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Messages - trulyfantasticme

Pages: 1 ... 54 55 56 57 58 ... 60
Role Play Discussion / "Flyers...Beyond" Discussion thread
« on: May 08, 2011, 02:44:57 AM »
Ya know, if Redtooth and Bushwacked don't update, ya want me to do the Pterano,  Rinkus and Sierra part? Cuz youre right. That story desperately needs an update. And I'd be more than happy to! If that's all right with Redtooth and Bushwacked of course.  :smile

BTW, could i bring Devon and Petrie in? I would love to use them.

Dude, I'm like Ptyra. I can go on and on about how much I love Pterano an why. First of all, Pterano is awesome because out of all the evil uncles out there, he stands out the most. Why? Let's see here...

1. He cares about the children and would do anything to protect them, even if it means kicking sharptooth butt.  :lol

2. He may be a bit of an ego maniac, but hey that's just like Mr. Threehorn and Cera! He may not be perfect, but he regrets what he did. And it's not like he actually meant to lead half the herd into their deaths. So practically half of it is not his fault! and if i was the one to lead them into their deaths, I'd be pretty scared too. I can't think of anyone who wouldn't be.

3. Also, he stands out because he is one of the most descriptive LBT character out there. And he actually became the good guy at the end. Otherwise, I wouldn't have fallen in love with him in the first place.
4. I just love his beautiful British accent. It's just so beautiful and smooth. And I love the sound of his breath and chuckling as well. He has a very nice laugh! You can clearly hear it at the end of the movie in which Topsy chases him and he says "Then again, (chuckles beautifully) there are others whom I shan't miss at all!"

5. I also find him very attractive. I just love the way he spreads his wings, especially in Very Important Creature (he was so beautiful there!!!!) And he has really nice legs and chest.

So yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I have more though...

The Party Room / Unpredictable Theories
« on: May 07, 2011, 08:42:37 PM »
Inspired by the "Crazy LBT Pairing Game" thread...

Does any artist on here whose friends come up with the strangest theories for their drawings?

Well...I was once drawing a humanized LBT 7 scene in which Pterano flies down and scoops Petrie in his hands and says "Did I startle you, Petrie?" And one of my friends, who is a MAJOR romance freak says something like this...

"Awww!!! Is he (referring to Pterano) proposing to her (in reference of Petrie)?"

And I was like: :huh:  :o  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :x  :x  :bolt  :bolt  :bolt  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:  There are only fifty BILLION things totally wrong with that theory!!!

1: He's a BOY!!!!!

2: He's JUST A KID!!!! Waaaay too young to be getting married.  


I could go on, but that would practically take a million years! Let's see what funny things you guys can come up with...  :lol

LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest
« on: May 07, 2011, 06:50:47 PM »
Here's Chappie Eight.


Final Battle

"Just like the old days, eh Pterano?"

Devon and Pterano nearly jumped out of their skin as they turned to the branches above. They gasped. Devon was the first to act as he clenched his fists and glared at his former father darkly. "What do you want?"

Sierra landed in front of them, smirking evilly as usual. Pterano stood protectively in front of him, taking out his claws. "Harm a single claw on him, and you're dead meat!" The red flyer growled, preparing himself for any kind of combat he'll have to face.

Sierra chuckled. "As much as I'd love to pound on the both of you, I'm afraid I'm the least of your problems."

As if on cue, a loud roar shook the land, nearly knocking Pterano and Devon to the ground as they gripped onto each other for support. A familiar scream came after the roar with a loud-


Pterano's eyes widened as he knew that call for help any where. "Petrie!" He then glared harshly at his former comrade, gritting his teeth. "What have you done with my nephew?!?"

Before Sierra could answer, Devon placed a hand on Pterano's shoulder. "I'll take care of him." Devon told the old flyer. "You go save the children."

Pterano stared at him with a concerned "are you sure?" look but Devon just nudged him gently. "Your nephew needs you."

