The Gang of Five
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Messages - Petrie.

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The Fridge / Making a choice
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:36:58 AM »
Sounds easy for us Americans as we are allowed to do any of the above of our own free will in most cases (under 18 your a minor and technically can't do most things on your own yet, legally).  Not everyone is equally as fortunate and/or lucky to have rights such as these.  I do feel for you PB, and I don't have an answer, not knowing really how the culture defines AS, and what that means for the population.

Guys, remember in the US before the passing of laws in the 1970s, we treated people just like PB is saying they treat people with disabilities.  It was not too long ago this country was no different.  Given the right people in the right places, changes can be made.

The Fridge / Question About the Written Driver's Test
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:32:22 AM »

I got 18 out of 20 here and the questions I got wrong I'm not entirely positive I agree with the answer.  As I said, its common sense to pass these things unless you're totally clueless about the rules of the road (eg right of way at an intersection).

The Fridge / Power Outages
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:23:58 AM »
Probably once a month...I'm not always home when it happens but the blinking clocks give it away.  Usually it never is for long.  The village has its own power plant and they're pretty reliable.  If power was out for a long time that would worry me since the entire place is electric (stove, heat, etc.).

Ask Me / Questions to Malte
« on: October 16, 2010, 06:17:59 AM »
"A newspaper press in 2005... was the former side of that factory building below."
Is that to be read as a newspaper press being established on the ground of the factory building in 2005 or as a factory building being established on the ground of the newspaper press in 2005? I think the sentence could be interpreted both ways.

Sorry for the confusion.  That means the newspaper press is there now, and the factory used to be there.  "Former site of the factory building below" would indicate it is no longer used as a factory. ;)

Mum also commented on the look of your handwriting which she really liked for combining the clear readability of block letters with the personalized look of handwriting.

I actually had to rewrite this as I didn't get what you meant at first.  Must be called something else in Germany.  Now I get your mom likes that fact I wrote using printing, but also combined a couple of elements of cursive. ;)  Darn translations.  I had to think that one through.

Random Role Play / "A New Journey" (based on Watership Down)
« on: October 15, 2010, 07:42:05 PM »
Arvens shrugged at the comment.  "Most Owsla members get in based on who supports you rather than what you know.  Anyone who got in basically has the same skills anyway, so its about who has support from those in and can put in a good word."  He smirked at the thought.  "I never did find out who wanted me in the Owsla.  I didn't really know anyone, but everyone knew me.  Odd how some things work.  I only hope, wherever we go, or whatever warren we find, the Owsla has more sense, but I wouldn't hold out hope."

The Fridge / Question About the Written Driver's Test
« on: October 14, 2010, 08:13:46 PM »
^ I think if people used more common sense when driving there wouldn't be so many sucky drivers in the US. ;)

The Fridge / Question About the Written Driver's Test
« on: October 13, 2010, 09:41:58 PM »
I've heard some states charge to take the test.  I know when I did it, there wasn't a fee (not that I can recall anyway).  Its all common sense questions really.  I didn't study at all and passed.

Ask Me / Questions to Malte
« on: October 12, 2010, 09:36:54 PM »
A bit late....just thought of it did your mom react to my birthday present to you? :p

Ask Me / Ask ze boss something.
« on: October 12, 2010, 09:35:13 PM »
I don't know anything about MSN.  I used to dapple in web code, but I haven't the time for it anymore.  Right now, I've only current experience with google's webpage service (and have three sites with them).  I've had no issues with the google service.  Its good for free. :) :)  I'm not sure what your customer needs, but that might be more than enough, depending on what you need to do.

Austin (landbeforetimelover) knows more about webdesign than I ever will.  He might be worth contacting if I didn't help you.

Next questions please. :wave

The Fridge / Seven Years
« on: October 12, 2010, 07:02:14 AM »
^ The first line I wrote: (six on invisionfree) so the earliest incarnation of the GOF is seven years ago, while the one most here would recognize has been around for six.  I still use the original founding date because if you didn't have that board to show that there was an interest out there, this likely would've never happened. ;)  Of course we never anticipated things like projects, and that stuff, so who knows what is still to come?

The Fridge / Seven Years
« on: October 11, 2010, 07:11:54 PM »
Its not a big anniversary like 5 or 10, but the GOF is seven years old tomorrow (six on invisionfree). :celebrate :celebrate :celebrate

In honor of another birthday gone by, please post a memorable moment you had from the GOF. :)  Or just say Happy Birthday GOF. :p  Your call.

