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LBT Fanfiction / The Accention Of Rahl Fanfic Charactors...
« on: August 22, 2010, 02:41:34 PM »
hey everybody. I am currently working on my next fanfic intitled, "The Accention Of Rahl" wich will be set 1 year after the Events of The Bite Of Tornetar. (unlike most fanfics. mine are all set in one fanfic continuety I will call the Titan Series) The Accention Of Rahl will feature Ali (from The Journey To The Land Of Mists and The Brave Longneck Scheme) as the main charactor. Ali is set to be around Nine Years Old (she always struck me to be around 7 or 8 in the movie and the TV series) and she will also have a sister (around 8 years old) who's charactor is still under develoupment.

the main Antagonist in this Fanfic will be a species of Galionus (a species I created on spore. it holds up to 8 subspecies and factions) called Rahl. a female Komodogalionus who is the last of her kind. Rahl is an Anciant Creature whom lived on earth before the Cambrian age. she is awakened when a Meteorite falls on earth that frees her from an Iceberg. she is intelegent to the point to where she can use the bones of dead dinosaurs (mainly only bones from Dinosaurs who died years ago. not any that she actualy killed) to make a type of Armored clothing for herself (Mainly for style to fit her 'Bad Girl' attitude). she takes command of two Velociraptors named Slash and Scyth (Both of wich she named herself) and learns there is a special type of crystal within the meteor called Carloneum Crystals wich she percieves that can be used as a weapon so she can take over the planet and revive her species.

Ali and her sister are being persuded because Ali saw where the Meteor fell, (Rahl was still in the Iceberg and didn't awaken till a day or so after the Meteor crashed) Ali and her sister find out about Rahls plans to stop her. but can the two longnecks be able to stop Rahl from destroying the dinosaur race and revitalize her species? or will they die trying? we'll find out soon. Part one will be writen later tonight.

anyways here are the charactor's Design sheets and charactor Bios.


Species: Galionus

Sub-Species: Komodogalionus

Homeworld: Earth (Pre-Camprian age)

Diet: Carnivore

Species statistic: Insectiod, Biomechanoid, Saurian hybrid

Blood type: glowing Blue

Hight: 16ft (standing upright)

Weight: 650 lbs

Strength: 8/10

Intelegence: 7/10

Speed: 40MPH

Bio: although, how she was trapped in a block of ice is unknown. and her past is undetermined. she is believed to had gottin trapped in ice when she was 12 (By human years. to Galionus standards its considered to be an age of a sub-adult). she will grow the spines on her back form after killing prey. when she first emerges from the Iceberg, she has no spines.

Rahls Intelegence is typical for her species. she is capable of crafting armor clothing for herself and is able to make primitive weapons. her Personality, dispite being evil, she is Clever, Humble, and is a perfect Tactition. she considers herself a savior of her species that is now long lost. she wishes to bring her Species back from extinction and rule the planet. the only problem with this good deed, is that she wants to kill off the entire dinosaur species, to do so. she considers herself above the dinosaurs, and finds them to be primitive and worthless as a species. with no usefull future. and considers them as mear insects to be stomped out of existance.

her two pets/arrand boys, where found after their pack was killed. she took them in primarely so she wouldn't have to do everything herself. she plans to do away with them like the rest of the Dinosaurs. Rahl treat them like they are dogs. she is not afraid to beat them sensless if they fail. but when they do right. she'll let them eat whomever they where asigned to bring to her. or she would give them a treat herself (mainly that of scraps from her own meal).

had her species still be alive, she would be a commander of a grand Trigalious army. and even with her species now gone, she still plans to lead that army. even if they are dinosaurs themselfs. untill her species is brought back to like, then she will kill her dinosaur army off with her own army.

Rahls Love Interests?: Rahl has no Love Interest nor a mate. atleast not now. she may have had a mate before her imprisonment.

UPDATE: I colored this pic, now you can see the colors I have chosen for it. the sketch of Anthro Rahl will have diffrent coloring I do believe, however.

atleast now you can see the small red lights on its body.

more charactors to come.

