The Gang of Five
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Messages - StrutEggStealer

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LBT Fanfiction / Earning Restitution
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:27:58 PM »
=Part Seven

It was as though a breath was being held, a collective inhale from everyone in the valley; even the wind had ceased its blow. Littlefoot cautiously poked his head out from behind his grandfather’s ankle, peering at his surroundings. Nothing was actively shaking or being crumbled or crushed, nothing was sliding down slopes and nothing was jouncing up and down like a bunch of nervous hoppers. The earthshake was over.

Grandma and Grandpa Longneck sighed in relief as they realized the danger was past. Littlefoot stepped out from under them and looked off in the direction of the Smoking Mountains. The black smoke that had been spewing from the gurgling pits before had choked off, almost as if nothing had happened. Littlefoot didn’t like it.

“That was a close one,” Grandpa remarked gravely. “Thank the Bright Circle it’s over now.”

Grandma sounded worried. “But earthshakes in the Valley have never been that serious, dear.”

Grandpa agreed. “I know. We had better go and see if anyone needs our help. Come, Littlefoot.”

Littlefoot followed anxiously after his grandparents as they lumbered out of the cove. They met up first with Topps and Tria, who were just stepping out of a rocky lean-to. Topps growled and harrumphed.

“Worst earthshake I’ve seen since the Great Earth Tremble!” He shook off some debris that had settled on his back. “How’d you make out, Longneck?”

Grandpa nodded. “We go to safety just in time, but I’m worried that there may have been those less fortunate.”

Cera and Tricia in the meantime had run over to Littlefoot. Little Tricia was shaking with fear over what had just occurred and Cera was trying her best to comfort her to no avail. “I didn’t think earthshakes were supposed to happen in the Great Valley!” She scowled angrily. “Littlfoot, can you help me calm Tricia down?”

The little threehorn whimpered as Cera nuzzled her gently. “There, there, Tricia, it’s okay. See? The earthshake is over, the sky is cleared up and we can go and play.”

Tricia gurgled in firm disagreement, as much as a little one her age could muster. “No,” she replied stubbornly. ëNo’ was now Tricia’s favorite word and it drove Cera absolutely crazy!

Cera sighed. Littlefoot stepped in, smiling sympathetically. He knew how scary earthshakes could be – he was even scared of them now – and knew that the feeling must be doubled for a little one like Tricia. “Cera’s right, Tricia. The earthshake is over and everything is back to normal, now.”

Tricia didn’t budge from her tiny resolve. Instead, she ducked behind Tria just as Topps and Grandpa Longneck went off to make sure everyone else made it safely through. Littlefoot looked up at his grandmother.

“Grandma? Can I go and look for my friends? I want to make sure they’re safe, too.”

Grandma nodded and smiled. “I think that’s an excellent idea, Littlefoot. In fact, I think I’ll come with you.”

Tria spoke up, nuzzling Tricia. “The girls and I will join you two as well. Come along, Tricia, sweetie. Everything’s okay.” She cooed softly. Cera rolled her eyes and grumbled.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell her,” she muttered under her breath.

Aw, I absolutely LOVE little Tricia!! hehe, that's a toddler's favorite word, "No!" innit?

The Fridge / How well am I known?
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:24:20 PM »
Well, I know you through deviantART, (I'm TheBattyCrow, btw) with your Pterano fanfics and art and screenshots... smexy flyah XD lol

Land Before Time Captions / Pterano in the Night Sky
« on: June 12, 2012, 07:52:57 PM »
Pterano: ... oh bloody -! LINE Please!

LBT Fanfiction / Under a Yellow Moon
« on: June 12, 2012, 07:48:54 PM »
Hi there^^
I really like this so far, especially the flashbacks. Pterano's dream sequence was very well described and not to mention quite dark and terrifying ;)

A couple things. First, I notice you mention spears and javelins. I am just a little confused, since I'm sure terms like those didn't exist back then ;) they might have used sharp ropcks or something (makes for more dramatic reading if someone is bashed in with a sharp pointy rock... :p bleh lol) while using spears or mentioning that terminology makes them sound... evolved, like civilized, and they aren't really supposed to be. they are giant lizards after all :DD

Also, Pterno says 'yeah' a lot ;) may be a pet peeve of mine, but high-spoken British characters like Pterano, eloquent and dramatic as he is, would not say something like 'yeah'... It kinda makes him sound like he's not really being serious when he says that.

