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Messages - FreckledOne

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1988 Theatrical Release / Who animated who?
« on: November 17, 2012, 03:27:10 PM »
What do I think? Do you mean about your own favorite scenes? I think they are fine.  :yes
I like those scenes too, but I also really like the animation of Littlefoot's mother walking.  It looks so powerful, like they were somehow able to observe a sauropod walking in real life!  :wow

1988 Theatrical Release / Who animated who?
« on: November 07, 2012, 01:05:34 PM »
Yes.  It's going to have the same address as the current one, so it will be more like a redesign.
As for the animation books, since every animator seems to have a different way of doing things I like reading different books on the subject written by various animators.

The Spielberg comment is really just a rumor that I heard  :oops but I'm so desperate that I'll believe anything!  :D

By the way, what are your favorite animated scenes from LBT?

1988 Theatrical Release / Who animated who?
« on: November 04, 2012, 03:06:30 PM »
Well, the forum part doesn’t cost anything to use; it was just the Don’s Club part that required paid membership, and that has been put on hold for a while until he gets his new website up. Maybe when that happens he will answer questions again. I agree that the almost deserted forum is disheartening.  :cry

I would love if he’d write more books, but it seems like everything he’s been working on is on hold right now. But again, most of the books he's planned are about the technical side of animation. He really should write some retrospective books on his films.

And I'm still semi-convinced that Spielberg has a copy of the first cut of LBT somewhere.  <_<

LBT Fanart / My art work
« on: November 04, 2012, 02:41:56 PM »
I'm sorry I hadn't commented on these pictures earlier, I honestly just don't know enough about Doctor Who to make an intelligent sounding post about them.  :oops

But I will say that you did a good job of making the Heir look new and vulnerable. The color especially is reminiscent of newborn creatures.  :yes

LBT Fanfiction / Mine FanArt
« on: November 04, 2012, 02:26:58 PM »
I like how you drew his right arm; I mean the rest of him is drawn great too, but the way that hand is held is awesome!  :smile

Poor guy, he really looks distrustful after what he's been through.  :cry

The Fridge / My laptop's infected! x (
« on: November 04, 2012, 02:13:57 PM »
I actually still use *coughcoughInternetExplorercough* but I will look into Adblock Plus, thanks!  :lol:

The only way I can view Deviantart now is if I use my mom's ipad she got for school. It turned out that most of the artists I followed didn't even update much since I was last able to get on DA. Oh well.  :rolleyes

Silver Screen / Wreck-it Ralph
« on: November 04, 2012, 01:44:57 PM »
I saw this on Friday. I really had no expectations going in, but I enjoyed this movie a lot. I'm not into video games, but I was able to understand most of the in-jokes.  :DD

One thing that I don't understand, and I don't want to step on any toes here, but why does everybody treat Toy Story as the highest pillar of quality in animated films? I mean I liked Toy Story, but it is not my favorite movie ever.  :confused

The Fridge / My laptop's infected! x (
« on: November 04, 2012, 01:32:48 PM »
I actually don't visit Deviantart anymore because I kept getting malware from the ads.  I didn't even click on them, I was just viewing the art pages.  :anger

Everybody else has said this, but Malwarebytes is what the tech guys I've been to recommend.
Pretty sure it is not the GOF that's infected, so you shouldn't worry about that.  :)

LBT Fanfiction / FBS's New Art Stuffs
« on: November 02, 2012, 03:27:22 PM »
I’d like to see that Teryx display sequence animated . . . :angel  :DD

You're definitely right! Symmetry is pure EVULZ!! Especially on the face! I've seen some methods on how to fix it, but I'm not too sure how to make it work for a non-human character with a muzzle and horns and plates.
You know, a lot of times I deliberately avoid drawing perfectly symmetrical pictures on purpose because the books I have on animation advise against “twinning” drawings, as they call it.  Also I’ve noticed that drawings tend to look more dynamic if they are not twinned, but of course you can draw your characters however you want to, just sharing some information.  :unsure:

LBT Fanart / Sky's Artworks
« on: November 02, 2012, 02:45:53 PM »
I don’t believe I’ve commented on your art before.  :o  I’ll fix that!

For Colorful Wingtails I also like the green wingtail’s pose and expression the best, but I like pretty much all of the characters in the entire upper left corner of the picture, as well as the way the blue one is touching her fingers together.

Your picture of Petrie is cute as well.  To me though, it looks like his left wing is a bit too long in relation to the rest of his body, but his wings make such a good composition against the background. The shading style is very soft looking, but in a nice, sculptural way.   :^.^:

I would like to know more about your wingtail species and characters, do you have a story or character sheet for them (if you don't mind me asking)?  

