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Messages - LBTDiclonius

Pages: 1 ... 83 84 85 86 87 88
LBT Fanfiction / Quest for the Mask of Life
« on: December 30, 2010, 04:04:58 PM »
Well, I guess I can review here at least. :lol  I'm honestly not a bionicle fan but I sure am a land before time fan. :D  When I saw your original story, Quest for the energy stones, on, I ignored it at first but then, with it there everytime I turned to the second page so I decided to give it a shot. Boy you didn't dissapoint me. :lol:  It turned into a great find that got me reading it for hours on end trying to find out what happened. when I finished, I wanted to read the sequal, so I went looking for it but sadly couldn't find it. When it did came out, both here on GOF and on, I practically jumped for joy. This is one of the best fanfics, and I can easily say, I have ever read.

Now onto the review! It was great, a few misshaps here and there, but don't look at me for them. I'm sure pangaea will give you all the info you need. But I agree with Pangaea on one note. When the monster came up, wouldn't Littlefoot and Cera be terrified of it? I know I would be. Well that's all for me. Get the next chapter up soon. Bye now!

General Land Before Time / LBT or the Forum?
« on: December 30, 2010, 03:01:36 AM »
Definetely more obbsessed about LBT. I love it but I haven't watched a movie in ages...

General Land Before Time / When do you visit this site?
« on: December 30, 2010, 02:58:06 AM »
I go on daily. What? I have nothing better to do. <_< And I'm only visiting everyday till I reach 100+ posts. Then I'll lay off. I'm close.

General Land Before Time / getting mister three horns anger
« on: December 30, 2010, 02:53:29 AM »
Well, it would probably start off as a friendly conversation, a word or compliment here and there. But then...the person Mr. Threehorn is talking to slips and says something he doesn't like. Then the conversation will get nasty and maybe a a punch to the face. Topsy's face. Then he gets well, really angry and starts to charge. The person notices this and...runs for dear life screaming their head off. I feel sorry for that unlucky soul.:lol

General Land Before Time / Highest I.Q.
« on: December 30, 2010, 02:43:07 AM »
I think Littlefoot because he's the leader of the gang and he always seems to have an idea up in the old noggin :lol:

General Land Before Time / Visiting the Great Valley
« on: December 30, 2010, 02:37:55 AM »
I would want to live both there and in this world, moving through them every now and again.Hey, I would miss my family. And I'd probably want to be a Longneck like Littlefoot in the great valley. :P: Mostly because I don't want to freak the residants out.

General Land Before Time / Littlefoot's rock song
« on: December 30, 2010, 02:33:16 AM »
Call Your Name by Daughtry. Though I'd suspect he would probably get teary-eyed though.

General Land Before Time / Was Littlefoot Over Reacting?
« on: December 30, 2010, 02:30:14 AM »
I guess it's because they were basically insulting his grandma and he was probably pretty touchy because she almost fell off the cliff to her death and was probably easily ticked off because of the incident.

General Land Before Time / Will you let your kids watch this?
« on: December 30, 2010, 02:23:11 AM »
I would. I would want my kids to know what it feels like to know the beauty of The Land Before Time andbe able to sit down and enjoy it as much as I do and always will.

General Land Before Time / Ikky's pair of Binoculars
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:58:52 AM »
I checked on my cover of the movie and sure enough, there they were. It was actually pretty funny. I showed it to my mom and the best thing she could come up with was, "It's a girl Littlefoot?" Then got this really confused look on her face.

General Land Before Time / What character can run faster?
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:48:56 AM »
I'd say Littlefoot.

General Land Before Time / the Moon's name
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:45:56 AM »
It's called The Night Circle I believe.

General Land Before Time / Will LBT ever go HD-DVD and Blu-Ray?
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:38:41 AM »
Maybe it will for the anniversary but it's so old. No one really cares for it anymore (except everyone on here :D ) And most kids today like newer stuff, like all those new better animated cartoons we have now. In fact 1, 2 and 3 are so old I can't find them anywhere now. The stores probably have every sequal besides these two, and the origanal. Not that I need the first one. In fact, I have two copies on VHS!

General Land Before Time / How Obsessed Are You?
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:26:51 AM »
I personally haven't watched the movies recently, but I basically spend all my time on this and reading LBT fanfics. I'll watch a movie one of these days... <_<

General Land Before Time / This site blocked?
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:21:26 AM »
I personally wouldn't try to get on here unless I'm the only one there, but if I did there would probably be that annoying message saying it's not allowed or not appropriate for the schoolboard. Blagh :x  I hate when that message comes up. But there's that small chance that I get the green light on the computer and am able to log in. But I'll only do it if everyong there had earmuffs and a blindfold on. because I'm terrified of what my classmates'll say if they found out I loved LBT.

General Land Before Time / Why Do You Like LBT?
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:14:10 AM »
Quote from: Weather_lord_7,Sep 15 2007 on  07:45 PM
I like it because I can relate to most of the things in it.

 Like Littlefoot wanting a brother in some of the sequels, dealing with (almost) leaving friends, loneliness and all that.
Well isn't that the story of my life. Except...I wanted a sister. :lol:

I don't know why I like LBT. I've asked myself that many times and it's still a mystery to me today. I guess it's because I had nothing to do so I watched it and ended up loving it. And it teaches good life lessons. Something that some people today need to know. :(

General Land Before Time / Who's Coming Out?
« on: December 30, 2010, 01:04:57 AM »
I honestly thought it was gonna be a sharptooth. Call me crazy, but I didn't see the trailer before watching the movie so I didn't know what was gonna come out of the grass. I thought it was gonna be somthing really scary with all that dramatic music and whatnot, then when I saw Guido come out of there I was like, "You build me up like that, then you bring me down. Now what the heck is this thing?" :lol:

General Land Before Time / Use of blood in the sequels
« on: December 30, 2010, 12:59:03 AM »
From what I heard (somewhere <_< ) The fight scene between Sharptooth and Littlefoot's mother actually had quite a bit amount of blood in it. But as we all know, it was cut out because Speilberg and Lucas thought it would be too scary for kids. Aww. Come on! We can take a bit of blood here and there from LBT. It happened in 6 and 5 so why not in the first movie? You have a character DIE for cryin' out loud and in my opinion that's much scarier than a bit of blood.

General Land Before Time / Have you ever wondered...?
« on: December 30, 2010, 12:42:32 AM »
I sometimes wonder that too. I mean, maybe he overcame it but it would probably still hurt from time to time. And if you look back at number too when Littlefoot calls to Chomper, "I don't want to lose you!" It seemed rather odd he would say that. Maybe he felt that even though he was a sharptooth he was a defenceless baby at the time and couldn't help himself. Maybe when he saw his mother die, it made him not want to see anything, even a sharptooth, suffer that kind of pain. I don't know. But you do raise a very good point there.

General Land Before Time / The Land Before Time Glossary
« on: December 30, 2010, 12:26:30 AM »
Thanks for clearing that one up. Wow you really know your dinosaurs. Your welcome!  :D

As for the fanfic I believe it was The Land Before Time XIII Sahala's Return. Where this longneck seperated from her parents was found and raised by a herd of, you guessed it, Earthshaker Longnecks.

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