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Messages - Nahla

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Random Role Play / Buried Secrets
« on: February 28, 2015, 04:58:36 AM »
Lily flipped through all the pages and stopped when she reached one page, it was a large photograph of a man standing in front of what looked like the Inn, he was wearing all styled clothing and was smiling at the camera in a manner that somehow disturbed her. Lily almost felt he was staring at her, "Oh this place is really getting to me.." she muttered quietly to herself.

She realized the photograph was loose on the page, the glue haven been long worn out. Carefully she pulled it free from the page and studied it closer. "Hey guys, come look at this." she held out the photograph "Who is this guy? And why is he smiling like some kind of serial killer?"

Silver Screen / What are you watching?
« on: February 27, 2015, 06:02:56 AM »
Marley & Me

The ending makes me cry, every time anyone who has lost a pet would get the feeling.

Saddest movie ending ever, I swear...

It's Party Time! / Guess the character
« on: February 26, 2015, 11:04:31 PM »
Quote from: chomperrules1993,Feb 26 2015 on  03:04 AM
Quote from: Nahla,Feb 24 2015 on  09:38 PM
My turn?

"Now I'm concerned on a number of levels."
Hades from Hercules?
Nope, sorry. Wrong character and wrong movie.

Starday Wishes / Congratulations LetuceBacon&Tomato!
« on: February 26, 2015, 04:23:37 AM »
Happy Belated Birthday

The Party Room / How's the Weather?
« on: February 26, 2015, 04:21:03 AM »
We had a bit of a storm today, it's all being blown over from the Cyclone which hit Queensland last week, a bit of the storm drifted over to New South Wales and is going right through the West side of state, thankfully it wasn't too bad.

And we needed the rain as our dams and lakes were starting to go a bit dry, we got some heavy wind well not super heavy but about 24km/h, a bit of hail and thunder and lightning. Besides a few close strikes nothing bad at all. Expect one of my dogs freaked out and injured himself in the panic.

He will be perfectly fine though.

With only 2 days left of Summer you can start to feel the Autumn breeze coming in,some of the trees are starting to die back, already getting falling leaves, and it's starting to get chilly a night, well chilly for Australia this time of year at about 16?C.

It actually does get freezing in Australia in winter, and it does snow. Though you don't get snow everywhere.

The town I live it gets daily snow in Winter and can drop to about -6?C.

And for Australia, that is stone cold.

So while most of you people here are preparing for all the warmth of Spring and Summer.

I'm preparing for the bitter cold of Autumn and Winter. When it's Summer for you lot, I'll be in Winter. Completely reserved.

Though I know why, still find it really weird.

Even sitting here I'm starting to get a bit chilly

LBT Fanfiction / The Wonderful Circle of Life
« on: February 25, 2015, 05:58:16 AM »
Am I seeing things?'re back and updating again!

By the way this is going to be the worst review ever..I'm too tired right now to go into detail

I'm glad Tosa and Thunderfoot found each other again.

Can I say, Linnaea is the cutest little thing ever? To bad she has Rye as a father, she does remind me of 'Nahla' the old version of her anyway, Rye reminds me of 'Hades'. Not sure if you meant for that to happen, but sure brings back memories of the olden days xD.

And yay the creepy old dude is dead, I didn't like him..he was a douchnozzle. To bad his son is still around.

Role Play Discussion / Buried Secrets
« on: February 24, 2015, 11:03:50 PM »
Quote from: Zimba,Feb 25 2015 on  12:18 PM
Last thing I remember her saying is just to have the characters try and find a place to shelter for the night and something about trying to find some food.

That I did say indeed and I still stand by that.

The characters need to find a place of shelter and a source of food, what the source is hasn't been decided I believe.

If you guys (and girl) are good with that, they'll be great.

After we get through all that we can start discussing all the paranormal stuff, but we really need to do that before we get there.

LBT Fanfiction / Land Before Time XVIII: Hunter Valley
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:55:44 PM »
I'll say this the * thing is a bit annoying, lots of authors still use " for Sharptooth. You could try bolding Sharptooth speak to make it stand out from leafeater, thats what most authors do.

Using * for speak makes things look a bit...amateurish and some people can be put off by that, I'm not one to judge someones fic from their writing style...I used to be terrible can't even look at my old works without cringing.

You used " in the first post, and it looks much better. No offence but the * looks awful.

Also try and have a space everytime a new character speaks, it makes thinks neater and easier to follow.

And one last thing-you really should try describing things better.

Try and describe the characters emotions, the events happening.

Detail, detail, detail.

That's what readers like, little or no detail makes your story seem rushed and people will shy away from it because it is boring.

It's all in the detail, we want to feel for the characters, understand how their feeling and what's happening to them.

Detail is what can make a story or break it.

Hope you don't take offence to this, I'm just trying to help you become a better writer.

