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Messages - Dash The Longneck

Pages: 1 ... 81 82 83 84 85 86
The Fridge / Does anybody here like reeses cups? :P
« on: May 05, 2006, 08:03:30 PM »
Quote from: Action9000 May 5 2006 on  09:59 AM
Say, what's a Swedish Fish? Sort of like gummy bears?


These are swedish fish except they sometimes come in different colors.

The Fridge / Does anybody here like reeses cups? :P
« on: May 03, 2006, 06:51:02 AM »
Quote from: Littlefoot Fan,May 2 2006 on  09:20 PM
hehe :lol

What a coincidence, I love jelly beans :lol: Well I actually haven't had them in a LONG time but I know I like them since I also like gummy bears, those swedish fish thingies, all them :P:
I haven't had swedisn fish or Gummy Bears in quite a little while. Truth is I think it's been like a year or two since I've eaten Jelly Beans. But before they took them out of my movie theater. I would buy ten or 11 dollars worth. They had this container of Jellybeans and you fill a bag up with jellybeans with a little scoop. You probably know what I mean most candy stores have the same thing. Anyway, I like Twix too.

The Fridge / Does anybody here like reeses cups? :P
« on: May 02, 2006, 09:55:18 PM »
I love Reeses Peanut Cups it's like I have a addiction too them I l;ove a lot of stuff that is pretty bad for you name me any bad food with 500 calories or more and I'd end up loving it. But Reeses and Jelly beans are my cryptonite. I used too eat 6 bags of Jelly Beans and Reeses a day. Some people in my school even called me Reeses boy while the majority called me Jellybean. Oh that's just great now I've got a craving for Reeses thanks a lot. ;)

Silver Screen / New to the Big Screen
« on: May 02, 2006, 03:45:46 PM »
Quote from: RogerRabbit,May 2 2006 on  01:22 PM
Williams probably did his best work in Mrs. Doubtfire thirteen years ago....nothing's come close since....
Agreed! After that he wasn't quite the same. Perfect Example Adam Sandler I love that guy probably one of my favorite comedians EVER! I've seen almost every one of his movies except Little Nicky that was impossible too watch. Anyway All his movies are good IMO. But his best work was Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison which happened quite a little while ago.

Silver Screen / New to the Big Screen
« on: May 01, 2006, 11:21:21 PM »
Quote from: Nick22,May 1 2006 on  09:21 AM
While I love Robin Williams as a comedian, I don't plan on seeing RV.
I love him too that's kinda why I saw it but truth be told it wasn't one of his best. Little advice If you love Robin Williams as a comedian better stick with his older movies he was way funnier in those

Silver Screen / New to the Big Screen
« on: April 30, 2006, 07:55:47 PM »
I thought the previes looked preety dumb also but I often like too see a movie myself before casting judgement on it and it was good better then I expected.

The Fridge / Pets
« on: April 30, 2006, 06:26:22 PM »
This is my ten year old terrier mix Sandy

Silver Screen / New to the Big Screen
« on: April 30, 2006, 06:08:50 PM »
Today I saw RV good movie if you ask me. I saw Ice Age 2 and Scary Movie 4 a few weeks ago Ice Age 2 probably was the best out of them all I loved um what's that sloth's name? Oh yeah Sid!

The Fridge / sorry for notposting anything
« on: April 29, 2006, 05:20:19 PM »
Quote from: TITANOSAUR,Apr 29 2006 on  02:56 PM
ok Im back and Im afraid to ask this but for the sake of mechagodzilla would people please start telling us there genders! I was on another forum and I was talking to a new member and I actualy reffered the member as a boy and to my supprise and embarisment I found out that the member was a GIRL! :o  :blink:  :unsure:  :huh:  so for the love of god please poeple tell us your gender it keeps us from getting the strang and wierd feeling of cluless.
Oh, I know what you mean. This is a true story I'm also on this Lion King site so One of the Users on there was named King Simba. Now for the longest time I thought this was a guy. It took me until a "What is your name thread" for me too actually get that he was a she. But at first I thought"Tina? That's kinda a weird name for a guy" But some guys have weird names. So I had too literally ask if she was a guy or girl I have never been so embarrassed in my life.

Sound Off! / Music
« on: April 28, 2006, 11:18:52 PM »
Smells Like Teen Spirit[Nirvana]


Down With the Sickness[Disturbed]

Any Eminem song.

Probably some more that I can't think of I like a lot of different kids of songs.

General Land Before Time / littlefoots best singing voice
« on: April 25, 2006, 08:34:45 AM »
I love Little Foot's singing voice period. But given the options 4 or 5 I would have too say I enjoyed his singing a bit more in five.

General Land Before Time / When do you usually watch the LBT?
« on: April 23, 2006, 09:15:07 AM »
It happens! Don't worry about it man.

