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Messages - jassy

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 8 9 10 ... 19
Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday vonboy!
« on: May 16, 2020, 11:05:56 AM »
Happy starday vonboy!  :celebrate

It's Party Time! / Re: Tribute to Silence thread
« on: May 13, 2020, 08:40:32 PM »
 :rainbowwave  :PCera  :Mo

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday Mumbling!
« on: May 13, 2020, 12:38:14 AM »
Happy Starday Mumbling!! I hope you have a great day and an even better year ahead!  :celebrate  :birthday

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: May 12, 2020, 11:00:16 PM »
Rewatched LBT 10 today just for the nostalgia and ended up doodling Shorty and Petrie! I feel like these two would be pretty good friends  :smile

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: May 12, 2020, 12:10:14 PM »
Ah, a feathered friend. :p

You're good with colors and shading, so the colors an apprehensive pose (twiddling fingers, ha!) look great. He does seem a little skinny, though, but maybe it's just me - his width is a little inconsistent in the series too. :)

I do love those feathered fiends  :bestsharptooth

Thanks Owls!  :DD That pose is like, peak Guido  :PCera and I can see how he might look a little skinny here, I actually used a bunch of different references of Guido for this drawing so I feel like that’s just the result of not having one clear reference to work from.  :thudstonk

Character Showcase / Re: Rinkus and Sierra Showcase - May 2020
« on: May 10, 2020, 07:00:54 PM »
I’ve never seen a more beautiful drawing!  :Mo You got their personalities down perfectly  :PCera

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: May 10, 2020, 06:59:18 PM »
Beautiful perfect drawing!

Aww thank you Sneak!!  :DD

I started thinking of ideas for this month’s fanart prompt and decided Guido would be the main focus, but I then realized I’ve never drawn him before.  :facepalm Anyway, here’s everyone’s favorite awkward glider! I had a bit of trouble at first, especially with his head but he was still fun to draw. Also I apologize for my backgrounds always looking the same, I promise I’m trying to work on that  :oops

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: May 10, 2020, 12:04:07 AM »
@RainbowFaceProtege Thanks so much! Haha I feel the same, props to the animators for drawing Ducky’s face and longneck snouts so many times.  :sducky I honestly think purple is one of my favorite colors to work with, apart from green :bestsharptooth

@Flathead770 Haha Spike will always be my favorite though  :SmugSpike and thanks! I guess I’m just a bit more critical of myself than usual  :OhYou

LBT Fanart / Re: Drawings by RainbowFaceProtege :)
« on: May 09, 2020, 07:14:17 PM »
I love this! It looks like something out of a story book and I dig it!  :DD and I’m so jealous that you have Copics, I want some so bad but I’m too poor :cry

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: May 09, 2020, 06:26:49 PM »
Ah so now you know the curse that is Ducky's head!  :PCera

You did a pretty good job though! It's just something that requires a lot of practice to finally get it to look right (and even with drawing her multiple times most people say that she doesn't look right haha)

I like the light background colours along with the messy white border. Makes it look like it's from a story book.

Haha sadly, yes, it is quite cursed.  :thudstonk But thanks! I definitely need to reach out of my comfort zone, and I think trying to draw Ducky and having her not look off in some way is a good way to do that.  :PCera

Brillant Ducky Jazzy! You captured her personality! Honestly she looks like an offical animator from Universal Studios made her! Congrats Jazzy! Your talent is going to take you far. :)

Edit: Are you going to enter this in the Fan Art prompt @jazzy?

Thank you for saying that GS!  :smile I honestly think I have a long way to go before I can even come close to that level of skill, especially since I still have trouble with a few things, but I’m glad that you think so. And no, I have something else planned for the prompt!  :Mo

This looks wonderful, Jassy! :duckyhappy Ducky's pose and facial expression are adorable, and I know how from my own experience how hard she can be to draw! Excellent job on the shading and background, too!