Finally, the older flyer nodded in response before flying off in the direction in which they heard the roar. Devon gazed at him for a meaningful moment before turning his glare towards his cruel father. Sierra chuckled. "Whoa, Devon, this is not like you to fight your dear old father."

"Dear old father, my tail bone!" Devon snapped, taking his claws out.

"Come on, son, can't we talk this over?" Sierra asked in his fake friendly voice. This made Devon even angrier.

"I am NOT your son!" The blue flyer yelled. "You are nothing but a dirty liar. First of all, you lied to me my whole life, putting doubts into my head and abusing me! You even lied to me about Pterano. Then you hurt him just because he won't help you in getting your revenge, nearly taking away the only friend I've had."

"Oh boo hoo hoo!" Sierra mocked. "Why do you even love that weakling anyway?"

"I love him because he actually cared for me when you practically ignored me! And he took me in when no one else did. I mean, sure he did some awful stuff in the past. But why does that matter? He's changed! And this is why I call him my father instead of you!"

"How do you know he's not just playing with you? How do you know he's not trying to fiddle with your mind so he can betray you?"

"Because I can see it in his eyes that he loves me and would never do anything to hurt me! He's better than you'll ever be!" With that, Devon punched his former father in the face, knocking him into a tree.

Sierra sat up, feeling the bruise on his face from Devon's punch. He smirked. "Well, I must say I'm impressed. That was a good punch." Unexpectedly, he stood up and punched the blue flyer, sending him a good five feet backwards into a boulder. "But not good enough."


Pterano soared in the skies, desperately hoping he could get to the children on time. For a long five minutes, he could see nothing but the trees below him. But then, he could see a trees shaking and loud footsteps. Another loud roar took place.

He took a closer look, seeing the children getting chased a red sharptooth, almost twice the size of Red Claw. He narrowed his eyebrows determinedly before taking a dive for the sharptooth.


Sierra pinned the blue flyer against a tree, squeezing his throat tightly. "I knew you couldn't beat me." He growled darkly, tightening his hand around Devon's throat. "I offered you you're freedom. Yet you refused." Sierra grabbed the pointy rock he used to nearly kill Pterano. "Now you die..."

But before Sierra could really do anything, Devon kicked him in the gut, knocking him to the ground. "I may not be as strong as you, but at least I'm not heartless."

Sierra growled at him, holding his stomach in pain. Without another word, Devon grabbed the brown flyer by the arm, punching him repeatedly. "This is for Pterano!" With that, he kicked the brown flyer backwards into the same tree as before, only this time knocking him unconscious.

Devon breathed heavily, smiling in astonishment. He took baby steps towards the unconscious Sierra, picking up the pointy rock that he dropped. He knelt by him, pointing the sharp rock to his throat...

A few seconds rolled by. Devon still held the pointy rock, pondering over whether he should do it or not. He knew Pterano would not be very happy if he did. He would not be very happy if he didn't. But although, he hated his father, he was not a murderer. And besides, if he did do it, he would not only be a murderer, he would also be no better than Sierra.

He sighed, dropping the pointy rock away from the brown flyer's throat before reaching down to punch him one last time...

All of a sudden, Sierra opened his eyes and grabbed his hand and punched him in the face, knocking him unconscious. "I gotta say, you had me there. Too bad I'll have to kill you." He took the pointy rock and then dropped it as an idea hit him


The children ran for their dear lives, trying their absolute best to find a good hiding place. But only to see that they were surrounded by nothing but boulders as the sharptooth gained on them.

The sharptooth stood exactly twenty feet from them as things went silent and time froze for a frightening moment.

A whole minute went by as the sharptooth roared again causing the children to topple over on top of each other. He raced towards them, getting closer and closer as the children braced themselves.

Ten feet...

The children embraced for what seemed like the last time.

Five feet...

The sharptooth got closer as he opened his jaws, ready to take in his dinner. He bent down next to the children as they buried their faces, preparing for impact.


Whew, what an epic chapter that was! Wow! So much better than hand-written.


