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Messages - Chomper98

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 24
The Fridge / Crazy Dreams
« on: October 02, 2012, 09:23:59 PM »
What were some really crazy dreams you have had. Mine, after watching Saving Private Ryan was being a soldier at Omaha. I don't remember the details, but it was intense. Share yours here.

Saurus Rock: Member Hall of Fame / Award voting 2012
« on: October 02, 2012, 09:15:17 PM »
Roleplayer- Kor, he was one of the first who joined my first roleplay and is quite a good roleplayer.

Helpful Member- Darkhououmon, she helped me when I asked her to direct me to a certain topic and helps add to my historical threads by posting sources.

Friendly Member- Darkhouomon, again this was hard but I feel that she, no matter the situation, keeps a clear head and always attempts to be nice in conversations.

Fanfiction- Flipperboidskua, she is a great writer and I envy her for it.

Philosopher- Malte279, I don't know why, but he justs seems like that.

Proactive Member- Bruton the Iguanodon, since I don't believe I can vote for myself, and since he has made a massive amount of topics, I am going to nominate him.

These are my votes, and this is my first time voting so I don't really know what I'm doing, let me know how to fix it.

The Written Word / Future is wild: 275 million years in the future
« on: September 29, 2012, 10:00:10 PM »
After seeing the cartoon and documentary, I've thought about taking it even further. I've done this by creating my own era, complete with creatures. Many of them are descended from those of the 200 million year era.

Overview: In 205 million years A.D, a mass extinction like the one in 100 million years has struck. This has wiped out the Megasquid, Silver-Swimmer, Slick Ribbon, Terabyte, Gloom Worm, Garden Worm, and other animals. This leaves the world a gloomy place, the reason for their extinction is because of their specialization; Megasquid are low on intelligence and specialized for forest life and eating fruit that grows on trees that could become extinct, the others are designed for the specific habitat they live in and are unable to adapt, leaving only a few.

Squibbons, flish, and Sharkopaths are able to survive due to their intelligence or adaptibility. But no major land predator has survived, allowing some animals to colonize the land.

In this era, oh the horror, sharks have come on to land and now resemble Gorgonopsians and are the dominant land predator, Squibbon have become dozens of different species that fill different roles. Flish rule the skies, and in the absense of silver-swimmers, sharks have diversified into all different types and now are the most common creatures in the sea.

At the same time, the continents have changed and now are in completely different positions, North America is connected to europe and is at the arctic circle, Asia is where the indonesian and philipine islands should be, south america is where North America should be, and Australia is at the south pole. What do you think?

The Fridge / Malte's laptop blues - A tragicomedy in five Acts
« on: September 26, 2012, 04:32:25 PM »
Ouch. My mom had a problem like this once when her car kept making this grinding sound and the stupid pepboy's dealership fixing it just enough to break again so she had to go back ten times to get it fixed. Anyway, I am typing from a new laptop to, my old one died in early June, which I had since 2009, and all my favorite games on it. Sorry about your laptop.

History Section / What if World War I was avoided?
« on: September 24, 2012, 10:40:36 AM »
Quote from: Malte279,Sep 24 2012 on  03:20 AM
One scenario that I find very interesting is what would have happened if WW1 had errupted as we know it, but ended with the Christmas truth of 1914. Back then most of the soldiers along the western front put down their guns and met between the front lines to celebrate christmas together while the military high comman was foaming with rage over this insubordination. If at that time soldiers on both sides had not returned to business (butchery) as usual, but if they had refused to continue the killing and thus forced their governments to make peace I think it might have been one of mankinds most glorious moments. The lasting impression of such a victory of humanity over human madness might indeed have caused a more lasting peace in Europe than in case WW1 had never started. It might have served as an example to soldiers in other times and different places too making further wars more difficult to conduct if the governments couldn't convince the people of the necessity of killing each other. The power of the people over their governments might have been increased by such a peace enforced upon their governments by the people.
That is very interesting,  wonder what would happen if that did happen. Also, I saw War Horse, the play, a while ago, and there is this scene where a German and British soldier find the horse in the battlefield after a battle, and instead of fighting, they play heads or tails. After the british win, he and the german soldier shake hands, which I find to be a very symbolic moment.

