparently echo, then she realizes, oh, wonderful, a sharptooth, being too small to do much damage to the beast, she makes the logical decision, RUN!!!! Just in time! the others find her, and begin another 'boss battle' (if you will :p) they save her, which is to be expected of the underdog, and now it's back to Littlefoot and the others being the heroes and Ducky almost being written out as a member of the team, aside from calling. They become very cold, hungry and thirsty, and conveniently find a frozen hot spring (I guess it happens... I dunno...) where they sit and rest, until the end of the movie basically, resting and recovering from the ordeal they've dealt with. (oh and they regain their color, this just always caught my attention, when it's cold or something they seem to lose color, and in this case Spike becomes an almost contrasting color (purple???)) and suddenly, regardless of all that's happened, and how much Spike misses Ducky, he smells food (from x yards away, it's not right there of course) and saves his whole temporary herd, but when he reaches the _same spring_ Ducky and the others already stumbled across, he hears and sees his old friends, but goes to eat food first, this, even for Spike seems uncharacteristically gluttonous. After he eats they're off on the side in their little niche, and Tippy knocks Spike into the deep end where there's some thin ice and he falls in, and Ducky's _mom_ saves him.

To recap: Ducky has all the troubles, and is the only person in the movie who is _saved_ and does not _save_ anyone... pretty unusual to me...

So much for her getting her movie...

9. This movie already has a swimmer, she doesn't really deserve a role in this I guess, other than of course cheerleader...

10. Other than being scared by the things Cera says in Adventuring, running from the sharptooth and being bothered by Cera shrugging Pat's help offer in this movie, this movie could've been written without her saying a word... but she is abused... in a sense, she is incapable of waking big...little... brother... and gets rolled over on... (i know that's a double preposition, and a sentence ending in a preposition, but oh well, it's also in passive for the record of you English majors :p)

11 and 12 are Cera's problem movies, so she takes a mid-front seat for these movies, and we can only have one lead female... right?... right?... I don't make the rules...

11. In this one she plays a fairly contradictory, selfish, and foolish character... And... her little blame game with Petrie after having Littlefoot walk off (her little telling off episode is kinda uncharacteristic too...) This movie could've had a great role for her, after all, she could empathize with these small dinos better than any of the others (except Petrie) oh... and that "DON'T EVER CALL MY DAD THAT AGAIN" line means apparently it's her fault Tria calls Mr. Topps that...

12 is even moreso Petrie's movie...

12. In THIS movie... her 'Closest Friend of Petire' role is taken so she's almost written off again, except her "things might not seem so bad" stuff in Things Change... but Spike bumps her off a cliff, Guido seems to idle on her head in the water, and she, other than that... again doesn't get much of a role... Except getting trampled by Cera after Spike eats all the food off the branch she was eating.

Spike doesn't have a movie that was supposed to be his... but he kind of steals the spotlight from Ducky in 8... and ALL the movies are pretty much Littlefoot's

In the TV series... she seems to play mainly minuscule parts, with the exception of the rising waters episode, where she teaches Tricia to swim... for what it's worth, all it is is her _not_ getting yelled at by Cera...

and of course the "how to be big" scenario in the Cave of Many Voices... She's the 'hero' for what it's worth... all she really plays is temporary distraction, then all the others actually scare the beasts away...

This has been the (evolution... er... wait this is Kansas... they outlawed evolution in Kansas.... hmm... the...) Creation... and dynamics of.... or rather, as you hopefully read to realize... stasis of the character Ducky... Who... even after all this... effectively is my favorite character...

please read, and discuss, and if you see any glaring absences, please tell me what I've missed :)

The Party Room / Things the LBT cast would NEVER say...
« on: May 27, 2007, 02:29:31 PM »
(anyone to Shorty) Hey Shorty! What it is!


Hey Shorty! It's your birthday! (most likely?)

Sound Off! / Music
« on: May 27, 2007, 02:14:08 PM »
spoke of by the founder :o!

heh he sure has a gift

The Fridge / The Enigma Puzzle
« on: May 27, 2007, 12:04:08 PM »
The Enigma Puzzle is an internet puzzle with very complex logic, sure, it starts out easy, but by the 12th or 20th page you'll be splitting hairs :p

it's all in good fun and if you need help there's plenty of forum goers who will help you, just PM someone in the forums (link on the above page) and hopefully soon someone will be able to help. Remember though, have patience

The Party Room / Famous People A-Z
« on: May 27, 2007, 11:55:43 AM »
Michael Kenji Shinoda - Vocalist/Rapper of Linkin Park

