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Messages - Caustizer

Pages: 1 ... 65 66 67 68
LBT Fanfiction / Land Before Time: Rise of Storm Tide
« on: April 21, 2009, 12:04:02 AM »
I'm working on a new fan fiction for LBT, and this one is going to be more believable then the last one I did (you know the one where Ruby kills people  :confused).  Its format is going to be like a typical land before time movie - I mean an old land before time movie not the light and fluffy stuff that they are coming with now.  The basic plotline is this:

           It picks up around the end of the end of the first tv series season, where the gang is made of seven and not just five.

After an introduction that properly brings in Redclaw and his gang to the movie timeline and depicts Ruby hatching from an egg, another gang of wandering dinosaurs makes its way into the Great Valley, and brings news of a pair of sharptooth stalking them on their way.  Chomper hears this and thinks they are his parents coming back (a short flashback of him leaving the island comes in). Chomper then says hes going to look for them and Ducky, Spike, Littlefoot, Petrie, Ruby and Cera - all bored from nothing exciting happening - decide to go with him.

All the while off the coast air masses are converging to create one of the most powerful storms in the prehistoric world - fortuneately its nowhere near the Great Valley ... yet.

It fills some plot holes, like why Chomper's parents left him with a family of fast runners, why Ruby's parents sent her away, and as well as the return of some of the characters from the old movies such as Ozzy, who has changed his attitude a bit now that he has a family!

As soon as exams finish I'll have nothing to do for the summer so ill post it as I finish - that is if you all have room in your heads for another fan fic!

Caustizer   -  

LBT Fanfiction / My fanart!!!
« on: April 17, 2009, 12:23:33 PM »
Wasn't your old Avatar a really good picture of Chomper and Ducky? Don't like the new one >_<.

Good pictures though - some days i wish i had artistic talent...

LBT Fanfiction / The Night Ruby Went Crazy
« on: April 16, 2009, 11:17:39 PM »
Now its my turn....Wow im surprised about how many PMs im getting about people who want a copy of my story. Its actually not that bad but its kind of shocking if your expecting a nice LBT fan fic - i guess my brand of humour isn't the same as everyone elses.

Anyway keep sending the requests if you want a copy...i'd prefer to keep it private until I upload it in a week or two.

LBT Fanfiction / The Night Ruby Went Crazy
« on: April 16, 2009, 06:33:57 PM »
ROFL at your can you see why I took it down?  :lol

LBT Fanfiction / The Night Ruby Went Crazy
« on: April 16, 2009, 04:08:14 PM »
Quote from: 812558,Apr 15 2009 on  05:33 PM
sounds like something i might actually like to read. think you could send it to me.

Now that things have lightened up a bit for me i think ill try writing something a bit more relevant to LBT ... maybe a story about how Ruby and Chomper met and how they came to the Great Valley.

LBT Fanfiction / The Night Ruby Went Crazy
« on: April 14, 2009, 10:05:16 PM »
Well here I'll give the synopsis:

Ruby comes to the great valley with Chomper but gets bullied because the others don't like her. Eventually they pull a prank on her and she gets hurt. When she wakes up after getting hit in the head, a personality switch has occured and she decides to get revenge on her friends in an overly sadistic manner.

She murders, tortures, and causes chaos by letting sharpteeth into the valley but at the end Cera comes back from her supposed death and tells the others the truth and they get Ruby to confess - but only after the valley is full of Sharpteeth.

I think I really screwed up the beginning because I was angry, but at any rate since it wasn't up for long enough for anyone to see heres the ending:


Chomper: <wakes up with a start> "AHHHHH!"
Ruby: "Chomper...whats going on? You being scared nearly scared me to death!
Chomper: "It was just...a sleep story..."
Ruby: <laughs> "Thats right chomper, your right here with me safe in the sparkling caverns."
Chomper: <catches his breath> "Wow thats a was so real it was like it happened"
Ruby: "I had a sleep story too...I was with my parents on my star day, I miss them"
Chomper: "Ya....I miss my folks too"
Ruby: "So what was yours about?"
Chomper: "Well...I...umm....don't wanna talk about it"
Ruby: "Thats fine too...what happens in your sleep stays in your sleep"
Chomper: <laughs>
Ruby: "I can't wait until we make it to the Great Valley and I can meet your friends!"
Chomper: <gulp> " too..."



So the reason I decided to move it was because after reading it again (which I probably should have done in the first place) I realized just how horrible it actually was. Because of this barely anyone bothered to read it till the end, so I felt it was an unecessary stain on my writing style.

I'll upload it onto after I'm done exams for anyone who is curious.

LBT Fanfiction / The Night Ruby Went Crazy
« on: April 14, 2009, 06:58:39 PM »
Plz view the top posting again - it has been changed.

LBT Fanfiction / The Night Ruby Went Crazy
« on: April 14, 2009, 02:30:32 PM »

LBT Fanfiction / The Night Ruby Went Crazy
« on: April 14, 2009, 01:11:12 PM »
It is an alternate universe...but I won't tell you what it is as it would spoil the story.

Old Captions / Petrie & Spike Caption
« on: April 14, 2009, 12:36:26 PM »
Petrie: "Maybe I try using smaller wieghts next time"

LBT Fanfiction / The Night Ruby Went Crazy
« on: April 14, 2009, 12:31:36 PM »

LBT Fanfiction / The Night Ruby Went Crazy
« on: April 14, 2009, 01:03:12 AM »

This thread has been out-sourced and removed to

After some personal debate I have decided that it did not belong on the GoF website. I apoligize for any offence it may have caused.  To spoil the ending it turns out that it was just a dream that chomper had.