History Section / What if World War I was avoided?
« on: September 23, 2012, 06:24:10 PM »
I always had a difficult time imagining the difference it would have made, as so many things we are familiar with would not have happened, like there would be no offensive comparison to everything we hate to the nazis, and plus, films and books like Harry Potter and Star Wars may have even gone differently, as much of their basis is in those conflicts. Also, would we here of Poland, Ukraine, the Baltics, Finland, Turkey, or other countries that became independent after the war? For the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires things were already bad, so it may have just slowed down their falls. Russia is a different issue, it was not in a bad state at that time, World War I threw the country into turmoil and caused its revolution. Perhaps there would have been a cold war between the European Superpowers, England, France and Russia on one side, Germany on the other. Perhaps America would still be isolationistic, which in a way would be better as we would be keeping to ourselves rather then try to give freedom to countries that need a textbook to understand it, just generalizing.

I came up with a scenario for the world as World War I or II hasn't occured.

- Britain and Germany are in a cold war, as they were Europe's most powerful countries.

- No islamic-based terrorism due to large empires being maintained.

- America is still a world power, though is not as strong as today, and keeps to itself. Perhaps mediating between the European countries.

- Russia is eastern europe, though the Austrian territories are still independent.

- 76 million lives have been saved(the combined total in deaths for both world wars), world still heavily anti-semitic due to lack of certain horrible events.

- Kaiser's monarchy still strong.

- Tanks are seen as troop support, air forces are much smaller, missiles are non-existent, this is due to the germans in world war II developing these ideas.

- A-bombs and other Nuclear weapons don't exist due to no need for them.

Tell me ways I can improve this.

History Section / What if World War I was avoided?
« on: September 23, 2012, 03:05:02 PM »
What would the world possibly be like if there was never a first world war?

The Fridge / Kitten without back legs is in a good home
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:59:33 PM »
I stumbled on this adorable little kitten on youtube named Anakin(possibly because of his disability), who, sadly was born without back legs, but now is living happily with his family. I just thought I might put this on, anyone whose interested just type 'Anakin two-legged kitten' on youtube. Something else that got to me was how much he looked like my cat.

The Fridge / What inspired your usernames?
« on: September 16, 2012, 04:18:16 PM »
I would like to know how you came up with your usernames.

History Section / Has France EVER won a war?
« on: September 15, 2012, 01:23:16 AM »
I don't mean to sound nationalistic. Your right about a lot, but still, it just seems that no matter how close they come to winning, they get beaten. But still France is better at so much other stuff, fries, food, peace, so on, just not that good at war. Of course France saved our butts in the Revolutionary War, infact, it was similar to Ameirca's civil war. only Europe's countries supported the colonies. Infact, I think their was one historical event where I think the French defeated England. Correct me if I am wrong.

LBT Fanfiction / Retribution, Sequel to Sharptooth War
« on: September 14, 2012, 07:24:45 PM »
A/N: After thinking it up carefully, I decided to do a sequel to my first fanfiction(and topic), Sharptooth War. You need to read it or else you won't understand alot of things. Also, this is a crossover. Many, MANY franchises will be mentioned, make cameos, or be major. These are my interests, so please no negative reviews. Also, I am incorporating the all to familiar "Human in Land Before Time" series, though this goes to an extreme.


The cold, shadowy desert stretched as far as the eye could see. It's gritty, golden sand all that a creature on this world would see. The sky was black. Black as space, a thin atmosphere existed. It would make anyone on this planet struggle for breath.

At a first glance, this desert planet was unsustainable of life, but some managed to eke out a living on this world. But one area had something that no native life-form could explain: A small, cube shaped building. In this building, strange experiments were taking place; disembodied heads, strange dark and white gas in two capsules, and animals of all kinds wandering in small cages.

