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Messages - AvestheForumFox

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LBT Fanfiction / Fan Characters?
« on: November 20, 2007, 10:31:48 AM »
It takes practice

I used to be like "Oh my God, how do they do that?" I became interested enough that I started looking into books on art 'how to's' and from there I did some preactice sketches and I studied more.

Often I found it very inspiring to watch Disney films and their Trick of the Trade bonus extras (which can be very inspiring for any artist) to get more of the basic idea of professionalism

my model formula for LBT still needs work though... that was just my first go at the practice and it seems to show.

LBT Fanfiction / Fan Characters?
« on: November 20, 2007, 10:13:07 AM »
Quote from: Manny Cav,Nov 20 2007 on  09:03 AM
The blue looks a little to bright and wild for a longneck (but, then again, LBT has never went for the 'normal' or 'realistic,' has it? :lol: ). It looks more like a color I might wouild find on a Tinysaurus. Nevertheless, the fanart is great! Did you freehand it? It doesn't look like one of Littlefoot's (or anyone else's, for that matter) more famous poses.
I do all my work freehand =)

Pretty much I just studied images of Lil Foot got the basic structure (basic shapes) figured and worked it into my own formula.

if you look close enough, you'll see some pencil lines running through the main body, this shows a bit of the 'basics'

LBT Fanfiction / Fan Characters?
« on: November 20, 2007, 09:28:25 AM »
Quote from: Sky,Nov 20 2007 on  08:25 AM
Those are very interesting characters.  :yes
Especially Torgo. He comes very mysterious and I like that.  :lol:

The picture is really good too. I like it.  :)
thanks B)

Torgo was just brought in for laughs... For those who don't get the reference, I'll soon reveal his origins.

hint: study the url that links to his music, the hosting site contains the answer

again.. just for laughs B) he'll make a fine comic relief when brought in at random points of a story.

LBT Fanfiction / Fan Characters?
« on: November 20, 2007, 08:52:12 AM »
the coloring is done via colored pencils.

I buy the cheap kind from wal-mart. Still produces decent results. Currently using it for my illustration job for a certain film

LBT Fanfiction / Fan Characters?
« on: November 20, 2007, 03:40:11 AM »

Here be Denton. He turned out much more blue than I hoped. Would had added a gray tone to the coloring, but I kind of liked the odd coloring.

This is my first try at drawing in this style, studying the LBT shape format and applying my own style into the the mix. Which is why it looks kind of odd =P


LBT Fanfiction / Fan Characters?
« on: November 19, 2007, 10:48:48 PM »
Alright then.

I cant draw XD

LBT Fanfiction / Fan Characters?
« on: November 19, 2007, 10:35:19 PM »
Oh, I do plan to add picture of the characters as I go. That's something I do enjoy doing even on my own projects... I've never done anything of the sort 'fan wise' which should prove something interesting

1988 Theatrical Release / Embarrassing
« on: November 19, 2007, 09:38:29 PM »
Quote from: Petrie,Nov 19 2007 on  08:25 PM
I was waiting for someone to say it was me who suggested the songs have no place in the films.  :P:  Select ones certainly can be burned for all I care.  Some aren't too bad.
The day Barney starts to show up in the series to push the songs along will be the day I picket and protest the idiots at Universal Studio. With Purple Dinosoar Voodoo dolls...

Unless I get filthy rich someday, then I'll see about buying the rights from them and putting things in a better format.

LBT Fanfiction / Fan Characters?
« on: November 19, 2007, 08:51:19 PM »
I've never thought much about it, but suddenly seems like the greatest thing to come my way since frozen coffee.

My list of LBT Fan Characters. A list born from the abyse of my talented mind as of tonight (11-19-07) I'll keep editing and adding to this list for everyone's viewing pleasure. And I'm willing to share them if anybody wishes to use them in their fan fiction (they ARE fan characters after all...)

So let's begin...

Denton (my main fan character)
Species: Brontosaurus's (long neck class)
Having been born in the valley, Denton hardly knows the outer wicked world that exsists beyond the great mountains. He was born in a blissful untroubled world, knowing very little about adventure or danger. He is very bashful and shy, and often keeps his distance from the other valley children, only staying close to his mother and father where he feels safe and secure.

Jimmy Razormouth
Species: Raptor
One of my (many to come) villainous predators. This raptor is your basic suave type. He likes to compete with his brothers on a great many things. And he likes to show off. (think Fonz) He can also be quiet the idiot, being Mr. Macho know it all, thinks he'll always get his way but learns fast that its not that easy

Species: ???
Big knees, stutters in speech and always serves his 'Master'. I'm not entirely sure what he is, but he's a very strange creature indeed! He lives out in a small clearing where he always proclaims to certain unsuspecting visitors: "My name is Torgo...I take care of the place while the Master is away." - and whatever you do,if your lost and you cant find your way back, and you come across Torgo, don't ask him for directions... he'll only respond: "There is no way out of here... it will be getting dark soon... there is no way out of here." He's even been known to spook sharp tooth which in itself is quiet an accomplishment. And who is this 'Master' that he keeps referring to? When asked, Torgo responded: "The Master is with us always, he's gone but not in the way you know it, he is with us always."

he even has his own theme music:

play it and repeat it. That's what you will hear whenever Torgo is near!
(if anybody can help me with a species for him, I'd be very greatful!)