The Fridge / What inspired your usernames?
« on: October 19, 2012, 12:53:27 PM »
I was trying to think up a variation on my actual name, but I decided on a descriptive term instead.
So I went with FreckledOne, since I seem to be one of the only ones in my family with noticable freckles, and since I like CamelCase :p

The Welcome Center / New to group
« on: October 19, 2012, 12:34:15 PM »
Hi and welcome!  :wave  Do you have a favorite character?

1988 Theatrical Release / Who animated who?
« on: October 19, 2012, 12:19:42 PM »
I don’t really know why there isn’t more known about this movie either. It could be that Steven Spielberg and/or George Lucas knows, but :confused ? I would personally love to know more about the making of LBT.

About the others involved with production, they may have websites where you can ask questions, but I haven’t seen them. I do have a DVD of Banjo the Woodpile Cat that has a couple of interviews with various people who worked on Bluth productions, but nothing I remember specifically about LBT.

I’m sure Don animated more on The Rescuers and The Secret of NIMH, I just haven’t gone thru and studied them closely in a while.  ;)

I also don’t really know which scenes Don did or did not board in LBT, but here are the lists of storyboard artists and directing animators from the credits:

Storyboard – Don Bluth, Larry Leker, and Dan Kuenster

Directing animators – John Pomeroy, Linda Miller, Ralph Zondag, Dan Kuenster, Lorna Pomeroy, and Dick Zondag

Sorry for taking so long to reply :oops

The Fridge / When Younger, I liked and disliked...
« on: October 11, 2012, 03:05:23 PM »
When I was younger I would only eat white bread because whole wheat bread was too tough.
Now I only eat whole wheat or whole grain bread because white bread falls apart too easy.  :p

However, most of my other food preferences have stayed the same or intensified as I got older!  :crazy

The Welcome Center / Hey
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:45:00 PM »
Hi, welcome back!  :wave
Which old school Nick shows, if you don't mind me asking?

1988 Theatrical Release / Who animated who?
« on: October 11, 2012, 02:36:42 PM »
To be honest, it is mostly a how-to book on storyboarding, but it has lots of examples from The Secret of NIMH, Dragon’s Lair, All Dogs go to Heaven, Anastasia, and Titan AE.  It’s worth having to just look at the pictures.

Some of the scenes that I’m relatively sure Don animated are as follows:

Robin Hood – The part where Robin has to save that little rabbit (whose name is Tag Along apparently :! ) from the guards, and the infamous dancing scene that reuses footage from Snow White (the footage that Don was pretty much forced to use; he hated having to do that)

The Rescuers – Where Bernard and Bianca search the zoo and when they get to Medusa’s pawn shop

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too – The part in which Rabbit freaks out in the woods :lol:

Banjo the Woodpile Cat – Where Banjo and his sisters are on the roof of the house

Unfortunately there’s not a whole lot of information on the making of The Land Before Time (as I’m sure most people here know by now from searching for cut scenes), so I don’t really know what parts Don had a direct hand in.  I do know that he drew all of the storyboards in this book except for one.  Most other studios have separate artists for the storyboards but Don draws most of them for his movies.  

1988 Theatrical Release / Who animated who?
« on: October 08, 2012, 03:55:59 PM »
It's called Don Bluth's The Art of Storyboard, published by DH Press in 2004. There are also some color keys from The Land Before Time in there that I should scan.

From what I have gathered, Don tends to pick up the slack if there are scenes that need to be animated, so he probably did animate a little on the movie. Sorry for the confusion, I just get kinda protective of my favorite animators :oops No hard feelings?

1988 Theatrical Release / Who animated who?
« on: October 08, 2012, 03:06:27 PM »
A book that I have says that John Pomeroy was a supervising animator, but it doesn't tell what scenes he did (though I think he at least animated the scene where Littlefoot's mother says "Some things you see with your eyes, others you see with your heart", and maybe the fight between Cera and Littlefoot).

I wouldn't really say that Don Bluth didn't do any "real" drawing on the movie.  :huh:

The Welcome Center / Hello to everyone!
« on: October 05, 2012, 04:16:50 PM »
Hi and welcome to the forums!  :wave

1988 Theatrical Release / Does LBT make you cry?
« on: September 26, 2012, 07:57:27 PM »
I used to not be able to even get through the first movie because I would get so upset.  It wasn't even the part where Littlefoot's mother died. It was the scene after with Rooter. I guess it was the way he just broke down. :cry

Now I only get misty-eyed.  :(

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