LBT Fanfiction / R and PG-13 rated Land Before Time Fan Fiction
« on: August 22, 2010, 11:28:41 AM »
Quote from: Campion1,Aug 22 2010 on  09:21 AM
No author should have their work of fiction aimed towards any rating, only how they want it.
I also agree with this. an Aurthor's work shouldn't be stunted by ratings. nor should an Aurthor worry about ratings either. they are just trying to tell a story from their hearts (or in my case Spark).

I only give mine ratings because I want to. but I don't like putting myself in handcuffs so to say.

LBT Fanfiction / R and PG-13 rated Land Before Time Fan Fiction
« on: August 22, 2010, 11:16:46 AM »
Quote from: DarkHououmon,Aug 22 2010 on  07:58 AM
Wouldn't it be too predictable if there is no character death ever? Not saying some stories with no character death is bad. I wrote such a story that has no character death. But if no stories ever have character death, then it becomes predictable. Danger scenes hold no meaning if we know a character, regardless, will never die. So I feel character death scenes are important and should be used once in a while, depending on the story. Of course I'm not saying use them all the time.
I agree. Charactor death should only be used if it is relevent to the story. Charactor death is only usefull mainly on a new Fan-Created Charactor. but its more meaningfull if used correctly.

I'd only kill off a charactor if it made sence to kill that charactor off. but I don't like massacers.

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:59:29 AM »
Awsome! okay everybody to show the charactors in better detail. here is Grandpa alone. well, you can see Tornetar's Muzzle. but other then that, you get the idea. lol...

and here is the Dastardly Dino himself. Tornetar the Terrorsaurus Rex!

comment and enjoy!

LBT Fanfiction / R and PG-13 rated Land Before Time Fan Fiction
« on: August 22, 2010, 04:22:47 AM »
well guys. I always believe bloodshed and violence in any fanfic of a cartoon series or movie should only exist as long as it stays logicaly required. meaning, if somebody gets bit by a sharptooth or gets pierced by a sharp object they will bleed. as for violence, as long as the story is executed properly, violence would work.

take my fanfic for example, in The Bite Of Tornetar, the titular charactor Tornetar is the villian and is the only charactor that wants to kill. the Great Valley dinosaurs only fight back because 1. they have no choice to fight, or they will be killed. 2. they fight back because they are protecting both their home and their loved ones. and 3. if they do nuthing, they will lose their home and their lives. and, if nothing is done, other dinosaurs will suffer the same fate.

at best I always try to keep my fanfics on a PG to PG-13 rating. I also don't like to unsencily censore words that aren't bad words at all. heck, I get people telling me to replace 'Kill' with some other word. I always get angry whenever I read a fanfic where a charactor tells another charactor he is going to "Destroy them" or "Terminate Them" is it realy that hard to write 'Kill' or 'Murder' in the charactor's Dialog. I don't. especialy sence it makes no sence to use diffrent words. I know they mean the same thing, but still. I find it unnessicary. its like saying you went number one instead of saying you went to go pee.

uh, sorry for my rant.

Now I do agree that no movie charactor should be killed off.(injured is okay as long as they live ofcourse otherwise it makes no sence) and the charactors are met with respect to their Movie/cartoon counterparts.

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 22, 2010, 03:48:11 AM »
Quote from: Pangaea,Aug 22 2010 on  01:39 AM
Quote from: TITANOSAUR,Aug 21 2010 on  05:34 AM
lol, nah dude, I was just impressed by your knowledge.
Oh, okay. Thanks. :)

I always thought their feet where like that of a an elephant. hmm, silly me. lol
Mind you, sauropod hind feet were a bit more elephant-like than the front, as they did have a cushioning pad at the back. However, unlike an elephant, the toes had large claws on them, usually three, the other two toes being clawless.

Also, I may have to revise my earlier statement about sauropod thumb claws;  apparently they weren't held off the ground in all species. Apparently they had some function (possibly for fighting as in your picture ;)) that kept them from being lost along with the other claws (although some of the later sauropods may have lost ALL of the claws on their forefeet, including the thumb claw).

By the way, I forgot to mention before: none of this means that you have to change the feet in your picture. ;)
Nah, I don't plan to change the picture. just need to color it is all. :smile  but that won't be till next month.

Hey, would anybody prefer I post close-ups of any of the charactors so you guys can see them better?