It's Party Time! / Hurt & Heal Game 7
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:40:33 PM »
Heal Littlefoot's Mother
Hurt Chomper

Littlefoot: 17
Cera: 13
Ducky: 20
Petrie: 16
Spike: 15
Chomper: 11 (-1)
Ruby: 19
Ali: 16
Guido: 15
Mo: 13
Mama Swimmer: 11
Mama Flyer: 10
Pterano: 14
Sierra: 12
Strut: 16
Mr. Thicknose: 8
Littlefoot's Mother: 14 (+1)
Sharptooth: 9
Shorty: 14
Foobie: 10

It's Party Time! / Guess the character
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:38:38 PM »
My turn?

"Now I'm concerned on a number of levels."

It's Party Time! / Guess the character
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:11:45 PM »
Quote from: chomperrules1993,Feb 25 2015 on  12:36 PM
Ok new round.

"Them? Us? Look at them they are us! What differences  do you see?"
Kiara from The Lion King 2

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Will the TV Series be continued?
« on: February 24, 2015, 06:17:12 AM »
Maybe Ruby and Chomper will be in the new movie.

The series takes place after the 13th movie, so unless this new movie is going to take place before the events of the series there is no reason why Chomper or Ruby shouldn't be in it.

But then again, it was completely different people working on the TV series compared to the movies.

The TV series did fail, it barely made any profit back. They might decide to give it another shot but these big companies don't tend to risk more money on things clearly not working out.

One of the biggest reasons the series failed when they gave it it's Australian run is that they chose to air it at 12pm on weekdays, most people would be at school or work during that time.

Only got to see a few episodes when I was off school from a horse riding injury. They put it on the worst time they could of.

As a result, the TV series was considered a failure in Australia. Not sure about other places though, but from what I heard it failed pretty much everywhere.

Wish they explained Ruby and Chomper in the first place, or did they just think no one would notice?

Where the heck did Ruby come from?

And how did Chomper get to stay in the valley?

I have a feeling the people who made the series didn't actually think that through, considering it was aimed at young children, kids don't tend to question things like that.

General Land Before Time / What was Mo doing in the Great Valley in 12?
« on: February 24, 2015, 06:05:30 AM »
They tend to show the most random things during songs.

I don't think Mo was in the valley, or if he was everyone just  completely ignored him.

Like Zimba said about him appearing in movie 10 during the Adventuring..think thats what it's called song, he was  just there.

To be honest I had to go back and watch those scenes again..after a bit of googling and just now I noticed him.

He didn't affect the plot at all, so why they put him there is beyond me.

But, hey if you go through all the songs in the series, you'll see they put the most random things. Like in movie 7, they showed Littlefoot in space...of all things.

My guess he was there as an Easter Egg for those who pay that much detail to those things, I am not one of those people  :lol

Role Play Discussion / Buried Secrets
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:40:23 PM »
Yeah it's still happening.

If the others still want to do it, or I could just try and get some new people to kick it going again.

But I have not abandoned it,  it's just nothing has been happening.

The Welcome Center / Corona
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:38:28 PM »

I'm Nahla and I'm GOF's residential horse nut.

The Land Before time was also a huge part of my childhood, though now I am much older I still cherish it as a reminder of those days.

I have kind of grown out of LBT now myself, but I stick around here because you don't have to just talk about LBT, I still like to watch the original movie every once and a while and I'm interested in this 14th one but I wouldn't call myself a real LBT fan anymore, I just merely like the movies.

Lots of us here are the same, here for childhood memories and to talk with friends, roleplay, discuss games, music, movies etc.

Hope you enjoy GOF.

It's Party Time! / Boys vs Girls
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:33:43 PM »

It's Party Time! / Ban The Person Above You (game)
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:27:52 PM »
How dare you.

Your hatred on horsies made everyone so sad they killed the game out of spite. We do not take kindly to horsey haters.

You're banned on behalf of horsies everywhere, I will not allow you to make them sad any longer.

It's Party Time! / Guess the next poster
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:24:18 PM »
Nope, it's me. Sorry to disappoint you.

Where is that parallelogram when you want him? rhombus get over here, I have a mission for you.

It's Party Time! / Countdown
« on: February 23, 2015, 07:22:00 PM »

It's Party Time! / Boys vs Girls
« on: February 23, 2015, 01:45:53 AM »
So we all love a  good old battle of the sexes, right?

Well heres how this work.

You state your gender then add to the genders number.


Person 1: Girls-1
Person 2:-Girls-2

But if someone of the other gender comes along the count of that gender resets.


Person 3: Girls-3
Person 4:-Boys-1
Person 5: Girls-1


First to 50 wins then it's on to the next round.

See who can come out on top the most, will it be the ladies or the gentlemen?

Remember if  girls are winning and the guys post. The girls score is wiped and then must start over again, same with the guys even if you're at 49 and then a girl comes along before you get 50. Your score is wiped and your back at 1.

I don't think I need to tell you's no cheating.

Guess I get to start.


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