General Land Before Time / When do you usually watch the LBT?
« on: April 22, 2006, 06:59:10 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Apr 22 2006 on  04:57 PM
For me it's mostly being concerned about what others will think. Sometimes my friend but mainly my dad. Ya, see I've heard the "I'm upset that you like that kind of stuff" too many times. And I guess in a way I think he's embarrassed of me about it so that's mostly why I watch it alone.
I'm very sorry to hear that LittlefootFan. While I'm quite sure my parents don't consider my own love of LBT "normal" they never ever made so much as an unfavorable remark about it and actually said they like some of the pictures I made. The left me a good deal of individual freedom.
It must be much harder if the own parents do not take such a stand on this. Keeping up your enthusiasm despite the odds deserves respect.

Little correction error you got the wrong name by mistake.  Yeah, it's kinda hard but I learned too not really let it affect me. I know that he's not gonna change his mind about it and he knows I'm not gonna stop watching it just because he has a little resentment toward it.

Sports / Go Flames Go!!
« on: April 22, 2006, 05:48:51 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Apr 22 2006 on  04:41 PM
Probably depends on the region of America where you live. In Minnessota where I lived during my students exchange Ice Hockey was clearly the sport number 1.
Wasn't saying that Hockey wasn't a big thing in AMerica too. Probably 70 too 80 percent of the people I knew in school talked about Hockey teams. Mostly it was either about the Rangers or the Devils. Just a sport I never have gotten into. I find that some sports I like more when I'm actually playing like take Golf for example on TV In My Opinion that is the most boring sport in the world but when I actually play it which I don't do normally I like it more.

General Land Before Time / When do you usually watch the LBT?
« on: April 22, 2006, 05:44:50 PM »
Quote from: action9000,Apr 22 2006 on  01:18 AM
I see that many of us tend to watch the movies at night, or when we can be alone.  Is it because we're shy, or concerned about what others may think about us watching it?  If so, why?

I know myself, I often watch one before going to sleep, as sort of a way to relax.  During the day, I'm busy either working on something, at school, talking on msn, out with friends, or a number of things.  Movies tend to get pushed onto the back burner, so I often tend to only watch movies late at night before I go to sleep.
Speaking of sleep, I should do that soon  :lol It's getting late around here.
For me it's mostly being concerned about what others will think. Sometimes my friend but mainly my dad. Ya, see I've heard the "I'm upset that you like that kind of stuff" too many times. And I guess in a way I think he's embarrassed of me about it so that's mostly why I watch it alone.

Sports / Go Flames Go!!
« on: April 22, 2006, 05:38:57 PM »
LOL! :D I was never too much of a Hockey fan. But too tell you the truth the only sport I actually watch is baseball. {I know typical American}

The Fridge / Activities
« on: April 18, 2006, 09:47:26 PM »
Quote from: RogerRabbit,Apr 18 2006 on  07:59 PM
Yay bowlers! :D  Columbia 300 bowls the world over.  :lol
I haven't bowled in quite a while I used too be on a team but the bowling alley isn't very close so I'd never get any time too go there since I can't drive. I don't think I can ever bowl a 300 I'd be lucky too bowl a 20 over the course of one full game. :lol:

The Fridge / Activities
« on: April 17, 2006, 11:55:38 PM »
There are just so many interests and activities I'm gonna forget one.

1. Watch Land Before Time Sequeals[ Did you expect me too not add this? Why else would I be here if I didn't? :D ]

2. Watching Disney movies.

3. Surfing online.

4. Playing my Playstation 2

5. Walking my dog

6. Go too malls.

7. Go too the movies.

8. Buying new DVD'S

9. Watching wrestling on TV.

10. Watching the YES Network. [For those who aren't tuned in on what the YES Network is that's what channel most  of the New York Yankee games are played.]

11. Eating food that would kill me if I ate it every day.

12. Eating candy

13. Drinking soda

14. Roleplaying

15. Just hanging out

16. Bowling

17. Playing sports

18. Watching Football

19. Writing stories/fanfics on my computer

20. Listening too music.

Silver Screen / Bambi II
« on: April 17, 2006, 11:45:47 PM »
I love this movie Almost everything about it. It could not handle a candle too the original yes, but in no way does it make the original look worse. This is probably one of the most if not the best Disney DTV I have ever seen in my life. The major flaw with it too me was the music. It didn't really seem too fit in the movie. And the ending. Too me that was kinda an abrupt ending I think they could have made the movie longer. But other then that as far as DTV'S go one of the absoloute best I've ever seen.

The Party Room / LBT Quote Game
« on: April 15, 2006, 07:29:11 PM »
Hmm.... I'm gonna take a swing at this I may be really far off. Petrie when he first enters the cave where Littlefoot was buried in Land Before Time 4?

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