Ugh, sorry! I hate leaving corrective feedback cuz I always sound like such a know-it-all, and bossy-pants! sorrysorrysorry if I offended you, and please don't think i don't like the story cuz I do!
*blushes and hides self away*

1988 Theatrical Release /
« on: June 12, 2012, 12:24:47 PM »
How terribly awful! And she was so young! Children should never have to face something like that. Pulling her hair out, gads! What a horrible monster her father was!
My sister's going through the same thing with an abusive husband, so that link hit a soft spot.
Requiescat in pacem, Judith Barsi. I sincerely hope you were finally able to find a place of refreshment light and peace.

LBT Fanfiction / Pterano's Metamorphosis
« on: June 11, 2012, 05:49:52 PM »
Oi^^ I love it so far!! oooh, Zaine is friggin awesome and badass.. I'm really anxious to read about his and Pterano's past.
One question: this sounds an awful lot like Avatar the last Airbender, when Zuko himself goes through a metamorphosis... would this be based upon that? ;)
Keep writing! you've got a new fan :DD

LBT Fanfiction / Pterano's Deception: The Three Stones of Life
« on: June 09, 2012, 09:56:01 PM »
ACK! Y U leave us hanging?! Who is watching?! :! Gaaah!
lol okay, now for the tough part. I don't really like giving grammatical feedback because I often make a lot of mistakes myself, plus I get nit-picky, so sorry if offend, just disregard this if you think I'm being a jerk :p but I did notice some errors.

A few times you switch the tone of who is speaking: switching form first to third, vice-versa, such as
But there was also a place where you can be safe.
You should put 'could' there unless you want this to be told in the first-person, or that is, actively narrating as it comes, like an eyewitness account ;)

Also, when talking about the Great Valley, instead of saying
It was called The Great Valley and was home to lots of dinosaurs that where leaf eaters. They did not have to worry about any dinosaurs that where a threat to them because the walls of The Great Valley would protect them.

instead of saying 'home to many dinosaurs that were leaf eaters,' you can say 'home to leaf-eating dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes' or something like that. The phrase you have makes it sound like you are quickly gliding over the details instead of taking the time to describe things.

Some have tried to get into The Great Valley but have failed. Because of finding no way of getting in or because of the locals would fight them back to the Mysterious Beyond.
Who are these 'some?' you should mention the meateaters here ;)

And on the subject of the gang, you don't think you need to give us their scientific species, but that's just me speaking. Also, you forgot the include Spike! or did you mean that? ;) lol

Whew! unpopular opinion done with! I really like it so far, and hope you update soon!

LBT Fanfiction / Earning Restitution
« on: June 08, 2012, 08:21:34 PM »
Quote from: Mr Wonk,Jun 8 2012 on  03:24 PM
It takes me days to get over 1,500 words. You do it so fast! :lol

Hehe, I just plow on ahead through my muddled thoughts and blaze a clear trail :)

=Part Six

The Great Circle was already high in the sky, and the day looked to progress as it normally did for the Gang. They were sitting around in the Tall Trees, trying to figure out what to do. For some reason, none of them felt like doing anything. Ruby suggested that they go and hunt for more sky-color stones, which earned her a challenging smile from Cera.

"You still think you can find more stones than me, Ruby? I told you, I'm the best sky-color stone-finder there is!"

The pink fast runner frowned and folded her arms. "No, Cera. Remember? Ducky found more than we did last time. In fact, I think she found all of them because we certainly didn't find any." She looked at Ducky, sitting atop Spike's head. The little swimmer nodded happily.

"I did-ed find more stones than you, yes, yes, yes, I did!" She giggled. Ruby did a poor job of concealing her smirk as she turned back to Cera with 'I told-you-so' plainly written on her beaked face. Cera scowled.

Littlefoot sighed as he watched his friends argue. Ruby and Cera had been going at it a lot lately. They were arguing more, bragging more and just generally getting under each other's hides. The longneck didn't know what to make of it. Ruby and Cera were his friends, and he knew they were good friends with each other, but he didn't know what had caused this tipping point. He only hoped they would get over it soon. Friends shouldn't make their friends feel bad.