General Land Before Time / Good song (to fly at night to)
« on: May 07, 2011, 04:22:22 AM »
Speed of Sound, Clocks: Coldplay

See the Lights and Let There Be Love: Simple Minds

Beautiful songs! I can imagine flying with Pterano at sunset to those songs.

Land Before Time Captions / Here are...
« on: May 05, 2011, 08:40:25 PM »

Pterano:...go and find. That. Stone. *screen turns to the Stone of Cold Fire and plays epic music* SILENCE! :lol

Littlefoot: I won a luigi doll!

Pterano: That's nice, kid.

Littlefoot: OMG!!! IT'S A GHOST!!!!!

Pterano: :blink: ...uhh...what's a ghost?


Littlefoot505: I unfortunately couldn't recover the third image, but I felt like this one was worth moving back since I was able to recover the rest.

Land Before Time Captions / Icky Caption
« on: May 05, 2011, 06:53:16 PM »


LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest
« on: May 05, 2011, 06:51:47 PM »
Actually that's just part of it. I'll PM you when I get the rest done.

*coughcough*later today! *coughcough*

LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest
« on: May 05, 2011, 01:40:28 AM »
*GASP!* OMG! Guys I'm so sorry for the long wait! But I had lots of school work to do and I couldn't get to my stories.  :cry But I finally got it done today. So uhh...



The Warning

A few more weeks pass in the Mysterious Beyond. Pterano made even more recovery as he no longer needed the stick. And ever since, Pterano, with the help of Devon would tell adventurous stories to the children. They were closer than ever now. Ever since that night, they would treat eachother as father and son. Every thing they did together brought them closer, whether it was telling stories, fishing on a sunny afternoon or just watching the stars at night. Their father son bond was something that could never be taken away from them, not even by Sierra.

And speaking of telling stories, one night Pterano stood above the children, telling them the one story he had never told them before. "It all started when I was soaring in the sky, just watching over my sister and her new born kids..." He winked at Petrie as he stared up at him with great admiration.


Pterano soared over the herd below him. It had been a few weeks since Petrie and his siblings was born. He couldn't help but smile with pride as he watched over his sister and her children. But he noticed one was missing: Petrie. He craned his neck to see a curious baby Petrie sniffing a treestars.

He smiled lovingly. This just had to be the cutest sight. But he also noticed a dark figure of a sharptooth...AND IT WAS HEADING STRAIGHT FOR PETRIE!!!! Pterano gritted his teeth. When you're a flyer, there are times you gotta do what a flyer's gotta do. This was one of those times. "Not with my nephew, you don't." he muttered before diving into the trees below.

He landed on a treebranch with a vine, just waiting for the right time to strike. The sharptooth came into view and Pterano saw his chance. He dived for the sharptooth's jaws, tying the vine around them as tight as he could. Then he aimed for the legs and tied them just as tight, causing the sharptooth to fall over. "Yeah, not on my watch, you over grown rats with teeth!"


This caught the red flyer off guard, nearly knocking him over. He knew that grumpy voice anywhere. "What's the big idea?!? It's me!!"

Things aren't always what they seem as this so called "sharptooth" appeared to be none other than...

"Mr. Threehorn!" Pterano landed beside the old threehorns face. "I'm so sorry! You looked so much like a sharptooth from up there..."


The kids burst out laughing as Cera was the first one to do so, spitting out the chewed treestar that was in her mouth. Pterano laughed as well. "That was you!?! Pterano nodded, smiling at the young threehorn. "I can't believe you thought my dad was a sharptooth!"

"Me neither, Cera." Pterano agreed.

"Well, what happened?" Littlefoot asked curiously.

"Well, let's see here," Pterano thought for a moment, scratching his head. "Petrie finally came into view, he was staring from a tree branch. And then a certain young threehorn girl," he winked at Cera. "appeared from behind the trees and laughed her tail off. The next thing I knew, we were in front of the whole herd!"

"Did you untie him?" Ruby asked.

