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Messages - novaflare

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LBT Projects / Wacky idea to get land before time known
« on: April 01, 2007, 07:29:48 PM »
Well the friends reaction topic got me thinking you know it would be a intresting social experement to do a whole heap of screen captures and print them out. Take these screen captures by the hundreds and stick them on store fronts where they allow such things as advertisements and telephone poles where city ords allow etc. Start with the darkest parts where little is seen of the charectors just land scapes. Post these every where 100 or so diffrent frames say 25 diff frames. Later move on to where it only shows the sharp tooth in various frames and just keep doing this slowly showing things like the first fight between little foots mother the kids beeing chased. Maybe drop a line to various media outlets news papers and such. Never telling them what movie it is from. Have some friends at vid stores report back when people start bringing in the posters to see if they know what movie it is etc.

I bet if w all did it in our general areas where we live we could probably really get this film known. We all know the media controls the popularity of toys games and movies. If the media likes it "you like it" Thats how they work. The media can in a short time hype up a game consol making it impossible to find or they can burry another by talkign about recalls. So im sure most here like me would love to see this series of films get the attention they deserve.

I got a job interview tomorow at 3 pm my time if all goes well and some others here want to try this as well post back. Ill stick some money aside for a high qualit printer and the dvds and get a cracking in like 3 to 5 weeks. If a bunch of do this we need to time it and plan it out so we dont accidently give it away to soon and we want all the images going up to be the same set.  We can monitor reactions to it get a bit of a chuckle as the news media picks it up and are trying to figure out exactly what movie it is from :)

Best check on the legalities of it first of corse as well but heck i can help out with that bit. I do not see how it could be illegal as all we will be doing is giving universal some free advertising.

LBT Projects / Tria Makes Topsy Fall
« on: April 01, 2007, 06:56:56 PM »
Ack im pretty much avoiding numb 12 clips as ive not seen it yet. Hopeing to have a job tomorow so i can get it and 11 on dvd as well as 1 to i think 7 is my vhs versions. I got the original one from mc donolds x 2 heh then 2 3 4 5  6 and 7 on vhs clam shell package i recorded those to dvd. 89 and 10 are dvd. Got 11 of a friend to watch.

Ahh well once i got the job im gona buy the entire set all at once pluss all seasons of the tv series heh.

Bit off topic but it seems as each ep is first aired they release a story book based on it. One is soro tells a story based off legend of the story speakers. Another is ceras shiny stone (cantyon of shiny stones) few others as well.

from the covers they showed they seem to be drawn in the simplistic way that most childrens books from like 60s an 70s were very ruffly shaded in colors.

Be sort of cool to get all the series eps on dvd with the books to put away for future generations .

1988 Theatrical Release / Your friends and your Interest in LBT
« on: April 01, 2007, 03:25:53 PM »
Quote from: Akiko,Apr 1 2007 on  03:01 PM
I agree with you there too, so many people don't even understand just how much work goes into an animated movie...even a ten minute animated cartoon is a load of work. It takes a combination of art and story to make a really great film. LBT, Balto, TLK...all these movies had those two things going for them: gorgeous animation and wonderful stories, emotion and feeling...a good story makes you feel for the characters, it makes you laugh, cry, etc. All of those movies did that for me.

It seems that now a days it's harder and harder to find a good animated movie with both the art and the story that'll touch people in that way. The majority of animated films coming out recently have all shared something in common: comedy. about animals. CGI. Personally, I like traditional animation much more...there's just something about it that CGI can't get right in my eyes, but I like it too...and it's honestly not the type of animation, but like I said, it takes a good storyline too.

Is it just me or are a lot of the animated movies today lacking the emotion of those I grew up with? It's been a long time since a movie gave me the same chills and emotions as the classics I saw as a kid. It's certainly not because I'm an adult, since I still get the same feelings from those classics, and the occasional gem that finds it's way into the theatres. I thought Brother bear was pretty good. ;) I would LOVE to see more trandtional animated movies with the same charm and emotion as our classics return to the movie theatres.  :)
Nope animated movies between when eisner took over disney till he left lacked any real heart. They were all about getting them hyped up by the media and makign money. Lets nt forget pixar was not goign to renew their contract with disney while eisner was at the helm. TLK was the best disney film ever made while eisner was there and even it pales compaired to land before time and pre eisner disney. Heres hoping the new ceo can do a better job with disney heck who knows maybe they can talk don in to doing another clasic hand drawn film :)

