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Messages - Spartanguy88

Pages: 1 ... 58 59 60 61
Gamers Zone / Rock Band
« on: July 15, 2008, 09:28:40 PM »
I first played this game several days ago with my brothers and their friend; at his house. And I loved it! Talk about the game here.

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: July 15, 2008, 09:25:45 PM »
"Critical Acclaim" by Avenged Sevenfold

I love that song.

Episode Discussion / Discuss: Through the Eyes of a Spiketail
« on: July 09, 2008, 09:20:59 PM »
I saw this episode on the DVD; and all I can say is...

Wow. This episode has completely changed the way I look at Spike.

Who would have figured that he would see something artistic in nature?

General Land Before Time / The Crash... we didn't want to hear
« on: July 09, 2008, 09:02:12 PM »
Nope. Just the great valley.

But there is a bit of a bright side to that:

It's still open ended. That's great for fan artists and fan fiction writers.

The Fridge / Important / Funny Video
« on: July 09, 2008, 08:58:04 PM »

I'm hoping this will help all of us...

General Land Before Time / The Crash... we didn't want to hear
« on: July 09, 2008, 08:54:36 PM »
Quote from: Kor,Jul 9 2008 on  10:35 AM
If you wish to sell scripts you need an agent with hollywood connections, as far as I know.  

and as for the offices closing, as I said before, when they are not actively working on a movie they are not going to have the folks staring at the wall, paying them to come into the LBT office and do nothing while they are between a LBT project.  They'll likely close the LBT office between projects and send the various universal employees to work on other projects.
That's a good point.

But to me, I also think they needed some time off. It's not like they can just make a new movie/episode in a week's work. It all takes months of planning, writing, drawing, getting audio done, etc...

So as you can imagine, it's pretty tiring work. Looks like they needed time to freshen up a bit (and/or spend more time with their families) before going back to work.

Hopefully anyway. If that's not the case, and for whatever reason it is closing, then while it is unfortunate, it's not the end of the world.

LBT Fanfiction / Insane Crossover Concept Thread
« on: July 09, 2008, 11:15:45 AM »
^^Yeah, or maybe Caboose, Washington, and Caboose now not only have to deal with the Meta, but now Red Claw. Perhaps the Meta used Wyoming's time loop to bring them all back in time somehow...

General Land Before Time / How would YOU End the Land Before Time
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:07:52 PM »

I don't know the exact details;

But basically, if I ended the series, I would have it tell the audience that there would be no more movies/episodes.

Yet at the same time leave it open ended enough for fan fiction writers and fan art drawers.

LBT Fanfiction / Insane Crossover Concept Thread
« on: July 08, 2008, 09:05:02 PM »
Not like I'll ever write any crossovers for LBT, but if I had to think of one...

Red vs Blue meets Land Before Time

(Forgive me if it was already mentioned)

Gamers Zone / Battlefield: Bad Company
« on: July 07, 2008, 09:07:25 PM »

Just as Haggard says, "No need using the door; just make your own!"

My favorite thing about this game is the verbal chemistry between Sarge, Haggard, and Sweetwater.

Silver Screen / Funniest Quotes You've Heard
« on: July 07, 2008, 09:05:42 PM »
[Battlefield Bad Company: Rainbow Sprinkles Trailer]

*Sarge and Preston move up along a wall and see a door on another building*

Sarge: (Whispering) Okay guys, stack up!

Preston: Uh, they said not to wait up... *Points to Haggard and Sweetwater*
*Haggard and Sweetwater are walking casually up to the wall*

Haggard: So, you reckon the rainbow sprinkles are the way for the doughnut?

Sweetwater: Absolutely! Because you get the difference between soft doughnut and-

Sarge: Shh! Could you two get your rears over here right now! (Whispering)

Haggard: You lose something Sarge?

Sweetwater: Did you drop somethi-

Sarge: This is supposed to be a stealth mission!

Haggard: ...Why?

Sarge: Ugh, nevermind! You're here now; I need you to breach that door.

Sweetwater: Ooh! I know this one! On the tip of my tongue. Is it a musical?

Haggard: No, hang on. It's a book.

Sarge: Okay, sign language 101; This means: Stay Low. This means: Stack Up. And this means: I'm gonna put your lights out if you don't shut up!

Sweetwater: "Stack Up?" I'm pretty sure that means one syllable...

Sarge: Just shut up! Breach. That. Door!

Haggard and Sweetwater: ...Okay.