"Of course, after he promised not to kill me." He chuckled along with the kids while saying that.

"And then what?" Chomper asked.

"He chased me off," Pterano smiled as they chuckled. "Never act without thinking, kids. It'll ruin you..." he drifted off, hanging his head in shame. This reminded him of his when he lead part of the herd into their deaths. "Literally..."

Petrie immediately noticed this and knew exactly what he was sad about. But before he could do anything to comfort his uncle...

"Already, kids! Bedtime." Joe told the kids as Pterano nodded in agreement.

So the children curled up in the corner, noticing that Joe was right. It was bedtime! Pterano lied himself by Petrie, who was already sound asleep against Littlefoot's side. He smiled at his nephew; he looked so cute all curled up like that. He curled himself protectively around Petrie and Littlefoot.

Devon laid himself beside Pterano, laying his head on his shoulder. "Goodnight, Dad."

Of course, he received no response because they were all asleep. Devon too fell asleep in a matter of seconds.


Devon opened his gray-green eyes, sitting up immediately after. He noticed that Pterano was missing from the group. He looked around unti something caught his eyes: Greenfood...and a great big pile of it. Then a certain red flyer caught to corner of his eye. None other than...


The older flyer smirked at him and then at the green food. "Did you...?" Devon drifted off in shock. Did Pterano really fly to get all this food?

"Enjoy." Pterano simply replied, handing Devon a treestar.

"Thanks, but'd you get all this food?...Did you fly?"

"I climbed," Pterano chuckled. "Who knew my big feet would one day come handy." They laughed at the statement.

"Yay! It's not a dream!" Cera shouted, being the first one to rush into the pile instead of Spike.

Pterano chuckled. "Breakfast is served."


Later that day, Devon, Petrie and Pterano stood on top of the cave, right over the cave opening. "Now all it takes," Devon demonstrated, spreading his wings. "is a little wind and you're up in no time."

Pterano did exactly what Devon demonstrated and spreaded his wings for the first time in weeks to feel that cool breeze h missed so much. "Got it." With that, he ran to the edge and flapped his wings...

Only to fall straight onto Joe's spiky back. "Ow..."

The old spiketail couldn't help but laugh at the red flyer. "Goodness, Pterano! What have you been eating?"

"Uncle!" Petrie, along with Devon, flew down and landed next to Pterano. "You okay?"

"I guess so," Pterano replied, sitting up and rubbing the bottom of his beak. "It could have been worse if Joe wasn't here."

Joe smiled up at him. "Well, ya wanna try again?" Devon asked. The red flyer nodded, smiling like a five year old.

The next few days was spent working on Pterano's flight. It may have been a pain in the butt to do this, but each day, Pterano improved and got stronger and faster and way better at flying  than before. Each day, Pterano would be flying with more force.


Okay I have to stop there. I'm friggin tired right now, It's 10:40 and I have school tomorrow. But I should be able to post the rest of this chappie tomorrow and I have Chappie 8 done so...

Update: Hello, everyone! Miss me much? Here's the rest of the chapter that you all have been waiting for!


The eighth day...

The three flyers stood on top of the cave once again with a usual self-confident Pterano. "Are you ready?" Devon asked.

"I was born ready." Pterano replied, spreading his wings as the sun reflected off his crest. Without another word, he took off to the skies, at first falling, due to the fact that this was his first time he actually flew since that fight with Sierra. But then he caught his flight back as he rose to the sky, causing an eclipse between the sun and the cave.

"There ya go, Dad!" Devon shouted after the red flyer. "Now yer gettin the hang of it! Just don't go bumping into trees this time!"

Pterano laughed as he flew even higher and faster. He took a deep breath of that familiar fresh air that flew into his face. He couldn't help but swell with pride and joy as he flew over the trees, memories of his childhood hit him. He and his uncle would race over trees like the ones below all the time. They would always race to the Rock That Looks Like A Longneck all the time back in the day. And when they got there, they would camp there for the best two nights of Pterano's life.