As for cgi i like it and well i do 3d art in 3d studio max my self. While it allows for short cuts in animating a film as you can make use of keyframes vs needing to raw each frame by hand a typical 3d model even ones like i do can take a couple 100 hours.

example the helmet in this forum post for rubies took me about 250 hours total from start to finish
incase you need to register to view that forum heres a link to the finale ish product

A model such as shrek likely hit the 1000+ hour mark easly

So while the animation part is faster the makign the model part takes longer.
Corse in hand drawn animation each chrector can take much much longer to finish all frames than a cgi model heh.

1988 Theatrical Release / Your friends and your Interest in LBT
« on: April 01, 2007, 02:56:47 PM »
Quote from: F-14 Ace,Jan 3 2006 on  06:45 PM
There is that idiot at my school that thinks LBT and all who enjoy it will find a place in hell with their name on it.
I know the type. Many of these sorts of people are the ones who trolled the imdb boards espeically the first films boards and judith barsis board. During the 3 months i was gone all hell broke loose. Some bozo started attacking nacnybratt who was juddiths tutor and nany back in the day. Calling her such choice things as a pedophile. She darin and half a dozen others spent alot of time getting a fund raiser going to get judith and her mother maria head stones for their graves. For those who do not know judith was the voice of the first ducky she and her mother were murdered by her father in june of 88 shortly after judiths 10th birthday. I dotn go telling people i love this show but if they find out they find out. If some one ever says somethng like they did to nancy ill put em on the ground.

We all have our reasons for loveing this film some like me love it because its animation others litterly grew up with it.

Others see things in the land before time now that their older and relise you know this movie was never ment just for kids (also a reason i love this film series).  

I know that some of you are in collage now for various media arts related studies ive seen some of the work you have done. Like defing gravity with petrie. I watched it the other day and bout had to go change my pants. I could not beleive how well done it was. Once i have net on my own comp i want the full scale non youtube vid of that. I loved the part where petire got tossed by the branch and landed right smack on the trex.

So you know what let the idiots have their laughs know and know that you or one of those here will be the ones getting th last laugh when you got a few mill in the bank.

Funny thing about adult animated family film fans they tend to end up being involved in the industry while those who think it is silly end up flipping burgers at the local fast food joint :)

1988 Theatrical Release / Your friends and your Interest in LBT
« on: April 01, 2007, 02:39:58 PM »
Quote from: Akiko,Apr 1 2007 on  02:14 PM
The majority of my friends are also huge fans of animation, thankfully...however, most of them generally like anime over such classices as LBT, Balto, TLK, etc (all movies I adore. TLK = The Lion King, for those who might not know ;)). I think I'm sometimes thought of as weird for enjoying cartoon animal movies more than drooling over "cute anime guys" (never saw the huge thing with that. :huh:)  

For the most part, my friends respect me for what I enjoy, although I can't really chatter to them about some of my obsessions. Another note is that most of my friends are online, and the one who's close enough to me in person just really isn't interested in the same kind of animation (again, anime fan), although she too respects my's just that we usually wind up talking about her obsessions a lot more than mine.  <_<

Sometimes that's all you can really get...although I have felt the odd person out a few times when everyone chatters about anime guys and no one has enough liking for the american animation or animal movies to talk about those. as strange as it is, I think a good majority of people view japanese animation as more mature than american animation. :rolleyes: I like anime too, don't get me wrong...but there's not too many animes that center around the types of characters I like the most: animals. (and another note, I disagree with that 'american animation is for kids only' viewpoint. :mad )

Not sure what else to say here, but it's lovely to have a place like this to talk, eh?  

Could not agree more with you. Heck I get flat our well um how shall i say a fair bit beyond ticked when i see some animated film not get the credit it deserves. There have been so many animated films that should have at the very least got nominated for best film or best actrress or actor. Instead they get nominated for best animated film of the year or best actress in a voice over role. Its iritating to me to see this happen. Ive been in irc chats the chat with the stars things once was in one for a animated film that just aired on tv and got a question in for once (with out waitign till it was over and soem stars etc sneak back in to see who stayed then they do no want to talk about their role et) Any how i asked wich wwas harder voice over roles such as in this filmm or live action. Answer was voice oer roles.

