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Messages - credence007

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A magical club that can heal the sick and other miracles, like the stone of cold fire.

Why do Guido and Wild Arms look so similar?

General Land Before Time / Re: Animation Errors
« on: June 15, 2021, 11:46:41 PM »
Grandma and Grandpa Longneck got color mismatched a lot, and it’s kind of annoying and just looks like lazy animation. In LBT 6, Ducky gets miscolored when she says the line “They said you were the one who told them to get lost.”

General Land Before Time / Re: Best Lbt songs
« on: June 15, 2021, 11:41:35 PM »
Much as I tend to despise most of the songs in the franchise, there are a few that I still love:

1) If We Hold On Together- Two words: Diana Ross
2) Eggs- This song is just hilarious, Ozzy’s anti-vegetarian insults get me every time
3) Imaginary Friends- This song is just so adorable and I smile when I watch it
4) Beyond The Mysterious Beyond- Just an overall amazing song
5) Big Water- I think many fans love this song, it’s fun to sing
6) When You’re Mad- I loved this song so much when The Big Freeze came out, I memorized every word back in 2001 and sang it all over the house all the time, and I still think it’s a great one
7) Adventuring- I swear, the beginning of this song gives me Reading Rainbow vibes all the way
8) Look For The Light- Reba McIntire really shines in this song, and even though I actually really disliked Journey of the Brave, I thought she was a nice addition to the movie
9) Girls and Dads- Love the doo-wop vibe of this song, and it’s so cute

Worst songs:

1) Stinky and Hot- This is the absolute worst and most pointless song in the entire series. They cover themselves in smelly weed to fend off a couple sharpteeth, which doesn’t even work. Out of the 4 songs in Journey of the Brave, this is the one that should have been eliminated.
2) Grandma’s Lullaby- Ugh, WHY does this song exist?
3) When You’re Big- I know many fans like it, but I really despise this song
4) Creepy Crawlies- This song is just pure cringe
5) You’re One Of Us Now- “Though you look like you, we think you’ll like us too.” I’d REALLY like to slap the person who wrote that lyric
6) Standing Tough- I really don’t like this song, it’s just too over the top. Plus I really don’t like Mr. Threehorn as a character
7) If Only- This song is too corny and sappy for me, and as much as I loved Kenneth Mars as Grandpa Longneck, his singing voice leaves much to be desired.

The Fridge / What is your favorite cheese?
« on: June 07, 2021, 11:22:12 PM »
I am a sucker for dairy, and even though I am lactose intolerant, I absolutely love cheese. I live in the south, so there are a lot of amazing Tex-Mex restaurants where I live. I absolutely ADORE Tex-Mex queso, and I find it to be one of my favorite comfort foods. I have also been on a kick with romano pecorino cheese lately. It's often served in Italian restaurants (I’m talking REAL Italian restaurants, not Olive Garden), and it’s that delicious cheese that is sprinkled onto your food with a cheese grater. I also love blue cheese, I guess I just really enjoy the pungent ones. Ironically, I hate sharp cheddar, and prefer mild cheddar. My least favorite cheese, however, is actually Asiago cheese. I just think it tastes and smells awful, and I avoid it like the plague.

The Fridge / Re: Favorite Ice-Cream
« on: June 04, 2021, 10:23:04 PM »
Yeah I actually remember the first time I ate rum flavored ice cream (with gummy bears of course) from Marble Slab at the mall was the same day I bought the Invasion Of The Tinysauruses VHS back in 2005  :smile because of that, I always get a little craving for it when I watch that movie because I mentally associate the movie with that ice cream flavor

Character Discussion / Re: Most annoying characters---your top 10
« on: June 02, 2021, 12:11:33 AM »
As a lifelong fan of LBT, I find it hard to dislike any of the characters. My number one pick is actually the only one I dislike:

10) Mo, I always found him slightly annoying, even though I still find him somewhat likable, he, unlike the rest on this list, has many redeeming qualities, like his innocent playfulness, but at the same time has a very big heart and is brave enough to fight the Liopleurodon Sharptooth and was even willing to sacrifice himself to save his friends, even if he knew he may not make it out alive

9) Cera: Yes, I know she’s one of the main characters, but sometimes she’s just plain mean for no reason, and quite full of herself sometimes, which is typically her downfall. Thankfully, she has redeeming qualities, like how much she loves her friends, despite being raised to be prejudiced against them.

8) Archie: I don’t dislike him, but he is an obvious filler character

7) Tickles: Extreme filler, and adds almost nothing to the story

6) Hyp: He reminds me of the very first kid that ever bullied me, very similar and cruel personality, would tease me, call me dumb, and on the daycare van home from school, he threw a seatbelt at my face. Hyp even has that same evil smirk on his face that the bully from my daycare had on his face.