"Guys, come on," he broke in, getting to his feet to stand in between the threehorn and fast runner. "Can you please not start up again with the fighting? I think we've all had enough of it; I know I have." He looked at Cera, frowning sternly. "What is it with you two? Ever since we first went to look for those sky-color stones, you two've been acting more like enemies than friends."

Cera looked away, pouting. "Well," the threehorn mumbled. "Maybe we wouldn't be arguing if someone didn't keep bringing that up,"

Littlefoot frowned again. "I was only bringing it up because you two brought it up!" He stopped himself. This was getting contagious. He shook his head. "Look, can we just spologize, shake claws and be friends again?" He looked at Ruby.

"Okay Ruby?"

Ruby sighed and stuck out her claw. "Agreed," she replied in a low voice. Cera grudgingly nodded.

"Fine," she huffed.

The truce wouldn't last too long, Littlefoot realized, but it would have to do. Before he could suggest, however, that they go and play Swimmer and Splasher in the fast water, there came a low rumble. All noise ceased from the Gang in the Tall Trees as they listened. It was deep and it came from all around and was steadily growing louder.

Littlefoot's head snapped up. One look from everyone else and he knew what it was. "Earthshake!!" He cried. "Run!" His friends didn't need to be told twice. They bolted out of the Trees and split up, each to run to their own family. The rumbling got louder and the ground started to buckle and jump. Littlefoot yelped as he lost his footing. His whole world was vibrating. Behind him, he heard trees splintering as they broke from their root support and crash to the ground, and all around, mighty boulders that even Grandpa Longneck couldn't move cracked and crumbled. Even the Great Walls appeared to sway from this onslaught. And off in the distance, the Smoking Mountains belched out angry black clouds of smoke.

Littlefoot stared, frozen at the sight of the massive cloud of ash. This was unlike anything he had seen before. Never had an earthshake been this violent.

Struggling to his feet despite the rumbling ground, he took off at a sprint to find his grandparents in their cove. He looked back in the direction of his friends and was relieved to see that they had made it away safely.

Grandma and Grandpa Longneck were unsteadily making their way to the cove as well when Littlefoot ran into them, literally, as the ground shot up from beneath him and launched him into the air. He slid into his Grandpa's ankle and skidded to a stop, ducking his head down. Grandma and Grandpa braced themselves as the earthshake reached its climax, roared and then...

... Stopped.
s'funny, I had actually learned a bit about earthquakes and volcanoes this past semester in geology... deadly things, but pretty darn cool, too ;P

LBT Fanfiction / Earning Restitution
« on: June 08, 2012, 12:44:45 PM »
=Part Five

At that moment, far beyond the Walls of the Great Valley in a little red-rock glen, a mother sickleclaw was tending to her nest. She was a large, striking sharptooth with a dull scarlet hide and yellow pinpricking stripes down her back. The bony crests on either side of her head, apparent to her species, were colored a deep, burnt orange and were slightly less evident than her mate’s. Her gold, slit-pupil eyes tenderly regarded the circle of twigs, brittle bones and dried grass at her feet.

With one foot, she rearranged the oblong, milky-colored orbs and gently kicked more of the dried grass over them to keep them warm. She had been in this glen for weeks now, ever since she started laying, and her mate’s presence here was infrequent as he was out hunting a good deal of the time. The longer, deadly talons on her toes glinted as she turned towards the entrance of the glen and caught the Bright Circle’s rays.

A cautious hoot announced the return of her mate and he slowly entered the glen, bringing a slain runner in his jaws. He was more colorful than the female; his flanks were streaked with shades of lime green and his eye crests were bigger. His mate chirped happily as she rushed to greet him, nuzzling his neck and licking his snout. The male relished this kind of attention until he remembered the prize hanging from his clenched teeth. He dropped the dead dinosaur to the ground, bobbing his head towards it, indicating that his mate eat it.

The female cocked her head, confused. Usually, her mate would find something they could share, yet here he was insisting she only partake in the meal. She shook her head and made small, worried grunts.

Her mate looked rather embarrassed as he answered in the sharptooth language: “Almost caught a young swimmer, but they saw me before I got too close.” He sounded frustrated. His mate smiled empathetically – it wasn’t uncommon for sharpteeth to have failed hunting trips – and bumped her nose against his as a way of saying ëit’s okay.’