In japan they make do not consider it any diffrent to do a voice over compared to live action. In many respects the more sought after roles can often be the voice over part. We see tons and tons of animated fetures get no respect at all. Corse its easy for any given animated film to take a animated film award home as ooops theres far fewer per year made because ooops they take longer to make.

As for fan of animation well i like any and all of it always have always will. Well ok i dont like the looney toon style of animation.

While its true american animation tends to be marketed towards kids by the media look at any of bluths work old disney as well. Theres are not films ment just for the kids but for the enitre family. Land before time is a tricky little film as a kid watchign it you wont pick up on alot of its deapth late ron how ever you relize theres alot about the film that you dont really notice as a kid watching it.

LBT Fanart / All Grown Up?
« on: April 01, 2007, 02:17:35 PM »
lol chomper reminds me of a old long standing desk top bg i use. Not a dino but a dragon give me a few minutes and ill toss it up to my web host. Both half this look of mischif (sp?) about them.

only a link as its a bmp
remind me of your chomper do to expresion more than apearance (obviously)

The Fridge / Strange
« on: April 01, 2007, 11:24:33 AM »
Quote from: Petrie,Apr 1 2007 on  11:10 AM
How many people are seeing this weird bug where the links disappear when you load the board?  :huh:  Malte's already told me he's seeing this issue.
not seen any thing like that but theres some broken image or somethign loading from a 209.ip addy that is tending to make board loads craw.

ip is I guess thats where all the images load from includign the background but sence all major code and image is loading its going to be a single one that is causieng the constant loading/transfering message

1988 Theatrical Release / Tell Your Story About LBT
« on: April 01, 2007, 07:45:59 AM »
I was 16 was at my friends house who was 13 at the time his little sister had just had her bday the day befofre and had just turned 11. I stoped by me and matt had plans to go do some hikeing in  the woods down by my place. But his dad had decided quite spur of the moment to take them to the theator to see this new "bluth film"  Being that i was a bluth fan any ways and his dad knew it he says hey why dont you come aloong. So i did. Chances are it would have ended there but then shortly before nuumber 2 came out i read who was doing the voice oers. Noticed most were not the same people. I had already read about various things about judith barsi like how she was a ocomplished adliber and a bit of a line theif and every one loved her in the cast. So i wondered why she did not do ducky for number 2. I dug deeper. Need to remember in 93 94 the net was still a very young place. Months of searching later in every thing from telnet gofer space to aols search and meta crawler i found out that she had been murdered. At this point i re watched the original land before time while waiting for number 2 to hit the shelves.

Land before time went from being a simple movie to a almost video memorial in my eyes and still remains as such today. So even if a given movies story is a bit lacking il still watch it because of that.

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / episode list 20 shown
« on: March 31, 2007, 08:27:10 PM »
Quote from: Dash The Longneck,Mar 31 2007 on  08:14 PM
Quote from: novaflare,Mar 31 2007 on  05:36 PM
wow this topic got popular today for some reason hehe.

Dash your forum av dont suppose you got full sizedd screen captures like that by chance? I want to add them or have them added to my gallery.

This is a site that I found a while back. This has 13 count them 13 pages of Land Before Time pictures. These are all from the first movie though.  If you need pictures from other movies I've got an idea for you. Go to YouTube on most of the Videos you can pause the video when you see a picture you want to use and press the print screen button and edit it in Paint or Photoshop.
yikes ive been searching for this sort of thing for weeks with no luck.

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / episode list 20 shown
« on: March 31, 2007, 06:36:27 PM »
wow this topic got popular today for some reason hehe.

Dash your forum av dont suppose you got full sizedd screen captures like that by chance? I want to add them or have them added to my gallery.