LBT Fanfiction / Heat wave or hailstorm?
« on: April 08, 2009, 01:43:34 AM »
What about a hurricane? Don't think the great valley has ever had one of those.

The Party Room / If each LBTdino got hold of the Stone of Cold Fire
« on: April 03, 2009, 12:06:04 AM »
NOTE: This is purely just for fun and doesn't reflect my actual views of LBT - my brother thought it was funny and forced me to post it.

Littlefoot: "I wish my mother was alive again..."
Stone of Cold Fire:  "You know the rules ... I can't bring back the dead."
Littlefoot: "Mother f**ker"
Stone of Cold Fire: "Umm...I can't make people fall in love either."

Cera: "I wish I knew where my mother went...I haven't seen her since forever"
Stone of Cold Fire: "Ahh...she is in Dino heaven"
Cera: "WHAAAAAT!?!"
Stone of Cold Fire: "<Laughs> I'm just kidding!"
Cera: <Sigh of Relief>
Stone of Cold Fire: "Ya she actually went to hell..."

Spike: "I wish I could talk leaf-eater in the fourth movie"
Stone: "What's that? I'm sorry I can't understand retard."

Ducky: "I wish spike could talk!"
Stone: "Wish granted"
Ducky: "Well!"
Spike: <English> "I say what a jolly good day it is to talk again!"
Ducky: "It didn't work! I understand him even less then before!"
Stone: <laughs maniacally>

Petrie: "I wish I was the best flier in the whole great valley!"
Stone: "Why should I even bother when I know your just gonna wish it back at the end of the movie after life becomes insuferable and you lose all your friends?"
Petrie: "Umm...because me want it now!"

Ruby: "I wish I didn't look like a chicken..."
Stone: "So what do you wanna look like...a PIG?" <laughs>
Ruby: "Well actually I was thinking..."
Stone: "New from the Colonel....chickin and TITS!"
Ruby: "WHAT? How dare you make fun of my animation flaws!"
Stone: "And trust me they are many..."
Ruby: <fumes>
Stone: "Face it bitch you don't belong here, theres only room for 5 in the gang."
Ruby: <cries and runs away>

Chomper: "I wish I knew if my parents were okay,"
Stone: "Oh I'm sure they are just fine kid..."
Chomper: "Why are you being so mean to everyone? I think Ruby is perminantly damaged,"
Stone: "Well you see the Universe...wasn't very kind to me on my way down"
Chomper: "Aww thats too bad..but your welcome in the great valley!"
Stone: "Really?"
Chomper: "Yep."
Stone: "Your the best little biter"

I guess Don Bluth didn't like the land before time because everytime he sees it he can only think about what nobody else will see and all the things he was forced to cut from the final product.

I would hate something I made too if i was forced to take away pieces of it.

JK Rowling feels the same about some of her books...she felt she was pressured for time so she didn't put in some plot elements she wanted to.

Having all the characters die at the end (Great Valley = heaven ending) would be far too depressing for children and also wouldn't leave any room for a sequal!

LBT Fanfiction / Making your Fan-Fic easier to read
« on: March 24, 2009, 10:13:24 AM »
I think some people misinterpreted what I ment by spacing your lines out. I ment using proper paragraphs!

The main issue I was trying to address was solid blocks of text with no indentation.

LBT Fanfiction / Making your Fan-Fic easier to read
« on: March 23, 2009, 11:21:14 PM »
When you have multiple characters performing an action within a paragraph that also includes place names (the Great Valley, the Shining Rocks, the Thundering Falls etc.) if the names of the characters are bolded its easier to pick them out.

You are right about it not being needed if you use line breaks....Think of it as an alternative to spacing character speetch.

LBT Fanfiction / Making your Fan-Fic easier to read
« on: March 23, 2009, 10:17:02 PM »
Lately I have been delving into some of the fan-fics people have written and i'm quite impressed with the time and the passion that has gone into some of the works.

In your mind these works are quite vivid and real, but in ours we only know what you write onto the page so heres a few grammar related tips and tricks to make them easier to read:

1) Space out your text. Its a lot tougher to read your story when its chapters are composed of a solid 20 line block. You lose your place and often read lines over and over causing them to lose meaning!

2) Whenever a new character speaks or a new event occurs (say littlefoot speaks then a nearby rock falls) make a line break and start a new sentance. Having speetch all shoved into the main block of text makes it tougher to figure out whos speaking.

3) Try to keep character speetch in matter how out of character they may be!  Hearing things like ["Wow the sun is hot today, im thirsty" said Petrie] are quite out of character as they don't sound like something they would say. Take some time and grasp the subtleties of their language and try it like this: ["The great circle hot today! It making me verrry thirsty!" said Petrie]

4) Bold your character names so they can be easily seen, or just simply try doing a story script style! Makes it easier to see who is speaking or to pick up the names of the dinos involved.

And now for a bit of a fun point:

5) Write in Chomper and Ruby please!!! The newest official Land Before Time lore has them in the gang unless you are doing a past adventure. (In that case feel free to leave them out and ignore me)

Thank you and keep up the good writing!

The Welcome Center / Welcome to metadude1234 :)
« on: March 18, 2009, 12:14:07 AM »
Allow me to reiterate:  That is one cool picture of chomper - it makes my Guardian Tank avatar look like crap. :p

General Land Before Time / Fave LBT character
« on: March 18, 2009, 12:11:32 AM »
Metadude that is one cool picture...makes my Guardian Tank look like crap.

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