The Gang of Five
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Messages - novaflare

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1988 Theatrical Release / You Just Burst My (Happy) Bubble Don! :-(
« on: March 26, 2007, 06:09:29 PM »
It is a shame but this does happen with movies of all sorts. Now there was a rumor about a alternate ending relise that it never existed. The great vally was never a dino version of heaven and non of the 5 died.

What intrest me more about this rumor than any thing else is who started it and why. I have been trying to track the source over the last 2 years or so with little luck. It was originally posted on the big lbft wiki least thats where i first seen it. Thats where i kept reachign a dead end.

Acordign to don the wiki imdb and other sources the scenes were mostly fights between little foots mother and escape sceen changes and extra scenes witht he kids. Corse some would also be simple time fillers like all movies have.

Like don said he can not be sure that there will not be a 20th aniv release as he is not kept informed on such things.

LBT Projects / land before time desktop images
« on: March 26, 2007, 03:06:33 PM »
Quote from: Petrie,Mar 26 2007 on  02:45 PM
Nice Chomper pic there. :)
yeh best one ive found so far.

Also was gona reply with just this but sense im here ill just add as a note to this reply.

You can now register on my gallery page your self and begin uploading. Also prettied up the lay out with a diff theme. Added random image popular image etc stuff to it etc.

This littler gallery set up is pretty dang nice really.

Can also upload zip files of multiple images that auto unzip to a given album. The add item is in the drop down youll see as regged user. If at some point i get other non go5 members ill make a go5 member group. For now not needed so saves some time adding people to the group.

LBT Projects / land before time desktop images
« on: March 26, 2007, 11:15:06 AM »
ok ive been busy :)
Got 8 there now includng a great one of chomper.

And that pic is now my forum avatar

LBT Projects / land before time desktop images
« on: March 26, 2007, 10:36:56 AM »
added 2 more images from
Both are fan art from the same user.

Still searching for more. Ill add as i get them

General Land Before Time / Is there going to be a 13th?
« on: March 26, 2007, 09:03:29 AM »
Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Mar 26 2007 on  03:59 AM
I'm curious. I haven't heard anything about anymore LBT updates, other than new episodes of the series. Does anyone here know if there's going to a #13?
Nothing on bcdb or imdb that ive seen yet. They both normally have them listed days after the movies begins production. Figure 5 or so months production time so its really already to late for one early next year  or end of this year.

I would have to guess no at least not while the series is still alive.
Remember 22 minutes per episode it only takes 4 to make the equiv of one movie. So 12 new eps todate is 3 more films. I pitty the animators fingures heheh

Heres one for you ever wonder how a animateed serious with high quality animation like lbft can even be made? I means seriously takes 5 ish months min to do all the animation voice over etc at min. Ive always wondered my self till i asked some one once. His answer was its fairly simple. Unlike a movie where scenes get chopped and tossed a animated series may still get scenes cut for time constraints but if done carefully in planing those scenes can easly become part of another episode. Shaving production time. For example they could for example use the scene in the star day celbration where ducky was gathering green food from under water in another episode. Chances are there was 2 minutes of that segment chopped for time any ways. No loss as it was repititive. But tossing it in (least the under water parts) in another episode and they save a hour or 2 animation time.

LBT Projects / land before time desktop images
« on: March 26, 2007, 08:44:39 AM »
Quote from: action9000,Mar 26 2007 on  02:11 AM
Wow, this seems very useful!
I am able to make screenshots from the LBT films.  Would I be able to upload a good-sized collection of screenshots to this site you have set up?  how much storage space does each member get?  How much does your site have?  Is that a concern?  i want to find out before I start making screenshots, to get an idea of how much to compress images and how many images I could upload.

I'll see about getting it stickied.  Where does the rest of the staff feel this post belongs?  Perhaps "After Midnight" is a good place, so then leechers can't see this image database.  Thoughts?
this is my ammount used   Sept 22, 2006   1   0   144 MB   out of 500 mb 15.0 MB/Month out of 2500mb.