Sound Off! / Music
« on: May 27, 2007, 11:48:18 AM »
heh XD a James Horner track at that on the list :p

it seems relatively unnatural to dislike music, for, music is a VERY broad thing... music can include pretty much anything if you're willing to break it down:

do you have wind chimes?
do you enjoy the sound of wind through leaves?
do you enjoy listening to the rain?

in some, perhaps broad, sense all of these can be considered music

 but that's just me  :P:

I, on the other hand, LOVE music, and even if I don't like a certain track or album, or EVEN band, seeing them live seems to persuade me to like them, or at least like them more, if it's that you flat out dislike music, try seeing some live, it may give you a new found love for it

that's my 2 cents

The Party Room / Things the LBT cast would NEVER say...
« on: May 26, 2007, 10:59:26 PM »
Chomper (or anyone else really:), so easy a caveman could do it
Littlefoot (or anyone else really:) what's a caveman? (Liek lol)

General Land Before Time / Meaning of the LBT characters' names
« on: May 25, 2007, 06:01:57 PM »
Tricia isn't on the upper list, Redclaw is mentioned but not on the list, there's no debating (well there can always be debating but you hopefully know what I mean) that Tricia is just like Tria, a "tri" name; Redclaw, it's obvious, right?

"As for Ducky, I thought the sing along pinpointed her sad Saurolophus. She does seem to look the part. Though my original guess before that was Parasaurolophus."

yes Saurolophus, and Petrie is called a Pteranodon in the Sing Alongs too, so now the Pterano mystery is solved?

Is it at all wrong to say that Dinah and Dana (More so Dinah) are just references to "dinosaur"?

Rooter is a digging dinosaur that 'roots' around (much like a mole I've been told)

remember: they avoid blood drawing, so they can't really have an effective slashing =\ =/ and not everything is accurate you know that :p

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / LBT TV Series Over on CN
« on: May 25, 2007, 05:19:10 PM »
I'm sure it's just hiatus, lots of series did their finale, they'll probably call the rest of the episodes 'season 2'

have a little faith, at least you have multiple opportunities to see them on the internets, the forums will take care of you :D

I personally am disappointed they're not on CN now, because that'd've been my opportunity to watch them, since now is Summer Vacation for me >:(

Episode Discussion / Discuss: The Big Longneck Test
« on: May 25, 2007, 05:07:36 PM »
I think the mentioning of them 'coming back' simply states that any and all characters (that could,) may have been there more than just what the shows provide records of

Character Discussion / Ducky
« on: May 25, 2007, 03:31:31 PM »
it's also a suggested characteristic of her species, Wiki explains that Saurolophi are seen as the mothering type, so they may go out of their way to help someone (also explaining her just 'taking in' Spike without reason)

Ducky is my fav of the five :)

I was excited too, I hope it's not the last time, this wasn't the greatest, but it was at least her return :D but i certainly hope they have her again, I prefer the old voice though

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / THis was really lame
« on: May 25, 2007, 01:30:28 PM »
well... it follows the "you can't hurt me I'm the hero" rule from RPGS :p

but the one that makes me laugh every time is the log running game episode, Littlefoot and CERA are talking to Mr. Topps about moving the boulder close to the end XD nice job graphics team (FlareTheCharizard has the episode up if you join him as a friend on YouTube, and i even gave the exact second in the comments in the 2nd part of the video)


General Land Before Time / Why is this so rare?
« on: May 25, 2007, 01:22:42 PM »
well the site may not have the meta keywords for forums, i dunno...

however, the 'true fans' from what I even see on this forum watch it as almost a guilty pleasure, and you have to remember the primary demographic is rather young for LBT, so lots of true fans are probably too young to join forums ;) there's lots of us out there

The keywords are missing: forums (there's forum, but some search engines may not catch that,) fanart, fan art, fansite, fan site, and animation

General Land Before Time / LBT 13 now?
« on: May 25, 2007, 01:19:51 PM »
had a similar trouble with my favorite band's album, there's the
Minutes to Midnight:
Plain $12
Special Edition (with a DVD) $17 (I bought this V)
and Super Fan Pack... at... $89.99!?!?!?!?!? jeez, it doesn't even have as much  stuff as the fan club package :\ :/

General Land Before Time / WORST LBT Song Ever!
« on: May 25, 2007, 01:03:10 PM »
you know that post-first, all of them are musicals :p how is the dad song necessary? lots of the songs are just there to make it appeal to young children, opinions ARE opinions, and i respect that, but truly none of the songs are flat out necessary

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