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 21, 2010, 06:34:58 AM »
lol, nah dude, I was just impressed by your knowledge. I always thought their feet where like that of a an elephant. hmm, silly me. lol

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 21, 2010, 05:43:57 AM »
Quote from: Pangaea,Aug 21 2010 on  01:05 AM
Quote from: TITANOSAUR,Aug 20 2010 on  09:35 AM
but I'd been forgetting and/or procrastinating about posting in several other threads that I'm sorta obligated to post in, and wanted to catch up on those before I started working on a post for this one.
its all cool. you just needed to get all the infomation you needed. :D
Thank you for understanding. :)

Quote from: TITANOSAUR,Aug 20 2010 on  09:35 AM
I'll be honest with you, these kinds of LBT stories really aren't my cup of tea,
in what aspect? the dinosaurs aren't givin any super powers, and nobody dies. so.... I don't know. um? pickel?
It's mainly the violence level. I'm not too big on LBT stories that have a lot of bloody battles in them. Admittedly, the picture has made me a little curious about your story, though.

Tornetar (and his species as a whole) are so large, that they can't stand up like normal LBT sharpteeth. because their weight makes that impossible. also the neck was shortened because I felt, the Terrorsaurus Rex would have too much top weight, and would fall over. thats also why the species has a long tail then most Tyrannosaurids (Terrorsaurus Rex belongs to the Tyrannosaurid Family) to help balance out the weight. its legs are also stocky because they have large bones and muscles to help support the animal's emence body. had he was a scaled up LBT dinosaur and was givin the typical LBT sharptooth stance, the animal's back will shatter. so Tornetar has to stay in a hunched over possition. the one thing I did keep was the large skull. but the short neck helps balance out the body with the long tail as I stated.
You've certainly put a lot of thought and effort into making him a more plausible creature. :yes

Yeah, well I had to draw Grandpa in his classic design. mainly because he was as I said one or two times before. hes a recognisable charactor. I could have easily put boney plates and scales on him. but I didn't because it would destroy his recongisability. his feet where the only thing I realy had to change. one reason was to get back that scientificly accurate feet. I wanted the claws to look dangerous while still like I said before, keep grandpa recognisable.
Just so you know, real sauropods had only a single claw on their front feet: the thumb claw. The other toes had lost their nails entirely. Sauropods actually walked on their metacarpals; the bones that form the broad part of the hand (the palm and back) in humans. Imagine bending your fingers forward at a ninety-degree angle to the rest of your hand (don't try it for real; it's painful :p), and planting your hands on the ground so that your fingers face forward (except for your thumb, which is held off the ground), but the rest of your hand and arm is vertical (your weight supported on the insides of your first knuckles). That's how sauropods stood. Also, there was no cushioning tissue behind the hand, as there is in elephants, so sauropod front footprints were U-shaped.

How Tornetar looks in this sketch (as well as his species' profile sheet) is exactly how he would look in an LBT movie. I designed the Terrorsaurus EXACTLY for LBT. although the style isn't like LBT's (it being my own ofcourse) the look does have similaritys. but are subtle yet it helps the design blend into the style. though its not a perfect blend. but its enough to keep the LBT feel present while still getting the intence style I am/was hoping for.
One thing I notice about him is that his skull is more realistic than a typical LBT sharptooth's; less boxy, with visible "windows" in it (around his eye and ear, and on the side of his snout), and a curved mouth line rather than one that is straight from the front to the back. Not to mention he's more detailed than any dinosaur I can think of from the LBT series. Still, as you said, your drawing style here isn't quite the same as LBT's; if you drew him in exact LBT style I imagine he might come out a bit differently.

believe it or not. but this is my first actual LBT sketch. well. I done some before, but weren't too good. but this pick is my first real LBT pic. both of a favorite charactor, and one of my own created charactors. IF I do draw more LBT sketchs I'll defenantly post them. (I got some ideas for drawing something now as I am typing) and, I will still try to keep the LBT style. or try to anyways.
I'd REALLY like to see how you would draw other LBT characters in this style. :yes You have my full support for doing further LBT artwork. :smile

By the way, the fourth quote tag in your response to my original post (at the end of the second piece of text you are quoting) is missing the slash at the front; that’s why the quote boxes aren’t appearing. Just thought I’d tell you in case you wanted to go back and fix it. ;)
WELL, I'm stumped. lol

anyways, am realy glad you like the sketch.

the new beast/antagonist for my Ali fanfic is almost done. I just got to finish its hand and start on its right arm.