So space and tfer is little concern at the moment. Not worried about individual member limits or any thing of that sort. If the whole thing ends up getting close on usseing up all the space ill go by views dls etc of individual files ddl them zip them up and archive the least dled viewed ones. At some point i will end up moving the domain to powweb with 3tb tfer and 300gb storage. Or get another less purpose dedicated domain. Heck maybe r start my old nova'a gaming center site. At 7.77 per month for hosting its more than cheap enough

LBT Projects / land before time desktop images
« on: March 26, 2007, 08:30:55 AM »
Quote from: Petrie,Mar 26 2007 on  06:41 AM
Depends on what nova wants....most visitors or most privacy (ie those who know about it are the ones who enter)
Makes little diffrence only jpgs and the like so it would be hard to tax my server regardless

LBT Projects / Stupid Stompers Video
« on: March 25, 2007, 10:23:45 PM »
Quote from: pokeplayer984,Mar 25 2007 on  09:07 PM
This is probably one of the songs few people know.  It's the song Stupid Stompers, which plays during the credits of Invasion of the Tinysauruses.  Enjoy!

This completes LBT 11.  Next up, LBT 10. :)
Heh i knew it.

Episode Discussion / Discuss: The Hidden Canyon
« on: March 25, 2007, 08:09:07 PM »
Quote from: action9000,Mar 24 2007 on  11:22 PM
action9000 is indeed reading this.  I'll get the lyrics sorted out shortly, I'm just deciding how to organize all the lyrics on the new website design I'm working on in between the demands of life. :P:

Anywho, I have a link for you for this episode:
OT but action you got your lyric links set to point to a local file vs one hosted on web. file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/My%20Documents/My%20Webs/mysite/Sorts/movietitle.htm

I only mentioned here because you mentioned a redsign so figured best place for a quick heads up reply. No need for a reply.

Back on topic i really consider this one of the best eps to date really. I suppose its a tad far fetched with the tree sweats turning preditory dinos away but there are some smell that wolves dogs etc will turn away from while other non preditors will be atracted to them. So its a bit out there but not by a whole lot.

The Fridge / you send it weird idea
« on: March 25, 2007, 07:13:32 PM »
Quote from: action9000,Mar 25 2007 on  06:21 PM
I don't feel that it's necessary to throw money at Yousendit, as the free service allows us to send up to 100 MB of data, which is accessible for 100 downloads or one week.

What sorts of files would the Gang of Five need to pass around that would be much larger than this limit?  All that comes to mind are high-quality video files, where the legalities behind some of them are sketchy.  I have been able to post watchable versions of our LBT TV episodes on yousendit's free service with no problems so far.

If anyone needs the space to host their private videos long-term, they need to find their own file host.  Most video clips created by members here shouldn't be threatened by YouTube.  If they are shut down, the creators can easily post the video on the free service of Yousendit, allowing GoF members to download the video to their computers to keep indefinitely.

In short, I don't think that videos need long-term storage outside of youtube, as yousendit Free can provide any necessary transfer system to keep any GoF files safe and secure.
yeh like i said just a idea. I get alot of them some good some not.

The Fridge / you send it weird idea
« on: March 25, 2007, 05:42:14 PM »
you send it is pretty cheap so i was thinking why not set up a pay pal account then members here toss money in it to pay for a you send it account or other sim file shareing site. Personally i dont want to even be the one responsible for handling the money and paying for the account and besides im the new guy here  and i would never expect that level of trust yet at any rate. With that said how ever i would def be tossing some funds in such a account once i got a job thats full time. Any ways just a idea. Some of the premium accounts ther are pretty decent. And we all know its just a matter of time before you tube starts nukeing the videos that have been uploaded. Sure its sort of prating but lets face it we have all seen cartoon net work make some lame programing decisions. Like never airing the finale secound season of beast machins. Same for gundam wing same for .hack (oh man was i ticked beyond ticked in fact) I emailed them over that one heh. And i had a friend of mine in the buisss email them as well lol. At any right its just a idea i figured id toss out ther

Gamers Zone / PlayStation 3 or Nintendo Wii?
« on: March 24, 2007, 10:30:41 PM »
Quote from: Keni,Mar 24 2007 on  09:29 PM
Hm, I never had a problem with Zelda 64 by what you said O.o

Aside from the supposed Nintendo system with the help of Sony from which the Playstation originated from after the plan was canned, I don't know much of N64's history aside from the planned Commodore 64 add-on that was canned, so I can't say much about the N64's development background.