The owner of this laboratory selected the near-lifeless planet because it was isolated, unheard of, and full of resources. The owner wore a jet black cloak, which covered his entire body, except for a small part of his face. His name; Darth Sidious(formerly known as Chancellor Palpatine).

A/N: In this story, Darth Sidious was discovered before he turned Anakin to the dark side, so no order 66 or Empire came.

He was trying to create an apprentice out of the force, one made soully of the dark side, unredeemable, and powerful enough to destroy any jedi. He had searched all through possible candidates, but found one in particular who seemed to be the perfect choice. Through the force, Sidious sensed this candidate as the perfect one. Though he was, in a way, not sapient, Sidious saw a burning hate, a raging fury, and the thoughts of creating a vast empire in his home planet.

His name; Darkclaw.

History Section / If Russia intervened in the Civil War
« on: September 14, 2012, 12:03:41 AM »
Quote from: Nick22,Sep 13 2012 on  08:27 PM
even if america had a strong navy at the time britians navy was the strongest in the world. hads they intervened the blocade that was successful in cutting off southern importa would have been destroyed, however we cannot simplify history. you change one thing, many other things change as well.  If you chsnge X (Foriegn intervention) than Y changes (conditions in the wart) and possibly Z as well (wars outcome).to be a proper student of history you must keep in mind the context o f the time, and not let later events color or shape your thinking. i forgive you Chomper , for your prior comment, you have a passion for history, which shows in your questions. and that is good..
Thanks.  :)

History Section / Has France EVER won a war?
« on: September 13, 2012, 07:50:32 PM »
Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Sep 13 2012 on  06:37 PM
The thing about the Napoleonic Wars is that they only lost the last one.,

It is true that their track record is not great. But they did assist the American Revolutionary War, mainly to get back at Britain for the French & Indian Wars. They also had a much better success rate in naval warfare, as Jon Stewart's America: The Book parodies.
I know, but thats when I said allies.

History Section / Has France EVER won a war?
« on: September 13, 2012, 07:22:31 PM »
A funny thing I came across is that in almost every war, France loses, and when it does win, its because it has help from allies. Here is my list of wars that France lost, that I know of.

Queen Anne's War
7 years War
Napoleonic Wars
Franco-Prussian War
World War II(It was defeated, even though the allies won as a whole). Anyone notice this?

History Section / If Russia intervened in the Civil War
« on: September 13, 2012, 07:18:25 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Sep 13 2012 on  04:07 AM
No offense meant Chomper98, but there is kind of a general tone emphasizing the strength of America in most of your history posts that may influence your perception of historical situations. No doubt America had become a major power by the time of the US civil war, but it was throughout the so called Gilded Age that it really became the number one in terms of industrial capacity (according to my figures the American industrial capacity did not exceed that of Great Britain, France, or the combination of (yet to be unified) German states in 1860 while it exceeded that of all three nations combined in 1900).
What you miss out is that it was still "Britania Rules the waves" throughout most of the Victorian Age. The British Navy could have blocked any naval landing in France, but such a naval landing could not have taken place to begin with because the capacity of the Russian navy did not suffice to allow for a landing in enemy territory (a landing by the way that was difficult enough to supply and support just over the British channel but that would have been all but lost with a naval supply route all across the northern and baltic sea). Russia's Colonies in North America (Alaska) were utterly dependent on the supplies provided by foreign traders (mostly British and American), since the own naval capacities didn't allow to support them or even to enforce a Russian ukase (an order by the Tzar that is) of 1821 which tried to prohibit foreign ships in the waters of the Russian colonies (well aware that Russian navy was unable to wage a war with the British at the time). Contrary to what you assume the British Army did have well experienced troups in the 1860s (more at least than America had). Since the Napoleonic Wars Great Britain had fought a number of Wars. These included colonial wars in India and China, but also the Crimean War against Russia in which France, Britain and the Ottoman Emprie had defeated Russia.
The intervention of European powers was the only realistic chance the Confederacy had to in fact gain independence. It is often overlooked however that Great Britain relied not only on Southern Cotton (which could easily be replaced by cotton from Egypt and India) but also on large grain and meat imports from the northern states which made Great Britain more reluctant to intervene than France (Napoleon III. however would not intervene without England). Following the Trent affair (the arrest of two confederate diplomats on board of the British post ship Trent which had been stopped by the USS San Jacinto) in November 1861 there was no more situation in which Britain came as close to intervening and after the passing of the Emancipation proclamation there was nothing short of an American attack on Great Britain that would have dragged Britain into the war. Assuming an intervention however, this in any case would have lifted the blockade of southern ports, since the US navy could not have put up a fight against the British navy while spread out all along the coast. The northern states would have found themselves in a two front war. British troops from Canada in the north (there were some significant troops there even prior to any further transport of troos accross the Atlantic) and the southern troops along the front of the war as we know it.
As for Russia, she demonstrated her support for the North by a fleet visit in 1863, but Russia was not eager to get involved into a large scale war at the time. The memory of having defeated in the Crimean War just a decade earlier was still there and moreover Russia had plenty of inner affairs to deal with. The emancipation of the Russian serfs in 1861 had been conducted mostly because otherwise a large scale revolt would have been likely. Moreover Russia was in a kind of constant state of war in the 1860s and early 70s against Khanates in inner Assia on the one hand and against revolts in occupied regions in eastern Europe (Poland in particular) on the other hand. Russia therefore was not eager at the time to get involved into any of the full scale wars fought in Europe at the time, much less in one fought as far away as America. It was for good reason that Russia sold her colonies to America so cheaply in 1867 for in any further looming conflict with Great Britain (conflicts which did not ultimately errupt) Russia would not have been able to hold on to faraway oversea territories.

