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Messages - Sky

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That's really sad news...  :( It looked pretty well.  :cry

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Far Away Home
« on: May 09, 2011, 03:01:52 PM »
I haven't read it yet, but I'm just letting you know, that I'll read it tomorrow and leave a comment the day after. It's been 4 days now since the last comment but I assure you that I haven't lost interest in this story. :)

Starday Wishes / Happy Starday, WeirdRaptor!
« on: May 09, 2011, 02:56:50 PM »
Happy Birthday, WeirdRaptor!  :lol:
:celebrate  :birthday  :celebrate

Starday Wishes / Happy birthday buffypii & Dilopho
« on: May 01, 2011, 03:40:18 PM »
Happy Birthday you two! :)
 :celebrate  :birthday  :birthday  :celebrate

Ask Me / Questions? Go ahead and ask me
« on: April 27, 2011, 06:48:32 AM »
I probably redraw everything. Now that I have a new computer, which is also my drawing tablet now, I have to work differently than before and the old pages would look completely different from the newer ones. Although, the first page (title page) will stay the same. :)

Ask Me / Questions? Go ahead and ask me
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:27:53 PM »
Hmm, are you up to something?  :smile

Well, I think he'll be surprised at first. :o Parenting two children can be a real challenge (and probably a pain too). But if that is what his love wishes, he'll make her wish come true. :^.^:

(Well, I know how many children they will get in my story though...:^.^:)

LBT Fanart / Sky's Artworks
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:14:44 PM »
Alright, here is a much cleaner and colored version of the current wingtail design:

I have to say, I really like the current outcome.  :) Much more animal like.
But I'm not sure yet if I should keep them that way and I would also like to hear your opinion too. :^.^:

Starday Wishes / Happy birthday oogaboo!
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:08:24 PM »
Happy birthday oogaboo!  :lol:
:celebrate :birthday :celebrate

The Welcome Center / Hi people!
« on: April 26, 2011, 04:01:18 PM »
Heya! :wave Welcome to the GOF!  :lol:

LBT Fanart / Sky's Artworks
« on: April 24, 2011, 07:14:51 AM »
I actually prefer the old design of the head; there’s not really anything about the new concept that makes it look more plausibly birdlike to me (in fact, the more horizontally oriented eyes of the original design look more birdlike to me), and from a purely aesthetic angle, the deeper, more curved beak just doesn’t look as nice to me.
The head is not really important (just wanted to make a little comparison) as they will probably look different with each picture I make.  :p

Either way, there’s really no reason to remove the hands
Nah, I'll keep their hands anyway. ;) And if I don't need them at some points, I could just hide them underneath their wings.

As for your mention of possibly redesigning the wings, I admit that although we came up with a plausible scientific reason for male and female wingtails having such radically different wing designs, from an evolutionary perspective, it would make much more sense for them to both have feathered wings (it’s adaptationally impractical to have flight feathers overlying a membrane, since that negates any aerodynamic function the feathers would have).


If you’re still troubled that the wingtails are too anthropomorphic/not birdlike enough, you can always compromise the argument of convergent evolution; that wingtails share physical similarities with humans (large head, short face, fairly upright posture, etc.) because they evolved to fill a similar niche.
Phew... you make it really hard for me to decide what to do next. :confused
Preferably, I would like to keep major features from the old design. I don't want them to look too different after the new design is completed. :angel

That's about all I have for now, but I'm happy to give you further suggestions and opinions should you want them. :)
Suggestions are always welcome. :^.^:

LBT Fanart / Sky's Artworks
« on: April 22, 2011, 11:15:01 AM »
Alright, so I tried to draw a few ideas to solve my problems from earlier:

Let's see...

The picture on the top left was an idea I had in mind to 'remove' their hands and leave them with their wings only so they would look more like a bird. They could use the wings as hands instead, but I forgot that female wingtails have membrane wings and thus, cannot form a 'hand'. :/

The picture below shows the structure of the wing, just like your everyday bird you see (only with a hand included).

Below that is a little comparison between old and new.
They don't necessarily look different but the new ones look much 'bird-ier'. Notice how the new one on the top shows two eyes instead of one? If you've followed my gallery, you'll notice how wingtails only show one eye. ;)

The frontview isn't that much of importance, but I've never actually tried to draw them at the front... xDDD

Now to the top right... hmm, the body is much smaller and he has a much longer neck. I also added 'tail feathers' now, an idea to 'hide' their so called 'pants' or 'skirts'. xDD It also makes them look more like birds, doesn't it? 8D

The probably most important part: Their legs!
Because of their legs, they look too humanoid and less of an animal. This was the hardest part to work on. I only have two ideas for their legs at the moment. I seem to like number two since that's how real microraptors are built. I also added even more feathers to their legs. XDD
The picture on the bottom right was an attempt to see how they would look like with those legs. As a result, he looks much more of an animal than I expected! 8D (still has some anatomical errors though XP xDD).