Me thing? Oh, you mean the Mii Channel for the Nintendo Wii, right? Yeah, it's a pretty neat feature where you create an avatar of your own. It's pretty fun, up to the point where Wii owners have made Miis from popular icons like Peter Griffin and Michael Jackson (They look incredibly similar might I add). You can choose mouths, ears, nose, eyebrows, eyes, facial hairs, basically everything to customize the Mii's face, adjust their position and size. The face customization is pretty broad. The only downside is that for now it's just face customization.
Yeh me and my one brother always had troubles with it while my mom did not nor did my other 2 brothers. I think its because me and my one brother are more of technical players really concise movemnts etc. Very little in way of stoping just a smooth flow from on thing to the next. So we would tend to move the control to go foward hold as we planned to keep going. So when cam angle moved it made us walk right back in.

Heres a silly gripe with post ps1 consols. I hated not haveing large concise manuals. I can not stand thse little 20 pagers they have now hehe. Silly dvd cases just dont got the room for big nice manuals. I shudder to think what the ps3 wii 360 etc have lol

Corse its worse with computer games. Last pc game i bought had no darn printed manual only a pdf.....

I dont know i got a interview this week if i get the job maybe ill snag me a wii. Its a shocker but ive seen them in the stores here and no danger of not haveing a easy time getting one. Thats been a few weeks ago though so hard to say now.

Gamers Zone / PlayStation 3 or Nintendo Wii?
« on: March 24, 2007, 09:00:00 PM »
Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Mar 24 2007 on  08:21 PM
I think nova may be a little bitter more than anything over something, his posts are more rants than valid arguments, actually. He has yet to actually give us a single shred of real evidence that he can show to us with his claims about Nintendo. No offense, but I can't take your stance seriously here, nova.

I've been playing the Wii for months and I have yet to even begin to grow bored with it. And most of people in my social circle have the same stance. Its not just a media hype machine. Its a genuinly fun console to play with. Of course, only someone willing to give it a chance would know that, now wouldn't they?  :p
Mostly im going by personal experiance and gut feeling and a little of nintendos fadish history. They also had some very inovative stuff to like the super game boy to play game boy games on the super ness. I had about 30 action adventure and rpg games for game boy all but one rarely played game worked great on it. I sold my gb once i got that thing. I loved playing games like metroid on it omg so much fun. only 16 colors but man so much better than green and gray heheh. They failed misrably on delivering other super nes add ons. They had memory expansions planned a hard drive add on and tons of other stuff planed for it. But instead they made the n64. Even with the draw backs or the cartrage based system it held loads of promise nintendo failed to deliver on. They got so cought up in the 3d aspects and how to show them off they hurt the games playability. Zelda 64 for example. In some places it was crazy hard just to change screens because the camera would flip around when you changed screens. So right after loading youd run right back through the zone border reloading the one previously.

Again possability for some amazing add ons again failed to deliver on that potential. I would love to be proved wrong with the wii it has tons of potential if they work it right it could be a great system. Hopefully unlike in the past they can deliver on that potential.

Sony has followed suit as well with the ps2 promised a hard drive and it does not exist not the way they intended. And the slim line ps2 what a idiotic move. It is now obvious even before they released ps3 that it is a end of life product.

The internet playable games for the ps2 numbered in the what a dozen maybe 15?

PS3 bleh over priced under powered computer want to be.Wii could turn out to be a huge success and i hope it is im just leary of nintendo and their past.

I think the reason we see internet conectivity on consols like the ps3 is they are afraid computers will run them out of buissness but they will not. They all need to figure this out or their shooting thm self in their feet.

As for buying wii if i get a good full time(ish job) i may give it a go. And that make you me thing looks like it could be alot of fun? Imm wondering how many hoices are realy in there and how close you can get to making a self portrait. I know it is possible to get acurate results ive seen sketch artist police software in action pretty amazing. That was a fair number of years ago when they demoed it at a local library. They had alot of people there checking it out and some were not your plain jane/jhon type of face. The officer working with it hit the nail on the head more times than you could count. So yeh i see its potential.