LBT Projects / land before time desktop images
« on: March 30, 2007, 08:02:16 PM »
Quote from: action9000,Mar 30 2007 on  06:36 PM
I moved this to the LBT Project forum because it is a website/database of LBT-based images, both from fans and screenshots from the original films.
Works for me. Im learnign more about this thing every day and man ive barly scratched the surface on what it can really do. For example it can be imbeded right in to some forums and things like php nuke. Un fortunatly theres no support for invision board ikon board etc so even if you all wanted to you cant. All though some one good at php could prob do it easy enough. There boat loads of moduals and it seems it can do videos as well. Vids at this point are out of the question my host dont have enough space. But it seems i may be getting a job soon (interview sunday) So i may just need to be getting a nice domain hosted on my fav host powweb. At that point i think ill start burnign some favors that are owed to me and try to oh i dont know score the rights to post all the series eps for dl (with comercials intact of corse) My guess is they will make it some format where you cant fast foward past comercials but um if i can score em who cares? I know ytv has done it in the past so they prob will again. As for powweb heh 7.77 per month 300 gig storage 3tb tfer per month crazzy suckers lol. At any rate thanks for the sticky and heres hopeing i get the job and real net heh. With real net ill be slapping a fair number of screen shots up in the gallery.

LBT Projects / land before time desktop images
« on: March 29, 2007, 11:49:23 AM »
Added some new fetures to gallery.
added user album youll see a link you can click once clicked your gallery gets listed
also added publish xp. Use item actions drop down choose add item grab .reg file open it adds to your publish to web option in windows explorer. Note publish to web wants to by default resize images on upload youll want to uncheck that option.

Trying to figure out this cart and zip cart download set up. Once theres alot of images there will be a handy way to dl multiple images at one time. Ehem i said when theres alot of images on site :)

*novaflare pokes aall the go5 members get to uploadign your stuff :)

Especially threehorn i seen all them fan art etc submisions at deviant art you got there :)

Character Discussion / Littlefoot
« on: March 28, 2007, 01:14:27 PM »
Dont foget the first film. Where he is essentially forced in to the role of a leader. Simply put he had no choice but to lead the group to the vally as no one in the group knew the way but him. Once forced in to this role he readily accepts it. Een though he may fail along the way in some regards. Like when he becomes upset with cera over her wanting to go another way he basically chooses to push on alone. He let his emotions get in the way of what had become his duty to the rest even if he never asked for it to be such. In the end it is also his emotions that get them out of trouble as well as his sence of duty to the rest. Of corse his anger and in many ways hatred of the trex also lead him to the choice to well kill it to make sure it was dead. It was in the end the only choice that he could have made.

In the secound film great vally adventure i think the whole point was to show he had grown beyond what he was. With chomper a trex the same species of sharp tooth that killed his mother they showed he could get beyond the hatred and not place blaim on a entire race for the actions of a single member of that race. They could have done a better job with showing this having him fearful of chomper maybe some flash backs to the firstt trex encounter of his child hood. Only to have ducky change his mind about chomper. Ducky would have been the best choice for that role as she was and is the most excepting of diffrences as shown by her and spike. It would also seem that her species or race is more accepting of others by the fact her mother readily took on the responsability of raising spike.

One thing that was shown very well in the first film that relates to littlefoots acceptance of chomper is the fact he never did care about some one being different. Again it seems to be a racial thing amoung their kind. Ali and the song it takes all sorts. Little foots mother who only remains seperated from other kinds do to the fact "it has always been that way" She doesnt agree with it exactly but follow it because thats just how things are.

In the end its in his nature to accept others no matter what "sort" they may be so he would be going against his very nature to reject or harm chomper just because of what sort he happened to be.

Gamers Zone / Game i play and gm for rubies of eventide
« on: March 28, 2007, 10:10:57 AM »
Ok alittle bit of rubies history first.
I started with rubies as a beta tester on 2/12/02 and followed in to retail. I would say by day 2 of the beta i had already decided that i was done with betas as well i would have no more time to dedicate to a beta test as id be playing rubies when it went live. Thats exactly what I did to. Rubies marked my last beta (well almost more on the almost in a moment). As is the normal for me i learned every thing about the game play tweaks for performance etc. With in a week i was not the one asking for help in a quite complex game but was the one offering his help to new beta ttesters. During this time as  beta tester I learned of rubies history from people such as huan , (im gona butcher this name sorry (q but thats your fault for useing such a impossible name hehe) qrisnolf, syber, jy-luna fyead and half a dozen other gms? Well found out nope not gms. Huan is one of many names that the owner of the game used/uses.