5) Shorty: He’s just a bully from the very beginning, but later it is revealed that he bullies Littlefoot out of jealousy, which is understandable, but at the same time does not excuse him from the things he does to him

4) Tippy’s Mom: I just find her annoying, the way she baby-talks Spike and even others all the time, and the way she says “Tippy, Spike, don’t lag!” her tone of voice in that scene was just a little too rude and condescending in my opinion...

3) Ally: She’s a little too closed minded, but at least in the end she redeems herself by learning her lesson in diversity.

2) The Old One: I find her to just be a little too pessimistic that it just drags down the story and makes it even more depressing and hopeless...

1) Mr. Threehorn aka “Daddy Topps”: I absolutely hate Hate HATE Mr. Theeehorn, and I find him to be the most despicable character in the entire series. What Tria sees in him is beyond me. He is ALWAYS angry about something, he is rude and has no manners, and above all: HE IS A RACIST!!!!! Unlike Cera, who is younger and therefore more open minded due to her diverse group of friends that she grew to love despite originally believing her father’s prejudices, Mr. Threehorn NEVER gets over his racist tendencies, and it sometimes makes me wish that HE had gotten bitten by the original Sharptooth and not Littlefoot’s Mother (lol yes I dislike him that much). He just reminds me of so many angry and grumpy and poorly-educated baby boomers that are still around today that verbally assault customer service workers and verbally abuse their spouses and family members, not that I mean to shade people from that generation, but many people will know the stereotype (like the male version of a Karen). Mr. Threehorn is SUCH a Karen, it’s not even funny...

General Land Before Time / Re: Most underrated sequels?
« on: June 01, 2021, 11:36:56 PM »
I always expected Journey To Big Water to be the one that not as many fans enjoyed, but it actually appears to be a fan favorite, just as The Great Longneck Migration is.

That also kind of gets me wondering, since The Wisdom of Friends seems to be almost completely universally hated by the entire fandom, I kind of wonder if there’s anyone in the fandom that actually LIKES it  :lol let alone even considers it their favorite...

The Fridge / Re: Your Avatar
« on: June 01, 2021, 10:50:33 PM »
Actually never seen a single James Bond movie, but yes I absolutely love Fantastic Beasts and I’m so excited for the 3rd one

The Welcome Center / Re: I’ve returned
« on: June 01, 2021, 10:46:21 PM »
Yes, my favorite sequel is The Great Longneck Migration

The Fridge / Re: Favorite Ice-Cream
« on: June 01, 2021, 12:26:17 AM »
Rum flavor from Marble Slab

1988 Theatrical Release / Re: Outcut land before time scenes
« on: May 30, 2021, 02:10:14 AM »

The man in this video, even though it says in the description that the video is a fabricated story, talks about one scene in particular that hasn’t been mentioned by anyone else, I wonder if he made that particular scene up or if it was actually another deleted and destroyed scene that the producers of the movie don’t want anyone to know about.

“[Cera] wanders off on her own into a dark forest made of black, twisted dead trees. The winding branches reach out for her like gnarled hands of desperate, starving beggars. Eventually, she stumbles into a small clearing in the trees. The clearing is filled with the rotting remains of all kinds of dinosaurs, each one in various states of decay. Cera stands frozen in place as huge, angry black flies buzz around her face. She looks around, and close-up shots reveal a dead parasaurolophus with grey-green skin drooping off of its rib cage, even as the flesh of its face remains intact, frozen in an agonized expression. Another close-up reveals the glazed grey eye of a dead lizard, half sunken into its skull. Looking up, she sees several small corpses dangling limply in the branches, their long necks and tails snagged on thorny limbs. Cera turns to leave, but is stopped when she hears a horrendous screaming coming from somewhere in the darkness behind her. The petrified shrieking is accompanied by a low, ferocious growl. As booming footsteps grow louder and closer, she dives obliviously into a nearby carcass, unknowingly seeking shelter within the body of a dead triceratops. Out of the shadows, Sharptooth comes stomping into view, another dinosaur clutched in his jaws. The other dinosaur still alive struggling frantically to free itself from Sharptooth’s grip. The shot closes in as Sharptooth lowers his victim down to the ground, crushing down on its hip with his foot. The sound of crunching bone was so clear and loud that it actually hurt. Sharptooth’s jaw closed down on the helpless creature’s neck, his blade-like teeth sinking into the soft skin, blood dripping from the wound. Sharptooth begins to shake vigorously, like a dog shaking a rat. The camera finally cuts back to Cera’s mortified expression as the sounds of the dying animal fade, replaced by the horrific noise of tearing flesh. When the camera cuts back to Sharptooth, it shows him rising back up to his full height, licking blood from his lips. He scans his lair, sniffing the air intently, his wrinkled face and squinting eyes moving over the decaying mounds of meat concealing the young triceratops. He begins moving towards it slowly, his shadow creeping over Cera’s face. He opens his jaw and rams his open mouth into the side of a dead giant, tearing off a mouthful of rancid flesh. Too busy with his morsel, Sharptooth doesn’t notice as Cera silently runs in the opposite direction.