Announcements / Zetaboards Beta Test
« on: March 24, 2007, 07:46:19 PM »
Quote from: Petrie,Mar 24 2007 on  07:04 PM
^ Yep, plus I'm used to this long would it take me to learn something new?
Yeh exactly. The way i see it it is not worth the hassle. If at some point you have to move the boards i could always give you access to my domain to install invision board. That means the change would be to a domain name and data base import easy. I think i get 2 gigs tfer a month and a few 100 megs storage space. More than enough for forums. I also have 2 domain names i can host on my host and only have 1 there so figure full domain cost little my hosting is free (for who knows how long) so plentty of options. In other words no need to worry long as i got a web host heh.

Gamers Zone / PlayStation 3 or Nintendo Wii?
« on: March 24, 2007, 04:35:17 PM »
Quote from: KingdomKey23,Mar 24 2007 on  03:37 PM
No offense, but I think you're way wrong about Nintendo, nova. PS3 is the one who has been having trouble. From what I heard, most of the PS3's games so far have done real badly, the graphics aren't great, and get this...some of them seem to catch on fire if played for a certain time.  :blink: Wii on the other hand has been doing rather well. Agreeing with Keni's statement, I could not find one Wii, but plenty of PS3's. Besides, Nintendo has done rather well with its games. (Most of the Mario games still go strong) I don't know where you got the idea that Nintendo would be going down the tube. Let's not forget if it wasn't for Nintendo, the states probably would have never seen video games, ever. (They said the VG trend was dying down until Super Mario Brothers was realeased for the Nintendo in America) Forgive me if I sounded a bit harsh, I am a Nintendo fan, and I just find it hard to believe Nintendo is done for, considering the games that are on the way like Super Smash Brothers Brawl...that will bring in a big herd of gamers. I'm not saying PS3 is doomed, but it isn't doing too hot. Plus, I heard Squre-Enix wanted to try bring some of their games to the Wii because they liked it so much, so maybe a future Final Fantasy title or Kingdom Hearts title will be for it.

Okay, okay, so Nintendo didn't have online play nor did it have the best graphics, but it was a lot more fun than most games. Games aren't just judged by graphics you know.

Again, if sound a bit harsh I apologize, but you've just experenced the wrath of an angry Nintendo fan. XD
First none taken.

To me nintendo wii looks like smell like and sounds like a media hype success to me. Look at the silly conrolers they put out before. Like that pad thing you ran on and danced on. Those things sold like mad millions sold. In the end you seen them at yardsales or in the trash months later. This time they have taken the concept of it to a new level. The entire system is based on the idea of getting a work out playing a game. Personally when i sit down to play a game i want to basically relax and enjoy the game. When i want to get a work out i go out for a nice 20 to 40 mile bike ride.

If wii is still going strong in a year to 18 months time then ill say ok i was wrong. But in till that time period is up ill stick to my guns on this. Ive watched to many nintendo product get media hype sales they are fun for a while then poof gone. Right now its something new and diffrent nintendo tossed it on to the market with little notice got peoples intrest up etc.

Now they need to keep makign it more intresting and they have time and time again had a hard time doing that.

Personally i stopped with consol gamign after trhe ps2 and went to online gaming. The finale fantasy games turned to trash after ff7. And they had no really epic rpgs after it ither. Wild arms was awesome breath of fire again great dozens apon dozens of others with great stories. Then ps2 hits and its sports sports and more sport toss in some racing here and there some lame fighting game or 3 toss in a few play the role of a murderer games and call it a day.

Regardless of how much we would like these are the twilight years of gameing only consols. Looks at microsofts latest offering the 360 does it also have the ability to browse the web? As does ps3 ?

How much longer pure gaming consols have is any ones guess realy. It will be a shame when consols are a thing of the past. Simply put mhz for mhz mg of ram for meg of ram consols will always out perform computers game for game. Simply put the consol has no os over head beyond loadign the cd wich has a os of sorts on it as well.

The only games i play on computer are online and when i still bothered i had like 200 across 3 consols. 90% rpg 8% action adventure last 1% was a fighting game or 2.