So what i learned from these guys was that rubies was far older than i ever thought. It was infact the oldest mmorpg out there older than eq even. My jaw dropped. Turns out rubies had 3 stages to its life. Stage one was cancun from from early to mid 90s was a MUD multi user dungeon. From mid 90s to late 90 was the cancun engine including a comercial release in this stage. From late 90s till now is lith tech jupiter. Lots of holes in there im goign to fill in now.

During my time in rubies from 2/12/02 heres what happened.

On 06/01/2003 rubies went comercial with the lithtech engine but by 02/19/2004 its comercial life ended. Normal thing for games this happens to is thats it over done never seen again. But oh no not rubies na never rubies heheh because on 05/21/2004 it reopened as the first donation based mmorpg free to play as long as you want no restrictions. About a month later  we had a small p[atch relased that mostly repointed the game client to the correct server for login. By december of the same year a new account type is added that allows server cap bypass the cap was needed to help with lag on our server (im sure youve noticed ive been useing our game alot when talking about rubies im just a gm so why is that?). Dates are a bit sketchy here but also during this time of donations we gained a new server thanks to donations aimed at adding a server then another and finally the pvp server. Little later on one of our servers suffered a major melr down and well never came back up that was one called Pegasus refered to as peggy by most. But the chars were not lost with some serious work by our admins many many hours of data base work they got those chars merged in to the phoenix data base.

More recent history for rubies. We recently thanks to bargle and others got a nice new shinny client .96 wich allows for windowed mode and alt tabbing (abit of a first for a lithtech based game) many bug fixxes in this beta release as well as performance inprovements and the client shrank in dl size from 360ish megs t 280ish megs.

Some of my own history now.

As i said i started the game as a beta tester in 2/12/02 and followed to live as a founder. About 3 months or so preclose I became a gm. Then rubies closed and the days of my beta testing that i thought had went by by for ever returned i got a invite for another beta. Where with in a few short weeks i ended up as a csr just below the level of gm. I stuck with this beta to full retail as well right up to the time when rubies returned as a donation based mmorpg and left the other game soon ater (mostly do to broken prmises i was suppose to be promoted to gm wich for their game was a paid job but it never happened i waited months over a year infact). Apon returnign to rubies do to rule changes i was no longer a gm but hey i did not care rubies was my home and i only need reapply as a sage. I was a sage for about 2 weeks and then back as a gm. tThat brings my history up to date.

Now early i mentioned the fact i was useign the term our game when refering to rubies well thats what rubies really is. It is the players game in many ways. It does get refered to as that by many a player gm and developer alike.

Rubies of eventide is small in size big in heart. Ou community is the best i have ever seen in a game. Sure we get our share of trolls in game but hey that happens every where given enough time. Even this very forum will or may have already had a few. It is the nature of the beast we call the internet. But fact is they do not last long when the community is small and gms or mods etc are around all the time.

I generally do not post little adverts for rubies like this on forums as a personal invite to those on the boards. Infact i think ive done it a whopping 2 times counting this post heh. Ive submited a few buttons to other sites and put the url in forum signitures or as a homepage in my profile. But never a big old invite post. So here it is.

I invite any and all of you who want to check out a little mmorpg to come check out rubies. Some who try will stay some who try won't rubies is not a game for every one its really that simple.

With all that said heres a couple links
main site
live chat linked to

In chat i am always there as one of these 3 names mostly as nova
nova novaflare or gm-wesan_na_mora .

Feel free to read the forums hang out in chat for a while etc.
We have some realy simple rules. IRC rules are the same as phoenix rules g rated chat for most part. When in doubt dont say it basically. We tend to not allow chat about other games in irc or in gam leads to general all around nastiness flames etc. We get a fair share of game shills (paid spammers basically ither paid by real money or ingame favors). They will come in askign lots of questions about rubies. Popin and out a bunch of times then drop the url for their favorite game sayign you all should check out this game its even better than rubies. This is generally soon followed by me typing /ban nickname after i copy paste their host mask to do a ast ban edit after.

In game help channel on phoenix /h is used only for game mechanics how do i mine craft etc type questions and short tech related questions like im getting really bad lag any way to tweak the game or my system? Generally when im able to be in game i take the person to /w or party chat and work with them. Not so much a rule but more a rule of thumb as it helps clear chat up for other questions. Fireopals our role play server and lowst pop server needed a server wide chat so /h rules allow it to be the server wide in charector tavern chat while mentor becomes the help channel for that server. Halberd the pvp server has no language rules char nameing rules etc so all channels are a free for all.