The movie proceeds as it does in the final version, with Littlefoot, Ducky, Petrie, and Spike discovering a small stream of water, following it in hopes of finding green food.”

This scene is incredibly creepy, and I’ve never heard anyone else confirm that there was a scene like this in the movie, but if it’s real, it makes perfect sense as to why it was cut from the final film.

General Land Before Time / Most underrated sequels?
« on: May 28, 2021, 10:44:24 PM »
Most of the LBT fandom seems to hate Invasion of the Tinysauruses, but I absolutely adore it. I may have the unpopular opinion, but I thought it was incredibly cute and funny.

I also find The Secret of Saurus Rock underrated, and many fans seem to hate on that one as well. While there are some obvious errors in the movie (the rock sequence is kind of strangely rotated the wrong way when they first look out onto it from the cliff) I thought it was a great installment, and has some cute and funny moments in it.

The Welcome Center / I’ve returned
« on: May 28, 2021, 10:38:09 PM »
So I used to be fairly active on this forum, but life got in the way and these past 7 years have been tumultuous to say the least. I no longer have access to my old account (OllyDirectioner was my old username), so I decided to start fresh with a new one. LBT was a huge part of my childhood. I recently saw Journey Of The Brave and while I was underwhelmed with it, it made me nostalgic enough to want to watch the old sequels I fell in love with.

The Welcome Center / Re: Returned after a few years!
« on: May 28, 2021, 10:28:24 PM »
Hi there, I’m also returning after being absent from the forum for years. I got locked out of my old account because I forgot my password and my old email is no longer in use, so I just decided to create a new one. I’m glad to be back, I’ve been rewatching all the LBT movies as they were a big part of my childhood.

The Fridge / Re: How you fell in love with dinosaurs
« on: May 28, 2021, 10:23:28 PM »
I fell in love with dinosaurs originally because of Fantasia, but TLBT made me love them even more, especially since I was too young for Jurassic Park at the time.

The Fridge / Re: Your favorite junk food, or drink
« on: May 28, 2021, 10:21:32 PM »
I definitely love In N Out Burger, I eat it whenever I’m having a bad day (Animal Style everything of course). I also love McDonald’s Double Quarter Pounder with cheese. Mac and cheese with ketchup (SUE ME) is one of my favorite comfort foods. As for desserts, I love anything with cookie dough in it, Cheesecake Factory Cheesecake, and I also eat Nutella straight out of the jar

Character Discussion / Re: Wild Arms
« on: May 28, 2021, 09:29:40 PM »
Honestly, I just thought Wild Arms was just a copy of Guido, although a bit of an improvement in character and personality as Wild Arms was actually somewhat entertaining. Though tbh they both look the same and appear to be or similar species.

The Fridge / Re: Your Avatar
« on: May 28, 2021, 11:17:09 AM »
Mine is Credence from Fantastic Beasts. He is the most interesting character in the movie and I love Ezra Miller

Would definitely have kept in the part where Littlefoot finds the Great Valley, kept in certain parts of the Sharptooth scene (Littlefoot’s Mother shown graphically getting bitten would have been cool) rearrange the scenes in the correct order. They also should have kept in the Oasis part with the 2 dinosaur herds who won’t share because they are prejudiced against one another, which definitely would have been nice to further enhance the message of anti-racism.

I’ve also heard rumors (although they are unconfirmed) about what happens when Spike first joins the herd. Supposedly Cera gets so upset that she wanders off (that’s why you see her in the background in that particular scene of the movie) but she supposedly ends up in a dark and creepy forest, where she sees Sharptooth, but is fortunate enough to escape his glance, as he is busy eating and finishing off a dying dinosaur. Cera hides inside the bones of a dead triceratops so she isn’t seen, but slips away while he’s not looking. That’s when she returns back before they see the large grove of trees that get devoured by the herd of diplodocus. Like I said, this particular scene is just a rumor and not completely confirmed.

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