Do you have an MSN account to chat by the way Chomper98? I think we could have many enjoyable history chats on MSN and there are several other GOF members interested in history on MSN who might join us :yes
I know you guys are right in alot of ways, but America still had a strong army and navy, it also outnumbered the british 5-1 in North America. Also, no offense taken, but just because it wasn't as strong as it is today, it was still strong, it also had an experienced army, and also, I made this because I saw this on a history thread, and didn't consider its authenticity, so I am sorry that I was rude.  :( And to Malte: I don't have a MSN account, but Yahoo. Maybe I'll make one, any one have any interesting topics for history discussion?:smile

History Section / If Russia intervened in the Civil War
« on: September 13, 2012, 12:58:00 AM »
Quote from: Nick22,Sep 12 2012 on  11:46 PM
Chomper your ideas are completely incoirrect. Remember that during the 1860s transportation was not what it is now. There were no planes, and boats took months to cross the atlantic. there was no panama canal to cut short the trip from the Pacific, russia would literally have to send forces all the way round South america an effort that would have taken many months if not years. Besuides Lincioln worked very hard to see that there was no foreign involvement at all, the confederacy was trying very hard to gain international diplomsatic recognition as its own country, lincoln stressed repeatedly that this was an internal matter and that other countries should butt out.. while Russia was friendly to the north, in the sense that 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend" Russia was rather isolated and was in no position to help us, even if they wanted to.  There would have been no 'walkover for the US, remember that the country was very bitterly divided, its the reason why the Pierce administrations atte,pts to buy Cuba from Spain wennt nowhere, the north did not want another slave state , or several, added to the the same way the South didnt want the north to grab canada. since neither was willing to compromise neither side got the expansion it wanted. Lincoln in short told FRance Spain and britrian to mind thier own business and eventually got them to not recognize the confederacy, which was the only way for the South to hold out against the greater strength and size of the North.
When I said if Russia intervened, it was only because if Britain or France intervened. I know Russia had a long way to travel, but the Union still had a large, and experienced army and navy, which could have held off a British invasion, and did you read the "IF"? IF! It was if! Did you even read the title? IF! Did you miss that? I am sorry if that seemed to be with malicious intent, but Russia still could have invaded France via crossing through the Baltic Sea and landing in France and Britain, it was still a world power, and helped keep countries out of the war by sending two naval squadrons to American waters. But still, if Britain and France entered, Russia would have stepped in. Yes, transportation was slow, but they still could have helped America by attacking Britain and France in Europe if they entered. I know my history, and I know that Lincoln tried to keep other countries out of the war, but still, it may have gotten ugly if Britain and France recognized the Confederacy. Britain also experienced very few wars since Napoleon, so it would also have experience issues. It would also take months for Britain to send the necessary troops to Canada to intervene, and there were only 20,000 regular troops in Canada and 67,000 militia, so America would still crush Britain in Canada.