*Haggard throws a frag grenade and blows a clean chunk out of the building; and he and Sweetwater rush in guns blazing*

Preston: ...Uh, should I still be stacking?
*Sarge glares over at him*

General Land Before Time / Funniest Moments or Scenes
« on: July 03, 2008, 09:07:40 PM »
Another part I found funny was in the beginning of the Brave Longneck Scheme episode where Cera was trying to show Littlefoot a shortcut (for whatever purposes, we may never know). And after they fell down a hill, Cera had a look that said, "Why does this always happen to me?"


General Land Before Time / The Crash... we didn't want to hear
« on: July 03, 2008, 09:03:47 PM »
Dang, just as I was getting back into the series, it shuts down. While this is unfortunate, I do know we have to move on with life. This was a great series, but it's not something we all should dwell on.

This isn't going to stop me from coming up with a story/stories for the series however, and it shouldn't stop any of you guys from coming up with something to contribute.

Gamers Zone / Battlefield: Bad Company
« on: July 03, 2008, 08:38:45 PM »
Yeah that, and this picture is absolute proof that Wal Mart will eventually sell hand grenades...

Gamers Zone / Battlefield: Bad Company
« on: July 03, 2008, 10:54:39 AM »
I had rented this game and I am pleased to say that it's incredible.


The game is set in the near future (2010 is my best guess) and there is a fictional war going on between the United States and Russia. You play as Preston Marlow, a soldier who has just been sent to the 222nd Army Battalion; AKA: Bad Company, "Where they scrape all of the left overs and rejects deemed expendable by the Army." Yet the reason why Preston was sent there wasn't explained.  <_<

He is placed in a four man squad along with hard nosed Sgt. Redford, Southern drawl Haggard, and Italian voiced loudmouth Sweetwater. These characters are absolutely hilarious with each other, you'd have to listen to them at some point. The team is sent on several missions to aid US forces, until they run into a Mercenary group called the Leggionaires. And they only pay in gold bars...

This promts the squad to go AWOL to find their big stash of gold. This all ensues in hilarious exploits, like taking a crazed dictator's helocopter, or single handedly invading a neutral country...

Quick Wrap Up

The game had pretty good controls in my opinion, and the enemies are both stupid and smart. (Standing out in the open, blowing holes into cover areas) Graphics and sound is amazingly well done.

Awsome game. Period.



Silver Screen / Funniest Quotes You've Heard
« on: July 03, 2008, 10:39:26 AM »
[Battlefield Bad Company]

Sarge: This is our stop, now move out! And Sweetwater, just shut up.

Sweetwater: But I didn't say anything!

Haggard: You just did.

Sweetwater: That's cheating and-

Sarge: SHUT UP!

General Land Before Time / The Crash... we didn't want to hear
« on: July 03, 2008, 10:36:36 AM »
Yeah, I was just about to ask the same thing.

But also, are you sure they're really closing down? Because I just Googled those exact words and I couldn't come up with anything.

General Land Before Time / Funniest Moments or Scenes
« on: July 01, 2008, 10:36:07 AM »
I find it hard to believe that none of you remembered this scene from the tenth movie:

What really got my laugh box going was the scene where Cera has that dream (in her POV, an absolute nightmare) that Littlefoot would return from his adventure; and be praised like a hero/savior of the Great Valley.

Character Discussion / Tria
« on: June 28, 2008, 12:43:29 PM »
To make a long review short:

Tria isn't one of my favorite characters; But I gotta tell you guys, I think it's great to finally see someone ordering Topsy around. :lol

Silver Screen / Funniest Quotes You've Heard
« on: June 28, 2008, 12:11:35 PM »
[Battlefield Bad Company: Snake Eyes trailer]

*Sweetwater is pointing his SAW at a barrel*

Sarge: What is it now Sweetwater?

Sweetwater: Guys; I'm sure I saw a guy with an eye-patch hiding inside that barrel!

Haggard: What? Nah...

Preston: Why would someone hide in a barrel?

*The barrel shakes and a large exclamation mark comes above it: Clearly a reference to Solid Snake*

Sweetwater: See?! Did you see that?!?!

Haggard: Wha- why would he do that? That's as stupid as hiding in a cardboard box.

Sweetwater: Well, what do we do? I mean, maybe it's some kind of secret military kind of barrel. You know? Like some kind of real solid... metal... I don't know; like some kind of Japanese thing!

*Haggard gives Sweetwater his shotgun and he takes Preston's rifle, which has a grenade launcher on it*

Haggard: Right, don't you worry your pretty little head. I'll figure this out.

*He shoots a grenade at the barrel and it flies in the air, along with someone screaming*


Haggard: (Wearing an eye-patch) Hey guys look; I found an eye-patch! (Walks into Sweetwater's weapon) Ow! My head!

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