However, just then, the male stiffened. His legs went rigid as he rose up on tip-claw to sniff the air. A low growl escaped his throat as he turned to his mate. “Something’s out there, I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll come with you,” his mate suggested, catching his arm. The male grunted uncertainly, knowing his mate should stay with the eggs.

“You stay here.” He replied flatly, and went to investigate.

As the female’s back was turned to her nest, a pair of glinting amber eyes appeared from a dense bush which overhung the nest. The eyes were connected to a beaked snout and a long, slim neck which stretched slowly out towards the nest, keeping a watchful eye on the mother sickleclaw. More of the creature appeared as it silently slid out from the bush’s cover. It was a male Egg-Stealer, paler in coloration than most others of his species, but slightly bigger and with a more pronounced profile. He snuck forwards in his venture, one arm reaching longingly for one of the morsels when all at once there came a stifled cry of surprise from back in the bush. The Egg-Stealer froze, eyes wide as his head snapped behind him and then towards the female sickleclaw who, hearing the noise, whirled around to face the would-be robber.

The Egg-Stealer froze, his arm still reaching for the nest. He hesitantly pulled it back in, slowly sliding back into the bush the way he came, a lame smile on his face. “So sorry madam, for the interruption, continue with your business, don’t mind meeAAGH!”

Like lightning, the female sickleclaw sprang forward, talons splayed, needle-sharp teeth bared in a blood-curdling screech of rage.

“Bloody…!” The Egg-Stealer about-faced and dove back into the bush where he faced another of his species – this one was another male with a darker hide and yellow eyes. He looked up at his pale companion who crashed through the thicket, wide-eyed with fear. “Change of plans!” He sputtered. “Run!”

The darker one, slightly slower, peered over his companion’s shoulder to see the mother sickleclaw try to claw her way through the foliage. He gasped. “O-oh, right!” He complied, struggling to his feet. The pale one sent him stumbling forwards with a violent push.

“Move!” He barked.

“Move where? We’re trapped!” The dark one complained. He yelped as a clawed hand snagged his tail, thinking it was surely the sickleclaw, but the pale Egg-Stealer yanked him back and jabbed an index upwards.

“Climb!” He hissed urgently. The dark one scrambled up the steep sides of the glen, followed close behind by his companion. The two left the thicket in the nick of time as the female sickleclaw burst through, growling at the two retreating figures. She let out a warning series of hoots and then returned to tend to her eggs.

The two Egg-Stealers, safely at the top pathways overlooking the glen, stopped to catch their breath after their momentary panic. The darker one peered back down to glimpse the sickleclaw, whose mate had just returned. He gulped loudly and turned to his companion. “Hey, Ozzy?” He murmured.

The pale one, Ozzy, whipped his head around, fixing the dark one with a withering stare. “You… fool!” He panted. “I was this close!” He measured the distance with two of his claws. “What possessed you to suddenly make a noise?”

The dark one gulped again, eyes darting about wildly, like he wanted to hide under the first rock he found. “I-I… stepped on a… ground prickly.”

Ozzy stalked up to his companion, boring down on him. “A ground prickly, eh?” he hissed. “Maybe you should have thought to yourself that stepping on a ground prickly is a hundred times more pleasant than what Ozzy’ll do to you when he finds out you spoiled our lunch!” he raised his claw to land a sharp clout on his companion’s head, but withdrew at the last moment, as if he were still debating the best means of punishment.

The dark one shrank back to avoid the blow, but when none came, he looked up cautiously. Ozzy appeared tired all of a sudden as he sighed and folded his arms over his narrow chest. He continued in a much softer, almost gentle voice. “Look, Strut, brother… I’m just… really hungry.” He mumbled an apology. “This is bordering on ridiculous; we haven’t had anything to eat for the past three days now.”

Both Egg-Stealers, in good light, appeared quite undernourished – ribs stuck out slightly through their hides and even more noticeable when they breathed, Ozzy’s severe face was slightly broken by his cheekbones jutting out and both had dark circles under their eyes.

Strut, the darker one, slowly straightened and nodded. “Yeah,” he agreed.