I reminisce of an old friend--Brian--he had been the fifth admin before Tim came along.  We were very good friends over the net even though we lived oceans apart.  He helped me out here on the GOF, and I helped him at his own board.  After about two years of online friendship he disappeared, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was because I told him to go and make something of himself and get off the computer.  He had no job and was online all the time.  I'm hoping he truly did find something and my pestering convinced him to do something about his real life.  Friends help friends...even if it means you have to lose them sometime.  Would be nice to talk with him again, just to see what has happened in five years.  It is still the only GOF staff demotion in seven years, but hopefully one on a good note and for a good reason.   :exactly  :exactly  Hope he's living the dream in England somewhere.

The Fridge / Future of the LBT Server
« on: October 11, 2010, 07:04:14 PM »
I would never spend what you've spent to keep a site online.  LBT or not, you got to think about yourself first and foremost.  Right now it sounds like the stress and time of $500 a year and countless manhours aren't worth what is coming out of the server. is much more worth your time than a fileserver.

The Fridge / My dog died...
« on: October 11, 2010, 07:01:24 PM »
That's a sad shame. :cry :cry  Must've had something off with the internal organs to die so young.

The Fridge / Pebble and the Penguin forum
« on: October 11, 2010, 05:20:25 PM »
I can do more work as an admin.  You're going to have to trust me, because I know what you need.

Sound Off! / What are you listening to?
« on: October 11, 2010, 08:19:47 AM »
Matt Duke - Kingdom Underground {Ryko Flash of Light Sampler}

The Fridge / Pebble and the Penguin forum
« on: October 11, 2010, 07:16:14 AM »
I registered at your board to get a better picture of what you're doing.  I'll be posting there what sort of updates/changes I think you need to do.

Random Role Play / "A New Journey" (based on Watership Down)
« on: October 10, 2010, 12:37:19 PM »
Arvens twitched a bit at the thought of explaining how he had gotten his position within the Owsla of Thornbrush two years back.  It wasn't the most popular move in the warren, but he had seen it through and made a decent Owsla member in the end.

"I would say that I got my position in the Owsla for being snippy.  You either were with me or against me as a young buck.  I was not one to hear of complaints, whining, or anything like that.  It was what it was. If you couldn't perform, then try something else.  Needless to say I wasn't popular among others my age, but it gained notice through the Owsla ranks that I was very no-nonsense and very curt with everyone, including the Owsla.  They had their own curtness for me too--isolation chambers as consequence for being too snippy at them, but they didn't forget when it came time to promote rabbits within the warren to replace retiring individuals.  My name apparently came up somewhere and I was asked to meet with our Captain of Owsla, Thistle.  He was a big rabbit, easily towering over me.  You think I'm tough to get along with, you should've seen this rabbit...say yes sir, no sir, and that was all he wanted to hear.  Anything else was too much of an answer.  Apparently they didn't care much for the answers, but I heard later on they wanted me because of the way I responded, not how.  They liked my brashness as much as Thistle's and apparently, that's what Thistle wanted...someone who was much like him.  That's how I got in and I served for the years until the warren was run through by man.  Now I know what you're thinking, will I still act the way I did as an Owsla member now that I'm no longer around Thistle and all the rest of Thornbrush?  I've been no other way, so I'm unlikely to change, even out of my element.  I may not be the most enjoyable rabbit to be around, but you certainly know I'm honest and truthful, and will stand behind whatever I say."

The Fridge / Pebble and the Penguin forum
« on: October 09, 2010, 05:30:46 PM »
I don't know how Leanne messed with the code on to get what you seek.  You could try asking Lutra there what the code says...he's the boss now.  (I used to post at that site myself)

The Fridge / Pebble and the Penguin forum
« on: October 09, 2010, 05:28:25 PM »
Seems like whatever I would choose, you wouldn't choose, so asking me isn't the best idea. ;)  You'll find something; there's lots of skins out there.

Random Role Play / "A New Journey" (based on Watership Down)
« on: October 09, 2010, 05:22:07 PM »
Arvens couldn't help but laugh at the comment.  "There is no said position to stand at, provided you can see what is going on around you.  Right now, I'm most interested in finding some suitable place to make a permanent residence.  I have no clue on how it'll run in the end."

He looked back at Thyme.  "I haven't really spoken with you much, so what do you think of our group here?  Think we could make it as a warren?"

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