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Messages - crazedwriter

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General Land Before Time / great valley vs mysterious beyond
« on: March 04, 2009, 06:16:05 PM »
Outside Coruscant and Emerald City, I'd love to live in the GV. Maybe it's the whole family and community thing that's so appealing. :)

General Land Before Time / LBT IV plot rip off of Dink TLD episode
« on: March 03, 2009, 07:15:57 PM »
Quote from: NewOrder,Mar 3 2009 on  01:45 PM
Mine too crazedwriter, and if your nickname is true to your personality, then we have another thing in common :D

However, I'm not sure you made yourself clear. Do you think Dink copied LBT? Maybe by basing itself on the theatrical release, however, Dink predates every LBT sequel, many believe that some LBT sequel's ideas were taken from Dink, I have to agree that there are far too many similarities to just be a coincidence but in its core, LBT sequels have their own merits and their own original plot.
Thanks for pointing that out. It's been a long day.  :bang  Anyway what I meant was "inspired by" not copied or ripped off. Heck even I never claim my fan fiction is copied, rather inspired by the characters and/or situations.

BTW, and this really should go under the 'original '88 movie, there are some similarities between the original LBT and Disney's Dinosaur, but I disagreed with critics who accused Disney of ripping off LBT. This wasn't a mirrored stories, but some Dinosaur events do suggest coincidence with LBT. Even the deleted storylines (like Aladar traveling with his grandparents -- Sound familiar?) have a little LBT thrown in. I don't dwell on it too much, but it's fun to pick up on scenes that make me ask, "Where did I see this before?" :lol

General Land Before Time / LBT IV plot rip off of Dink TLD episode
« on: March 02, 2009, 07:39:08 PM »
I had to look up Dink and compare it to LBT IV. Yes, some situations are very similar, but then again, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery -- in this case I'd prefer compliment. So much great literature -- and movies -- have been imitated over and over. If some enterprising playwright hadn't bothered, then Romeo and Juliet would've inspired West Side Story. Or My Fair Lady by Pygmalion. Or The Odyssey to O Brother Where Art Thou. The list goes on and on.

BTW LBT IV ranks as one of my all-time favorite sequels. :)

Sound Off! / What songs are in your head right now?
« on: February 25, 2009, 11:44:26 PM »
Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire. Great movie BTW!    :yes

The Party Room / Geography Game
« on: February 01, 2009, 07:15:13 PM »
Greenfield - Indiana

Character Discussion / Littlefoot's Mother
« on: January 25, 2009, 05:40:16 PM »
I adore Littlefoot's mother. She is everything a parent should be: Kind, compassionate, loving, fearless, wise...And I'm sure Littlefoot had told his mom (off camera of course :DD ) she's the prettiest mom around. :)

Racist? I don't think so. Notice how she doesn't lay into Littlefoot for playing with Cera, unlike Topsy who's daily filling his daughter's head with his bigotry. BTW it appears LBT deals with species superiority. Didn't ceratopsians develop after the big sauropods? And since they were more specialized (horns, frills, etc), Topsy gets this "I'm better than you" attitude. I won't get into Topsy's bigotry now as that's a whole other topic.
Anyway, she quietly explained why Littlefoot couldn't play with Cera. "We never do anything together." And he asks why. The reply? "It's always been that way."
I got the same explanation after my folks moved to a white neighborhood and we went to the majority white school, and some of the kids wouldn't even speak to us.  It's always been that way until something big comes along and challenges the old ways. Like earthquakes and Sharpteeth.

In no particular order:

Littlefoot's mom even if she's no longer with us. She's compassionate, caring, loving, and wise. Then Bron, Grandpa and Grandma Longneck, Ducky's mom. Tria? Yes as she's a perfect foil for the gruff Topsy. She reminds me of my aunt trumping my uncle when he's on a roll. :lol:

1988 Theatrical Release / The Original Soundtrack for LBT
« on: January 16, 2009, 05:35:50 PM »
I bought the soundtrack on audio cassette back in '89. (Yes, I actually still have music on cassette and -- horrors! -- LP's and 45's :lol )
James Horner has always been one of my favorite movie composers. Next to LBT I've played Titanic SD so many times to count.  Love Whispering Winds and the opening sequence. Very beautiful, very timeless. The local NPR station here, years ago on its classical program, played selections from LBT. I believe our symphony orchestra has performed LBT music, too. :)

General Land Before Time / Favorite LBT sequel songs.
« on: January 14, 2009, 06:09:46 PM »
In no particular order, here are my top 10 LBT songs.