Ozzy continued. “I mean, it wasn’t so bad back in the valley – remember? – I mean, yeah, we had a bit of a rough start, but at least there were available resources, you know?” He suddenly frowned. “But then those… those little –” he broke off before he could say another word and growled deep in his throat.

Strut rolled his eyes, knowing exactly who his brother was talking about. “Oz, I thought you said you were over it. After all, they didn’t really ruin our meals, we… we were just in the wrong place at the really wrong time.” He tried to chuckle, but all that came out was a distraught whimper.

Ozzy gave an unwilling shrug. “I, well… okay fine, they didn’t.” He harrumphed and looked away. “But I need to blame somebody,” he insisted quietly.

“Well, then,” Strut replied primly, claws stuck on his hips. “Blame yourself. If you hadn’t called so much attention to us that first night, we wouldn’t have had to high-tail it out here to eat! And,” he stepped forward. “Those little buggers wouldn’t have chased after us, started a rock-slide, make us lose the egg and then -!”

Ozzy snarled as he faced his brother. “Okay, Bark Breath! I get it! you don’t need to go all Mum on me!”

At that remark, Strut’s face fell, yellow eyes glistening slightly. “…All ëMum’ on you… wonder how… Mum and Dad…” he sighed a slow, mournful sigh. “I miss home, Oz. I really miss home.”

It was Ozzy’s turn to sigh as he turned, gesturing or his brother to follow. “Me too. But we’ll get home, brother.”

Strut perked up. “Really? When?”

Ozzy grumped. “As soon as we find another, safer place for the whole herd, the entire bloody reason we came out here in the first place!”

Strut bit the edge of his beak, figuring he should probably be quiet for awhile now and let Ozzy stew. “Ah, I see.”


Aw, guess who?  lol those hapless, hopeless Egg-Stealers, Ozzy and Strut seem to be having some trouble with getting lunch.

LBT Fanfiction / Earning Restitution
« on: June 08, 2012, 12:43:51 PM »
Quote from: vonboy,Jun 7 2012 on  08:07 PM
Just one thing I'm wondering. Your talking like you don't know how this is going to end yet. Usually it's good to know where you're going before you start.
Oi vey^^ I know, I'm such a failure on that front. My habit is to plow ahead until I a) either hit a roadblock, or b) I manage to muddle through and fudge up the details.
Lol, but for something like this, I have a pretty clear idea where it's going, I've just  been going over so many different scenarios of what I think should or should not happen. ;)
I'm happy that it's captivated you, however^^

@Mr. Wonk: lol you bet^^

LBT Fanfiction / Earning Restitution
« on: June 07, 2012, 08:27:07 PM »

The Welcome Center / Hai there^^
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:58:11 PM »
Quote from: FreckledOne,Jun 5 2012 on  02:11 PM
Glad to see another artist around.  I hope you post some of your art here.
I hope to very soon^^ thanks for the welcome

LBT Fanfiction / Earning Restitution
« on: June 07, 2012, 07:42:22 PM »
Ee-hehe  :lol I keep going back to that idea, if he gets caught... idk he will though, he's pretty sneaky ;)
I have a picture up on dA of Pterano and Topps having an Epic Stare-Down. Their relationship always makes me lol, especially after reading Past that Yawns Behind, Topps ends up apologizing at the end^^ Classic!

LBT Fanfiction / Earning Restitution
« on: June 07, 2012, 05:46:13 PM »
@Mr. Wonk: Heh, interesting. I'm giving the song a listen to, and it kinda fits^^
Lol that part was a lot of fun to write. Since I'm afraid of heights myself, I pictured myself in Taylen's place (riding Pterano *swoon*) screaming my head off, and probably choking him, too  :lol

=Part Four  

   Just a quick shout out to all those who've read this/reviewed this: thanks and I really appreciate your time spent on reading this and thinking my fanfic was worth the time

Taylen slept like a literal rock – he didn’t even snore. Pterano thought sympathetically, Poor lad, he’s obviously not used to all this traveling. I’ll probably end up carrying him most of the way. With a sigh, the flyer shook his head in order to stay awake. He was feeling quite tempted to just close his eyes for a few moments, but he couldn’t allow himself to do that. A few moments could easily become a few hours and they would end up losing valuable daylight as a means of further travel.