I am havin a terrible time making up some charactors for the fanfic. I am thinking of giving Ali a sister. oh and I cut Rhet out of the story. I never did like him. thought he was a pain in the cylinder.

also, I brought back Ali's Demeener for the fanfic. I hated how in the Great Longneck Scheme she was gullable and well, hate to say it. but a typical Naive Schoolgirl. but in my fanfic I made her, alot smarter. she'll finaly return to being brave and selfless. because I am mostly working with Ali, I may need to come up with some new charactors.

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 20, 2010, 10:55:20 PM »
Quote from: ScratteLover3,Aug 20 2010 on  08:30 PM
Quote from: TITANOSAUR,Aug 20 2010 on  09:28 PM
the Fanfic will star Ali
It stars Ali! I'm reading it for sure! I'll read (or watch) anything that Ali is the main character in.
I'm glad you will. cuz I wanted Ali to have a bigger role in The Bite Of Tornetar, but I think when Part 2 and Part 3 where being writen she got pushed aside. wich, dispite the fact I was writing it, made me sad, cuz shes a great wonderful charactor and I felt its time she got a fanfic staring her primarly as the Protagonist. as much as I love littlefoot and his friends, I feel I should "Spotlight" the other great charactors. Ali was always my favorite sence LBT IV, and now, I might be able to do her justice by giving her her own fic. a story wich she is for once the protagonist.

hmmmm? maybe Grandpa Longneck has been lifting weights? cuz I noticed in my sketch, he looks a lil buffed?

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 20, 2010, 10:28:29 PM »
Quote from: Ptyra,Aug 20 2010 on  07:46 PM
It looks like the Bone fight that never happened (Great Red Dragon vs Kingdok. Boy was I bummed when they didn't have a fight!)

Awesome piece of work!
thanks everybody.

although not related to this pic. I am working on a new Antagonist for my next fanfic that will take place months after TBOT. the creature I am designing will be a biomechanoid. and the Fanfic will star Ali as the Protagonist. bout all I can say for right now concerning my next fiction.

you know. if anybody here would like to help me color this for me please PM me. it will help to put more stuff here untill I can color it myself.

more comments plz!

General Land Before Time / If LBT Was Anime, Would You Watch it?
« on: August 20, 2010, 08:45:44 PM »
I'd watch it. so long as the charactors don't have powers and don't just gasp after another charactor says something.

just as long as 4kids don't get a hold of it. I'm cool with it.

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 20, 2010, 07:02:21 PM »
Quote from: MrDrake,Aug 20 2010 on  04:42 PM
Holy mother can see how they mean by how detailed it is, that looks bloody well awesome did a very nice, a very awesome job at it.

As others have said, can't wait to see what the coloured version of that would be like myself.
thanks, glad you likes it.

Colored version will come. I still need to get the right coloring pencils before I work on the sketch (Hate to mess it up) I may have to have a copy made so as to keep the original colorless incase I do mess up.

got a new Fanfic under develoup (brewing in my mind basicly) so keep an eye out in Fanart & Fanfiction.

and don't worry. it won't be a crossover. yet again it will feature an original creation of mine.

MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I love being a Decepticon!

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 20, 2010, 10:35:09 AM »
^ No, Sky meant that he IS in awe, but it's not Tornetar's size that impressed him; it's how detailed he is. I'm pretty sure DarkWolf was talking about Tornetar as well.

OH! sorry, I must have gotten confused then... sorry Sky.