More to come...

1988 Theatrical Release / Embarrassing
« on: November 19, 2007, 07:46:18 PM »
Quote from: The Great Valley Guardian,Nov 19 2007 on  06:35 PM
I don't remember his username, but someone here told me that they hated the songs and hoped they'd get rid of them for good.

That sounds abit exessive...I know there are several songs I don't like, but to get rid fo them all....I just don't see it happening.
Nope nope nope.

(it had to come out sometimes =P )

1988 Theatrical Release / Embarrassing
« on: November 19, 2007, 07:29:56 PM »
Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Nov 19 2007 on  06:22 PM
I would watch all the sequels if I were you Aves (hope I can call you that).  I'd give the original a 10/10 and all the sequels 9/10.  The original was the best, but the sequels are great too.  It's a little shocking and embarrassing to watch singing dino's at first, but they don't sing too much and the stories are great. B) Besides, you actually get to enjoy the songs after a while (though some absolutely hate them no matter how many times they watch them.)  I guess it has to do with how "much" you can take before you crack.  Now one thing I wouldn't recommend is that you watch the LBT tv series first because they're seriously childish (but I still like them).  However, if you want to see just how childish LBT can get, you can check out the link in my signature (the massive picture of Littlefoot by the Universal planet on a ledge in the middle of space :p ).  Just click on the link "Watch/DL LBT Tv Series".  It's a link to my website where I host all of the LBT tv eps I have.

A tip:  wait until the words pop onto the screen and then click play.  The words signify that the movie is totally loaded and ready for streaming.  The words say "play this video".  CLICK ON the words to play.

Oh and the signature is the thing at the bottom of each of my posts (right under these words).
Hey now.. I know what a sig is, I am a 'FORUM FOX' after all XD

to be honest, the first time I saw the sig, it gave me a comical image of Lil Foot being spooked by the Universal Studios Sign.. like a sign of things to come... kinda symbolic XD

but I'll give it a look after a while.. I didn't know there was an animated series until this last weekend, and I was creeped by the idea

1988 Theatrical Release / Embarrassing
« on: November 19, 2007, 04:22:07 PM »
There's also the Never Ending Story

another example of a series that started out with an excellent movie but went downhill from there on.

Also one of the many movies that I want to read the novel about

1988 Theatrical Release / Embarrassing
« on: November 19, 2007, 10:22:17 AM »
Quote from: Manny Cav,Nov 19 2007 on  09:18 AM
Again, I question the use of the word "only" here. :p
You beat me to it, Manny

'Only' 12?  :rolleyes:

Even Rotten Tomatoes quotes this as a bit much. But if the movies are as good as you say they are, I'll give them a spin ^_^

The Welcome Center / Greetings
« on: November 19, 2007, 08:50:16 AM »
Current resident: Fayetteville Tennessee

Visual Art / My Art
« on: November 19, 2007, 08:28:28 AM »
Quote from: Malte279,Nov 19 2007 on  07:07 AM
What is the title of the story you made your drawings for and what is the story about? If the story matches the quality of your drawings I'm sure it is quite something :yes
Does the logo (longfeather - child of the desert) refer to the title of the entire story?
Longfeather it is!

Child of the Desert is just the title of the first part. Originally it was written as a screenplay that I was hoping to get published and made into an actual animated piece. It was first planned to be a three part series, but in more recent years (now that I've decided to convert the story into a more novel form) its gone up to a planned five books.

The characters are all anthromorphic (animals with human characteristics) and the story is set deeply into a fantasy style setting (I used to sum it up as: "think Disney's Robin Hood meets Tolkien meets Final Fantasy")

I'm still working on the literature, and if your really interested in the story, I will proceed to tell you as much about it that I can without revealing too much ;)

The Welcome Center / Greetings
« on: November 19, 2007, 08:19:33 AM »
Quote from: Malte279,Nov 19 2007 on  03:32 AM
Awesome! Another land before time fan who is interested in history :D
Welcome with us AvestheForumFox! :yes
I don't have any coin collection that comes close to your really impressive one. I guess the most spectacular piece of my collection is a German 1000 "Reichsmark" bank note of 1910. I don't have anything from so much earlier times. Did you buy all your coins or did you participate in archeological excavations yourself?
Although our shared interest in LBT is what brought us together you will find that many other topics some of which you already mentioned in your introduction are being discussed here as well. Please join our discussions or start threads of your own. I'm sure you will like this place.
I purchase my ancient stuff from the more professional collectors through the brilliant means of the interwebs (ebay, numismatic communities, etc). Since I live in the states and nowhere near Europe, I cant participate in excavations (the only Archeology here in the states revolves around ancient Indian burial sites and those peramids we hear so much about)