Gamers Zone / PlayStation 3 or Nintendo Wii?
« on: March 24, 2007, 08:33:28 AM »
PS3 for sure. The wii is a fad machine. No diffrent than the power glove or the dance pad twister thing.  The absolute only diffrence this time is nintendo made a entire game system in to a flash in the pan fad machine. I strongly feel that this is nintendos last ditch effort to make alot of money before they go under.

If you all knew me a bit better youd know im rarely wrong on these predictions when it comes to the game industry. But lets look at nintendos recent history from super nes on up.
Super nes was a great system the first of the game consols capable of 3d graphics soon followed by sony ps1 another great game consol this was easly the golden age of game consols. Sony and nintendo both had the market tied down tightly. This is also the time that sega started to die off. End of the era of great side scrolling 2d graphic games like defender also the decline of the video arcade started.

N64 nintendos first mistake. Sony ps1 sales still going strong with n64s release their sales only went up and many a developer junped ship from nintendo do to sony ps1s ease of development. They were not limited to for example 256k to a few megs of memory that cartrages allowed for (pre large storage flash memory. cds 650 mb n64 cartrage 32 megs. Opps nintendo should have done as all the critics said and made that move to cd/dvd rom media. even sony ps1 is out selling you.

Sony sees the future is in dvd media and starts workign on ps2 fast to get it out on market. Nintendo releases game cube soon after but like they anounced it uses a special dvd media a half sized disk and the system will not play dvd movies bad move. More game developers jump ship but a few other join up as well. These few think that hey we can keep out games from being distributed online. They were wrong of corse. Most soon jump ship a few are traped by contract
Sony ps2 sales go sky high. Many develops flock to it even though its a little harder to program for. They simply put can debug their games faster. Can offer online play etc. They can even offer remote upgrades by storing them on a memory card.
Nintendo all system sales  still going down.

PS3 comes out xbox 360 etc come out both play movies both offer fast to market game media thats cheap to press.
Nintendo pulls a fast one (in more ways than 1) they make a system that is all gimic and somethign that will die a fast fad like death. Cute idea baddly implimented. See varioud reports on the controls flying apart etc. Sales currently on rise do to media hype and involvement.

I did not cover hand helds in the above. But once you figure in the psp and its movie play back abiities and the fact many a dvd is released on psp disk at the same time and in a few cases in the same packaging you know its a winning choice. while nintendo has the ds with a yep cartrage based system. I think you can see why i beleive this may very well be the last days of nintendo.

LBT Projects / land before time desktop images
« on: March 23, 2007, 10:24:05 AM »
Any chance of getting this made in to a sticky? heheh

Ok heres how i can work this. If you want a account to upload your own lbft images fan art or what have you send me a pm with a username and pass word. Make the pass word something only for my little gallery only dont use your email web site forum etc pass word. Emails etc can be fake ones no need for real one.  Ill then reply to your pm with one letting you know your account is ready. You then log in click my account set pass word to one you really want to use. So you can use like password for the one you message me with if you want.
If your the first there uploading fan art you can add that catagory if i dont beat you to it.

To save a image just right click save as as normal.

Do to my gallery useing dynamic pages you cant use it to host images for posting here as any thing but a link :(

Ill see if i cant find a hack around or work around for that on my sites end.

P.S do not use the create link ive got no clue how to un do that hahah

Episode Discussion / Discuss: The lonely journey
« on: March 21, 2007, 09:51:34 AM »
well no such luck was days of rising waters oh well.

Episode Discussion / Discuss: The lonely journey
« on: March 21, 2007, 09:00:41 AM »
Hopeing this is infact todays episode. It sounds like were going to see a episode mostly centered around chomper maybe getting some more info in to his back story.
From titan tv synopse
Everyone is excited about the big feast except Chomper, who seeks the friendship of other sharpteeth.

Heres hoping. As the episode airs im going to try to post a reply in this topic as it airs. Hightlighting various  events.

Quote from: Petrie,Mar 20 2007 on  07:48 PM
Thanks nova. :)  That's a great help since I haven't been watching the episodes since the first two.
nota a problem. Ive got a fairly good memory for things like that. Now if you wanted dates they aired here well that could be a problem heheh.

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