1. Family
2. The Mad Song
3. Peaceful Valley
4. Bestest Friends
5. Who Needs You?
6. Eggs
7. It Takes All Sorts
8. Friends for Dinner
9. Big Water
10. Grandma's Lullaby


LBT Fanfiction / Insane Crossover Concept Thread
« on: January 13, 2009, 05:49:34 PM »
LBT & Seinfeld. The Gang of Five meets the Gang of Four in an episode about nothing.  :lol

1988 Theatrical Release / Pat Hingle
« on: January 05, 2009, 09:50:20 PM »
I read Pat Hingle's obit in the paper this morning. What a loss. :( One of my all-time favorite movie lines is spoken by Rooter. About the Great Circle of Life and how some of us don't always meet at the end. His voice fit perfectly both character and narrator, very soothing and warmhearted.

General Land Before Time / What do you DISLIKE the most about TLBT?
« on: January 02, 2009, 05:11:34 PM »
Quote from: Littlefoot1616,Aug 18 2008 on  07:32 PM
As with all things, there are good sides and bad sides. I dont tend to look at the negative side of something unless that is truly what it is intended to achieve. Still, with LBT there are a few things that do get my goat.

1. Already been said but I'll reiterate. NEEDLESS SING-A-LONGS!!! In all fairness, despite some of them being rather melodious and moving, there's no ultimate reason for them. They don't advance the plot neither are they particularly spectacular to behold. What makes it doubly irritating is that Universal seemed to see a need to invoke a given quote of songs per sequel (i.e. a minimum of 3). Maybe one at the most but three?!

2. Superstar Celebrity Voices. Let's face it, LBT's never gonna match up with modern animation hits like Shrek or Toy Story etc. but the least they could have done was not to follow the trend and try and salvage the decreasingly profitability of the sequels by invoking "celebrity talents". Names like Kiefer Sutherland, Kris Kristofferson, Donny Osmond, Olivia Newton-John, Sandra Oh, Cuba Gooding Jr. Is slapping a famous actor's name on the blurb on the back of the DVD case REALLY gonna boost sales that much?! The kids watching the bloody thing are gonna know the difference!

3. Again, already been mentioned, but the distinct lack of strong villianous roles has always been a pothole for the LBT saga. Even down to the series where they tried to portray a semi "long-term" villian with Red Claw, Screech and Thud. Even with these constant meetings within the series, the gang didn't sought out any means of actually dispatching Red Claw (if he was supposed to be shown as the gang's nemesis and main line antagonist). Or even finding a way to deal with Red Claw (not necessarily kill him. Somehow I don't think that would fly very far given the target audience).

One thing I would've had liked to have seen within the series was possibly a cliffhanger episode over maybe 3 or 4 parts where the gang are left (after the 30min programme slot) facing a dangerous situation. Kind of a "tune in next week to find out what happens" or "to be continued" sorta ploy I reckon could have made the TV series a little more exciting. It's nothing ground-breaking coz most animated shows put this kinda plan into action once their series has run a few episodes. So given that fact, surely an extended episode split over a few parts couldn't have done the series too much harm right?

Gotta stress that despite all these niggling like tid-bits get on my nerves, I tend to be able to supress that nattering little voice that tries to point them out. I'll still sit down and watch the movies and Tv series coz I can see past the down points. I'll never be able to complete disregard my adoration for this animated series, despite what the outsiders say  ;)

I agree on all points but will add one glaring item sorely missing from the LBT franchise: A smart sense of humor. Think about it, the movie and DTV's are aimed at kids, but guess who's watching along with the youngsters. The parents and/or other adult caretakers. It won't be long before I'll introduce my niece to the joys of LBT, and I doubt, despite well developed plots and characters -- and cute songs -- TPTB at Universal will ever take the Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks route and give us adults some smart humor. I mean little in-jokes, pop culture asides, something so out of the LBT ordinary. Not that I want to see total goofiness or an "LBT meets SNL" but some laughs for the grown-ups would be nice.  :)