History Section / If Russia intervened in the Civil War
« on: September 12, 2012, 11:49:59 PM »
Unlike Britain and France, Russia generally supported the Union in the American Civil War, and the consequences of what would happen if any major European power intervened on the side of the Confederacy, would have been a bloody World War.

Russia and America, unlike today, were allies, and if Britain or France did enter, then America and Russia would crush them. Britain's army was only 50,000 strong in the 1860s, and it's navy was rivaled by America, who had around 500,000 to 1,500,000 troops(wikipedia). It would infact have been a walkover for America to defeat them. Infact, it would take an entire coalition of all of Europe's great powers(Britain, France, Prussia, Austria, Spain, and Russia) to defeat America, and of course, Russia would have fought with America.

This is true, as Russia was America's ally, and so it would probably be a quick war if Britain and France did enter.

History Section / America and Soviet Union in WW2
« on: September 11, 2012, 09:18:20 PM »
I know this is disputed, but in reality, America DID do the most in WW2, not by fighting, but by supplying, feeding, and lending Britain and Russia almost everything they needed. America saved Britain in 1940 due to the convoys, they kept Britain alive. Every documentary I've seen says that. America also supplied Russia, with ALOT of stuff, including Tanks, oil, and other commodities, to keep the massive Russian war machine on its feet. If America never got involved, Germany would have likely won, as would Japan. America did the most industrially. Infact, Germany could never defeat America. In a one on one scenario, it would have been a stalemate. Germany would have to transport large amounts of troops across the Atlantic, where the ships would be cut down by the massive United States navy. Also, America could never attack Germany unless capturing, and holding on to, occupied Britain. They would likely be forced to send massive amounts of their own troops to Britain, all the while against relentless German bombings. But in the end, America would never win D-day on its own. But still, America would have likely still entered the war if the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor even if Russia never entered. The war would have lasted until 1951 at the earliest, but America and Britain would have won. America was the greatest industrial power, and by 1945 it was finishing a single ship in 7 days, and its navy reached 6,421.

Silver Screen / Future is Wild
« on: September 09, 2012, 11:32:05 PM »
Quote from: FlipperBoidSkua,Sep 9 2012 on  08:48 PM
Dude, this is one of my biggest obsessions, both the documentary and the cartoon! I have tons of fanart and fanfiction about the Future is Wild, plus two different books and the entire DVD set!! And I've watched every single episode of the TV show!! *spazzes out and dies*

The Falconfly is my all-time favorite critter, especially in the cartoon! I also love the Deathgleaner bat! Plus, the Terabytes are friggin' adorable in the cartoon show, with all their chirpings! :DD

Now look what ya did, Chomper98! You've gone and made a topic I'll never be able to get away from! :p Thank you so much!
Your welcome! I loved this show ever since it came out. I might even write a story where a certain foursome of Spitfire beetles and a falconffly meet the gang, and Chomper is about to learn that some bugs bite, or sting, back.

Silver Screen / Future is Wild
« on: September 09, 2012, 08:01:52 PM »
Quote from: DarkHououmon,Sep 9 2012 on  06:21 PM
I've some of the cartoon show. And I've seen all of the documentary. I liked it. My fav animals are probably the carakiller, sharkopath, and snowstalker.
Yeah, they were awesome, aside from the Sharkopath, the Falcon Fly was my favorite, if Chomper found one, then it would not end well, for either, Chomper would finally meet a bug thats to much to handle.  :lol

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