I suspect a good number of those here tend to roleplay alot as well both rp forums here are fairly well packed. Any ways ill end this post here and answer any questions you might have.

Gamers Zone / Question on advertiseing a game i play
« on: March 28, 2007, 09:12:00 AM »
ok cool i just didnt want to post with out checking first.

Character Discussion / Spike
« on: March 27, 2007, 09:54:12 PM »
Quote from: Lain_EX,Mar 27 2007 on  09:49 PM
All I can say about Spike is...

He's silent, dumb-witted and a bottomless pit, but indeed, he helps others and he's a good friend (even if he doesn't even notices).

*everyone stares at me* What? I'm just being sincere.
less dimwitted than he seems on the surface. They showed that a couple times in the series

Gamers Zone / Question on advertiseing a game i play
« on: March 27, 2007, 07:39:23 PM »
Before i post a topic on it i want to know if its allowed. Ive posted about it as a foot note but not much beyond that. What i want to know is if it would be alright to pos the link and about the games hisory etc.
I do not tend to post about it on many of the forums i post on because well simply put to many idiots on most of them. People i would not want to see in the game nor would the other admins gms etc. I think that every one who i have seen posting here would fit in very well. It is a mmorpg but thats all ill post for now. Till a admin or mod says i can post more on the subject.

Any how let me know and ill be digging around the net looking for more lbft screen shots fan art etc lol

So strange theres so little out there

LBT Fanart / Littlefoot look-alike
« on: March 27, 2007, 06:59:16 PM »
Quote from: Ryuukokoro,Mar 26 2007 on  10:56 PM
At the online site I play on (where my name is also Ryuukokoro) you can win adoptables to look like anything you want. I won a fanfic contest and I asked to have my adoptable made to look like Littlefoot! This is what the artist came up with. ^_^

Very cool
Guess thatts what the little foot would look like in 65 million years after evelotion was done with him :)

General Land Before Time / How many sequels must LBT walk down?
« on: March 27, 2007, 05:30:41 PM »
Quote from: Noname,Feb 5 2007 on  09:16 PM
Well, the tv series does mention disparate creatures living together, especially in the third episode; something is mentioned about Ruby having to learn the secret of how Littlefoot and his friends live together. I still think that the whole "living together in peace" theme is still on; its just that Charles Grosvenor is going about it in a different way. It should be noted that in his very first LBT movie, he reintroduces Chomper and the whole idea of living together in spite of differences. Of course, Chomper is a Roy Allen Smith character (like Ali.) The closest Grosvenor has come to having a normally dangerous dinosaur live together with herbivores is Ruby, and although she is an egg-eater, she can also eat plants as well, which mitigates the whole situation. I'm sure we will eventually see Ali again; we just have to wait. My personal theory on why it's taking so long is that they want to save her for a series-turning occasion; one that brings the matter of "living together someday" to its conclusion.
It is believed that they infact ate various hard shelled creatures mulesks and things such as sea scorpions and various other mulesks. They would likely have eaten plants. It was originally assumed they were egg eaters do to their having a beak. But a beak also serves well to crack other hard shelled critters.

As for rubys parents coments it was not live togather it was live and work togather. Its all about learnign how to team up against a obstical. In this case red claw. It is basically ruby and chomper learning how to wage war agaisnt redclaw and get rid of him once and for all be that by killing him or running him off to some place he can not return from.

As for the sequels they have had a common theme through out. Wich is exactly what ruby and chomper are in the vally to learn. How to work togather and how to over come what ammounts to racial misstrust and or hatred. So in a way the films and show are interconnected. There are gaps of corse and they can use the show to fill those in.

As for the sequels in general they will never be as good as the first. If you look for them to be and hope they will be you will be disapointed every time.

General Land Before Time / Is there going to be a 13th?
« on: March 26, 2007, 07:22:47 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Mar 26 2007 on  06:19 PM
Yes, it is in Aria&#39;s Resume
Aria's Resume. Her mother also mentioned LBT 13 and permitted to tell about it in the forums. Here is the thread about it.
So you email her and her mother now nd then i gather. If so tell her i think she is great as ducky.
Obviously the producer think so to hehe shes done the part for going on 9 movies pluss the series.

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