Anyway, sorry I didn't post here sooner; I was planning to, even before you “super ultra mega bump”-ed it (after less than 37 hours, seriously? )

its ok. but yeah, I got verry little patiance. but I felt it was necissary.


but I'd been forgetting and/or procrastinating about posting in several other threads that I'm sorta obligated to post in, and wanted to catch up on those before I started working on a post for this one.

its all cool. you just needed to get all the infomation you needed. :D

I'll be honest with you, these kinds of LBT stories really aren't my cup of tea,

in what aspect? the dinosaurs aren't givin any super powers, and nobody dies. so.... I don't know. um? pickel?

but this picture is awesome!  You really did put a lot of detail into it.  Tornetar has all those spines and platelike scales that make him look very powerful and dangerous, not to mention downright scary. Realistically, I don't think a two-legged animal of his size is biomechanically possible, but I feel like his hunched posture, short neck, and massive legs make him more believable-looking than if he were simply a scaled-up typical LBT sharptooth.

thanks. Tornetar (and his species as a whole) are so large, that they can't stand up like normal LBT sharpteeth. because their weight makes that impossible. also the neck was shortened because I felt, the Terrorsaurus Rex would have too much top weight, and would fall over. thats also why the species has a long tail then most Tyrannosaurids (Terrorsaurus Rex belongs to the Tyrannosaurid Family) to help balance out the weight. its legs are also stocky because they have large bones and muscles to help support the animal's emence body. had he was a scaled up LBT dinosaur and was givin the typical LBT sharptooth stance, the animal's back will shatter. so Tornetar has to stay in a hunched over possition. the one thing I did keep was the large skull. but the short neck helps balance out the body with the long tail as I stated.

Actually I think what impressed me about this picture even more than Tornetar was the way you drew Grandpa Longneck. He's still very recognizable, and yet you've drawn him in such a way that he doesn't look out of place stylistically next to his foe (the way Littlefoot or some other LBT character would look strange if you stuck them in a picture with realistically drawn dinosaurs). And his detail, too, is incredible: the wrinkles on his neck, the bumps on his back, the musculature of his limbs, his feet (just…his feet. Seriously, I love the way you drew them. Especially his right one). I also love the dynamic pose you drew him in, rearing up to box at Tornetar with his front feet, with his neck arched and his tail curving to the side. His fighting stance conveys a lot of action, more so than Tornetar's actually!

Yeah, well I had to draw Grandpa in his classic design. mainly because he was as I said one or two times before. hes a recognisable charactor. I could have easily put boney plates and scales on him. but I didn't because it would destroy his recongisability. his feet where the only thing I realy had to change. one reason was to get back that scientificly accurate feet. I wanted the claws to look dangerous while still like I said before, keep grandpa recognisable. his pose was originaly gonna be him on all fours. but then I felt it would ruin the intencity of the picture. I always intended him to be on his hind legs, but a couple of times I thought about having him on all fours. but again, I felt it wouldn't look right.

How Tornetar looks in this sketch (as well as his species' profile sheet) is exactly how he would look in an LBT movie. I designed the Terrorsaurus EXACTLY for LBT. although the style isn't like LBT's (it being my own ofcourse) the look does have similaritys. but are subtle yet it helps the design blend into the style. though its not a perfect blend. but its enough to keep the LBT feel present while still getting the intence style I am/was hoping for.

Do you do a lot of LBT artwork (or expect to)? If yes, then maybe you should start a LBT art thread of your own. You're really good at this.  

believe it or not. but this is my first actual LBT sketch. well. I done some before, but weren't too good. but this pick is my first real LBT pic. both of a favorite charactor, and one of my own created charactors. IF I do draw more LBT sketchs I'll defenantly post them. (I got some ideas for drawing something now as I am typing) and, I will still try to keep the LBT style. or try to anyways.

LBT Fanart / Pangaea's LBT Artwork
« on: August 20, 2010, 10:30:37 AM »
some people think I'm modest about my work. but your stuff is still quite good.

Actualy, I always find it best to add the shadows with pencil and color it later (though I usualy never color my stuff. too hard for me to get the color I am looking for) though, I usualy add completely black shadows not light shaded shadows as most people do. mainly so I can give the pic a dark tone.

I can also recomend to do exactly as you stated. to sketch the pic. scane it. then print a copy for coloring. this is a verry good idea. it'll also come in handy incase you wish to make diffrent animals of the same design but with diffrent colors.

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 20, 2010, 05:25:37 AM »
thankies guys.

Ok, that guy is really huuuge!
His size does not put me in awe but the amount of detail you gave him. 

That is one awesome drawing! Can't wait for the colored version. 

I am sorry your not in awe, but perhaps the colored version will help fix that?

