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Messages - DarkWolf91

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Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: May 20, 2018, 09:26:43 PM »
I've really enjoyed the new season so far, and I don't usually comment on these, but man did I hate this episode.

*spoilers start*

Okay, what better premise to use for an episode than the done-ten-million-times-over breakup misunderstanding plot? It was obvious how this episode was going to resolve right at the start, and none of the filler in the middle could save it from being boring and pointless. They even used Spike to comment on how absolutely dumb the premise was as if that would somehow make it okay. And then, in a "big surprise" twist of lazy writing, Spike's completely implausible explanation turned out to be the truth.

I've never felt mad at MLP before, but this episode was completely inane. It was out of character for Big Mac considering the HUGE effort he went through to prove his devotion to Sugar Belle, and all it served to do was make me question the strength and premise of their relationship.

*end spoilers*

0/10, awful episode. Not even Discord could save this dud.

Wyoh's eyes widened at the swimmer's request- carry the threehorn? He wasn't full-grown, sure, but threehorns were dense and he looked like he probably outweighed either of the two fastrunners- she doubted they could even come close to lifting him, let alone run with him. She nodded at Buko's response, glad at least one of them was in his right mind.

"I think your injuries are clouding your head." She replied, her tone blunt but not unkind. Turning her gaze toward the area he had indicated, she could just make out the distant form of Rinen, leaving the cliff face and the sharptooth behind. The large predator was still thrashing at boulders, unaware of his prey's escape. "The threehorn's best hope right now is to not be seen, and if we all start running toward him, he'll definitely be seen." She tilted her head towards Buko's garish coloring and started to move again, picking up a slow pace in a direction roughly parallel to Rinen's, her legs aching in protest with every stride. "Buko's right. He'll need water as much as we do, if he gets away."

Wyoh had glanced back after the stunt they pulled, only to see the Sharptooth in a rage, knocking boulders into the crevice that the Threehorn had been running for. She felt a rush of joy- he'd made it out alive after all! Though, she reflected, judging by the size of those boulders he wasn't likely to stay that way. She let her eyes follow the crevice further down to where the cliffs that edged it opened out into a broad plain. Her view was blocked by the angle of the rocks in several places, but if the crevice led straight through, the Threehorn just might survive. She put it out of her mind, knowing that there was nothing they could do until they were safe, and turned to try to catch up with Buko.

The sharptooth had disappeared from view what felt like leagues ago, and Wyoh had wanted to stop, too. Energy was precious- she had tried to call out to Buko, but he had pulled too far ahead, and yelling against the wind was useless. So, she kept up as steady a pace she could manage while still keeping him in her sights, falling farther behind all the while. With utmost relief she watched the small figure before her slow, and then stop. She nodded in response to his greeting, and in due time finally reached the place where he stood.

The fastrunner wobbled to a standstill and stared dumbly at her companion for a moment. The world was spinning in a way she didn't like, and it took a few light shakes of her head to steady her vision again. "Yes, I made it," her belated response came in a flat, exhausted voice. Her eyes widened a bit as she recognized the swimmer, still clinging to Buko's back. "I don't think it got the Threehorn, either," she mentioned, her expression fuzzy and vague. "He might have been crushed, though. I'm not sure." It was all she could do to stay standing, and an emotional reaction was far beyond her reach in that state.

LBT Fanart / DarkWolf's Fanart Thread
« on: May 01, 2018, 12:00:31 AM »
Thanks, Flathead!

So, here is a last minute entry for the fanart prompt :smile
I imagine the gang celebrating the end of the cold times with a nice long sunbath. It's exactly how I was celebrating the other day :p

LBT Fanart / DarkWolf's Fanart Thread
« on: April 24, 2018, 09:42:17 PM »
Thanks, guys! Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to read Mender's Tale, so this interpretation is based on a loose description. It's possible my way of drawing her might change a bit when I get the chance to read it :smile

Thanks for the input on the lines, Sovereign! I have trouble doing consistent lines in Photoshop, and I think I may have been using this brush at too low of a resolution. While the lines look fine on their own, they are very graphic in style and don't really fit with the painted background. I went ahead and re-lined it real quick tonight. Ah, the wonders of technology  :p

I'm going to leave the one above up for comparison. (Rhombus, I'll e-mail you this version too :D )

Wyoh had acted on absolute terror, her heart nearly pounding out of her chest as she fled the source of the roar with every shred of strength she had left. After the initial shock wore off she thought to look for Buko, and caught sight of him running a ways off to her left with what looked like the swimmer clinging to his back. The two-footer appeared to be interested in something- or someone- else, and so she turned her course toward him and came up beside him as he slowed.