You can buy them unclean which is the cheapest way of purchase ($1 to $3 a coin, accordingly to the dealer). To clean them, the most professional way is to soak them in olive oil for several weeks then brush over them with a fine metal brush (be careful not to remove patina or scratch the frail surface) this could take several months of soaking and brushing, and it can prove to be a dirty experience as the crust and oil gets everywhere!

to find a coin in perfect condition can often be a very rare experience, most coins in the unclean lots have little or no attribution (detail) whatsoever, most end up as nothing more than a metal slug. a flat piece of metal with nothing on it.

Most of the coins from the dirty lots are bronze, there's an occasional silver, and since gold never gets crustied or dirty (which is an attribute that makes it very valuable) they're NEVER found in purchased dirty lots. They are instantly plucked from the pile by the person(s) who found them.

You can buy coins that have already been cleaned, though these are the more expensive. (just be careful, there are lots of fakes out there!) Bronze is the cheaper easier coins to get $2 to $20, silver coins can range around $20 to $100 dollars a coin (or more according to its rareness)) gold is the most expensive, ranging from $300 to $10,000 dollars a coin.

there's a huge market for the hobby, and if you can afford it and love to study the history, then by any means I'd encourage you to get into it! But read more about it before you go gun'ho and start buying everything in site... a warning worthy to be taken to heart.

Visual Art / My Art
« on: November 19, 2007, 07:37:00 AM »
Cant honestly say I've heard of Silo, but I'll look into it for future projects.

There are tons of great software out there for the art. I use AC3D, which is a brilliant and easy program to work with (even for beginners) I've successfully constructed simple and basic models for 3D game design and code testing (including levels, player meshes, items, etc)

fun times, but such art still and always has required a great deal of patience.

and to answer the other mate's question: My mother accounted to me that I've been drawing since the very feeble age of 3. Simply put, I doodled on anything I could ever get my hands on because I was fascinated with my own imagination and creativity. =)

1988 Theatrical Release / Embarrassing
« on: November 19, 2007, 07:25:40 AM »
Well, I went by Wal Mart again a few hours back to look at the movies.

the current company owning the rights to LBT needs to work on those cover designs. Its no wonder we're embarrassed about over the counter purchases, the covers just look so childishly dumbed down. they need to look at the classic covers more often. I mean look at Disney's brilliant displays! Now I could never be so embarrassed to buy from them. The artists really put a great deal of work into those designs!

these are the days that I wish Don and co would gain the rights back and restore the series to the quality that made me love the first one to begin with. No offense to anybody who's a fan to the sequels of coarse. I'm sure they have their good qualities, but those movies are perhaps the ones I feel most leery about after watching the previews. Or seeing their covers...

If and when I do purchase these movies to gain my 'Gang of Five Supreme Fan Badge' I'll be going through Amazon to make the purchase... and who knows, I might just change my mind after a straight viewing of all the movies in one sitting.

If anybody recommends it, anywho =P

I hope I didn't seem too ugly here about this... again, the first movie was the only one that stole my heart many years ago. With its dark emotional story telling.

1988 Theatrical Release / Embarrassing
« on: November 18, 2007, 11:12:59 PM »
I'll be honest. I'm not 100% obsessed with LBT. though in my younger years back in school, it as my deepest hole of obsession. (today: curretly 60% obsessed starting just this weekend thanks to Youtube)

I had the original, but kept it locked and tucked away where nobody could find it.. and when my mother and stepfather were gone for the weekend, I'd go for the gold and watch the movie.

Such things I kept extreamly quiet and secretive about, unless it came up in discussion and I had a good opportunity to agree with someone about liking it.

Now I live on my own, in my own apartment, though I still worry about the volume on my TV and if my neighbors would be able to hear and make out what it was that I was watching.

Concerning over counter purchases.. it wasnt LBT I was purchasing, but Bambi, the Special DVD Edition. I had a deep obsession of the movie during and after my days in college. One nite I had just enough money to buy it, so I went to Wal Mart 3 in the morning to purchase my copy of Bambi... I tried to cover my case with a story, mumbling that it was for my nephews. But the nice old lady just chuckled and said it was alright.. she liked the movie too =)

God Bless people who understand.

1988 Theatrical Release / Bluth and Goldman not pleased with production?
« on: November 18, 2007, 10:26:56 PM »
Bambi had allot of problems too, if anybody has ever watched the documentary on that. the movie was demanding so much that Walt had to borrow money from the bank. there was also a strike on his company at the time. and when the film was finished, the sales were at a terrible low due to the second world war.

at least today its viewed as a true masterpiece... but so much had to be done, its amazing that it was even finished

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