He chuckled joyfully at the memory as he flew around a tree and back. He was so happy that he was in the skies once again. Literally, he felt like he was in his teens again. The joy and pride finally got to him when he began to shout gleefully. "WHAAA-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Everyone chuckled at this, even Cera. Finally he landed in the cave, scooping Ducky up in his arms and dancing with her playfully. Ducky, at first was shocked by Pterano's sudden action. Then she just laughed happily, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck, just enjoying the fact that Pterano was playing with her.

He spun her around multiple times until he placed her on the ground gently before falling on his back beside her, gasping for air. "Whoo!"

Devon flew to his side, standing over both him and Ducky. "I take it that you've had fun with today's lesson..." he told the older flyer. The both of them and Ducky chuckled at Devon's statement as Pterano sat up. It was silent now.

"...When do we eat?" Chomper asked, noticing that his stomach was growling. Every one laughed their heads off at the young sharptooth's comment. Chomper will be Chomper...


Within the next few days, it was about time to head back to the Great Valley. Devon was invited to come along. And so was Joe. But he refused, saying that his family still needs him. And so they said there reluctant goodbyes and thank yous and headed their own directions. Also at sunset, Pterano and Devon would have their own mini races at sunset so that Pterano would grow faster. That and just for the heck of it. But the fun ended when...

Pterano and Devon raced in the forest, doing their absolute best not to bump into any trees. "Come on, old timer," Devon teased. "Is that the best ya got?"

"You wish, hotshot," Pterano returned. To Devon's astonishment, he flew faster but not even thinking about where he was going or what he was flying into. Thump! He flew straight into a tree and fell to the ground. "Ow..."

Devon chuckled, landing beside him. "Oh, Pterano...Out of the mouths of hatchlings as they say..."

Pterano stood up, rubbing his back in pain."Very funny..." Their moment ended when they heard a low voice coming from the branches above them.

"Just like old times, eh Pterano?"


There ya go everyone! Just like I promised. Hope you enjoyed it.

lol, Pterano bumping straight into a tree.  :lol

LBT Fanfiction / Fanfic
« on: May 04, 2011, 11:08:06 PM »
do you have a link to your story?

Land Before Time Captions / And here's Littlefoot...
« on: May 02, 2011, 10:18:17 PM »

What the heck?  :blink:  :crazy

He's cute though... :angel

Land Before Time Captions / Cera Caption
« on: May 02, 2011, 10:16:06 PM »

 :lol Caption away, mah peeps!

Land Before Time Captions / Angry Chomper
« on: May 02, 2011, 07:39:07 PM »
Ducky: Chomper, why so serious?

Chomper: Mama made me mash my mnms...

 :lol I knew that "Mama Made Me Mash My MnM's" song I used to sing in the high school choir would come in handy.  :lol

Land Before Time Captions / Yet another Pterano and Petrie
« on: May 02, 2011, 07:19:41 PM »
Got another one for ya!

Pterano: Petrie, I'm heartbroken...don't you recognize your DEAR OLD UNCLE?

Petrie:...MAMA LUIGI!!!!!

Pterano: ... :blink:  :blink: ...Uh...who's Mama Luigi?

 :lol That's funny! Imma call my uncle that one of these days... :lol

Sound Off! / What songs make you happy?
« on: April 30, 2011, 01:03:52 PM »
Very Important Creature always cheers me up!

Songs that make me happy...hmm...

Depeche Mode: Personal Jesus

Mac Miller: I'll Be There *That song is so sweet how he's talking about his mama!*

Snow Patrol: Chasing Cars *sigh* One of the songs that inspired me to write chapter six. It's just so sweet!