But Pterano really didn’t know what else to do as he waited for Taylen to wake up, which, judging by the slow, peaceful rising and falling of the little one’s ribs as he breathed, and that complacent smile on his snout, would not be anytime soon.

Best to let the lad sleep a little longer, the flyer eventually decided. He was starting to get rather jittery from staying in the same place for so long just to watch a little dinosaur snooze. Pterano stood up, anxious for something else to do, and flexed his talons and wings. He noted with some chagrin that his shoulders were particularly achy from last night. Humph, he objected. I don’t care what they think – I’m still in my prime! Certainly not that old!

The flyer spread his wings and let them catch the wind. The membrane rustled in the breeze, whipping out behind the flyer as he faced the breath of air. Shutting his eyes, Pterano drew in his feet and was simply carried up by the draft; his wings acting as an anchor to hold him steady. Once he felt he was of considerable height, the flyer leveled out in a soar. Only then did he open his eyes. He had anticipated the mount perfectly, he realized with a self-satisfied smirk as he looked downwards.

He angled the slope of his wings to forty-five degrees as he spun in barrel rolls through the air. The flying conditions in this area were perfect. Pterano let out a euphoric whoop as he swooped upwards, towards the gray sky, wings outstretched to their full length. His eyes rolled back as he inhaled deeply, nearly drunk with the sensation of flight. At the pinnacle of his ascent, Pterano swung himself upside down and rocketed towards the ground, banking at the last possible moment. He grinned smugly as his talons caught the ground, braking precisely so. He had performed that trick hundreds – if not thousands – of times and the right moments to soar and stop had become rather instinctive to him so he really didn’t need to keep his eyes open at all. Pterano may have been a liar, a schemer, and an irresponsible freeloader, but there was no denying the fact that he was quite a magnificent flyer, and he knew it himself.

A gasp of amazement caused his crested head to snap in the direction of Taylen, still a little droopy eyed, half-sitting and half-lying on the ground, elbows propping himself. He must have just woken up.

“That… that was amazing, sir,” the little one stood, not as wobbly as before and hopped up to the big flyer who suddenly felt quite bashful as he turned his head away slightly, without much idea why.

Taylen continued. “I-I’m serious, that was… emphatic!” He seemed quite proud of himself for using this bold and descriptive word. Pterano could feel a small blush starting as he chuckled.

Oh, come off it! He snapped to himself. What’s the matter with you? You’ve done this plenty of times with an audience, correct? Get a grip, Pterano! Inwardly, the flyer cringed at that phrase, almost expecting a pair of talons to clasp onto his wrists and drag him along through the air.

“Well, um…” he stammered, trying to find the right words. “My thanks, lad. I’m… glad you enjoyed it.” He ruffled his wings and then folded his arms, attention now fully directed on the little one. “Did you sleep well?”

Taylen yawned and stretched in reply. Pterano grinned wryly.

“I’ll take that as a ëyes’, then,” he murmured. “On a different subject, are you hungry?”

The little Egg-Stealer paused and frowned. “Uh, yeah, I guess so.” He shrugged. “Haven't really thought about food, but now that you mention it...” he looked around. “Is... is there anything to eat?”

“I suppose we'd better go and find out,” Pterano suggested quietly. Taylen perked up and nodded, sleepiness obviously forgotten as his face brightened with a delighted smile.

“Okay!” He assented.

Pterano rolled his eyes. Taylen's energy level continued to amaze him. One minute the youngster could be just about dead with fatigue and the next he could be bouncing about like an overexcited hopper. He motioned with a claw towards the small grove. “Let's check back there. I'm assuming you eat green food?”

Taylen bobbed his head. “Yeah! I do, but my brother Ozzy doesn't approve of that. He thinks we should only eat eggs!” His face fell. “But I don't want to eat eggs all the time; neither does Strut. We both like water greens, tree fuzz and ground stars, but most of all sweet bubbles!” he looked around expectantly. “D'you think there are any sweet bubbles around here?”

Pterano found himself once more at a loss for words as he listened to this statement. He snapped out of his momentary lapse in thought with a shake of his head. He was going to have to be quicker mentally to keep up with Taylen's... verbosity. He looked back towards the grove.

“We could... check, I suppose.” He glanced upwards and frowned. The sky puffies seemed rather dark. “But we shouldn't dawdle,” he continued rather crisply. “It looks like sky water, and I don't fly well when it's wet.”