There will probably be more concepts and ideas in the future, but I guess you can judge it much better with a complete and fully colored picture...

That is all for now~ :>

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday, Chiletrek.
« on: April 22, 2011, 03:14:02 AM »
A happy belated birthday!
:celebrate :birthday :celebrate

LBT Fanart / Sky's Artworks
« on: April 20, 2011, 07:00:39 AM »
Ok, I'm having a little problem... D//:

Ok, so drawing wingtails in their normal form are fun to draw for me, but I've encountered a few problems while doing so:

Color markings ~
As seen above, number 1 is how I've always done it. Yet, when I draw wingtails fullbody, I always get the problem with the front color (here yellow) and the back color (here lightblue). Both colors (the front and the back) are seperated with feathers which looks rather stupid. D:
Doesn't sound like a big deal to you, but to me, it is really a pain. >__<

Body structure~
Ok now, do they look like birds or dinosaurs at all to you?
They look totally humanoid D//: (probably got influenced by my anthro drawings) And when I try to give them shorter, thinner legs (like most birds have), they look so wrong to me. DX

Those "pants" thingies~
Ever noticed that male wingtails have those "pants" thingies and females "skirts"? :o  Those "pants" and "skirts" are actually feathers. They're supposed to be pointing out their gender. |D But when I look at them now, they also give me problems while drawing and it looks pretty ridiculous too. xDD
Sure, they still have their wings to point out their gender (which can be easily seen here: ) Should I change their wings too? Argh! DDDX

But why showing us only color markings?
Because, when I know which one of those three looks better, I can work on their pants/skirts and overall body structure...

Or I should just completely redesign them... I dunno... :unsure:
What do you guys think?

The Welcome Center / New here
« on: April 20, 2011, 04:39:45 AM »
Heya! Welcome to the GOF!  :wave

LBT Fanfiction / Tear of Acceptance
« on: April 19, 2011, 03:04:41 PM »
Naww, this was so heartwarming! <33

Starday Wishes / I'm 18!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: April 19, 2011, 03:02:25 PM »
Congratulations!  :lol: :celebrate

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: Far Away Home
« on: April 19, 2011, 10:59:09 AM »
Hmm... I think Xavier and Nincea would be a good choice. :)
As for Landar, since he's more like his mother, I can see Cloud and him often argue. Just like Cera and Littlefoot when they were younger.   :p

And then there are Aura, Kala and Wayne. They go mostly like their parents, except that Kala can speak, unlike her father.  :lol
Quote from: Caustizer on  
I hope that nobody is losing faith in my ability to finish it.
Not even a second! ;)

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Chomper4!
« on: April 19, 2011, 10:30:18 AM »
Happy Birthday, Chomper4!  :lol:
:celebrate :birthday :celebrate

LBT Fanart / Sky's Artworks
« on: April 17, 2011, 10:09:21 AM »
Thank you two so much for the review guys. :^.^:
Quote from: Pangaea on  
There's something about Aizon's eyes that looks a little strange, though it's probably just me. (I think it has something to do with the fact that his eyes are closed, with his glasses overlapping them, and there's a texture marking on his glasses that looks sort of like a pupil).
I think it IS because of the texture effect of his glasses. I wanted to give it more substance instead of just a semi-transparent white.

Hmm yeah, about the glasses, I could try your advice the next time I draw him. ^__^

Quote from: Pangaea on  
I think this is the first time you've drawn a wingtail with detailed knees. Looks great! :yes
Just wanted to go back to the roots a little. I always did that in my very old pictures. :^.^:

Quote from: Pangaea on  
Is that supposed to be a sort of abstract picture of the inside of Aizon's cave?
Yup, it should be.  :)

Quote from: Caustizer on  
It would have been nice to actually see his eyes, since they speak the most about a character out of any feature.
Sorry about that. I can change it if you want.  :o

Quote from: Caustizer on  
The background is a suitable setting for one such as Aizon who spends most of his time alone, but I would have liked to have it been a full one like you did for all your other pictures.
And I'm sorry about that too...  I just hadn't had the motivation to draw a cave... :o

LBT Fanart / Sky's Artworks
« on: April 13, 2011, 05:14:35 AM »
OMG, my last update was 3 months ago... :o I'm terribly sorry. -_-
But I finally got some new LBT art to share!  :lol:

Caustizer request this pic. ^^
Here you can see Aizon, the navyblue wingtail from 'Far Away Home'.   :DD

I hope you like the final outcome my friend.  :angel

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