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Messages - Chomper98

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 9 10 11 ... 24
LBT Fanfiction / Betrayed
« on: October 20, 2012, 11:08:06 PM »
Littlefoot was nervous. He was in a dark, gloomy wasteland. He was familiar with, painfully familiar with.

He saw her lying on the ground, motionless, and he relived that horrid memory that he buried deep in his mind. The memory of his mother saving him from Sharptooth, but getting killed in the process returned like a lightning bolt.

This had to be a dream, he was a child, and in real life had grown up years ago. But he was the size he was when it happened. As he approached, filled with fear, something came over him, an ominous shadow, a sharptooth's shadow.

He whirled around, and his mother's killer stood there, but he was still, his one good eye looking down on the helpless longneck before him. Littlefoot was paralyzed, and he waited for the end to come.

But instead of attacking, Sharptooth grinned wickedly, and he changed. He shrunk to smaller then Littlefoot. He had blue scales, red irises, and black pupils. Littlefoot was speechless.

"Chomper?" He asked. Chomper smirked, and lunged. Littlefoot was on the ground and his once-best friend stood over him, grinning mailiciously. "Chomper...NO!" Littlefoot yelled as Chomper attacked, just as he bit down, Littlefoot woke up.

He was sweating, fear coursing through him. Chomper just tried to kill him, but why, he was his friend, but it was a dream, just a dream. Or was it? He had a sense of foreboding and fear, was this a vision?

He looked to his side, his mate Ali lay there with their daughter, Saura. They were sleeping peacefully. Littlefoot couldn't think of what to make of the dream, he would get their group together and tell them, even though they were all adults, they still came together often. As he cautiously went back to sleep, he felt that something would happen, and soon.

The Party Room / the gang in the human world
« on: October 14, 2012, 06:54:42 PM »

The Party Room / the gang in the human world
« on: October 14, 2012, 03:49:00 PM »
This is a thread about what if the gang was teleported to the human world. Situations that are funny, sad, or downright crazy go here. Anything is accepted. One that would be particularly crazy is if they founds themselves in Normandy or the Somme.

History Section / What if the battle of britain was lost by England
« on: October 13, 2012, 08:16:52 PM »
The most plausible scenario I can come up with is this: Germany wins the Battle of Britain, and prepares to launch an invasion, fortunatley the navy led by the good ol' Hood crushes the German invasion force, so Germany must now turn to cutting Britain's supply lines with whatever they have left, likely, the Lufwaffe keeps bombing British industrial targets to prevent the rebuilding of the RAF, and Germany's commerce raiders would continue attacking the British convoys, while the Lufwaffe would likely turn to the British navy, they would do a Pearl-Harbor style attack on the British naval bases and then, with much of the navy in tatters, the Germans could send another fleet led by Bismarck and Tirpitz to land.

They would likely bombard a british port until it surrendered, and then they would land troops in it. Afterwards, they could continuously ferry troops across while the Lufwaffe does its job. Britain was a sea power, not a land power, so it would have likely been defeated by mid 1941 in this strategy.

Afterwards, the Germans could turn to the eastern front, and send most of their available army to attack the Russians. With more troops available, then perhaps Barbarossa could be successful, though it was really Hitler's decision that Guderian's panzers assist the army in taking Kiev that saved Moscow, if that didn't happen, then Moscow would have fallen and perhaps Stalin, like Hitler, would commit suicide in his bunker.

With Russia neutralized, then Germany would indeed be victorious, and they would likely assist Japan in its war against China. But still, there would be one thorn in the side of the Axis.

Hitler felt that America was the most dangerous of the three possible enemies he could face, coupled with its vast manpower reserves, strong navy, and industry, then a fight between the two would have been disastrous.

Even if America had a small army, they always have raised enormous armies when needed, in the civil war their small army went to 2 million strong in the entire war, with 500,000 at the beginning, at the same time, in World War I, they went from 28,000 to 3 million.

So if America faced Germany, then it would have been a fight that was anyones game, plus, Canada and many other nations would rally behind the US to defend themselves, and the combined might of that might be enough to defeat even the Nazis.

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: October 13, 2012, 01:14:22 PM »
Battlecry of freedom, union version, civil war song.

History Section / What if the battle of britain was lost by England
« on: October 12, 2012, 12:43:53 AM »
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Oct 11 2012 on  11:40 PM
Actually America probably would have fallen if that happened chomper98.  Cause Germany and Japan would have had the resources and the manpower to take the US on and win.
But occupying Russia and Europe aswell as much of asia would overextend the Germans and Japanese, possibly to the point of the peoples rebelling.

History Section / What if the battle of britain was lost by England
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:21:06 PM »
Quote from: Nick22,Oct 11 2012 on  08:49 PM
you are forgetting that defeating britian would have ended the war- as Russia was not in the war until 1941. if vbbritian falls then the entire calculus changes. with britian out, germany can turn its undivided focus to russia assuming it still invades in june 1941. russia would have felt the combined onslaught of the combined axis powers, alone. one event changed in history, changes everything.  while the Us was the most powerful country in the wiorld, defeating 3 powerful countries on its own would have been a very tall task. what helped the allies win is that it was the work of several powerful countries. d-day could not have been attempted without the planning and assistence of britian, so it doesnt fail, no , it isnt even attempted.
That is why I speculated that. But my research has led me to this conclusion: Japan would have eventually been defeated IF Russia had not been already crushed. Also, the Russians outnumbered the Germans five to one, but if the Japanese helped then even the Red Army might not stop them. However, despite an Axis victory, America would still stand, and America's powerful navy might fail, and Germany could use Russia to cross into Alaska and invade the U.S while Japan might invade from California. But if the Americans put up a good fight and managed to hold out long enough for their industry and man power to take effect, then Germany and Japan would lose by sheer numbers, and we have to take into account the losses suffered, even if Germany defeated Russia, then likely atleast half a million of their army would have likely been killed. Also, America would be fighting for its home soil, and they would fight back with extreme prejudice, the Americans might also volunteer by the millions, also, the Americans would be dealing with an overextended German and Japanese force. In the end, America would likely win, by a similar way Russia did. It would have been long and bloody, but the U.S. may have pulled through.

