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Messages - StarfallRaptor

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 7 8 9 ... 253
Role Play Discussion / DS: Malthusian Struggle
« on: May 30, 2014, 07:10:10 PM »
Alright, been bouncing around this idea in my head for a while, and I've decided that it's worth a shot to create a sequel to Darwin's Soldiers.  
The basic premise would be that, several years after the end of Disruptive Selection, biological and technical augmentations have proceeded rapidly.  However, both non-augmented and augmented superiority groups have been gaining in momentum, several times erupting into outright violence on both sides.  
Now, however, beneath the evident conflict, something deeper has begun brewing, something that threatens both Augments and non-augments...

Role Play Discussion / Racing the Storm
« on: May 07, 2014, 01:14:16 AM »
So it looks as though the plot has progressed far beyond the point where new players joining would be welcomed.  I was hoping to get back into RPs with you all, but I can see that isn't going to happen.

Role Play Discussion / Racing the Storm
« on: April 30, 2014, 10:01:36 AM »
@ Pterano:  Sorry about that.  I had been having a rather crappy time around then, and I lashed out.  I was wrong, I know it, and it won't happen again.

Gamers Zone / Whatcha playin'?
« on: April 29, 2014, 02:49:13 AM »
Diablo 3 for XBOX.  That or just flipping through my old games to fight off my depression.

Role Play Discussion / Racing the Storm
« on: April 29, 2014, 02:36:59 AM »
I would be interested in joining, although I highly doubt that will happen...

Random Role Play / Into Cyrodiil
« on: April 26, 2014, 03:37:23 PM »
Gaius nodded, making his way into the town.
"You have been doing your job admirably.  I'll be sure to send a letter of commendation to the captain of the guard."
He said with a smile...

The Party Room / Tell us something about yourself!
« on: April 24, 2014, 01:46:58 AM »
Do keep it that way, if at all possible.

Every fortune teller I've ever talked to can't read anything about my future, all of them saying something about my lacking a soul...
Eh, so be it.

Random Role Play / Rise of the Riders
« on: April 22, 2014, 08:59:52 PM »
Takeshi nodded somewhat absently.
"As good a reason as any, I suppose.  Myself, I simply wish to master my craft further."
He muttered, as Kaien shook his head slightly.
"You'll have to forgive him.  Takeshi's spent a good portion of his life without much contact with he can be a bit...brusque.  I'm certain he'll grow on you."
He added, smirking bemusedly...

Random Role Play / Into Cyrodiil
« on: April 22, 2014, 08:38:49 PM »
The armored man stepped forward, raising his hands.  
"Relax.  I am Gaius Ferron, Lord of Battlehorn castle.  I was coming into town for a routine supply trip, but I was held up.  I assure you, I pose no threat to the citizens."
He said reassuringly...

Random Role Play / Into Cyrodiil
« on: March 30, 2014, 02:59:24 AM »
The armored man paused, then nodded some.  
"Hackdirt...well then you must have some skill, stranger.  Either that, or some serious stones.  Either way, you are a lucky one.  Most people who end up there don't get back out."
He said, pulling a dagger out of a pocket on the inside of his robe, the glossy black surface of the blade glinting in the sunlight filtering through the trees.
"Here, take this.  Not much, I know, but at least it'll provide some protection."
He said, flipping the blade and offering the hilt to John...

Inside the Imperial City, the Vulpine-Armored figure stood inside the ruins of a small shrine.  
"So it has already been taken...that isn't good..."
It muttered...

Random Role Play / Young Superheroes Academy
« on: March 24, 2014, 05:17:10 PM »
Makoto grinned, looking over the stack of books.
"My, my.  I'm getting more and more okay with this."
He smirked...

Random Role Play / Young Superheroes Academy
« on: March 24, 2014, 02:28:58 AM »
Makoto chuckled a little.
"Yeah, I hear powers are terrifying when they surface."
He smirked, pulling out something that resembled a pipe and taking a long draw from it...

Random Role Play / Ask the Characters
« on: March 23, 2014, 12:52:59 PM »
I guess I can jump back in...

Available to ask:
     In Darkness:
          Sieg Warheit
          Dante S Starfall
          Arcia Rinslett
          Vergil X Starfall
          Mary Lumine
     Rise of the Riders
          Takeshi & Kaien
          Moritsune & Dynames

Random Role Play / Rise of the Riders
« on: March 22, 2014, 02:59:46 PM »
As Murritti and Sulsi spoke amongst themselves, a young man dressed in robes that appeared far too big for his slender frame made his way over to them, seemingly engrossed in a large book that was hovering in front of him.  
"I assume you are Murritti?  I am Takeshi, your new partner.  This is my bond partner, Kaien."
He murmured, as a blue-silver wyvern landed behind him...

Random Role Play / Into Cyrodiil
« on: March 22, 2014, 01:29:26 PM »
The armored man chuckled a little.
"You're in Cyrodiil.  To be specific, you're in the forest near Chorrol."
He said, nodding slightly...

Random Role Play / Into Cyrodiil
« on: March 17, 2014, 11:28:28 PM »
The armored man nodded, twirling his saber before deftly sheathing it.  
" don't look like you're from around here.  Where do you hail from, stranger?"
He said, his tone lightening considerably...

Atop the walls of the Imperial City, the vulpine-armored figure shook its head and sighed hollowly.
"That's him...but what is he doing here?  Why is he here?"
It murmured to itself, voice echoing slightly...

Random Role Play / From Darkness, Into Light
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:52:23 PM »
Dante grinned and traced a series of soft kisses along Tex's neck.
"Mmm...that depends entirely on you, hun~"
He whispered..

Sieg grinned, kissing Hunter sweetly as he curled his tail around Kiddo.
"Yep.  Now let's get going, shall we~?"
He chuckled...

Random Role Play / From Darkness, Into Light
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:42:10 AM »
Dante chuckled a little, standing up with a small flourish of his coat.
"Well, now...quieter....hmmm..."
He grinned, wrapping his arms around Tex's waist and kissing her deeply.
"I think right here is just fine~"
He teased softly...

Sieg grinned a little, winking at his mate.
"Well, if you were to do that, I think I might just have to reciprocate~"
He replied, using his tail to tap lightly on Kiddo's shoulder...

Random Role Play / Into Cyrodiil
« on: March 17, 2014, 12:29:13 AM »
As the armored man made his way down the path towards Chorrol, he heard footsteps running through the woods some distance away from himself, and turned, hand flying to the steel saber that rested on his hip.  Drawing it, he faced where the sounds had come from, assuming a regal, poised combat stance.
"Whoever is there, come out of hiding.  If you mean me no harm, than I will not attack you!"
He said, helmeted head glancing around the area...

Role Play Discussion / Kung Fu Panda Redux
« on: March 16, 2014, 09:23:24 PM »
So uh.... I don't want to be a burden, but can I rejoin the RP?

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