“You could walk,” Taylen's unfailing cheerfulness earned him a weak grin from the flyer.

“Yes...” Pterano admitted. “I... could,” he sighed, smiling. Taylen was growing rather fast on him. “Let's find you something to eat, then.”

“What about you?” Taylen queried, cocking his head curiously to the side. Pterano opened his beak to reply, but made no noise other than a hesitant “um” sound.

The flyer shook his head. “I'm... not that hungry.”

Taylen stopped then and fixed Pterano with such an intense, searching frown the crested flyer jerked to an immediate halt in his stride, looking back at those disturbingly pale yellow eyes. He shivered slightly.

The Egg-Stealer shook his head slowly. “Pardon me, sir, but that's a load of rubbish. You haven't had anything to eat yet all day. You may be bigger and older than me, but you still need to eat.” The sight was adorably comical: Taylen tapped one foot against the grassy ground while his twiggy claws were planted firmly on his hips, the absolute picture of authority. Pterano hid a humorous snicker at his would-be scolder.

Taylen relaxed enough to nod his head towards the grove. “Now, how about we both find something to eat and then be off, 'kay?”

After you, lad, Pterano thought, stepping aside to let Taylen go first. He followed after the little dinosaur into the darker grove. Taylen chirped excitedly as he found some tree fuzz resting inconspicuously on the trunk of a rather bent and rotting tree. Pterano grimaced, not much one for consuming lichen, and instead turned to look for food that resembled something edible. He was rewarded by a sad-looking sapling tree further back full of rich, green tree stars. He grinned as he flapped up, plucking a few choice leaves from the branches before retreating back to the ground to enjoy his meal.

Taylen, tree fuzz bits sticking to the edge of his snout and around the corners of his mouth, spoke up hesitantly. “So... how long until we reach the Great Valley?”

The question hit Pterano like a punch in the gut. He swallowed his mouthful carefully before he could choke and replied, “Well, the far walkers and I were a good four days' worth of travel away, but thanks to our little night flight,” he chuckled humorlessly. “I'd say we have a couple days left to go before we reach the walls...” he drifted off, popping another tree star into his beak before Taylen could ask another question. But the Egg-Stealer persisted.

“Do you think we'll get there soon?”

Pterano answered quickly through his mouthful, “Perhaps, perhaps, depends on how much ground we cover, but I'm certain,” here he paused to swallow. “That we'll make substantial progress before the next few days are out. Just got to keep moving.”

Taylen left it at that, pretending not the notice how agitated the flyer had become at his simple inquiry. Based on what Pterano had told him last night about his banishment due to that long ago fatalistic mistake in leadership, and then nearly getting his nephew and his friends killed by going after a rumored Stone of Cold Fire, Taylen could well surmise that the flyer was considered to be a bit of an outlaw in the valley and was certainly not at all comfortable with the idea of going back before his sentence was up. But the Egg-Stealer was still glad Pterano had made this sacrifice in order to keep him safe. He made a little vow then and there to keep an eye out for Pterano as well, and not let the old flyer get in trouble with the valley's elders for breaking their rules.


Heh, this chapter was fun to write. We're making progress, steadily, steadily...

LBT Fanfiction / Earning Restitution
« on: June 07, 2012, 02:38:52 PM »
Glad it's interesting thus far^^ I appreciate the view, thanks

General Land Before Time / Getting to know you - LBT Style
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:01:26 PM »
2. STRUT from the second annoying
Gaaaahhh?? :o Y U say that? lol jk, to each his own ;) just kinda ironic that Strut is one of my fave charries^^

1.) Most liked Land Before Time character (s) -
Strut and Pterano :)

2.) Least liked Land Before Time character -
Don't have one

3.) Most liked Land Before Time song -
Oh, this is a toughie: I like Good Inside, Eggs, Friends For Dinner, Lone Dinosaur, When You're Big, Flip Flap Fly, One of A Kind, Boring Song, and If We Hold On Together (so in short, everything!! :lol)

4.) Least liked Land Before Time song -
Hm, Tough in LBT 3. Topps, why you gotta be such a jerk? I know you're upset over the water level, but controlling others' water consumption to the extreme is not the way to do it

