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Messages - RainbowFaceProtege

Pages: 1 ... 67 68 69 70 71 ... 78
General Land Before Time / Re: Contact Universal for LBTXV
« on: April 07, 2020, 07:33:56 PM »
Which option should we choose from the contact form?


General Land Before Time / Re: Why Ali wasn't in LBT 10
« on: April 07, 2020, 04:06:23 PM »
The question is, would Rhett have been with her?   :rhett_shocked

Rhett didn't exist until four years later. :SmugSpike Nice try baiting people, though!

General Land Before Time / Re: The Land Before Time Toys
« on: April 07, 2020, 04:03:59 PM »
What offends me most is there is no OG Sharptooth Plushie! RAWR!

Now that you mention it, it is weird that they never made any sharpteeth, original sharptooth or otherwise. :thudstonk

General Land Before Time / Re: The Land Before Time Toys
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:43:11 PM »
Ebay has some Plushie Petries, but you are right, I haven’t seen a Spike! :o

I swear, too, that there's no such thing as a good Petrie plushie. None of them are accurately colored, and few even resemble him much at all. :(petrie And how about that weird "Trick or Treat", what?? It's like they were interpreting him as a bat or something! :lol

General Land Before Time / Re: Why Ali wasn't in LBT 10
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:34:21 PM »
I think the reason Ali wasn't in LBT 10 was just because there was already a lot going on in that movie. The longnecks following their sleep stories, the Gang of Four sneaking after them, Littlefoot meeting his dad, dealing with Shorty...I'm sorry to say I think Ali would've seemed rather awkwardly shoehorned in the middle of all that. Aside from just kinda being there, what would she have contributed?

Ali should have had a cameo, but I agree there was a lot going on and I see why the writers focused on the Bron and Littlefoot arch. If Ali was to have a cameo, I would have as the other user suggested, placed her cameo after the defeat of the sharpteeth, and perhaps right after Bron leaves with his herd.

Now, a cameo like that could've worked! :yes It would have satisfied Ali fans if Littlefoot was given that moment to catch up with her, but at the same time, it wouldn't have been so much of a focus as to distract from the main story.

General Land Before Time / Re: The Land Before Time Toys
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:30:04 PM »
Ruby is rare (pun intended). As if a quality grade Chomper plushie. Sigh. I did not capitalize on buying plushies when the series was airing. I missed out.  :areyouserious

I didn't get a Chomper until after the series was over, either, and I ended up (literally) paying quite a bit for that mistake. :sducky

The Playmates Chompers are definitely the nicest-looking ones out there. I have both the talking (open mouth) and non-talking (closed mouth) versions, both of which are very nicely made. Funny, though, I didn't really like the Playmates plushies of Littlefoot, Cera, or Ducky. :p

General Land Before Time / Re: Why Ali wasn't in LBT 10
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:19:50 PM »
I think the reason Ali wasn't in LBT 10 was just because there was already a lot going on in that movie. The longnecks following their sleep stories, the Gang of Four sneaking after them, Littlefoot meeting his dad, dealing with Shorty...I'm sorry to say I think Ali would've seemed rather awkwardly shoehorned in the middle of all that. Aside from just kinda being there, what would she have contributed?

General Land Before Time / Re: The Land Before Time Toys
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:14:28 PM »
The Ruby plushies were actually fairly easy to get on eBay at one point, or at least that chibi-ish one was (I snagged it for less than $30). I don't think sellers were realizing how rare the character was. I don't know if Ruby still pops up on there ever or's been a while since I checked out LBT on eBay. (*adds to my to-do list*) :thinking

General Land Before Time / Re: What happened after LBT X?
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:09:56 PM »

General Land Before Time / Re: LBT Worst Dad Polls
« on: April 07, 2020, 01:46:09 PM »
Hard for me to choose between Mr. Threehorn and Hyp's dad. They're practically personality clones of each other! Guess I have to pick Hyp's dad just because he's had less development.

General Land Before Time / Re: The Land Before Time Toys
« on: April 07, 2020, 01:43:12 PM »
@NewOrder I don't think they're still there. They were released way back in 2007, so eBay's probably your best bet. (That's where I got my set a while back!) :DD

General Land Before Time / Re: LBT in the new 2020s decade
« on: April 07, 2020, 01:40:14 PM »
Probably gonna come back and formulate a longer response to the topic of the thread in general.

Still, it would be nice if we could actually get some brand new content. For one thing, then the official LBT channel wouldn’t be stuck just doing compilations and re-runs of a single-season TV show. And of course, more content would be the best way to bring in some new fans. My gut feeling is that we will get something LBT related at some point down the line, but that it won’t be for another few or several years at least.

If there’s something that I never comprehend up to this day with these channels that upload clips, how are people willingly to come back to the channel and watch literally the same thing that was uploaded days ago, but just under a different title or thumbnail? For things like Gordon Ramsay I totally understand, but for LBT wouldn’t it get a bit boring? Most of the views from their recent vids come from their subscribers I would assume, with a small percentage coming from recommended vids. They have been milking the same content for awhile, and even with the implementation of COPPA, essentially reducing their ad revenue, it’s probably still worthwhile for them. I do have the same hopes as you do that something new gets created in the future.
To be honest...this LBT channel kind of drives me nuts. I cannot do a search for any Land Before Time movie scene on the internet now without being flooded by a bunch of LBT TV show YouTube clips from this channel. Seems it's managed to exploit tags to the point where you can't so much as type the words "Land Before Time" in a search without its videos coming up--so unless you can circumvent this by searching for the exact scene you want without using that phrase (good luck), a bunch of irrelevant results from this channel are going to make it impossible to get to what you wanted.

General Land Before Time / Re: Mo Plushie!? (Already Sold)
« on: April 07, 2020, 01:20:12 PM »

LBT Fanart / Re: Drawings by RainbowFaceProtege :)
« on: April 07, 2020, 01:16:06 PM »

The Party Room / Re: One Word Story-The Story
« on: April 06, 2020, 05:07:57 PM »
No problem @ImpracticalDino --after seeing how many pages you'd had to search through already, I figured somebody else should write up what was left. :duckyhappy

Character Showcase / Re: Rhett - April 2020 (April Fools)
« on: April 06, 2020, 05:05:54 PM »
It is little known that the useless sharptooth from the sixth film was named Sharptoot.  :p This sadly set him up for a lifetime of being hilariously inept.  :bestsharptooth
:lol :lol :lol

Land Before Time Captions / Re: Petrie gets seasick...
« on: April 06, 2020, 05:02:54 PM »
What is Ducky thinking that the others aren't? She seems to enjoy this for some reason. :thinking

Haha! She is a swimmer...guess it takes a lot to stop her from feeling at home in the water? :PCera

Character Discussion / Re: Guido
« on: April 06, 2020, 01:28:20 PM »
Yeah, I like it!

Role Play Discussion / Re: "Yellowbellies rule!!" RP
« on: April 06, 2020, 01:23:56 PM »
A Discord the idea about the real Redclaw for our RP:

Gentle Sharptooth: Redclaw was declawed. By order of the Clan. He is now under banishment. Last seen near Saurus Rock.

Goldwind: Getting chased by yellowbellies. <:Loofah:643526121895362581>

Gentlesharptooth: Yes, the Yellowbellies have adopted Redclaw.
He is there protector. His new name is Redbelly.

Gentlesharptooth: This could fit in ywllowbelly RP.


Gentlesharptooth: you want me to share this in the RP?
Goldwind: Sure! :)

OMG :lol that's so perfectly absurd, it's great!

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