Rob Thomas: Little Wonders

Diana Ross: If We Hold On Together *DUH!!!*

Eden's Bridge: Into the Light *so happy I could cry*

Pink: F***ing Perfect *Soooo much better than Raise Your Glass  :x *

Dirty Dancing Soundtrack: The Time of My Life

Billy Joel: We Didnt Start the Fire *lol, I remember when I was crazy enough to go sledding even though I was sick!  :lol *

David Bowie: Magic Dance *HECK YES!!!!* and The Hearts Filthy Lesson *Great dance song!*

New Order: Blue Monday *another truly fantastic dance song!*

Simple Minds: Sanctify Yourself *Oh yeah! Pterano's redemption song baby! Whoo!* See the Lights, Real Life, Alive and Kicking, Dont You, Up On The Catwalk, Stars Will Lead the Way, Rockets, This is Your Land, Belfast Child *No, duhhhh!!!!*

Jim Kerr*from Simple Minds*: Refugee, Cynical Heart *ft Jam and Spoon*

The Cure: Friday I'm in Love, Pictures of You *DAWW!!!!!!!!*, Hey You!!!, Freakshow, Out of Mind, Just Say Yes, A Japanese Dream, Without You *Double DAWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* Six Different Ways, Primary, Just Like Heaven, High, Halo, Torture, Harold And Joe *Hey! Joe's the name of my character in Lost in a Forest! Funny, he even has a brother named Harold  :lol * Breathe, A Letter to Elise...


Bryan Ferry: Dance With Life *Love that one!!!*

The Urge: It's My Turn to Fly *Another Pterano redemption song, Sweet!*

Okay that's enough for now. Sheesh that's alot of songs.

Animation / Basil Caption
« on: April 30, 2011, 12:52:38 AM »
Basil: *singing* I've never needed anyone
I'll go my way alone

Pterano: *sings along offscreen* I'll use my own intelligence
To find that magical stone...

Looks like we've got ourselves a couple of ego maniacs here.

Role Play Discussion / "Flyers...Beyond" Discussion thread
« on: April 30, 2011, 12:17:48 AM »
Coolness! Let's get the party started!

Land Before Time Captions / Ducky Caption
« on: April 28, 2011, 10:12:46 AM »
Ducky:  :bolt

Pterano: Was it something I said?


LBT Fanfiction / Lost in a Forest
« on: April 27, 2011, 11:50:50 PM »
Hey guys! The wait is over! Here's Chappie six.

hehe, I think I might create a character named Chappie.  :lol
Jared, I think you're gonna really like this chapter...


Recovery Part Two

Days turned into weeks as Pterano continued to recover successfully from his wounds. Devon and the kids were teaching him how to walk again. Boy was he in for a struggle...

Pterano stumbled into Ruby's arms after hours of this, panting heavily as everyone else watched in silence. "I'm getting too old for this..."

Ruby chuckled. What a silly old flyer he is. "Come on Pterano," she urged, pushing him away from her but still grasping his shoulders. "You're doing great! Just keep trying, you'll get it."

"Can't we take a break first?" the older flyer pleaded, completely forgetting that he is the older flyer around here.

"Tell you what," Ruby told him calmly. "If you make it this time, you can take a break." She turned him around to face Devon. He gazed at her nervously as she smiled reassuringly at him. "You can do it..."

Pterano nodded, closing his eyes and taking a deep sigh; Alright, Pterano. You heard the lady. You can do this...He opened his eyes again, taking a baby step towards Devon and another and another. "You can do it..." Ruby chanted, walking behind him to catch him if he falls. "You can do it..."

As he stepped closer to Devon, Pterano noticed that he felt more balanced and began to take bigger steps and seemed to walk faster. He smiled; I can do this...

It wasn't very long until he was able to grasp Devon's hand as it was reaching out to him. His smile grew wider as he stopped beside Devon. They smiled at each other as they high fived.

The children cheered happily. "All right, Pterano! You did it!" Chomper exclaimed. Pterano bowed playfully as the children laughed. He stood up straight, only to completely lose balance and fall backwards...