General Land Before Time / Who knows you watch LBT? Do you watch it alone?
« on: December 24, 2008, 06:57:26 PM »
Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Apr 19 2007 on  08:24 PM
There seems to be a certain age at which you are "supposed" to stop watching these things.  My parents do not think it's normal that I still watch LBT.  They think that at the age of 15, you should be over stuff like that.  Not even one of my friends know that I like it.  It seems that society has made a certain age limit to a movie and if you do not fall into that age limit but you still watch it, you are considered to be wierd or immature.  I find that it is normal to like LBT at any age.  I usually watch it whenever I get the chance.  I have all of the lbt movies on my ipod and I sometimes watch them on the bus when no one is paying attention.  I would be horribly embarrassed if a kid at school got a hold of my ipod and found LBT videos on it.  I don't know why I would be embarresed.  I only watch LBT on the computer at home because I can encrypt the videos so no one knows I have them.  I bought all of the dvd's and ripped them onto the computer.  Then I threw the origional dvd's away.  Why are we so ashamed to like these video's?  Why are we so concerned with others opinion?  Why do people like to degrade others who still like LBT when they are past the age of 11?  My actions and reactions are illogical when my life involves LBT and others.  Where is the logic in embarressment and why do these movies make us embarressed?  It seems to me from all of the previous responses that we typically watch LBT when we are alone.  Is it truly because we can't find anyone to watch it with or is it because we are so afraid of becoming embarressed and what other people think?
What? We're supposed to give up childhood stuff like LBT? That's like stop believing in Santa Claus or magic.  :lol: I'm a baby boomer, probably the oldest amongst this group, but I still watch LBT (and Disney and Peanuts and Looney Tunes  I make no apologies. My mom knows I watch LBT and so do my siblings and friends. Some of my peers think it's sweet I still find joy in a "kids movie." The themes and messages are timeless, and they're (the movies) are so much better than what passes for "kids entertainment." I'll surely introduce my 2-year old niece to the wonders of LBT.   :DD

The Fridge / A merry Christmas
« on: December 24, 2008, 06:46:18 PM »
It's 5:42pm in Indy, and last night's freezing rain has melted. What a great day to finish last minute Christmas details. Wherever you are, have a joyous and blessed Holiday season. I'll be in front of the tube tonight having my own holiday movie marathon: Christmas Story, a couple UpDown holiday shows, and of course...LBT!  That and plenty of goodies and libations of the season. :lol  Have Fun!

General Land Before Time / Funniest Moments or Scenes
« on: November 28, 2008, 05:47:08 PM »
Quote from: Kor,Sep 12 2008 on  11:57 PM
That is a funny line.   That episode has some great lines in it.

Was watching a bit of the 10th movie for a screenshot and came across what I think is a funny scene.  Cera is standing on a rock in a swamp not sure if she should try to jump on the closer rock, though it looks slimy (it's the head of a bellydragger) or one farther away.  Then Ducky & Petrie come up and are behind her frill and start debating with one another which one she should try to jump to.  It goes on so long the belly dragger gets fed up and bursts out of the water and attacks them.    

Not a funny scene to many but the scene of the 2 debating, Cera seemingly calm about it and not putting in any dialog herself and the belly dragger's facial expressions on some of what they said, the getting fed up can be seen as sorta funny.
Odd that you mention LBT X which I was watching last night. That particular scene is hilarious. Ducky and Petrie debating (reminds me of "who's on first") while the bellydragger does the slow burn. He'd make a great Ralph Kramden.  :lol

Silver Screen / Worst Ways to Die in Movies
« on: November 25, 2008, 05:02:27 PM »
I'm thinking of the villain in Time Cop who was killed before he was born. Slowly coming apart then dissolving into a puddle of bloody goo. All the while he's screaming in agony. Yuck! :x

General Land Before Time / Most Attractive
« on: November 16, 2008, 12:47:11 AM »
If that means physical attractiveness, then for me it's a tossup between Littlefoot and Cera with Ducky running a close third. I voted for Cera because I just love her face, when she's in a good mood that is!

General Land Before Time / When do you visit this site?
« on: October 26, 2008, 02:32:23 PM »
I come here daily, after checking my email. This forum is always  active so I know there will be good LBT discussion.  :DD

General Land Before Time / Just how big is the GV?
« on: October 19, 2008, 03:03:32 PM »
I'm going by that scene in the original film where Littlefoot sees the Great Valley for the first time. From Littlefoot's vantage point the GV does appear huge, so I'm guessing the GV is just as large as most well known areas, e.g., Napa, Ohio River, Somona, Hudson River,

But no vineyards or farmlands, of course!  :lol

The Fridge / Celebrate! GOF's 5 Year Anniversary
« on: October 11, 2008, 04:00:53 PM »
Of the online communities I frequent, the GoF has to be the nicest and most welcoming. Thanks to jedi472 for telling me about this place. :)
Hard to believe it's been 5 years. And almost 20 years since LBT's theatrical release. Wow, talk about milestones.

Happy Birthday GoF! Here's to many more.  :DD

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