History Section / What if the battle of britain was lost by England
« on: October 11, 2012, 09:13:49 PM »
One thing that has become something that is less used then the more popular D-day failure type alternate history but more plausible, as D-day simply was the springboard, and of the millions of troops in britain, less then 160,000 landed at D-day, so it would have simply lengthened the war.

But if the gallant RAF lost, then what would have happened. I have studied this and came up with two scenarios, that the Royal Navy obliterated the German invading fleet, or that the germans used the Lufwaffe to distract the navy while the German fleet landed.

Once out of the way of the RN, the British would have been cut down by the Germans as they advanced, though the Germans would also fight the entire free French, Polish, Dutch, Belgian, Norwegian, and Danish forces.

Such a battle could have been anyone's game, but if the Lufwaffe succeeded in crippling the Royal Navy, then they could continuosly pour more and more troops into Britain, eventually ending on sheer numbers.

With the army lost, the navy crippled, and the Air Force obliterated, then only the home guard would stand, but they too would eventually fall. Of course, after that Germany would have to deal with Russia, and if Japan still bombed Pearl Harbor, then also America, though America needed a beach head, perhaps attack Africa and then using that as a springboard for invading britain, all the while the Germans are getting their lines shredded by the Soviets.

Eventually America would invade Italy and defeat Mussolini, then send a force to invade Britain. America would likely win an invasion of Nazi-occupied England, and then the Americans would launch D-day.

After that they would likely advance into the Rhine, and eventually capture all of germany.

This scenario is based on my research on the subject, what are your theories on what would have happened. This is just speculation.

The Fridge / When Younger, I liked and disliked...
« on: October 10, 2012, 08:46:26 PM »
When I was younger I hated hotdogs, now I love them. Strange thing, while I hated hotdogs, I loved chili dogs, weird. :crazy

History Section / Was Andrew Jackson a Tyrant?
« on: October 07, 2012, 11:05:21 PM »
Something that I noticed about Jackson was that he seemed like a dictator. Reasons, he ignored a supreme court decision, and went directly against it. He forced thousands of Native Americans from their homeland on the trail of tears. He was not a good president for that in my opinion. What do you think?

History Section / Who would win, Bismarck or Yamato?
« on: October 07, 2012, 10:24:21 PM »
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Oct 7 2012 on  08:08 PM
Quote from: Chomper98,Oct 7 2012 on  06:30 PM
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Oct 7 2012 on  12:45 PM
Quote from: Chomper98,Oct 7 2012 on  12:42 PM
Yeah, but one thing that would be cool is if they were TOGETHER. Two of the strongest battleships, one of them THE strongest, would be a force to be reckoned with. I would surrender if I saw those two coming at me.
i'd send out hundreds of bombers if I saw them
You'd NEED 100 fighters!
Why? If it's the battleships on their own the bombers should do fine. if they had a carrier I would have fighter escort but the battleships on their own? the bombers should be able to handle it.
But they still has plenty of anti aircraft guns, and I know the bismarck had useless anti-aircraft guns, but you'd need that many fighters to do major damage.

When I said fighters, I meant bombers.

History Section / Who would win, Bismarck or Yamato?
« on: October 07, 2012, 07:30:17 PM »
Quote from: f-22 "raptor" ace,Oct 7 2012 on  12:45 PM
Quote from: Chomper98,Oct 7 2012 on  12:42 PM
Yeah, but one thing that would be cool is if they were TOGETHER. Two of the strongest battleships, one of them THE strongest, would be a force to be reckoned with. I would surrender if I saw those two coming at me.
i'd send out hundreds of bombers if I saw them
You'd NEED 100 fighters!

History Section / Who would win, Bismarck or Yamato?
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:42:20 PM »
Yeah, but one thing that would be cool is if they were TOGETHER. Two of the strongest battleships, one of them THE strongest, would be a force to be reckoned with. I would surrender if I saw those two coming at me.

Starday Wishes / Happy star day, FlipperBoidSkua!
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:20:54 AM »
Happy birthday! Hope you had a great day! :celebrate

Role Play Discussion / Battle of the North Atlantic RP
« on: October 07, 2012, 12:11:12 AM »
I will take the Bismarck and Scharnhorst.

Role Play Discussion / Battle of the North Atlantic RP
« on: October 07, 2012, 12:08:17 AM »
This RP is not where you control characters, but ships. It is based on the hunt for the Bismarck, with these playable ships:

German Units
Prinz Eugen()

British Units
Prince of Wales()
King George V()
Ark Royal()

You can choose up to 3 ships, they can be deployed to either sink convoys, or attack ships. It is not based on actual history, but takes place in that era, also, you can ask other player controlled ships to join you on a mission. You have to deal a certain amount of damage to the enemy before you can say you win, for example "Scharnhorst and Bismarck sink Hood". Again this is not based on historical accuracy.

History Section / Who would win, Bismarck or Yamato?
« on: October 06, 2012, 11:37:37 PM »
Who do you think would win?

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Appreciated Member Award voting 2012
« on: October 06, 2012, 02:53:33 PM »
I think I'll vote for Fyn16 because of his awesome stories.

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / GOF Awards 2012 - Voting Tally
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:56:20 PM »
I won the proactive award? Cool!

Land Before Time Captions / All crying
« on: October 02, 2012, 11:30:35 PM »
We lost our binkies!

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