He was so lucky Ruby was there because if she wasn't, he would've probably injured his back even more. He fell right into her arms as she pushed him back on his feet. "Thanks Ruby." he smiled sheepishly

A few days passed by as Pterano improved on his walking. Soon enough, he no longer needed anyone to escort him to places. He just needed his handy dandy staff that Devon found for him while fishing the previous morning.

And that brings us to Devon as he stood at the entrance of the cave, watching the stars as tears were pouring down his cheeks. He pondered over what his father had told him just a few weeks before. The thought of his father being as evil as he is haunted him. "I was gonna disown ya anyway..." He closed his eyes, only for his quiet moment to get interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Devon looked up to see his older friend gazing down at him with concern in his dark blue eyes. Without an answer, Devon threw his arms around Pterano's waist, crying into his chest. "What's wrong, son?" Pterano asked, as he wrapped his arms around the kid below him.

The younger flyer didn't answer his question as he buried his face into his chest, tightening his arms around him. Pterano just held the boy close, rubbing his hands up and down his back, trying his absolute best to calm him down. He held him for what seemed like forever before Devon pulled back, gazing up at the older flyer with great admiration. "Are you okay?" Pterano asked, wiping the sad young flyer's cheek.

Devon hesitated, sighing and laying his cheek directly over Pterano's heart. He closed his eyes. "He disowned me..."

Pterano's eyes widened in horror and disbelief, before gritting in teeth in anger. It didn't even take a millisecond for him to figure out what Devon was taking about. Sure he expected it, but it sure made him mad. If Sierra was in sight, Pterano wouldn't hesitate one second to feed that no good dirty rotten poor excuse of a father to the sharpteeth himself. Oh yes, he was going to kill him...

"It's okay," Devon spoke after a while, snapping Pterano out of his thoughts. "I probably deserved it."

Pterano pulled him away from him but he still held on to him. "Devon, don't you dare talk about yourself that way! Do you hear me? You are an amazing kid." He made sure to emphasize the word 'amazing'. "When I told you I couldn't ask for a better son, I meant it."

"Please don't leave me."

"Devon, that is never going to happen. Do you hear me? It's not! Sierra can't get rid of me that easily." Devon laughed at his friend's statement. Even in times like these, he absolutely loved how Pterano spoke. "And speaking of Sierra, you'd better hope beyond all hope that I don't see him again. Cause if I do, I'm going to knock him straight off his perch!" Devon laughed harder as Pterano cupped his cheek gently. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Ya promise?"

"With all of my heart."

Devon threw his arms around Pterano's neck, hugging him tightly as he felt strong, protective arms warp around his waist, pulling him closer. He smiled through his leftover tears. "I love you...Dad."

Pterano's eyes widened; Did I finally hear those four words? He smiled the biggest smile, letting tears of joy run down his cheek, not giving a rock if Devon knew he was crying or not. "I love you too, my son." He tightened his arms around the kid, pulling him even closer.

Devon nuzzled his shoulder happily. Never before had he felt so protected. Never before had he felt so comfortable. So loved. There was no safer place in the world than being in Pterano's arms, he decided, not even the Great Valley. He literally felt like, no matter how scary or confusing the world may seem, Pterano's arms would be the safest place to turn to. His warm embrace was something that could never be replaced. He even fell asleep, right there in the older flyer's arms.

Pterano chuckled softly as he lifted his son off the ground and carried him into the cavern, placing the younger flyer gently on the ground. He smiled proudly as he continued to hold the sleepy blue flyer he wished his son. He nuzzled him gently, chuckling. "Sweet dreams, my son." No sooner than this, he fell asleep with a smile on his face.



I just love father son moments! Especially when I write them. Pterano would make a cool dad wouldn't he?

Any way, hope you liked this chapter. It may not be as long other chapters. But it's not as short as Chapter three either.

Jared, I'll bet you're in tears right now. This chapter made me cry too. Just leave feedback as soon as you can.

That goes for all of you!

The Welcome Center / Hi people!
« on: April 25, 2011, 10:21:31 PM »
HI THERE!!! Another new member already? Wow, The Land Before Time is heating up!

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