Oh-hoooo, man. This is epic 
Grandpa looks absolutely intense in your style. Can't wait to see it colored!

Also, I agree with Sky about the detail! He's so... pointy 

I was gonna give Grandpa more detail, but I felt he'll look too diffrent from his Movie/Cartoon counterpart. and hes such a recongnisable charactor. but I still wanted to give him the look I want without sacrifising his charactors trademark charactoristics.

LBT Fanart / Pangaea's LBT Artwork
« on: August 20, 2010, 01:47:34 AM »
hey Pangaea, if your looking to give your drawings a more darker look, and to help give them size, you can add shadows to them like I do. or atleast, thats what I do to try to give my drawings scale (don't always work unfortunantly) but it could work for ya. just throwing in some ideas.

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 19, 2010, 12:20:42 PM »

oh! btw, I am gonna wait till next month to color this pic. that way I'll have new coloring pencils to work with. as well as new colors.

LBT Fanfiction / Soundtrack for your fanfiction
« on: August 18, 2010, 11:15:24 AM »
heres The Bite Of Tornetar's soundtrack...

1. Main Theme/Credits: Darkest Side Of The Night by Metropolis

2. Tornetar's Theme 1: The Decent Of The God Of Destruction by Takayuki Hattori

3. If We Hold On Forever By Diana Ross

4. If We Hold On Forever (instrumental) by james Horner

5. Destruction of The Great Valley Wall/Sharptooth Swarm: Indestructible by Disturbed

6. Tornetar's Theme 2: Unicron's Transformation by Vince DeCola

7. Looking For Doc/Searching For The Lone Dinosaur: As Long As Got Have Each Other by B.J. Tomas (growing Pains Theme)

8. War Of The Dinosaurs 1/The Advancing Chase: The Menagerie by Martin O'Donnell

9. The Final Battle: When Darkness Falls By Killswitch Engaged

10. Peacefull Valley: Almost Unreal by Roxette

11. The Bones of Tornetar: Stricken by Disturbed

12. Released/Tricked: What I've Done By Linkin Park

13. Shadow Of Tornetar: Redemption by Shadows Fall

14. Doc Found: Miles Away by Winger

15. End Titles: When You Say Nothing (at all) by Alison Crause

LBT Fanfiction / Grandpa Longneck vs Tornetar!
« on: August 18, 2010, 05:35:23 AM »
hey everybody! I drew a sketch of the battle scene from my fanfiction, The Bite Of Tornetar!, where Grandpa Longneck fights the Terrorsaurus known as Tornetar. a giant Tyrannosaurid who plans to lead the Sharpteeth to the Great Valley and rule the land.

anyways. in my fanfic, Grandpa and Tornetar's fight was caused when Tornetar made Grandpa longneck Angry by taunting him over Tornetar's killing of Grandpa's parents. the fight was considered by many of my friend as "a fight that would make Godzilla vs King Kong look like a school yard brawl." this sketch I done, was to help capture the scene. there are some inconsistancys. for one, Tornetar should be bleeding from the mouth after getting a couple of his teeth knocked out by an Ankylosaurus. but I'll rectify that in the colored version.

now, without any further adu...


I used shadows to help give off how big these guys are. and for thoughs who are puzzled as to why Tornetar is so huge, well he is SUPPOSED to be humongus. Terrorsaurus Rex are much larger then any land predator known to man. larger then even Grandpa when he is standing on his hind legs.

Grandpa is also standing on his hind legs, because he is preparing to buck Tornetar with his front legs. I also gave grandpa scientificly accurate front paws. or, atleast I tried.

if anybody likes to read my fanfic please do. you can read it here on the forum. or you can read it on my DA profile.

please, comment and enjoy...

Land Before Time Captions / Ruby and the tunnel
« on: August 18, 2010, 02:04:26 AM »
Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Aug 17 2010 on  10:34 PM
("Jeepers Creepers" reference)

Ruby: "So, THAT'S where he throws the bodies down the pipe?  Eeeeew!  I'm not going in there!"

(Seriously, this looks just like the scene from "Jeepers Creepers" where Tricia and Darry look down the pipe :blink:!)
I was thinking the same thing. now we just need somebody to play Darry. maybe littlefoot?

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