She was about to comment on their situation when he turned his head and... yelled. At the sharptooth. Having heard none of the Swimmer's pleas, she was left staring dumbfounded at the huge predator as Buko increased his speed again. She was on the verge of abandoning him entirely to his madness when the terribly small figure of the threehorn caught her eye, mere paces away from the monster's jaws. Was that what this was about? She took a deep breath and shouted, "It's a good thing sharpteeth are so STUPID!" before running to catch up with Buko, shaking her head in disbelief. She didn't know how much energy he had left, but she was running dangerously close to empty.

LBT Fanfiction / Legend of Sucky
« on: April 24, 2018, 06:12:01 PM »
I... Love this :lol
Sucky is now a full-fledged OC, and it's too perfect :p

LBT Fanart / DarkWolf's Fanart Thread
« on: April 24, 2018, 12:47:55 AM »
Thank you so much for the feedback, guys! It means a lot to me! I always mean to come back the next day to respond, buuuut sometimes that doesn't happen :oops
I'll try to be better about it in the future! For now, here's another commission for Rhombus, Mender, from his and Historian's "Mernder's Tale." :D

LBT Fanart / Flathead770's Fanart
« on: April 24, 2018, 12:41:11 AM »
Ah, I love this! The water is handled very well, and while Ducky is not 100% on model, I don't think that's bad! Her pose and expression are very nice :smile
Once again a great entry!

Starday Wishes / Happy Birthday Flathead770!
« on: April 12, 2018, 09:31:11 PM »
Happy starday, hope it's a good one :smile

The Party Room / LBT Caption Game
« on: April 11, 2018, 09:56:53 PM »
Ducky: Ruby? Are you alright?
Cera: She's been glaring at this wall for hours, it must have done something really bad.

Lame, I know :lol
And yep, I can see it!

The Welcome Center / Heyyy
« on: April 03, 2018, 12:46:07 PM »
Welcome! You'll find plenty of knowledgeable members here :smile

LBT Fanfiction / To Trod Upon Marshes Near
« on: April 01, 2018, 08:28:34 PM »
10%10 u should submit to Hugo awards

No worries! This is not a super fast-paced RP, usually it takes a day or two for people to make replies :smile

The Party Room / LBT Caption Game
« on: March 25, 2018, 09:13:49 PM »
Ok! Either narrative or short caption is fine for this one :smile

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: March 25, 2018, 09:01:57 PM »
There seems to have been a huge leak of mid-season 8 episodes (without the audio). I thumbed through them just to see if they were legitimate, but of course am not going to bother watching them until they're officially released. Has anyone heard any news about this yet?

The Welcome Center / Hello! Long term LBT fan from England :)
« on: March 20, 2018, 08:01:57 PM »
Welcome, welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay here :smile
That part of the film always gets me, too  :cry

Wyoh watched the little swimmer reveal himself, covered in cuts and bruises, and was reminded poignantly of her younger brother. Her kind were not usually hunters, and so her mind had not immediately registered him as food, though she had noted that his injuries looked rather serious. If he succumbed to them, well, there was no sense in wasting what wasn't in use anymore.

She was about to speak again, but Buko had beaten her to it. At his mention of a threehorn, her blood ran cold- she had not yet seen it and wasn't sure she wanted to. It was no sharptooth, but threehorns were vicious and dangerous, everyone knew that. It must have been the one who broke the wall down.

The larger fastrunner made her way back over to Buko's side and climbed up a bit further to get a better view. She watched as the threehorn leapt from his hiding place, relieved to find that it was a younger male, though he was still big enough to make her glad for the distance between them. She listened to his pronouncement with curiosity. What did they want? She wasn't really sure.

"I think we mostly wanted to know that you aren't sharpteeth," she responded, and it was the truth as far as she could tell. "Why did you break that wall down?"

The Party Room / LBT Caption Game
« on: March 17, 2018, 09:17:48 PM »
Tria: "Topps, it was just a falling treestar..."

The Fridge / Developing a board game - need online playtesters!
« on: March 17, 2018, 08:12:39 PM »
Oooh, really interested to try this out! It almost sounds like a completely new game!

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