Thank you very much Rainbow! Much of the drawing process was spent alternating between thinking she looked okay or deciding that she looked weird and I needed to fix a couple things. But it was fun  :duckyhappy

It’s been a while since I drew Ali, and her color scheme is super fun to work with so here she is  :PAli still don’t know how to draw longneck snouts.  :p

Starday Wishes / Re: Happy Starday, WeirdRaptor!
« on: May 09, 2020, 02:10:31 PM »
Happy starday WeirdRaptor! Hope you have a good one  :DD

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: May 08, 2020, 05:38:19 PM »
Brillant as usual Jazzy! I love how vibrant the pinks are in this piece.

Thank you! I was originally going for something darker and more sinister looking to fit their roles as villains, but I’m glad I went for the soft pink sunset instead.  :^^spike

Oh, I really like this! I think choice of dusk/gloam for a reddish-pinkish background choice is great here - it really accentuates Rinkus' color scheme. The gloss/lighting on the two flyers is also very well done, as well as the pose, it shows a bond between them even without words. Very nice! :Mo

Thanks Owls! I’ll admit, I did have some doubts about the quality of this drawing, but I feel more confident about it now.  :smile

Decided to try something new today! I’ve never drawn Ducky before, and decided I’d give it a go. Let me just say, as much as I love her, drawing her head is a literal nightmare.  :PCera

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: May 08, 2020, 12:36:48 AM »
@Flathead770  Thanks! Told you I was trying to get into the swing of drawing canon characters, haha  :PCera now that you mention it, I do see that his neck is a little thicker than Sierra’s. Whoops  :oops

Character Showcase / Re: Rinkus and Sierra Showcase - May 2020
« on: May 08, 2020, 12:34:40 AM »
I posted this in my fanart thread already, but I guess it belongs here as well. Here’s a piece I did for this month’s showcase of Sierra giving Rinkus a bit of a pep talk, although probably not a nice one  :PCera

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: May 07, 2020, 10:38:29 PM »
@RainbowFaceProtege thank you very much!!  :smile Yeah, I always pictured these two having known each other for years and although they get on each other’s nerves, they rely a lot on each other.  :OhYou They’re really fun characters to explore!

@Amaranthine thank you!  :DD Haha no I don’t, I’ve been meaning to create one for a long time, but I’m lazy  :PCera hopefully I’ll get around to it one of these days!

LBT Fanart / Re: jassy’s Fanart
« on: May 07, 2020, 09:54:17 PM »
@Goldenwind  thanks so much! Glad you like them  :chompysmile

Hey guys! I think I’m getting my groove back a little bit again, so here’s a piece of Sierra and Rinkus for this month’s character showcase! Sierra’s giving his pal a harsh but somewhat well intentioned pep talk  :OhYou I really like these two in LBT VII, and I was always curious to know their backstories. This is one of my lazier pieces, but I think it still turned out rather nicely despite it being my first time drawing them.  :PCera

LBT Fanart / Re: Flathead770's Fanart
« on: May 07, 2020, 12:07:27 PM »
Well I’m late again, as usual  :PCera  I really love this one! I don’t have the patience to do pixel art, so I’m already amazed by the background and the detail you put into the picture. I’m rooting for Chomper to win, though  :chompysmile

LBT Fanart / Re: Fanart by Mumbling
« on: May 07, 2020, 12:04:02 PM »
Really nice work, Mumbling!  :DD Even if it is a sketch, I also really like how you drew Tickles, drawing at that angle is the bane of my existence.  :OhYou

Visual Art / Re: jassy’s other art!
« on: May 06, 2020, 05:24:10 PM »
Yikes, I can’t believe I haven’t posted in this thread since last year despite the influx of non-LBT related art I’ve been whipping up.  :PCera But anyway, I figured I should share some of my most recent pieces so I can show how much my style’s developed since I last posted here. So here’s the two I’m most proud of!  :DD

LBT Fanart / Re: Drawings by RainbowFaceProtege :)
« on: May 06, 2020, 05:16:55 PM »
Oooh nice job with this! I love how you drew the rainbow faces and the colors are so vibrant! Nice work  :DD

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