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Messages - Littlefoot Fan

Pages: 1 ... 106 107 108 109 110 111
It's Party Time! / Word Association
« on: February 15, 2006, 06:29:21 PM »

It's Party Time! / Word Association
« on: February 15, 2006, 05:34:35 PM »
flux capacitor

(This sounds fun :P:)

The Welcome Center / Hello all
« on: February 14, 2006, 03:12:54 PM »
Welcome DuckyFan214 :wave hope you enjoy it here!

Btw everyone, this is my sister :P:

The Fridge / Pets
« on: February 12, 2006, 06:04:34 PM »
God I only WISH my cat would do that. But he hates anyone being near him, and his teeth are really sharp o.o'

That's why I love dogs :D, love it every time he wants attention. I could pet him for hours :P:

The Fridge / Pets
« on: February 11, 2006, 08:17:50 PM »
I have a dog and cat (Sister's hamster doesn't really count). Dog is have miniture pincher, half boston terrier and my cat...well I don't know what breed he is but let's just say this, he weighs more than my dog :lol I think the dog weighs about 20 and the cat is 30 :lol:

One really hyper dog, and one really fat, lazy cat :lol

I have pictures of them, I'll post them once I find them and scan them :P:

I noticed a cat claw sticking out of his snout

ouch :o

We had our cat declawed (Can't remember why) so now he just whacks our dog in the face. It's funny :lol

But since my sister found out I've never trusted her.
I have two sisters, both older than me :( One is fine with me liking it (To a certain extent I'm sure) for she likes it too, and the other one...well she's not the kind of person who would blab it out, but I just really don't want her to know for I don't know just how she'll ever look at me again :unsure:

My school is full of antiLBT rednecks
Are there kids that constantly bring up how bad The Land Before Time is or something? O.o

She gave me the screwiest look I think I've ever seen, when I purchased the gift sets.
Aha, I can only imagine :lol, but why O.o? Unless you really looked excited, how could she have known whether you wanted them for yourself, or whether you were looking all over and finally found them to buy for your neice's birthday party or something :blink:
Heh I guess she could just tell :wow

But anyway I'm still clueless about how to buy these things. I guess the only way is to just confess :(

LBT Projects / Photo manipulation raptor pic
« on: February 09, 2006, 09:04:07 PM »
Yea, still pretty good

Some shadow effects might make it look more real :P:

LBT Projects / Gang of Five Karaoke Project
« on: February 09, 2006, 07:32:17 PM »
Only problem is, I can't practice until I get a chance to be home alone. There is NO way I'm gonna sing while anybody is home :o

LBT Projects / Photo manipulation raptor pic
« on: February 09, 2006, 07:29:04 PM »
Haha, sweet :D

I dunno it's just...I wouldn't mind buying like one movie or so but the first 10? They're gonna think I'm a freak :cry2

LBT Projects / Gang of Five Karaoke Project
« on: February 09, 2006, 05:12:30 PM »
Singer 5 (Roger Rabbit) then sings the entire bridge, alone:
"When we are out there in the dark, we'll dream about the sun.
In the dark, we'll feel the light warm our hearts, everyone."

Aww, was just thinkin about doin that part :lol

Sounds good :D Guess I'll take singer 2

lol god you really have all that stuff? Lucky :lol:

God I would get Land Before Time EVERYTHING in my room, but...I think my family would disown me :lol

And about my mom, yea I suppose she's ok with it but It's still just the fact that whenever we go out usually everyone goes (Never just me and my mom, she can't drive lol) and I just can't admit to everyone X.X :unsure:


I suppose, but doesn't that require a credit card :blink:

Also, my mom always gets the mail as soon as it comes in. Unless they would come in a big brown box, then I'm all set! :D

How could I go about doing this? :lol Ok, well maybe it's clearly impossible but I have about 100$ and everything, I just need to find a way to buy them...without anyone else knowing :unsure:

Well I did talk to my mom and eventually I brought it up and I told her that even though it sounds strange, that is the thing I want to spend my money on the most. She actually didn't have any problem with it, though...I'm still a little bit embarrassed about doing it :unsure:

God nothing would make my day more, than to be able to watch them all on my computer :D

LBT Projects / Gang of Five Karaoke Project
« on: February 09, 2006, 11:18:14 AM »
I at least wanna sing the main chorus :lol:

LBT Projects / Gang of Five Karaoke Project
« on: February 09, 2006, 10:45:29 AM »
Uuhh wait we're supposed to just choose a part?

I dunno which part to take :huh: lol

The Welcome Center / Hi
« on: February 09, 2006, 10:43:02 AM »
Welcome! Hope you enjoy it here! :wave

General Land Before Time / It is NOT Littlefoot
« on: February 09, 2006, 09:50:04 AM »
It could be that they had Littlefoot join Ducky in the sing along tape
If that's the case, then I'm gettin me a sing along tape :lol (Somehow :unsure:)

1988 Theatrical Release / The very first time you watched this.
« on: February 09, 2006, 09:46:43 AM »
God I can barely remember anything from when I first watched it. I still remember how it felt though, I LOVED it :lol:

My last visual (At the moment lol, I'll have to do some hard thinkin :lol) was back when I was around 7...somewhere around there lol, when I was watching it with my neice who is same age as me. We were watching the 5th one (*SPOILER*...I guess :rolleyes: lol) and when the big wave started to come she laughed at how much Littlefoot screamed when he saw it. I laughed too and we started making impersonations of it, heh :P:. Dunno why but that one moment is stuck in my mind. I'll have to do some more thinkin :lol

General Land Before Time / It is NOT Littlefoot
« on: February 08, 2006, 08:25:37 PM »
Well that pretty much sums it up then  :lol:
Btw how do you get this information? :lol Did you read that somewhere or are you actually contacting the voice actors? :blink:

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