5.) Most liked Land Before Time film -
Stone of Cold Fire, Great Valley Adventure, Journey Through the Mists, Great Day of the Flyers, Journey to Big Water

6.) Least liked Land Before Time film -
Big Freeze. It wasn't long after Pterano, and he wasn't even mentioned!! Also, I don't like parts of Mysterious Island, esp. when it's decided that the groups should split up. Also, I would have expected the gang to run into Strut and Ozzy SOMETIME while out in the Mysterious Beyond... Egg-Stealers are fast little buggers! :x

7.) Most memorable Land Before Time moment -
Pterano saves Ducky and FINALLY accepts responsibility
Ali's herd leaving (and that blasted: ...But that's another story!)
The tear-jerking ending of the first film *awwww* :DD

Character Discussion / Redclaw, Screech, and Thud
« on: June 06, 2012, 01:46:38 PM »
I like these new villains, esp. Red Claw, but I agree, he could do a lot more then just LOOK like a baddie. Fer cryin' out loud, man! You're a SHARPTOOTH!
hehe I haven't seen many episodes of Screech and Thud, but from what I've seen, they act sort of like the brainless henchmen^^ just completely clueless. I lol everytime I see Redclaw just whap them and growl in the direction he wants them to go, and then they meekly obey^^

LBT Fanfiction / Earning Restitution
« on: June 06, 2012, 01:32:04 PM »
Thanks for the feedback^^ hehe English is not my strong language, even tho it's my first :lol

Regarding the setences without the 'and' I kinda picked that up from reading novels with the same type of grammar structure - I noticed they just added a comma and then continued on with the rest of the sentence. I thought that was an intersting idea and tried it out myself. Idk why, to me they made the sentence sound less wordy, but I guess they must sound confusing as well  :lol:

Hehe, that's kind of my intention, but I'm not sure how to swing it, since Pterano will most likely be avoiding the Great Valley like the plague. Oh yeah, I can't wait for Strut and Ozzy either. It would be pretty awkward if they met up with the gang as well. I sense... some MAJOR apologizing XD And I'm guessing Littlefoot won't be as forgiving as he normally is...

LBT Fanfiction / The Flyer's Redemption
« on: June 06, 2012, 01:13:23 PM »
Hey nice work^^ I saw this on FF and really liked the idea.
So what'll happen next? Is Pterano going to confront Rinkus and Sierra? WELL?
ergh! please update soon  :smile

LBT Fanfiction / Earning Restitution
« on: June 06, 2012, 12:57:27 PM »
Part Three

Coasting to a gentle stop in the grasslands, Pterano was reassured to see the small forest outcropping he remembered passing by the day before. Keeping mindful of Taylen still sound asleep on his back, the flyer bent low to the ground and gently slid the youngster down his wing to the soft, grassy ground: an elegant movement, and quite effective as well. Taylen remained asleep.

Smiling down at the little slumbering Egg-Stealer, Pterano settled himself against a tree trunk. Not to sleep, even though he was starting to feel the effects of staying up all night, but to keep watch. He would sleep later, maybe when Taylen was more, well, awake himself and alert and could keep watch while he slept.

The flyer folded his talons over his stomach and sighed peacefully. Right now, there was nothing to be worried about: a warm breeze circled lazily in the air, catching the tall grass in its embrace. The sky above was gray and gloomy, but quiet. The flyer’s smile disappeared as he leaned back. Nothing to worry about, indeed! What was he going to do?

Well, I can’t leave the lad alone, he argued. He’s just a child for heaven’s sake. But I can’t exactly go back to the Great Valley, either. I’ll be throttled and exiled for good if I’m caught! Pterano fumed with frustration. What to do, what to do…?

Well, I can’t worry about that now; just have to focus on getting Taylen there in one piece. Maybe we’ll get lucky – maybe his brothers’ll be nowhere near the valley, thus saving us time and my hide! The thought didn’t do much to cheer him, but it was a start. He allowed his attention to be momentarily distracted by a few buzzing stingers that hummed by, oblivious to the big flyer. Pterano relaxed then. It was so picturesque here he saw no reason to cloud his mind with worries. Best not to think about the valley issue until they arrived there. He was still hoping they would complete this journey before reaching the Great Walls.

uhh-ohh, someone's having second thoughts.

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